Resource Doubles Overview, Rules, and Q&A - Ask Questions Here! (Resource Index Inside)

How come Tatsugiri is banned instead of Commander, then? Wouldn't Tatsugiri with Storm Drain be fine, as Commander is the problematic element? How about banning Dark Void instead of Darkrai?
because commander and dark void are signature abilities and moves respectively. Since they are only on one specific pokemon each, we can't just ban the ability without knowing how well it would work on other 'mons
Why are fast offensive Pokemon, like Spectrier and Iron Bundle, often more broken in singles than doubles?
Why did the council decide to suspect Basculegion instead of last respects?
Why are fast offensive Pokemon, like Spectrier and Iron Bundle, often more broken in singles than doubles?
Why did the council decide to suspect Basculegion instead of last respects?
Those fast offensive Pokemon typically have pretty low defensive stats. In a format where each player has two Pokemon in play, these glass cannon offensive Pokemon tend to take one knockout and then get swiftly knocked out in return. When this is the best case scenario, these Pokemon don't tend to see a ton of use. These Pokemon can also suffer against speed control; moves like Tailwind, Trick Room, and Icy Wind can expose these Pokemon's low defenses by preventing them from moving first. Protect makes a big difference too - a lot of glass cannons have strong single-target attacks, but don't have strong options for spread damage, and firing a strong single-target move into a Protect puts them in danger.

Deoxys-Attack is legal in BW, XY, and SM DOU, and generally suffers from this problem just as much as things like Spectrier and Iron Valiant. Iron Bundle can carve out a niche for itself as a fast Icy Wind user and generally sees more play than other fast frail Pokemon as a result, and Flutter Mane doesn't really qualify as "frail" with base 135 Special Defense.

Basculegion was suspected because Last Respects isn't broken on every single thing that gets it in DOU. Houndstone is bad, even with Last Respects, and Basc-F isn't awful but isn't broken enough to do anything about (though some may disagree), so Basc-M got the axe rather than Last Respects. While I can't speak for the council, I imagine if Basc-F were suspected tested, Last Respects might be considered instead (and Houndstone can just suck even worse idk).
Why are fast offensive Pokemon, like Spectrier and Iron Bundle, often more broken in singles than doubles?
Why did the council decide to suspect Basculegion instead of last respects?
this is because in a doubles metagame, there are 4 pokemon on the field instead of 2. this means you can either get doubled up on, or possibly even get setup on if you make a wrong prediction. just like what arcticblast said, those to mons you talked on are rather frail. spectrier can die to common priority moves like sucker punch(like kingambit), or get outsped by other fast mons flutter mane and chien pao who can threaten it with super effective damage. iron bundle suffers from similar problems, because it's so frail on the special side. because unlike in singles, where base speed is almost everything, you can't abuse your high speed when there are 2 mons on the opponents side. doubles games also last a much shorter amount of time, which means trickroom and tailwind can be fully abused, because you have 1 other mon to gain immediate advantage from instead of have to switch out. tailwind in particular slashes both spectrier's and bundle's niches as fast wallbreakers, because now the opponent who has tailwind up can now out speed both of them with otherwise slower pokemon.

edit: why did the council decide to ban basc-m instead of last respects? only the council knows of course, but i do have a guess. basc-f and houndstone aren't actually any good at all, even with last respects. while they both have speed boosting abilities in weather, both of them are countered by priority moves, mainly sucker punch(kingambit(and/or chien pao) go brrrrrr). both of them also have weak attack stats with basc-f only have 92(good luck hitting for 20% on non-supereffective hits with aqua jet), and houndstone doing a little better with 101. they are only going to hit hard with last respects, but that doesn't even fix their problems of having weak stats.
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If you side beat up a mon, will that mon get 6 hits (including itself) or just 5 (which makes sense cause otherwise you're smacking yourself).
If you side beat up a mon, will that mon get 6 hits (including itself) or just 5 (which makes sense cause otherwise you're smacking yourself).
You get one hit of Beat Up for each non-fainted Pokemon without a status condition (paralysis, sleep, burn, freeze, poison). So in ordinary circumstances where everything is healthy, Beat Up will hit six times if you target your ally or your opponent.
What niche does Diancie have in the tier? This is coming from someone who doesn't play the tier a lot, so I'm just wondering how I could fit it onto teams since it is ranked DOU.
What niche does Diancie have in the tier? This is coming from someone who doesn't play the tier a lot, so I'm just wondering how I could fit it onto teams since it is ranked DOU.
Diancie is one of the best offensive Trick Room setters. It’s able to use its great bulk (as well as multiple good Tera type options) to set Trick Room, then it has an incredible move in Diamond Storm that is 100 base power, hits both foes, and can raise its defense very quickly. This means that it’s capable of beating most physical attackers. Diancie frequently gets to +4 or +6 defense boosts, which then allows it to use Body Press for massive damage - especially on steel types. Clear Body also allows its attack to not be lowered, meaning it can just spam Diamond Storms.

You can also run items like weakness policy on it so that Diancie can take advantage of getting hit by a super effective move (which it often lives, either by defense boosts or just its great bulk).

Here’s a replay that gives a good example:
Out of curiosity, I wanted to find the thread mentioning the ban of Zamazenta-Hero in Doubles OU, but I couldn't find the dedicated page. Was it banned in principle due to its status as a "box legendary", during its release at the time of Pokémon HOME, or was it briefly authorized in the format and quickbanned during a first slate of bans (alongside monsters like Urshifu or Magearna)?
Zamazenta-Hero has never been legal in Doubles OU. While dropping it has been discussed both this generation and last, the consensus is mostly that it would be a little too much for the format to handle; personally, I think it would push the format even further towards requiring powerful speed control on every team, since it's faster than everything currently DOU by usage and has stats for days.

It is currently legal in National Dex DOU, and it's a contentious subject over there.
how impactful are entry hazards in dou? not specifically this gen but comparing against ou (dominant, practically everywhere) and vgc (very niche, almost nonexistent)
This is a really good question. The short answer is definitely somewhere inbetween OU & VGC. Stealth Rocks are a pretty common staple on balance teams, and other hazards like t spikes & spikes can be seen on dedicated hazard teams that are often built around setting hazards and then either using stall mons or priority moves to take advantage of them. In recent times, hazards have actually become more common in Oldgens, like in XY DOU hazard stack using Deoxys-Speed has become extremely popular.

But with that being said, for offensive teams (or in faster paced metagames), it can be tough to find the opportunities to set hazards, since in doubles there’s a lot less “free” turns than in singles, and so it’s imperative that every turn is spent doing something productive (which in certain matchups hazards may not be worthwhile).
how impactful are entry hazards in dou? not specifically this gen but comparing against ou (dominant, practically everywhere) and vgc (very niche, almost nonexistent)
Actuarily's post pretty much sums it up. The one thing I'd add is that, unlike OU, hazard removal moves like Rapid Spin and Defog are rarely used due to the faster pace of DOU metagames, so clicking Stealth Rock within the first few turns generally provides decent value throughout a game. The one exception to this would be in older gens (mainly SM) on teams with 4x Rock-weak mons like Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y.
I noticed that Deoxys-Attack was banned due to the combination of Psychic Terrain + Expanding Force + coverage + high offensive/speed stats being pretty dominating. However, regular Deoxys currently sits at Tier 5 in the Viability Rankings. Is there really that big of a difference between the two? I figured regular would be higher up, since both forms at least share the same speed stat, and also because regular Deoxys still packs amazing base 150 offenses.
I noticed that Deoxys-Attack was banned due to the combination of Psychic Terrain + Expanding Force + coverage + high offensive/speed stats being pretty dominating. However, regular Deoxys currently sits at Tier 5 in the Viability Rankings. Is there really that big of a difference between the two? I figured regular would be higher up, since both forms at least share the same speed stat, and also because regular Deoxys still packs amazing base 150 offenses.
The difference between 180 and 150 is actually significant. Assuming the same stat spread of 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252+ Spe for both forms:
  • Deoxys has 13% less Special Attack and 17% less Attack than Deoxys-Attack
  • For perspective, Deoxys's fully invested (252 EVs) Special Attack stat of 399 is basically equivalent to Deoxys-Attack's uninvested (4 EVs) physical Attack stat of 397
  • Deoxys's defensive stats, while an improvement over Deoxys-Attack's, are still paper thin and likely still requires a Focus Sash to live most attacks
I think the drop in physical Attack is the most significant, as it will definitely miss Superpower benchmarks that Deoxys-A is capable of. But the drop in Special Attack will also hurt significantly into the myriad of bulky Pokemon and Pokemon with Assault Vest that are in this tier.

It's the same idea as how Basculegion-Male is banned but Basculegion-Female is Tier 5; the subtle drop in Attack is enough to make the difference between an overpowered threat and a more lackluster twin that loses out on key damage benchmarks.
Missing out on hitting some key damage benchmarks does make a lot of sense, especially if it means Deo will get KOed in return. I've obviously not run the numbers, but I do wonder if there could maybe be instances where regular form might survive a spread move that attack form couldn't.
Missing out on hitting some key damage benchmarks does make a lot of sense, especially if it means Deo will get KOed in return. I've obviously not run the numbers, but I do wonder if there could maybe be instances where regular form might survive a spread move that attack form couldn't.
Yeah Deoxys can live attacks from weaker mons that Deoxys-Attack would get one-shot by. Here’s calcs for Alolan Ninetales as an example:

252 SpA Ninetales-Alola Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Deoxys-Attack: 304-358 (126.1 - 148.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 SpA Ninetales-Alola Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Deoxys: 169-201 (70.1 - 83.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

However, Deoxys still relies on a Focus Sash to be able to survive any attack from an actual offensive mon, and even if it survives one weaker attack from something like Alolan Ninetales it is still losing over half of its health and will end up getting 2HKO’d all the same.

In other words, Deoxys has exponentially better bulk than Deoxys-Attack but it’s still really, really bad. Deoxys-Attack just owns it and commits fully to being a glass cannon, whereas Deoxys is still a glass cannon but with a far less efficient stat spread.