Post your searing hot takes

ketchup is way too sugary and takes away the nice tart flavor that tomatoes have. i kinda dislike sweet things in general and love tart or bitter flavors; anything added to coffee, for example, ruins it.
also hot tea > cold unsweet tea > cold sweet tea (gross)
it's very weird to put watermarks on a meme

it's meant to be shared and it's expected for a meme to have difficult to trace origins. I think making a meme and putting your watermark on it is kinda blasphemous. It's like giving bread to an asylum and etching your name onto the crust
It seems to me that a lot of meme creators care entirely too much about gaining some kind of recognition for their work. If you're interested in widespread recognition, then you should probably get out of the shitposting business.

That said, the rise of meme watermarking has led to one of my favorite niche subgenres of meme: the meme where half a dozen different people have slapped their proprietary watermarks on it, creating an incomprehensible mess of logos and usernames in the bottom right corner.
Most people hate high school because most times there are few to no practical examples or explanations about why one would use the things they're learning.

Of course, that doesn't make that knowledge useless or not valid. For example, most gym bros use physics and biology in their daily lives, whether they notice it, or not.

Matter of fact, there are times when interacting with complete knuckle-dragging imbeciles that I can't help but wonder if they did go to school.
Most people hate high school because most times there are few to no practical examples or explanations about why one would use the things they're learning.

Of course, that doesn't make that knowledge useless or not valid. For example, most gym bros use physics and biology in their daily lives, whether they notice it, or not.

Matter of fact, there are times when interacting with complete knuckle-dragging imbeciles that I can't help but wonder if they did go to school.
I think that part of it is also that it's really hard to get students to care about things that don't currently impact their lives, even if their lives will be affected at some point in the future. Anecdotally, I've seen a lot of high school students blow off personal finance classes, even though things like taxes are the go-to examples of things that students should be learning instead of what's currently taught. You just aren't going to get them to care about that stuff until it starts to actually become a part of life.
it's very weird to put watermarks on a meme

it's meant to be shared and it's expected for a meme to have difficult to trace origins. I think making a meme and putting your watermark on it is kinda blasphemous. It's like giving bread to an asylum and etching your name onto the crust
Depends. The concept of a meme has expanded largely over time.

Like it's not just easily photoshopped images now, some "memes" are just highly-edited videos that are humorous and based on internet culture. Some people have made entire careers out of videos like that for instance.

I think if the meme takes a lot of skill and time to make, it's fair to watermark it tbh
Depends. The concept of a meme has expanded largely over time.

Like it's not just easily photoshopped images now, some "memes" are just highly-edited videos that are humorous and based on internet culture. Some people have made entire careers out of videos like that for instance.

I think if the meme takes a lot of skill and time to make, it's fair to watermark it tbh
I think of memes as necessarily being somewhat low-effort and easily digestible. They're basic units of culture. I don't have an alternative term for the kind of higher-effort shitposting that you're alluding to, but I stop thinking of such creations as "memes" past a certain point. I do agree that it's fair to be more protective of creations that show more effort and a distinctive style, though.