Offline Battle Tower teams

So could I then replace Gengar for something like Raikou? That would probably work well. Jolteon might be better, but I like the idea of Raikou because it can take a hit better.
I've never tried raikou but he seems pretty good although a ground type might be better but i cant think of any ground type special sweepers.

I suppose that Camerupt might work well with his base 105 SpAtk and Solid Rock but Raikou is probably your best bet since Camerupt has base 40 speed.
Oh yeah, Volt Absorb, Lanturn. Lanturn is awesome and you have 2 pokes on your team that are immune to ground so yeah either of those two are gonna do awesome one your team.

Well, the chance of a CH is actually 6.25%, so your "screwed over" factor is actually 0.0625%, lol. However, though you may not want to hear this right now, you should actually be happy that your loss came as a result of mistakes that were indeed your own and not of hax you couldn't do anything about. Next time you will indeed get that second DD against Electrode, or even a third, knowing that it can't really do that much to you at all outside of a CH Explosion. That's really the whole battle right there—the Gyarados thing mattered as well and you can learn from it, but even just one more correct move would have kept your streak alive.
Also, I believe yesterday, I said I NEVER got OHKO'd in the battle tower before:

I stand Corrected

Some Rapidash Horn Drilled when I switched in my Cresselia.
I didnt even get a chance to use any of her moves :(
Well, the chance of a CH is actually 6.25%, so your "screwed over" factor is actually 0.0625%, lol. However, though you may not want to hear this right now, you should actually be happy that your loss came as a result of mistakes that were indeed your own and not of hax you couldn't do anything about. Next time you will indeed get that second DD against Electrode, or even a third, knowing that it can't really do that much to you at all outside of a CH Explosion. That's really the whole battle right there—the Gyarados thing mattered as well and you can learn from it, but even just one more correct move would have kept your streak alive.

That makes me feel a bit better. The main reason I recount the battles I lose is so I know what NOT to do next time. I'm going to have to find a printer to print that long list of Battle Tower Pokémon out on so I don't get surprised by something I should've seen. Oh, well. Can't change the past...yet.
My little team of Lucario, Mesprit, and Gyarados is up to 56 wins, which means that either I got lucky with who I faced, or I've been learning from my mistakes. I like that second option. (If you're looking for the team, look sometime in the last two pages.)

Also, I've been contemplating a few leads in the Double Battle Tower. How does this sound?

Shuckle @ [Item undecided]
Relaxed - 252 D, 252 HP, 6 SD (EVs of HP and SD can be shuffled to your liking)
- Power Trick
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Gyro Ball

Bronzong @ [Item undecided]
Ability: Levitate
[Speed cutting nature] - EVs can be shuffled to do whatever
- Trick Room
- Flash Cannon
- HP Ground / whatever / Psychic (not Hidden Power)
- Hypnosis / filler

No matter what, lead with Trick Room and Power Trick. Power Trick will switch Shuckle's abysmally low Attack with its monstrous Defense, and Trick Room will turn Shuckle's abysmally low speed into its greatest asset, making it faster than everything else, barring Quick Attack moves. Gyro Ball will almost always get max power since Shuckle's speed is so low. With no Speed EVs, a Speed-cutting nature, and a Speed IV of 0, Shuckle can deal max Gyro Ball damage to anything that's faster than a Torkoal with those same characteristics (0 Speed, Speed-cutting, only Speed coming from its Base Speed of 26 and nothing else). The trouble is finding the right lead partner.

The partner has to be slow and Ground-immune and able to learn Trick Room. Bronzong's the only one I can think of. The Ground immunity is for obvious reasons. (An Earthquake from 614 Attack will kill just about anything). Cresselia's another, but she's not quite slow enough. Neither is Uxie or Mesprit (and I refuse to relegate Mesprit to such a guinea pig's role).

High defenses also help with Shuckle's partner. Here's a potential list:

Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Bronzong, Cresselia, Dusknoir (can Protect on the Earthquake)

It's also recommended that the partner be Special-oriented and hit hard, but that's optional.

What do y'all think?
I'm doing awesome with this team. Going strong at 140ish atm.

Adamant Technician Scizor@Choice Band
6 hp/252 atk/252 speed
Iron Head
Brick Break
Quick Attack

Bold Vaporeon@leftovers
188 hp/252 def/68 sp.atk
Ice Beam
Hp Electric

Adamant Dragonite@yache berry
18 hp/252 atk/240 speed
Fire Punch
Dragon Dance

Scizor is the key player here. I rarely let Vaporeon die since its needed to absorb the other 2's weaknesses. Dragonite is basically a suicide sweeper while Scizor kills Psychics with U-Turn, Rock/Steels with BB and Iron Head kills basically anything fragile that doesn't resist. Quick attack saved my ass several times from Quick Claw users. If I U-Turn, I bring out dragonite to attempt a sweep. Basically it works wonders if you keep fire attacks away from Scizor and Ice attacks away from Dragonite. :P
I can vouch for the effectiveness of ddoutragenite in the tower, it only needs one dd to stand a good chance of a sweep. I use heatran over scizor though (restalk variant) as they compliment eachother, as well as protect > hp electric on vaporeon for scouting purposes.
I was thinking about a Dragon Dancing Dragonite (I really hate using abbreviations that just run things together as they make things so difficult to understand, and also names that make no sense to me whatsoever, but that's a different rant for a different day), but I worry about the Ice attacks it would draw. I also worry about Speed issues and outrunning things after just 1 Dragon Dance, since I can only afford to take about one hit. Maybe I'm underestimating Dragonite's defenses.

I'm still wondering about a Power Trick Shuckle / Trick Room lead in the Double Battle Tower.
At the moment you have a 4x Ice weakness and no resistances, if you get a Gyarados you will have a 4x electric weakness and no resists so either way it's mostly the same. I would personally say use the DD Gyarados as I use him and is amazing.

Garchomp is an electric immunity.
this is my best personal team for the tower:
died battle 83

ludicolo @wise glasses
ability:swift swim
nature:modest (+sp. atk, -atk)
Evs:154hp/ 252 sp. atk/ 104 spd
-rain dance
-energy ball
-ice beam

metagross @ wide lens
ability: clear body
nature: adamant (+atk, -sp. atk)
evs: 252 hp/ 252 atk
-meteor mash
-bullet punch
-hammer arm

garchomp @ yache berry
ability: sand veil
nature: jolly (+spd, -sp. atk)
evs: 252 atk/ 252 spd
-swords dance
-dragon claw
-fire fang

Ok, i decided to build this team based on my sceptile, salamence, metagross team, because i had pretty good streaks in my ruby. replaced scptile with ludicolo for better type coverage, resistances for my metagross weaknesses, it have ice beam for dragons, surf for grounds and grass for waters. also replaced salamence with garchomp because it beats salamence at speed, got swords dance for faster set up and its bulkier.
i only fought with this team about 5 times, lost three times due to tower hax (togekiss with silver wind, moltress with DT, lapras with sheer cold) the other two times i lost to the !"·$%· curselax. in my 83th battle i sacrificed ludicolo by surfing snorlax down to kinda 1/20 Hp, while it keep cursing. when ludicolo was KO i switch out metagross, but some stupid reason i forgot the defense boost, chose bullet punch so snorlax chestorested. goodbye metagross, byebye garchomp. im pretty sure that meteor mash must killed it, maybe i had a chance getting the 100 wins streak, but i just scrubbed it.
now i explain my strategy: any poison or flying opposite lead, switch to metagross, electric leads (strangely i faced many electrics maybe the Ai counts electric type as a ludicolo weakness) switch to garchomp, set up and get an easy sweep. any unrisky lead, just rain dance and surf away the foe. bug types didnt show very often in my streaks.
So i need opinions of my team, suggestions as well, i wanna know if this team have potencial, or i was kinda lucky at getting 82 victories.
i forgot to explain why i chose those items. originally i put leftovers on ludicolo, but i failed to OHKO bulky dragonites and 2OHKOing some water and grass types, so with the extra boost of wise glasses i fixed it. For the wide lens on metagross i just hate missing moves, so meteor gets 95% accuracy and hammer arm 100%, i dont have access to puncher metagross so i keep hammer arm for that pesky curselax.
Meh I haven't started yet, currently finishing my Kingdra off. I'll probably start tomorrow with this team:

Zapdos @ Damp Rock
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Speed / 252 Special Attack
*Rain Dance

Kingdra @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Mild
EVs: 192 Attack / 64 Speed / 252 Special Attack
*Draco Meteor
*Dragon Pulse

Latias @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 140 HP / 176 Def / 192 Speed
*Dragon Pulse

Meh, I don't know how it will work. I just want to use the Kingdra that I trained to rape ubers. Anyway...

Zapdos sets up a sub, protecting him from status and those damn OHKO moves. Then, proceeds to Rain Dance, so thunder hits through DTers, and really should rip through everything with his beefy special attack.

Kingdra just rapes the shit out of everything, even in human battles. Should have no trouble against AI

Latias is for some bulk. Can easily just toxi-stall a stupid pokemon I'm having trouble taking down.

Not a perfect team, but I will be testing it and update changes.
a bulky ice type like regice can be a problem, it can KO zapdos and 2HKO latias without a scratch on itself, even kingra can be 2HKO.
I built a team a while ago to try and get somewhere in the battle tower. Spamming CPU's limited intelligence seems to be the way to go.


Uxie @ Lum Berry
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Levitate
IV's: Spe:0
EV's: 252Hp, 180Sp.Def, 98Def
~ Yawn
~ U-Turn
~ Stealth Rock
~ Protect

Not the best of leads, though it'll do. Fairly bulky, and can survive most assaults. Yawn then Protect essentially gives me a free sleep, though if they're faster I'll U-Turn out after Yawning. If they don't pose too much of a threat, Stealth Rocks go down first, to break the annoying Focus Sashes that are ever-prevalent in the battle tower. Lum Berry, combined with Protect and Yawn, means I get the upper hand on most status-dealing leads too. Also makes a solid 'anti-evasion' Poke, as Yawn never misses.

Considering Rest somewhere on there, probably with a Chesto > Lum, to give my team a little more longevity. However, atm everything else seems to be pretty important :p


Lucario @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Steadfast
EV's: 252Atk, 252Spe, 6Hp
~ Swords Dance
~ Close Combat
~ Crunch
~ Extremespeed

Perhaps one of the best abusers of the free sleep I get from Uxie, Lucario Sword Dances up and proceeds to smash anything that gets in the way. If I get a long sleep, then most of the time he'll plow through the rest of the team.


Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest
Ability: Adaptability
V's: 252Sp.Atk, 252Spe, 6Hp
~ Tri Attack
~ Hyper Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Ice Beam

Does a good job of taking care of most of the things that stop Lucario (Salamence, Gyarados, Gliscor) as well as just being an awesome 'trump card' that can OHKO pretty much anything, if needs be. I'd be willing to lose Hyper Beam, though 1 on 1 situations are pretty common in the battle tower and the ability to pretty much guarantee to win them if it's Pory-Z who's left (As it probably will be, as he's here to clean up any scraps Lucario leaves behind)

I'd really, really like Dark Pulse on here somewhere, to kill off ghosts, though I'm not sure what to lose :s

Opinions? Still breeding this team, so constructive criticism would be appreciated :p
Meh I haven't started yet, currently finishing my Kingdra off. I'll probably start tomorrow with this team:

Zapdos @ Damp Rock
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Speed / 252 Special Attack
*Rain Dance

Kingdra @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Mild
EVs: 192 Attack / 64 Speed / 252 Special Attack
*Draco Meteor
*Dragon Pulse

Latias @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 140 HP / 176 Def / 192 Speed
*Dragon Pulse

Meh, I don't know how it will work. I just want to use the Kingdra that I trained to rape ubers. Anyway...

Zapdos sets up a sub, protecting him from status and those damn OHKO moves. Then, proceeds to Rain Dance, so thunder hits through DTers, and really should rip through everything with his beefy special attack.

Kingdra just rapes the shit out of everything, even in human battles. Should have no trouble against AI

Latias is for some bulk. Can easily just toxi-stall a stupid pokemon I'm having trouble taking down.

Not a perfect team, but I will be testing it and update changes.

i love kingdra as much as any pokemon I have yet to use but I can't see you getting past ice types very easily, especially an ice type that resists both water (kingdra's waterfall) and electric (zapdos's thunder). A lead Abomasnow is going to make things kind of a pain for your team even if you get the initial Rain Dance off against it, and it can change the weather very easily as well. You may want to consider swapping Latias for something that pisses on abomasnow like Metagross or Heatran.
hey jumpman16, i have been reading this thread and battle tower records thread, youre an expert trainer doubtless, could you give some hints about the team i posted? i would be very grateful
I built a team a while ago to try and get somewhere in the battle tower. Spamming CPU's limited intelligence seems to be the way to go.


Uxie @ Lum Berry
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Levitate
IV's: Spe:0
EV's: 252Hp, 180Sp.Def, 98Def
~ Yawn
~ U-Turn
~ Stealth Rock
~ Protect

Not the best of leads, though it'll do. Fairly bulky, and can survive most assaults. Yawn then Protect essentially gives me a free sleep, though if they're faster I'll U-Turn out after Yawning. If they don't pose too much of a threat, Stealth Rocks go down first, to break the annoying Focus Sashes that are ever-prevalent in the battle tower. Lum Berry, combined with Protect and Yawn, means I get the upper hand on most status-dealing leads too. Also makes a solid 'anti-evasion' Poke, as Yawn never misses.

A major problem I can see right off is what if a lead Pokemon has a Sash? Won't be affected by Stealth Rock unless that lead Pokemon decided to switch for some reason. Jumpman's description of his team points out a Sash!Weavile that would sweep his team, which is prevented because he can switch T-Tar in to break it. You need a weather changer to guarantee that all sashes will break.

EDIT: Does the AI switch out if you use Yawn?
this is my best personal team for the tower:
died battle 83

ludicolo @wise glasses
ability:swift swim
nature:modest (+sp. atk, -atk)
Evs:154hp/ 252 sp. atk/ 104 spd
-rain dance
-energy ball
-ice beam

metagross @ wide lens
ability: clear body
nature: adamant (+atk, -sp. atk)
evs: 252 hp/ 252 atk
-meteor mash
-bullet punch
-hammer arm

garchomp @ yache berry
ability: sand veil
nature: jolly (+spd, -sp. atk)
evs: 252 atk/ 252 spd
-swords dance
-dragon claw
-fire fang

Ok, i decided to build this team based on my sceptile, salamence, metagross team, because i had pretty good streaks in my ruby. replaced scptile with ludicolo for better type coverage, resistances for my metagross weaknesses, it have ice beam for dragons, surf for grounds and grass for waters. also replaced salamence with garchomp because it beats salamence at speed, got swords dance for faster set up and its bulkier.
i only fought with this team about 5 times, lost three times due to tower hax (togekiss with silver wind, moltress with DT, lapras with sheer cold) the other two times i lost to the !"·$%· curselax. in my 83th battle i sacrificed ludicolo by surfing snorlax down to kinda 1/20 Hp, while it keep cursing. when ludicolo was KO i switch out metagross, but some stupid reason i forgot the defense boost, chose bullet punch so snorlax chestorested. goodbye metagross, byebye garchomp. im pretty sure that meteor mash must killed it, maybe i had a chance getting the 100 wins streak, but i just scrubbed it.
now i explain my strategy: any poison or flying opposite lead, switch to metagross, electric leads (strangely i faced many electrics maybe the Ai counts electric type as a ludicolo weakness) switch to garchomp, set up and get an easy sweep. any unrisky lead, just rain dance and surf away the foe. bug types didnt show very often in my streaks.
So i need opinions of my team, suggestions as well, i wanna know if this team have potencial, or i was kinda lucky at getting 82 victories.

you do seem to have fliers covered pretty well by metagross (who needs wide lens since MM is a horrible attack for the BT bound to screw you over eventually). there's a DD charizard that may annoy you cause it has dragon rush for garchomp and metagross can't ohko it but whatever. having every type resisted but bug is a good thing, and there seems to be real synergy here.

if you really do hate dark and normal types that much keep hammer arm on metagross but thunderpunch would be great (not that you can get it without emerald) to hit fliers that resist gyarados, who will probably also annoy you and make you wish you had grass knot on ludicolo or thunderpunch on metagross but you can see how it works
A major problem I can see right off is what if a lead Pokemon has a Sash? Won't be affected by Stealth Rock unless that lead Pokemon decided to switch for some reason. Jumpman's description of his team points out a Sash!Weavile that would sweep his team, which is prevented because he can switch T-Tar in to break it. You need a weather changer to guarantee that all sashes will break.

EDIT: Does the AI switch out if you use Yawn?

U-Turning out breaks the Sash :p And I don't think that Yawning makes them switch, though I'll test that now.

EDIT: Nope, they don't switch when Yawned.
thanks for rating my team jumpman16, i really appreciate it.
well... gyarados completely walls my metagross as you said, but i have problems with curselax, even with hammer arm metagross have problems handling it, so i need it. maybe replace bullet punch could be a good idea, but it saved my ass many times due to speed priority, so maybe i keep it. about charizard it can annoy me for sure, i hope i have rain dance and ludicolo out when charizard shows up. ironically moltres annoys me with DT. So apparently my team have some potencial, im gonna keep trying until i get 100 victories, or a place in the battle tower records list lol, you wish luck me guys.
Shuckle @ [Item undecided]
Relaxed - 252 D, 252 HP, 6 SD (EVs of HP and SD can be shuffled to your liking)
- Power Trick
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Gyro Ball

Bronzong @ [Item undecided]
Ability: Levitate
[Speed cutting nature] - EVs can be shuffled to do whatever
- Trick Room
- Flash Cannon
- HP Ground / whatever / Psychic (not Hidden Power)
- Hypnosis / filler

No matter what, lead with Trick Room and Power Trick. Power Trick will switch Shuckle's abysmally low Attack with its monstrous Defense, and Trick Room will turn Shuckle's abysmally low speed into its greatest asset, making it faster than everything else, barring Quick Attack moves. Gyro Ball will almost always get max power since Shuckle's speed is so low. With no Speed EVs, a Speed-cutting nature, and a Speed IV of 0, Shuckle can deal max Gyro Ball damage to anything that's faster than a Torkoal with those same characteristics (0 Speed, Speed-cutting, only Speed coming from its Base Speed of 26 and nothing else). The trouble is finding the right lead partner.

(Edit: That was a miscalculation about the lowest Base Speed for Shuckle to hit something for max Gyro Ball damage. It's actually about ~40 to ~45. I don't recall the exact number, but you can run them for yourself and give me the right numbers.)

The partner has to be slow and Ground-immune and able to learn Trick Room. Bronzong's the only one I can think of. The Ground immunity is for obvious reasons. (An Earthquake from 614 Attack will kill just about anything). Cresselia's another, but she's not quite slow enough. Neither is Uxie or Mesprit (and I refuse to relegate Mesprit to such a guinea pig's role).

High defenses also help with Shuckle's partner. Here's a potential list:

Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Bronzong, Cresselia, Dusknoir (can Protect on the Earthquake)

It's also recommended that the partner be Special-oriented and hit hard, but that's optional.

Yes, I quoted myself. What of it? I'm still wondering about the idea of a Power Trick Shuckle / Trick Room lead. I'm training Shuckle for it now, but I'm still wondering who would make a good partner for it that's slow enough, can use Trick Room (duh), and is Special-oriented (would work better to avoid being completely walled by the likes of Skarmory or Cresselia). Please tell me someone didn't already try this.