How would you handle Wobbuffet?

I'm sure you're sick of these "How do you counter pokemon X" discussions by now and think this discussion will lead to nothing. I know there's also going to be the obligatory "u cant counter it cuz u cant swich" which is true that you can't exactly counter it with the limited options you're presented when it has been sent out. I'm all for banning it back to ubers personally, since I feel it centralizes the game a bit too much, but sadly that's not going to make it leave and people need to deal with him. The reason I made this thread was to try and make people think less of Wobbuffet as part of a setup that will sweep your team, but more of a dickish pokemon that's more likely than not to kill one pokemon on your team in a similar way Dugtrio does but worse. Hopefully, this will also help some players prepare/deal with Wobbuffet more effectively.

First lets look at the set pretty much every Wobbuffet will use

Wobbuffet @ Leftovers/Lum berry
EV's:252 Def/252 Sp.Def/4 HP
Ability:Shadow Tag
-Mirror Coat
-Safeguard/Charm/Destiny Bond

The strategy of this set is to try and trap a wall and lock it into a non attacking move with Encore while putting up Safeguard to prevent status. You then switch to something that can take advantage of the free turn to setup. A more common way of taking advantage of that turn (well, more common than before Wobbuffet was allowed anyway) is to attempt to use Smeargle to Baton Pass a Belly Drum boost to Lucario and sweep. I'm not going to explain how the Belly Drum Smeargle works though. If you don't already know just look at the Smeargle analysis on Smogon.

Countering the strategy itself is easy enough albeit slightly annoying, and leaves your opponent with only two-thirds of a team that actually poses a threat. I'm sorry to say though that you'll need a restalker, or at least something that you're willing to let Smeargle put to sleep. You'll also need a phazer or something with a priority move, Taunt, Perish Song, Encore, Torment, or a move that hits multiple times to stop the pass to Lucario or whatever they want to sweep you with. I've just regurgitated some information but I felt it would be helpful to mention some flaws of that setup since it seems like the most threatening thing Wobbuffet is able to do.

Now, on to dealing with Wobbuffet itself. There is obviously the option of having a ghost that uses physical attacks (Dusknoir) or a dark type that uses special attacks (Houndoom) since there's nothing Wobbuffet can do besides Charm or Encore. The trouble is that Wobbuffet will likely never stay in or switch into these pokemon. Keep in mind that the user of Wobbuffet chooses what it fights (walls) and if it switches in at the right time, your options are severely limited. What can you do in that kind of situation? In my experience I've found it's always best to choose to attack. Without a recovery move, even something like a Grass Knot from Celebi (after hitting a few times) will lower Wobbuffet's HP enough to make sure he can't perform his role any longer and you can finish it off. This will essentially cripple the Wobbuffet as well as prevent a safe switch in from any Smeargle my opponent might have. They will always start with Safeguard or Encore anyway so you will almost always be able to hit it 2 to 3 times before your pokemon faints. While it's true my method will probably result in a dead wall, it's comparatively safer to just sacrifice a pokemon than to let my opponent have an opportunity to setup and sweep when I'm trapped in a non-attacking move and then have to switch out. Remember, it's rare for Wobbuffet to not take down at least one pokemon before dying.

Well smogonites, if you have a way of handling Wobbuffet than feel free to post/discuss it.

If it really is useless to talk about, then lock away.

EDIT: When people use Wobbuffet it's pretty much guaranteed they also have a stat-upper, like Garchomp or DDmence on their team so please take that into consideration as well when you post.
boom it or if i use a Sandstorm team i'll bring Gliscor with knock off worked well some times, because counter misses sometimes and if it doesn't it's not much damage and wobby doesn't like the ss dmg and the knock off dmg every turn
Hit him with sleep or toxic before he can safeguard (he's pretty darn slow so it's not hard). Toxic spikes make him next to useless.
Hit him with sleep or toxic before he can safeguard (he's pretty darn slow so it's not hard). Toxic spikes make him next to useless.

While it's true toxic spikes make him near useless, I've been encountering a few Wobbuffets with safeguard and lum berry to try and stop status.
I agree with UchihaSasuke. Sworddance is the best option to defeat a wobbuffet. Roar or Whirlwind should also do it, especially together with Spikes to stopp wobby switching in.
no one is going to let you set up lol. smart wobba players will either switch to another trap pokemon or a phaser, or a statupper of their own, or a sleeper etc.

there is no way to "deal" with wobba bar building your team around it. 90% of the time the wobba user is in control of the situation. the only foolproof ways of dealing with it are a faster baton pass, sleep/toxic, or taunt or something.

but since smart wobba users dont bring wobba in on anything that has typically has those, you usually just have to have stuff on your team that can deal with it.
Actually, this has gotten me to think of a weird Dugtrio set that could trap and kill Wobba. How ironic

Dugtrio @ Life orb
EV's:252 Atk/252 Speed
Ability:Arena Trap
-Sucker Punch/Stone Edge

No matter what Wobbaffet does, it's trapped and going to die. You also end up with a sub :]
It might be really situational but if you could manage to use trick on it with a choice item that would hurt it.
Darkrai (English Version), have it use a High Sp.Atk + Dread Plate + Dark Pulse and that Wobba is dead in just 1-2 turns. Why? Darkrai's High speed + Special Attack, along with a dread plate, vastly increasing Dark Pulse due to STAB and Dread Plate. Not Just That its super effective. If he survives to use encore just switch to your second Darkrai (Japanese Version). Trust me it works, anyone who tries to use encore on darkrai will undergo the Fury of the Japanese Darkrai I have.

Btw.For those few who have a LEGIT Darkrai can get a second one on GTS cuz, For some reason, unlegit event pokemon do not appear on gts, I figured that out the hard way, when i got ripped off by this guy who offered me a second Arceus for my Darkrai (English). I offered his Arceus on his DS. Then I looked for it on Mine and it did not appear, I offer my Darkrai to see if i could trade the other way around and it appeared but it did not let me trade his arceus for it. I asked him about how he got his Arceus and he said he used AR... so I guess unlegit Event Pokemon do not appear. If I'm wrong tell me why it didn't work.

(any1 have a legit Arceus I'm looking for Arceus and Shaymin (BOTH LEGIT))
It might be really situational but if you could manage to use trick on it with a choice item that would hurt it.

Nope. Assuming it uses Encore, it just has to wait a turn and you'll use Trick again. Then it can switch and give your Choice Item to any member of its team as you Trick a third time.
Honestly, I don't think you can handle Wobbuffet! The only way to really handle him is to minimise the damage he can cause by having a solid counter to the Pokemon he is trying to set up (i.e BellyZard).

Unfortunately, if the opponent has a Dugtrio in tow, then you really are in trouble. If you attack he can Encore and CounterCoat, and if you don't attack he can Encore and switch to Duggy. Against a good Wobbuffet player, you're in a lose/lose situation and I think Doorman/kd8tome has proved this by storming ahead at the top of the Shoddy Ladder with a team that appears to be built around Wobba.

I guess, in an ideal world I would put Shed Shell on any Pokemon that I deemed to be vulnerable to Wobba. Then I'd switch out to CB Scizor and hit him with a U-Turn for 80%ish percent and go straight to a Ghost type (ideally Spiritomb w/Pursuit). Obviously, I'm never gonna do that because it would require me to overcentralise at least half my team. :X

Btw RedSP, Toxic Duggy has been used to get rid of Wobba for years.
Without being too situational, the best general bet for any team is to just use a non damaging move. Who cares if you get Encored because Wobbuffet sure as hell can't do anything back to you once you've done that. It has to switch. The incoming pokemon will have some sort of advantage over your current pokemon that's stuck using the same move but Wobbuffet is gone now so you too can switch. I'd rather give up a free turn and hope I can counter whatever was being planned instead of aimlessly attacking Wobbuffet and losing a pokemon or hoping that the situation is just right for my "pokemon that only works against Wobbuffet and nothing else".
Actually, this has gotten me to think of a weird Dugtrio set that could trap and kill Wobba. How ironic

Dugtrio @ Life orb
EV's:252 Atk/252 Speed
Ability:Arena Trap
-Sucker Punch/Stone Edge

No matter what Wobbaffet does, it's trapped and going to die. You also end up with a sub :]
you are not the first to think of that i was used in adv in wobbas test phase