CAP 3 CAP 3 – Part 4 (Style)

Between its offensive & defense stats, how would this pokemon be like?

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I wouldn't mind offensively balanced, really, and Hyra's spread looks pretty good in that respect (though I'd still like to see usable attack). Some of the discussion seems to be leaning towards defensively balanced, though.
I voted offensive because I'm hopelessly in love with dual Grass/Fire STAB and the awesome potential therein, but TBH I'm fine with anything as long as it's offensively threatening (preferably from the special side) and can actually outspeed something useful. Hyra's spread with HP/Spd switched would make me a happy camper.
Note, I recognize the following post is about spreads, however, I would just like to emphasize the importance of originality.

90 HP / 60 Atk / 100 Def / 120 SAtk / 100 SDef / 70 Speed
91 90 106 130 106 77
^ That is Heatran's spread. If we go with your spread, Hyra, we'll have essentially made a Heatran- :( (With arguably no typing advantage, since Fire / Grass and Fire / Steel are both awesome)

I'll be honest, even though I have been pushing for special emphasis over physical, just for the sake of creativity this might cause me to shift over to physical offense for this guy.

I would also like a preference of one defensive stat over the other, though the smaller stat still being considered "good defensively." I am still pushing for balanced, just somewhat original balance.

The following is purely hypothetical spread that merely attempts to be original.

A spread like 110 HP / 105 Atk / X Def / 60 SpA / Y SpD / 70 Spe

would total 345, giving us at least 195 (assuming we reach 540 of course, which seems to be a safe lower limit) for the defenses. Just for conversation's sake, let's say we decide to play around and make it 112 Def and 83 SpD. 110 HP + 112 Def gives us a physical tank (pretty much only Torkoal can claim this for the Fires, and Heatran somewhat but it is predominantly used as a special tank), and 110 HP + 83 SpD definitely makes it able to take a few special hits.

My point? In terms of maximizing creativity while still remaining relatively balanced for Fire types, going with high HP seems to be the easiest call. Only Entei has high HP for a Fire in the standard metagame. Since Special Attack seems to emphasized on average over Attack, I would recommend going with Attack over Special Attack. In terms of speed, we have fast and slow Fire Pokemon, so just for the sake of being able to pump more into the defenses I think slow is pretty easy to decide upon as well.

That leaves the real ambiguity in the defensive stats themselves...which I am sure we will be able to discuss in the next topic ;D

Go balanced!

EDIT: Remember, I tried to emphasize originality as much as possible, so view in that perspective.

EDITEDIT: If you don't want to read...high HP, more defensive than offensive with emphasis on physical offense type of "balance" is the main spread I can see that would yield the most original Fire Pokemon base stat spread.
I am reposting mah stuff from the last thread. The first one would be balanced , and there's some other stuff in there, like the "Community Spread", which is the averages of all the spreads given without sufficiant reasoning:
The Akimiester's Word document of ultimate GREAT JUSTICE said:
Typing: Fire/grass

(Debatable moves/stats are in Brackets)

Proposition 1:

Stat distribution: Balanced
Stat Bias: Defences
Physical/Special Bias: Balanced

BS Spread: 110/90/110/90/110/40
BST: 550

Ability: Insomnia
User cannot be slept.

Ability: Flash fire
Powered up by Fire moves

Notable Movepool(Attacking):
Flamethrower, Flare blitz, Energy ball, Needle Arm (Seed bomb?), Grass knot, (FFang/IFang/TFang?)

Notable movepool(Defending/recovery/Stat boosting):
Synthesis, (Slack off?) Leech seed, WoW, Substitute, Toxic, (Stockpile?)

Notable Movepool(Support):
Reflect, Light screen, (wish?)

Breeding groups: Plant/Ground

Egg moves(Plant): Leech Seed, Synthesis (Jumpluff Family)
Egg moves(Ground): WoW, Flare Blitz(Rapidash Family) (Stockpile?) Mawlie

Proposition 2:

Stat Distribution: Attack
Physical/Special bias: Special

BS Spread: 80/110/75/125/75/85
BST: 550

Ability: Chlorophyll
Doubles speed in sun

Ability: Solar power
Increases attack at the cost of HP In sunlight.

Notable movepool(attacking):
Seed bomb, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Energy Ball, Seed bomb, EQ, Stone edge, (Cross chop?) Sucker Punch (95 BP physical fire move?/Blaze kick?) (Power whip?)

Notable movepool(Defending/recovery/Stat boosting):
Bulk up, (Nasty plot?) (Swords Dance?) Taunt

Notable Movepool(Support):
(Not much?)

Breeding groups:

Egg moves(Plant): Seed bomb (Breloom), Sucker Punch (Cacturne)
Egg moves(Ground): (Nasty Plot?), Flare Blitz (Infernape), (Swords Dance?) (Lucario, Can’t learn TM cause it makes it too easy =P), (Cross Chop?) Not sure if something can pass an egg move…

Proposition 3:

Stat Distribution: Attack
Physical/Special bias: Physical

BS Spread: 50/140/80/80/80/105
BST: 535

Ability: Adaptability
Doubles STAB.

Ability: Solar power
Increases attack at the cost of HP During sunlight.

Notable movepool(attacking):
Seed bomb, Blaze kick/Fire punch/95 BP Physical fire move, EQ, Stone edge, Needle arm, Grass knot, Cross Chop, X-Scissor, (Power whip?)

Notable movepool(Defending/recovery/Stat boosting):
Swords Dance, Agility

Notable Movepool(Support):
(Not much?)

Breeding groups:

Need moar suggestions.

Proposition 4:
HP: 110
Attack: 65
Def: 85
SpA: 115
SpD: 95
Speed: 65

535: but I think your's is a little more balanced.

The type implies a sunny day pokemon, probably with leaf guard/chlloryphyll
I can see this guy using his good defenses and typing to do several jobs.

Sub-Seed: Substitute, Leech Seed, Ingrain/Grass Knot/Flamethrower/Earth Power (2 of 4)
Double Status Sub-Seed: Leech Seed, Substitute, Will o Wisp, Sleep Powder
Double Status attacker: Will o Wisp, Sleep Powder, Grass Knot, Flamethrower
Sunny Day Abuser: Sunny Day, Synthesis, Solarbeam, Flamethrower (Oh God)
Special Tank: Grass Knot, Flamethrower, Earth Power, Hidden Power Ice

I think he should be pretty balanced though. Most people will opt for the sub-seed and sunny day sets on this guy, and the sunny day set would be countered by heatran, the sub-seeding set by Celebi or most dragons. If this guy could set-up sweep too, he'd be unstoppable.

Moves I dont think this guy should have: Overheat, Spore (Oh GOD), Ice Beam, T-Bolt, Stat-Boosters besides Swords Dance, Baton Pass, U-turn,

Proposition 5:
HP: 40
Attack: 100
SpA: 80
SpD: 110
BST: 545

(Yes I realize this is a shameless fusion of my idea with Time mage's design)

Solar Power/Hustle @ leftovers/life orb
Substitute, Leech Seed, Flare Blitz, Wood Hammer
Could be scary, and interesting to experiment with HP.

I'm actually getting attached to this idea. Bipedal burning tree, wood hammer, flare blitz, a Close Combat here, Sub-seeder there, maybe a double-status set. A pokemon like this would be FUN to play. Throw in a solarbeam/flareblitz/sunnyday/synthesis set and you've got an unpredictable monster.

Proposition 6:
Name: [Lion Pokemon]
Type: Fire/Grass
Stats: Balanced
Attack: Physical
Defense: Special

BS: 103/112/71/73/110/71
BST 540

This pokemon could go two ways with this spread since its two highest stats are Atk and SDef. The difference would be the ability.

Flash Fire set:
Flare Blitz, Substitute, Leech Seed, Ingrain/Wood Hammer/useful attacking type
Attack EVs aren't very necessary for this set. Flare Blitz is already a vicious attack. Put those EVs into HP and Sdef instead. High HP with Leech Seed helps to take full advantage of Flare Blitz/ Wood Hammer. This set makes for a nice alternative to Blissey, sort of like a Hippowdon with high SDef instead.

Chlorophyll set
Flame Wheel/Flare Blitz, Power Whip/ Wood Hammer, Pick two of Sunny Day/Synthesis/useful attacking type
Set up sun either with another pokemon or when you come in, and sweep with the awesome speed. It still isn't as awesomely fast as Swift Swim Kingdra. Recoil moves would be hard to use on this set unless you add in synthesis. In general, most weather inducers aren't going to want to switch into it since grass and fire covers most of them for SE. They still have the ability to predict their way in on the NVE attack type.

quote of me from the previous thread:
I played up the idea of a male's flaming mane as a fearsome sight. The low speed draws form a lion's reputation for lethargy, but I gave the females an opportunity for a boost since real lionesses do the majority of the hunting.

Proposition 7:
'll be going with Defensive Special.

If I had to do a rough sketch of defenses:

70 HP/95 Def/120 SDef

Subseeders should not be able to create 101 HP Subs. Not only does it neuter Subseeding as a strategy, but it is just counterintuitive to most grass pokemon.

The only pokemon that uses Seismic Toss anymore is Blissey. You get so much HP from Blissey after Leech Seed that it doesn't even matter. You could have Shuckle's base HP and as long as Bliss was seeded it would be unable to beat you. However, you should at least have competent HP on a defensive pokemon.

70 HP is enough to Subseed competently while still being able to take generic hits. If you really hate Seismic Toss, 338 HP is enough to take 4 Seismic Tosses while Leftovers are equipped. 70 HP maxes at 344. The High SDef is to make this a competent special wall, seeing as the only common special attacks it has a weakness to are Sludge Bomb and Air Slash. 95 Def will let it switch in on random EQs and Waterfalls.

I haven't figured out attacks or speed yet, but I'd probably be leaning 70 Atk/110 SA, with 55 Speed. The total BST with those numbers would be 520. If you really wanted to put Chlorophyll on it, you could still break 404 speed without nature.

Those stats would give us a slow but defensive fire type that still had enough SA to say "Hey Guys would like like FB?" It could also at least attempt to use Seed Bomb or Fire Fang, although maybe only after a Swords Dance.

Proposition 8:
Sp. Attack- 75
Sp. Defense- 80
Speed- 110
Total- 545
I believe we should have a Fire/Grass pokemon, that has physical sweeping capabilities, or it can SubSeed, and take some hits if it has to.

Moveset 1:


Seed Bomb
Fire Blitz
Leech Seed

Set up a Sub, Seed em, sweep em.

Moveset 2:
Sunny DAYS!


Fire Blitz
Thunder Wave/ HP electric

When Sunny Day is up, you can sweep, and have some T-Wave support for your team if you have Chylophill(Spelling is off) and if not, HP Electric for Togekiss.

Proposition 9:

Averages of community spreads with no reasoning/movepools/Abilities

1. 90/90/70/120/110/50
2. 100/75/79/115/94/82
3. 100/90/95/100/95/60
4. 50/90/92/110/92/106
5. 40/55/115/95/115/105
6. 55/70/95/105/115/105
7. 75/70/85/105/105/105
8. 55/100/100/80/105/105
9. 100/105/80/70/110/75
10. 90/110/80/80/105/80


BST: 542

Art suggestions:
Flower (Sunflora Evo)
Venus Flytrap thingy (Carnivine Evo)
sorry, tl;dr. As much as it is an effort to contribute to the projecT:

rules said:
Personal pokemon creations are not to be posted here. As much as you might think we want to see that pokemon you created back in the eighth grade, we really don't. Keep it to yourself.

That said, Balanced leaves us with the most options for everyone to toy with. I'd feel bad to waste either this thing's offensive or defensive potential.
I voted balanced.

Let's have a look at the typing combo
Resistances- Electric (2*) Grass (4*) Steel (2*)
It's not an ice type when it comes to resistances, but it's not too impressive either. The only thing steel is ever used for is gyro ball, electric is generally t-bolt, which goes together with ice beam and Grass is often paired with poison (neutral and super effective respectively).

Weaknesses- Flying (2*) Poison (2*) Rock (2*)
Again, not truly bad, but nothing to write home about. Air slash and brave bird come on a few pokemon, but not very often. Poison comes on fewer. Rock's the main problem; every man and his poochyena uses stone edge AND it gives a weakness to the oh so common stealth rock. Of course, it could be worse.

Types combinations that resist both Fire and Grass- Fire/Anything not weak, Dragon/anything not weak.
Considering the popularity of Salamence and Heatran, this may be a problem. Then again, HP Ice or ground takes care of them if it leans to the special side (or ice beam/earth power if we want to give it even more punch) and Earthquake or Ice punch take care of them if it's physical.

From what I understand, Fire/Grass has a healthy number of pokemon it deals SE to, most of the rest it deals neutral to. HOWEVER, unlike a theoretical Ice/Electric pokemon, it doesn't completely sacrifice it's defensive typing.

Considering the number of supporting options open to a grass pokemon, I'd like to see something that has a bit of bulk, coupled with a nice attack stat(s) behind it (speed isn't as important).
Can anyone please link me from where you got this criterion of a Pokemon being offensive, defensive or balanced?
Yes she is. 135 Special Defense, 75 Special attack. Those are the higher of the defensive and offensive stats.

135 * 0.8 = 108

Therefore, unless her special attack were 34 points higher (bringing her to 109), she's more than 20% lower offensively than defensively. This is the very definition of defensive.

Yes he is. 130 Attack, 95 Defense. Those are the higher of the offensive and defensive stats.

130 * 0.8 = 104

Therefore, unless his defense were 10 points higher (bringing him to 105), he's more than 20% lower defensively than offensively. This is the very definition of offensive.

Close, but wrong. I showed this in the process thread, but being 20% higher than the lower stat is not the same as the lower stat being 20% less than the higher stat.

You don't base the independant variable off of the dependant variable... that's the opposite of what they are. If the main style is determined to be offensive, then you base the defense off that. You don't base the offensive off of the defense, on an offensive Pokemon.

Using Garchomp again as the example:
  • Using 130 Attack, defense would have to be 104 or lower to be offensive with "secondary 20% lower than main" form.
  • Using the 104 Defense required from the previous statement, attack would only have to be 125 or higher to be offensive with "main 20% more than secondary" form.
  • Using the 125 Attack required from the previous statement, Defense would have to be 100 or lower to be offensive with "secondary 20% lower than main" form.
Might not seem like much, but right there is a 5 point difference using the two methods.
My point is in the opening post, he said BOTH defenses have to be higher than the HIGHEST attacking stat.
Hm, many of the proposed spreads are giving our Fire/Grass Pokemon high Defense. Am I the only one that believes that a burning plant is relatively fragile?

Anyway, I want to see if you agree with the reasoning of my spread:


Defensively, I gave it roughly the physical defenses of Milotic and the special defenses of Noctowl. 100 HP for the obvious ability to make 101 Subs.
Then again, maybe 80/89/104 would be better defensively. Perhaps I'm too attached to the 101 Subs.

Offensively, I didn't believe that a burning plant could physically harm much of anything, but I still gave it a "usable" Attack in case we decided to give it Swords Dance later on. The 115 Special Attack puts it as strong as Raikou and Lucario, which is fine with me.

I expect a plant on fire to be a little "rushed," so to speak, thus it should have some speed. I wanted this thing to outrun Gyarados, as well. 82 Speed trumps Gyarados--and Milotic, too.

...Okay, the more I type this post, the more I think this is trying to go too far ahead, but I would like to see everyone's perceptions of what this Pokemon should be able to do in order for me to tailor a better spread to those ideas. Maybe the next poll or two will give me the info I need.
I would definitely prefer a balanced stat total. I think it was agreed that we need another defensive fire aside from Heatran. It also should have a way to deal with an opposing Heatran. The grass type could even be utilized for powerful grass attacks from both sides. Both types have great, high power moves from both sides- I would propose not making broken attack stats.

I humbly think it should look like this:
(in the format of HP/ATK/DEF/SP. ATK/SP. DEF/SPD)


BST: 565

Base 85 HP yields 374 HP level 100. 369 HP is good enough as it allows near perfect leftovers recovery and 4 switches into stealth rock. Base 98 attack yields 324 level max. It isn't much, but it is enough for people to use a move like Flare Blitz or Power Whip effectively.

Base 106 defense allows it to take random non STAB hits. I didn't have a particular reason for this, it can be toyed with if nessecary. Base 90 sp. atk is an important number, as it reaches just enough to OHKO the Dragons with HP Ice all the time with Life Orb. It also seperates itself from Heatran with a lower special attack.

Base 80 special defense allows it to switch into some weak hits with its decent resistances. The most important number is probably speed: At Base 106, it comfortably outspeeds Chomp. It also outspeeds neutral nature Alakazam and other base 120's with a +nature.

With this spread, this pokemon would be an effective subseeder, creating powerful subs that can still be replenished relatively quickly (yes it is a compromise). His great speed allows him to put up a sub before the enemy attacks. He also can be a threatening sweeper if he was given stat boosting moves (read: Swords Dance). It could even pull off a Chain-Chomp type set (Swords Dance/Power Whip/Overheat/Hp Ground/Ice).

With this BST, Levitate and Flash Fire would go well (imo).

Just my $.02. Any comments? (I definitely don't mean to rush any decisions- I'm just listing what I envision the pokemon would fit best with based on the BST).
COH: It doesn't have to be a flaming plant. The panda suggestion seems to be the one that makes the most sense with a balanced design. Panda's are decently bulky, and I can see it fitting in pretty well.

I like Kingdrom's spread, but i don't think something bulky like this needs to be THAT fast, adding in chlorphyl. I'd sacrafice some of the speed for Sp. attack, or maybe even just flip them.
I HATE the panda idea. Panda = Grass? How would it be part Grass? (Habitat and food can't be considered. By that logic, monkeys and giraffes could be part Grass.)
Voted offensive because i felt like it.

Nah seriously because its a much better offensive typing than defensive typing
Can anyone please link me from where you got this criterion of a Pokemon being offensive, defensive or balanced?
From post #103 and on. After the initial qualitative decryption, which is pretty clear, in my opinion, I basically made some numbers that seemed reasonable, proposed it, and everyone agreed more or less. It doesn't follow any kind of formula.
What about HP?
I've been thinking about this for a long time, along with considering speed for the offensive criteria. In the end, I concluded that HP isn't a determinant factor when deciding the style of the pokémon: The highest defense stat being higher than the highest offensive stat nearly guarantees that the pokémon will work better defensively than offensively, and the opposite is true, too. HP aids a defensive build, letting you having not that high defenses. But if we use this criteria, by having non-astronomical defenses thanks to good HP means it will have offenses 20% as non-astronomical, tops.

I'm not totally happy about this criteria, BTW, so if someone has a better idea, PLEASE propose it in the process guide workshop topic.

BTW, I voted "balanced". I'd love to expand on my reasons, as well as trying Revenankh, and writing a bit more about the style criteria, but I don't have that much time now. So, more in a few hours.
My point is in the opening post, he said BOTH defenses have to be higher than the HIGHEST attacking stat.
No he didn't. It says that, to be offensive, both defensive stats have to be 20% lower than the higher attacking stat. Then to be defensive, both offensive stats have to be 20% lower than the higher defending stat.

I'm not sure how to make this any more clear. You need to reread it more carefully, because you're clearly missing something in the definition. Note: The key is that the dependant stats are both 20% lower than the highest independant stat.

What about HP?
It's hard to quantify HP for a specific side, so it's just something that would be debated in the stat spread thread.

Can anyone please link me from where you got this criterion of a Pokemon being offensive, defensive or balanced?
Link in my sig has most of the information

I expect a plant on fire to be a little "rushed," so to speak, thus it should have some speed.
Can't really base how the thing would react based on a real life circumstance. Otherwise, Heatran would melt itself into a liquid.
Can't really base how the thing would react based on a real life circumstance. Otherwise, Heatran would melt itself into a liquid.
Heatran is immune to fire and lives in a volcano; how is it going to melt itself?

I only wanted the Pokemon to beat Gyarados, anyway.
My point is in the opening post, he said BOTH defenses have to be higher than the HIGHEST attacking stat. where did you get that from? I don't even see that in the opening post.

- Offensive: A pokémon is considered offensive if both the defense and special defense stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the attack and special attack stats.
- Defensive: A pokémon is considered defensive if both the attack and special attack stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the defense and special defense stats.
Maybe I should have used Time Mage version of the description rather than Dane, as it's seem more user-friendly :P
Good point.

But alas, a discussion for another day.


I still think offensive is the way to go. Two resistances? With the right movepool, this thing could hit all types for at least neutral damage. Anything but a sweeper on this guy is a waste.

His typing completely screws him over in terms of defensiveness. Stealth Rock and spikes do more damage because of the fire, and Toxic Spikes...
Maybe I should have used Time Mage version of the description rather than Dane, as it's seem more user-friendly :P
How are they different? Better not be the "offensive if attack stats are 20% higher than defense stats", because I've already shown they're different.

Maybe the description quote should've had examples in it?

His typing completely screws him over in terms of defensiveness. Stealth Rock and spikes do more damage because of the fire, and Toxic Spikes...
Since when do spikes do more based on type? Not only that, but since when do you count spikes and toxic spikes immunity towards how well something can tank? Guess Blissey isn't a defensive Pokemon then, since it gets hit by spikes and toxic spikes just as hard as this guy would, right?

Besides, have you thought about how much healing this guy gets? Leech Seed, Synthesis, and Morning Sun to name a few. That easily offsets 25% damage from Stealth Rock, especially since very little will hit him for SE damage (basically just air slash, rock slide, and stone edge).
Uhh, I don't get how people are saying just because it has a weakness to Stealth Rock that it cannot be good defensively...

Zapdos / Moltres / Articuno, Regice, Gyarados, Togekiss, Walrein, Shuckle all fair absolutely fine as defensive Pokemon, even with their weakness to Stealth Rock.

It obviously just isn't the typing. Look at the potential support movepool for a Fire / Grass; obviously with balanced stats favoring defense, this Pokemon can be fine defensively.
How are they different? Better not be the "offensive if attack stats are 20% higher than defense stats", because I've already shown they're different.

Maybe the description quote should've had examples in it?
I was being slightly sarcastic in regards to that.

Style: Refers to the relation of the offensive and defensive stats. Can be offensive, defensive or balanced.

- Offensive: A pokémon is considered offensive if at least one of the attacking stats is more than a 20% higher than the highest defensive stat.
- Defensive: A pokémon is considered defensive if at least one of the defensive stats is more than a 20% higher than the highest offensive stat.
- Balanced: If the stats don't fulfill the requisites for being offensive nor defensive, they are considered balanced.

Dane's version said:
Style: Refers to the relation of the offensive and defensive stats. Can be offensive, defensive or balanced.

- Offensive: A pokémon is considered offensive if both the defense and special defense stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the attack and special attack stats.
- Defensive: A pokémon is considered defensive if both the attack and special attack stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the defense and special defense stats.
- Balanced: If the stats don't fulfill the requisites for being offensive nor defensive, they are considered balanced.

Both are the same except one imply the collective total of two stats.
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