CAP 3 CAP 3 Sprite Submission Thread

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Wyverii, if you don't mind would you mind making a version of your sprite with KOA's colour scheme for his shiny version?

So far imo his colour scheme for the shiny is actually the best i've seen in the thread and i wondered what it would look like on your sprite.
I feel bad that only one set of sprites will be used in the end, as you guys (and gals ;)) seem to be working quite hard on these.
There are so many different requests for different shinys so i'll leave it until something can be agreed upon. Until then here:

I figured out how to animate! Yay!
I feel bad that only one set of sprites will be used in the end, as you guys (and gals ;)) seem to be working quite hard on these.

Really, but our queen did the best work, and i think she must win

PS: When i was writing this, the message of wiverii was not sended, then i edited this to say ( LOL)
There are so many different requests for different shinys so i'll leave it until something can be agreed upon. Until then here:

I figured out how to animate! Yay!

Nice. you should make the leaf a little bit more noticeable. other than that another great piece of art.:toast:

Finished the shinys, but I'm unsure about the colours. It looks like he's joined the military or something. Any ideas what I should change before the poll?
You could ditch the end of the tail which is over lapping the leaf since the leaf is the end of the tail. And try to get rid of the black block on his chin and skirt.

Maybe for a shiny you could do his skin yellow and black? Some lizards are that colour and they look cool together imo.

I was meaning to bring it to the 16 colour limit but darkening the lower sections made it far harder to pull off. All front sprites are now 16 colours (excluding white/transparent) and back sprites are 14 colours. I don't think there's any noticeable difference which would be the best outcome. The female sprites had a few artefacts floating around which I had to locate.

(Yeah, it will come out as 17/15 in a colour checker but that counts transparency/background).

Wow, I'm floored by this, beautiful! My only question is with the chestplate in the back-view, should the center area be that rounded?
Mkay, I removed the dithering then.


EDIT: Backpose sketch and female sprites coming tomorrow maybe.

I don't right like the head/neck positioning of Wyverii's. Gives it a parrot-esque look, if you know what I mean. That's just my two cents, don't take it to heart. I rarely comment on other's work anyway since I have my own to worry about.

Yeah, I don't like that about his either. I also don't like how it looks thin and the cannons look thin too. Just my two cents.

Anyways, awesome job KoA, you definitely have my vote
Mkay, I removed the dithering then.


EDIT: Backpose sketch and female sprites coming tomorrow maybe.

I'd straight-up remove the flame, if you had just the cannons and a "glow" from their inside -- it'd look a lot more "unified".
TIBW, I really like your sprite. I'm not sure what you could change without a large change in the pose as it just looks kinda stiff, you know? Like a cat that has just been shocked and his hair and tail are stiff. All of these are fantastic though.
Oh by the way, was it KoA that did the last two CAP Pokemon? If so, i'll have to say that Syclant floored me, it is rather beautiful. Revenankh is also very nice but can't compare to Syclant. His current sprite doesn't seem to match but then again it's a very complex Pokemon with a lot of different textures. I wish I was around for Syclant, that would have been a sprite battle worth watching.

By the way, I asked before and got told no but since everybody keeps going on about it. Should I bulk my sprite's cannons/armour up?


It's cuuute! xD


Thickened one on the left.

Edit2: (just noticed Hasmat's question)
Yes it is, unless you're talking about the shown circle of wood which is a matter of perspective. It's how I envisioned the sprite to be.
I'm digging Parneg's, Nopie's and Wyverii's sprites. I'm also very fond of KoA's, --T.I.B.M.--'s, and pretty much everything else here. So hard to choose...
I suppose I like Parneg's the most. It may be a little rough, but it looks ferocious. With just a little touch up, and maybe slightly more pronounced coloration, it would be damn near perfect.
Edit: That's damn cool, Wyverii
Oh by the way, was it KoA that did the last two CAP Pokemon? If so, i'll have to say that Syclant floored me, it is rather beautiful. Revenankh is also very nice but can't compare to Syclant. His current sprite doesn't seem to match but then again it's a very complex Pokemon with a lot of different textures. I wish I was around for Syclant, that would have been a sprite battle worth watching.

By the way, I asked before and got told no but since everybody keeps going on about it. Should I bulk my sprite's cannons/armour up?


It's cuuute! xD


Thickened one on the left.
Now that one is much better. The one on the right was too skinny in my opinion.
I have far more experience with slim elegant sprites so i'm a bit tentative on making something bulky. Keeps ideas coming or if you prefer I could just wrap up the whole sprite + icon + animation and leave it.

By the way, if anybody else wins and they do not plan to make an icon i'll give full rights of it to the winner.
I have far more experience with slim elegant sprites so i'm a bit tentative on making something bulky. Keeps ideas coming or if you prefer I could just wrap up the whole sprite + icon + animation and leave it.

By the way, if anybody else wins and they do not plan to make an icon i'll give full rights of it to the winner.
Could you maybe experiment with having the Males with larger teeth or fangs? I'd like to see if it would fit it.
Oh by the way, was it KoA that did the last two CAP Pokemon? If so, i'll have to say that Syclant floored me, it is rather beautiful. Revenankh is also very nice but can't compare to Syclant. His current sprite doesn't seem to match but then again it's a very complex Pokemon with a lot of different textures. I wish I was around for Syclant, that would have been a sprite battle worth watching.

By the way, I asked before and got told no but since everybody keeps going on about it. Should I bulk my sprite's cannons/armour up?


It's cuuute! xD


Thickened one on the left.

Edit2: (just noticed Hasmat's question)
Yes it is, unless you're talking about the shown circle of wood which is a matter of perspective. It's how I envisioned the sprite to be.

The left one is a lot better! Although, KoA still has my vote...
I'm still planning on making a CAP Art Gallery that will include all the good art submissions in the past that were not selected. I was debating whether to include sprites in the gallery. This thread confirms that sprites DEFINITELY will be in the gallery. No matter which one we choose, there are going to be several fantastic sprites left behind. The Gallery will be a great way to show these off for posterity.
Could you maybe experiment with having the Males with larger teeth or fangs? I'd like to see if it would fit it.


Didn't think it would work considering the size of the fangs and I don't really like the result. Personally i'd keep it to the hair and slight hue/saturation change.

Thickened one on the left.

You know what I'd like? I'd like a sprite that has the cannons thick as in the left image, and the back part of the arm armor not thick. That would make the cannons more prominent as some sort of weapon, while not making the sprite too bulky.

Just my two cents.

Thickened one on the left.

After all these edits, I must say that I think your sprite has gotten much better -- and it was very good to begin with!

I normally hate when artists change up their art because of feedback. For some reason, all the editing seems to take the art in a different direction than the original piece and it creates a "patchwork quilt" in the end. However, you have done a fantastic job of incorporating all sorts of feedback into your design without compromising the cohesiveness of the overall work.

Great job! You are remarkably talented.
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