Apprentice Program - Round Twenty Six

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Official Batting 101 Tournament 1 - Finals

The time we've all been waiting for has arrived. We now move into the final round of the first Official Battling 101 tournament. Sikh Assassin and Zakkusu have both done extremely well to get this far. Who will prevail to take home the entire tournament and make their tutors swell with pride?

Pairings done with Mekkah's Bracketmaker (lol).

Sikh Assassin vs Zakkusu

~ Evasion Clause enabled
~ Freeze Clause enabled
~ OHKO Clause enabled
~ Sleep Clause enabled
~ Species Clause enabled
~ Timed Battle enabled
~ Avoid scouting (scouting on purpose will result in a disqualification from the tournament)
~ No illegal movesets (such as Pursuit & Selfdestruct Snorlax)
~ Any Pokemon defined as "Uber" or "Limbo" by Smogon is banned from the tournament
~ Please PM logs to me after completing your battles to clear up any conflicts should they arise.

The deadline for this round is June 25, 7:00PM (GMT +8).

Congratulations to Sikh Assassin for winning the first Official Battling 101 Tournament!
Impressive, you two. Congratulations on making it this far.

Overall, largely due to the fact that I've never seen Zakkusu, I'm going to hand my support over to him. The underdog strikes again!

Sikh Assassin vs Zakkusu
i'm a bit sad that puggy lost to sikh. i just played zakkusu and i wish him the best though i honestly think there are some holes in his game he'll have to patch up before the final. gl but i predict sikh to win it.
i'm a bit sad that puggy lost to sikh. i just played zakkusu and i wish him the best though i honestly think there are some holes in his game he'll have to patch up before the final. gl but i predict sikh to win it.

What animenagai means by that is he just beat me 6-0 lol.

Anyway good luck sikh. Hopefully we can get the match arranged sooner rather than later.
Finally the next tutoring round will begin!

Best luck to both of you, particularly cheering for Sikh since he was originally a wifier >>;
Sikh Assassin vs Zakkusu

Sikh seems to be the best choice, but I'm probably saying this because Taylor is his tutor.
heh taylor more like the dude i always beat ~__^ good luck to sikh since he'll need it with all of taylors bad advice HEH

zakkusu to win it all ^__^

I've never heard of Zakkusu at all, though, which is worrying to say the least. Maybe he is even better than his tutor?! [most likely because it is gorm afterall ^____~].

Yeah, good luck to Zakkusu too.
Sikh Assassin vs Zakkusu

Sikh seems to be the best choice, but I'm probably saying this because Taylor is his tutor.

Jabba and Taylor both were my Tutors and I doubt I could have made it here without either one.
Tangerine, I'm still a WiFi-er (maybe not for long) but I don't get many or any trades now ;(
Sikh Assassin vs. Zakkusu

Doubt Sikh remembers battling me, but I do remember battling him like 4 times in a row or something on shoddy and he gave me great battles every time. Despite my prediction I wish you both luck and considering this is Pokemon, you might need it.
Zakkusu disconnected un-intentionally whilst he and Sikh were in the middle of their match. I was spectating the battle but didn't concentrate on it enough (due to me simultainuously beating gorm at this point) and therefore could not justify an overall winner. Most people backed Sikh to be in full control of the game and to come out the eventual winner, but I can't be certain for myself.

Yes, I had to note our match, gorm. <:>
Taylor did you save the log? I forgot to... I always forget T-T
But we have enough spectators including Jabba, ToF, Antique Roadshow, Gormenghast, and you.
Taylor did you save the log? I forgot to... I always forget T-T
But we have enough spectators including Jabba, ToF, Antique Roadshow, Gormenghast, and you.

If it's worth anything, I was there too. While obviously Zak could have turned it around I'd say you had control for most of the game. It's unfortunate about the disconnect.
Well, from my perspective, Sikh had the victory. He had two unknown pokemon, whereas all of Zakkusu's pokemon were known. Zak had one at really low health (11% I believe), and Sikh's remaining four pokemon were at stable health. The score was tied 4-4, but ultimately, from my view, Sikh had the victory. Jabba can probably elaborate more than I can.
Sorry, my wireless just failed in the middle, flashed off, then straight on again but i still DC'ed. I tried to get it back, but yeah, sorry....

Sikh was in control of the match however, especially as I didn't know 2 of his pokemon (and how they fared against Heatran, which was my main option to take out the rest of his team).

Man why did this have to happen in the final...
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