CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 2 (Primary Typing Poll 1)

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This is just the primary type poll, Sanjay, so if Poison is number 1 and Electric is number 2, this doesn't mean we will necessarily choose Electric as the secondary typing for Poison.
Electric: Following the trend of fast Pokemon and the sole (though common) weakness I think this is suitable. I also don't want another flying weak Poke.

Flying: Useful immunity and it can be paired with another type and Roost for interesting defensive results.

Flying's not going to win but I have to try. I wouldn't mind Dark or Poison as the winning result either.
- One of the better defensive types
- the bad attacking type doesn't mean much when it's a Utility-based Pokemon.
- Sucks up toxic spikes
- Few poison types currently in OU

- the BEST defensive type
- the bad attacking type doesn't mean much when it's a Utility-based Pokemon.
- Immune to toxic spikes, resists stealth rock
- Ground and Fighting weaknesses are easily eliminated by a second type/ability/move.​
I know Aldaron I was just saying maybe? Enough people like electric that it's possible.

A jellyfish is the only think that comes to mind, but it'd have to be water type...
First Preference: Water
-The old days of when a bulky water were on every team are pretty much gone. I think it would be interesting to bring a great water pokemon to the D/P environment.
Second Preference: Dragon
-A dragon that doesn't rip through teams, but helps its team mates do just that would be pretty cool. Plus, there are some pretty cool combinations with dragon that we could do for the second typing.:naughty:
It doesn't have to be water type to be a jellyfish :P I think a battery works for electric/poison.
How many polls are we going to have for typing?
By the way everyone, I don't know why you are drawing anything from the fact that most Electric types are fast and most Steels are slow.

Surely we could make a slow bulky electic or a super speedy steel, it's the art that will lend the flavour.

Dragon types are rarely more defensive than offensive yet plenty of people are keen on a defensive dragon.

Typing suggests nothing about stats in CAP.
Also, don't vote for Dragon or Electric! :-)

They are both Great attacking types whereas this poke is Pure Utility. We shouldnt have a good attacking type because people will feel obliged to have a STAB move on it.

Obviously some peoples' reasons for choosing Electric and/or Dragon are for their resists but several people have mentioned their good attacking coverage. That is not a plus here people!

Surely we want crappy attacking types and good resists i.e. Poison and Steel.
I don't think you have a right to claim what the community wants. I like Zapdos's ability to scare off TBolt weak things. It makes its job that much easier.

Also we could do a poison/electric Echidna/Platypus hybrid. Yay monotremes.
1. Electric

Electric only has one weakness and the only common pokemon that resist electric are ground (all the dragon types are part flying except garchomp). In addition to that, We need a CaP that isn't weak to flying.

2. Steel

Steel has the most amount of resists, which even includes an immunity to Toxic Spikes, Ice, Dragon...etc.
First Preference: Electric
Second Preference: Poison

Like everyone has said, Electric has 1 real weakness, and alot of resistances. And poison because a Toxic Absorber can come in handy.
First Preference: Poison
Second Preference: Fighting

Both are handy defensive types, one with the ability to soak Toxic Spikes and the other not giving a shit about Stealth Rock. Both have important weaknesses, but they can still be covered. Poison also seems to get a lot of votes.

And for Poison/Electric, perhaps something insane like a tailless whip scorpion with cable-like appendages would do - though those things are neither poisonous, nor do they produce any proper electricity.
It doesn't have to be water type to be a jellyfish :P I think a battery works for electric/poison.
How many polls are we going to have for typing?
If I had to guess based on the way people have voted thus far, I can easily see main type taking 2-3 (this being the first), depending on how close Poison and Electric come to each other. Seems pretty obvious one of those two will win the main type.

Second will probably end up being 3 unless there's a clear cut winner. Hopefully these won't be two day polls each though.
Poison: the only really decent Poison primary pokes we have are Drapion and Weezing, and they've both sunken down to BL, and with poison the poke isn't tripped up by Toxic or anything of the sort.

Electric: obvious reason that it will only have one real resistance, Ground, unless we pair it with something...stupid. Heh.
First Preference: Poison
Second Preference: Dragon

Poison has been an underrated type for a long time now, and I want this project to reestablish it into the metagame. It has the ability to absorb and not be effected by Toxic Spikes which have been destroying teams a lot lately.

Dragon is my second preference because every dragon is usually a sweeper. Yes, including Altaria, which DDs and then is able to sweep teams as well. I like Dragon as a type but I am not that bias.
well, it looks like it's definitely going to be poison and something...probably electric, dragon or steel by the looks of things.
1. Poison
Everything's been said; nice resistances, non-crippling weaknesses, sucks up Tspikes, etc.

2. Dark
Dark STAB would allow it to pose a threat to ghosts, which is kinda important since I assume that we're including Rapid Spin on this thing. Also allows non-dark-weak Trick Room/Perish Song/whatever else.
Poison is a definite for my first choice in type. It absorbs toxic spikes and only has to worry about ground and the random psychic thrown on pokemon.

Fighting is my second choice. I think having a resist to SR is a very nice option and the coverage Fighting provides. Again, the only thing is be wary of random Psychics and especially SpecsStar.
1. Steel
Has a ridiculous number of resistances, and the immunity to Poison never hurts, so it should be able to stay in for a while to do its stuff.

2. Poison
Same reasons as everyone else.
1. Dark

I want a pokemon like Umbreon that can be a great wall, and be able to abuse Wish, and Gravity. Maybe a Curse, Trick Room Combo?? A pokemon that can wall and Sucker Punch attacks back. STAB'ed Pursuit and Sucker Punch is Smexy:naughty:.

2. Poison

Immunity to Toxic Spikes and Toxic, can't be taken advantage of by Low Kick or Grass Knot, and has a plethora of resistances. 'Nuff said.

Well, I mainly want Dark type because of all the opportunities it can open, but Poison is also a great resisting type.
Electric-since electric only has one weakness, Fits for an offensive type will counter vaporeon,milotic,skarmory etc with levitate abilty to avoide that one weakness mentioned earlier.And should Have Base speed as electric with Motor drive and levitate ability.

My secondary typing would be something never created.

Dragon-only got two weaknesses and greats for a offensive type to counter garchomp and all other used dragons and great defence as shelgon.
i'm guessing that this will have piss poor offences, neh? because it's going to be able to do anything at all from the utility side of things.
1. Poison

For reasons stated before

2. Flying

Mono Flying would be very interesting. Nice resists make it a pretty decent type for this role.
First Preference: Electric
Second Preference: Steel

Electric would be an interesting choice for a utility Pokemon - Discharge is a nice support move, and Electric isn't too difficult to resist/immune so it shouldn't be too tough to find a good switch-in. Steel is a type that's always in need of more Pokemon, IMO, thanks to the fact that it's the only resistor to Dragon, but there are also plenty of interesting possibilities to be had with Steel types. And we could still try that "true Garchomp counter" idea, too, depending on how things turn out.
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