CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 2 (Primary Typing Poll 1)

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Because I'm feeling like a major asshole right now...

Let me lend a machete to everyone's intellectual thinking...

1. Steel

- Not only is it chuck full of goodies and all kinds of resistances... but ground always has its way with it... thats why I propose...

2. Ghost

- Thats right, ghost. I hated Metagross in ADV because of its typing... I mean, he was blocking ice beams, rock slides, 4x to psychic, flying, no poison... I mean, the list goes on... steel has proven to be a heck of a type... but (back to metagross) being psychic, it took great hits from groud because it didnt levitate. Ghost/Steel stops Lucario from Sword dancing and finishing everthing with close combat, no bullet punch, cruch is neutral (like it would be on metagross), and this ghost/steel beast can fire back with its own attacks... No more Earthquakes will bother it, dragon can kiss good bye, and with enough HP, it would make Brozong look like a little baby.
So Bronzong++ (yes, I know the typing is different, but it's basically Steel/Psychic that has a 4x Bug resistance and normal and fighting immmunies, which I consider Bronzong/Jirachi/Metagoss++)

its only weakness that it holds its fire, a LOAD of resistances and some good stats and a good move pool... I'd say this thing can change the metagame.
If by that you mean making three great OU pokemon (actually, Meta is less support than Bronzong and Jirachi which this thing would basically outclass, so two) totally outclassed, then yes, this thing would change the metagame. Not only that, but it more than likely would be incredibly broken.

I propose a Levatating Steel/Ghost. Think about this one for a while... I think it would be worth it....
As tennis rightfully pointed out you obviously didn't read the first post. Not to mention this thing would be basically impossible flavor-wise. >_>

--- As far as redeming Poison... Electric/Poison sounds great although 4x ground can ruin you... Mud Slap could make you suffer LOL but with enough speed, an electric/poison can avoid EQ's enough to fire back with Thunderbolts/Sludge Bombs/ Flamethrower (using Muk's move pool ofcourse)
But we can't give this Levitate to shed an unwanted weakness even though in theory we could do it for Steel/Ghost, right? Not that I'm suggesting that at all, in fact, giving Elec/Poison levitate is one of the many wrong things I think we could do to it.


just to thoring some ideas here, maybe we can meet Nidoking's and Nidoqueen's brother... I love to see a huge Poison/Gorund pokemon take on a whole team like back in Nido's prime RBY

All in all, I stick with Steel/Ghost.

Thats my opinion... PEACE
Nido(king/queen) weren't really that good in RBY. Being Psychic weak in RBY made them already hard to use, but being Blizzard/EQ weak was just adding icing to the cake (gogo theorymon as I never even competitively played in RBY just read a lot about it).
whats the obsession with making things as close to broken as possible, as long as its stats are decent an electric/poison type will be fine. It doesn't need levitate.
Fighting is actually a great defensive typing with psychic and flying attacks being rather uncommon

Dragon is another cool defensive typing and rarely is a dragon a utility pokemon, it'd be interesting to see where we take it
I hope you all realize a levitating poison type doesn't soak up toxic spikes. I think if we did in fact create an electric/poison type, it should have two abilities. Levitate to get rid of its annoying 4x ground weakness. The other to make it a better utility, like Compoundeyes for status. On one side you get more longevity, and on the other you get better utility options. But of course, this is assuming it will be an electric/poison, which isn't going to be decided in this poll.
Poison in OU is uncommon, with the only OU pokemon (according to Smogon's tier) being Tentacruel and Gengar. A third Poison type would be nice to have as it has useful resistances, and a change from all the Grass/Poison and Bug/Poison would be nice. Not to mention it being even more useful as a utility pokemon with auto TS removal.

Steel would be useful too with it's plethora of resistances, allowing it too set up.
First off a Steel/Ghost pokemon is possible in terms of design, but you have to think outside the box. Second you could always give an Electric/Poison the ability Filter, but that's just an assumption. Things can change drastic between now and when the ability discussion come up.
hmm...not to mini mod but i think out of everything we have...

Poison, Electric, Dark, Steel, Fighting, and Dragon. I think a poll could be made of the six with the top 3 going on to further discussion... then again that's just me.
First off a Steel/Ghost pokemon is possible in terms of design, but you have to think outside the box. Second you could always give an Electric/Poison the ability Filter.

Right, I'll start drawing up plans for my GhostieSpoon now. I'll drop this, Electric/Poison is just about as hard (jellyfish works I guess though), along with Poison/Steel or Dragon/Poison or whatever. But I'm not in a creative mood.

Filter would be intereting on any pokemon... I'm glad you mentioned that. =)

But this is not the place for an ability discussion yet, we still have to have a few more polls.
Right, I'll start drawing up plans for my Ghostie Spoon now. I'll drop this, Electric/Poison is just about as hard (jellyfish works I guess though), along with Poison/Steel or Dragon/Poison or whatever. But I'm not in a creative mood.

Filter would be intereting on any pokemon... I'm glad you mentioned that. =)
Wasn't trying to suggest that to be honest with you. I pointed that out since you guys were talking about how fanboyish it was to give Levitate onto a 4x Ground weak creature. Probably won't pull that up again until the ability poll come up.

If it helps, I have a few ideas on how to interpret an "Electric/Poison" type. Also, a Steel Pokemon doesn't have to be made out of Steel or Iron. Look at Luke.
Poison, as it has few weaknesses and three common resistances (Fighting, Plant, and Insect). It is also neutral to Dark attacks.

Fighting, as it also has few weaknesses (although Flying is pretty common), but it goes beyond the non-Dark weakness request by resisting Dark.
ground- gives it a thunder wave resistance which is always handy, and on top provides a resistance to SR which is always welcome.

poison- as many others have stated, poison has many good resistances and needs more love in OU. soaking up toxic spikes is always welcome. being immune to toxic is good as wll.
Why is nobody realizing that it's impossible flavour-wise to give a poison or dragon pokemon good utility moves? How does a poison/dragon pokemon learn things like reflect, trick room, let alone gravity?

A dragon or poison or even electric type is fine with me, but take the above into account when the secondary typing poll arrives.

Just a little note.
1) Poison -- Underused type, but coupled with good typings it will be very useful.

2) Electric -- With this typing it actually makes sense for Gravity to work. Trick Room is "meh", and Magnet Rise obviously makes great sense. With this Pokemon 4x weak to Ground type, if ability not be Levitate, then it is definitely a useful move.

I do understand that this is a primary poll, but if those two typings do end up with each other... That's just a thought.
I did read the first post. I used SD luke as an example of a late game sweeper who can prey on Metagross, Jirachi, brozong with Close Combat and finish the game, with a Steel/Ghost pokemon, that won't be a problem. Brozong has earthquake, so why can't GhostieSpoon?

If other pokemon can take care of SD, thats all well and fine... but Im talking about a pokemon that can take on great threats (I consider SD Luke one)... period. I challenge you all to sit down and write out all the resistances and immunities it has, all the hits it can take as it it spiking up, resting, spinning, wishing, Stealth rock, you name it. A couple of good stats, better hp and defences than its "brothers", and you got a wall/utility/whatever you call it.

Think of all the spots it could open up for teams, and could very well be counter for a lot of pokemon too.

That is all. No need to get self-rightous on people for giving an opinion, even if it doesnt "soak up" toxic spikes like you guys want it too. This is my picture of a good utility pokemon.
Why is nobody realizing that it's impossible flavour-wise to give a poison or dragon pokemon good utility moves? How does a poison/dragon pokemon learn things like reflect, trick room, let alone gravity?

A dragon or poison or even electric type is fine with me, but take the above into account when the secondary typing poll arrives.

Just a little note.

Yeah, its not like Weezing has Haze, Taunt, Pain Split, or Will-O-Wisp.

Drapion lacks Knock Off, Taunt, Whirlwind, Roar, and Toxic Spikes.

Muk lacks Haze and Imprison entirely.

Crobat does not have Hypnosis, Whirlwind, Taunt, or Pursuit.

Qwilfish somehow does not have Thunder Wave, Toxic Spikes, Destiny Bond, Haze, or Taunt.

Swalot completely lacks Yawn, Encore, Pain Split, and Destiny Bond.

Gengar. Venomoth. Really, I've used enough sarcasm already.

About the only things missing are Rapid Spin which is rare as heck, Screens which also aren't that common and rather meh anyway, and Thunder Wave which ended up on Qwilfish of all things. All those things take minimal effort to justify.
sexyalenjandro, you keep talking as though people have been suggesting an Electric/Poison type Pokemon, when really people have been advocating the two as primary types. If say electric were to win the primary typing poll, I personally wouldn't vote for poison as a secondary typing (at least at this point I wouldn't) or vice versa.
Ditto Jonathan, if Electric wins the primary type i will be Vehemently against Poison as a secondary type. (there will be a secondary type, I'm sure)

Likewise if Poison wins the primary type poll. Electric/Poison just doesn't have enough resists.

Steel is the most sensible typing tbh, and a Steel/Ghost would be a brilliant Rapid Spinner.

Can I ask someone in the know to clarify:
When the primary type is chosen, will there be a poll with All the other types to choose the secondary type?
Can I ask someone in the know to clarify:
When the primary type is chosen, will there be a poll with All the other types to choose the secondary type?

I'm pretty sure it's done however Sunday wants to do it.

It'll probably be a bold poll, but again, it's up to Sunday. After that, if a few typing combinations come out on top, say, 3, then the possible combinations might be put up for a click poll.
Agreeing with Jonathan and Jagged_angel, if perhaps mostly because of flavour concerns and how vehemently difficult it would be to turn in a high-quality art concept that way ( honestly, a leaky battery Pokemon? ). :/

( Silently rooting for Poison )

P.S., Flounder, you are fast. You caught me mid-edit!
Agreeing with Jonathan and Jagged_angel, if perhaps mostly because of flavour concerns and how vehemently difficult it would be to turn in a high-quality art concept that way ( honestly, a leaky battery Pokemon? ). :/

P.S., Flounder, you are fast. You caught me mid-edit!

( Silently rooting for Poison )

People said similar things about Pyroak; a burning bush didn't make sense, people were stumped, but it turned out well, didn't he?

I'm fast because I have nothing else to do. >_>

I'm stuck in a boring as hell class that my mom forced me into.

2 more hours. Weak.
People said similar things about Pyroak; a burning bush didn't make sense, people were stumped, but it turned out well, didn't he?

You could be right about that, although I personally wasn't stumped at all with CAP 3. My scanner wasn't working at the time, but I did get at least eight different ideas excluding pre-evos.
I don't get stumped easily at all when it comes to art ideas, so I have a bad feeling about Electric/Poison. That's just me, though ( hey, I never said I had a logical reason, lol ).

P.S. This conversation is getting rapidly off-topic, so we should probably stop, haha.
Ghost- Even with two immunities, the ghost type is (IMHO) underrepresented in the OU metagame. They are immune to some common attack types (Fighting and Normal), which can stop some sweepers dead in their tracks.
Electricity- Another underrepresented type, also one of my personal faves. I considered Ice for this slot, but it has too many weaknesses. The main threat to electric types (Ground) is easily predictible and avoidable.
I also agree, if either Poison or Electric wins, I'm not only not going to vote the other, but I'll do everything in my hand to convince people against pairing those type together (or any other type that would result in a 4x weakness, for the matter).
1. Electric- Like many others said, just one weakness makes this a great candidate.
2. Poison- Absorbing toxic spikes will be of great help. It also resists Revvy's fighting side assaults.
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