The Invincible Wall of UU

Hey everyone this is gengarx777. If weve battled on smogons shoddy server, you may already know (and hate) this set. Its a moveset for a clefable named moonman, and it's a tried and true beastly wall and the most powerfull wall I've ever seen. I havent tested it in OU yet but it may be useful there as well. It goes like this:


evs:252 hp, 152 def, 104 special def
nature bold

item:toxic orb
cosmic power
lucky chant
seismic toss/toxic

Here is how it works. First use cosmic power. This shouldn't be hard because of the large defences (394 hp, 242 both def stats) you already have and alot does very little after just one boost. After comfortably raising your defences, lucky chant is there to prevent any crit hax from spoiling your fun. With toxic orb+magic guard protecting against status and passive damage, your free to boost to max defense, all the while putting up a chant when needed. At max def this thing is virtually invincible, then you have seismic toss or toxic to do the damage.

So there you go. This set does work and let me know what you think. (ps if anyone has success with this in ou I'd love to hear about it)
This falls prey easily to Taunt users, especially Gengar which is immune to both Toxic and Seismic Toss. Roar/Whirlwind/Haze also makes this set useless. Also, you're allowing things to set up on you with such low offence.
It's basically a free set up for other pokemon. Even with 1 or perhaps 2 CP's Fighting types still can break through. I just don't see how something like this can work and actually be effective. I guess you could have people leave the match due to being annoyed?
I have versed this thing and wow if you let even one cosmic power in good luck bringing this thing down. It cp's then softboiled, cp's again then sb, cp's again. After 3 cp's it's not going down. On my team I don't have anything that sets up and I'm sure not all do.
One of the basic requirements of a good team, in my opinion, is having a way to deal with things that can increase stats. On top of the usual ways of dealing with them (Roar/Whirlwind/Haze), you can Snatch Clefable's Cosmic Powers and Softboiled, rendering it useless. You can use Skill Swap or Gastro Acid to remove his Magic Guard, making it possible to inflict status. Encore users can also shut this down, Trick/Switcheroo makes his moveset useless. Also, if you can use Swords Dance or Nasty Plot or other stat-up moves, or even stat-down moves like Metal Sound or Screech, you can make his Cosmic Powers useless.

So yeah, there are so many ways of dealing with this that its not funny. Last Pokemon Clefable might be a nuisance if all you have is Roar/Whirlwind.
Well if you wait until your opp's fighting types are down before you reveal this, I'm sure it could be a bitch to kill (as many cosmic power sets are). the downside to this set is you can't taunt your opponent's recovery attempts. so basically all they have to do is go to a rest-user and stall out your pp. so unless you're playing someone extremely impatient i don't see this doing much :/
Depending on the attacking move you use any poison or any ghost type will 100% wall this set, at which point its just a matter of pp stalling.

Or, the ghost is rotom/banette and can trickscarf/trickband in which case he 100% ruins this set.
I played you with this set earlier, and I can't say it impressed me much :( It's just too easily walled by a lot depending on what you choose for your fourth move, and the abundance of Close Combat spammers in UU make it difficult for you to set much up without being forced out.

It's workable I guess, but I wouldn't use it personally.
Replace Lucky Chant with Encore, or the other 4th move.

That way only Gengar walls it, or Restalkers.

In fact, you could actually Encore their use of Sleep Talk, so they are forced to switch when they wake-up.
using rest talkers to actually sleep talk is stupid if you want to stall something out. you can just rest, wait those free 2 extra turns without wasting a pp, and still have your full 16 pp.
I fought this set once yesterday, and it really did not work. I guess it must have been against you too, because it was nicknamed Moonman.

It basically went something like - double switch, i bring in Altaria, opponent brought in Clefable. Altaria Draco Meteored for like 30% while Clefable Cosmic Powered. Altaria used Psych Up while Clefable Cosmic Powered again, but then I realized that I couldn't beat it like that, so next turn I switched in CBHitmonlee into Clefable's Seismic Toss, and then OHKO'ed through the +2 or 3 defense with Close Combat.

So basically, I think first of all this Clefable gives too many free switch ins to dangerous threats, and second is that Clefable is still pretty vulnerable even after a Cosmic Power or two, but she can't really do anything to defend herself because she has no attacking power with this set. I think the best way to improve this set would be to replace Lucky Chant with Encore, or maybe even Thunder Wave or Toxic. The problem is that right now this Clefable is just not even remotely threatening, and UU full of attackers powerful enough to outpace your defense boosting
I've fought the Toxic set before, not sure if it was you or not. The problem with it was that I just stalled Clefable out by repeatedly switching between two Pokemon with Leftovers. Since Toxic does only 6% on the first turn, the damage is negated by Leftovers recovery. Plus, it is impossible to take advantage of entry hazards without switching out Clefable if your opponent has a Rapid Spinner.

I've also seen something similar to this set; a Clefable with Cosmic Power / Softboiled / Belly Drum / Return. It caught me off guard, and swept my team thanks to my lack of a Ghost.
I've also seen something similar to this set; a Clefable with Cosmic Power / Softboiled / Belly Drum / Return. It caught me off guard, and swept my team thanks to my lack of a Ghost.
Now that looks like a cool set to use.

Anyways with lucky chant I could see the use but only if they let you set up so theres better moves it could use. Also why does everybody post threads for new movesets instead of putting it in the creative moveset thread just wondering.
Stall the Seismic Toss set with Ghosts and pokemons with Recovery moves, and the Toxic set with Poison types (a lot in UU) and Steel types (hello! I'm Steelix and I'm everywhere in UU).

About the set posted by Eo Ut Mortus, why not Double Edge over Return? Magic Guard avoids the recoil.
Stall the Seismic Toss set with Ghosts and pokemons with Recovery moves, and the Toxic set with Poison types (a lot in UU) and Steel types (hello! I'm Steelix and I'm everywhere in UU).

About the set posted by Eo Ut Mortus, why not Double Edge over Return? Magic Guard avoids the recoil.

You're right, I guess my opponent didn't know that or something.
hey thanks for all the feedback about the set. first of all mine is named moonmaster, the set is named so just because i thought moonman sounded cooler in afterthought. if u fight any moonmen it means the set is catching on. secondly, i already mentioned that this set is designed for uu so you dont need to point out the gengar problem. and third, this set only works IF you take out its counters (like all good sets) so heres some counters that i have found and some teamates that could help you out

CM Drifblim- a problem because it can stat boost with imunity to ST. mantine can help as can a fast powerfull attacker like swellow

SD absol- pretty much the same issue, steelix helps here and so does poliwrath

trick rotom- havent found a good counter yet, but gastrodon with sticky hold can be useful with prediction

Steelix (and other roar phazers)- octillary or cradilly, cradilly in particular as he can set up some stockpile if u really want to bug your opponent

just to note, this set also benefits toxic spikes, then you can just use seismic toss (like i do), and is best used late game, in some cases for a shocking upset victory. the set also benefits from baton passing sd and using facade although i admit to never testing this. finally id like to stress the value of lucky chant, as that is what makes the set truly invincible once the counters are taken care of. well good luck let me know if this helps. One final word, i do not claim to have created the ultimate pokemon, just an unexpected treat that can and does devastate your opponent
cosmic power, softboiled, meteor mash, double-edge would be more like it IMO. magic guard prevents D-E recoil, if you're really feeling ballsy give it life orb cause it doesnt give clefable recoil either. then meteor mash can break stalls by increasing attack, powering up DE :)
Why the hell are you guys limiting yourselves to stuff like Double-Edged? If we're going to make Clefable hold a Toxic Orb, we might as well use it. With the status Facade becomes a 140-base move, before factoring in the STAB. Compare that to Double-Edge, which is 20 points lower in attack AND has 5 less PP to boot.

If you get in Belly Drum to support that Facade, it can even 2HKO Steelix, doing 51.13% - 60.17%. Which is something. And that's assuming they're using 252 HP/0-4 Def/0 SDef. (I think the one I KO'd with Facade once in Shoddy had S.Def investment, as it took more than 60% from me IIRC.) Compare that to Double-Edge in the same situation vs. Steelix; 43.79% - 51.69%. They barely intersect; SR damage isn't even enough to guarantee a 2HKO with Double-Edge.

If I knew better the threats of UU, I'd do damage calcs, but I don't, so I wont. (I used to have a team with Drifblim passing its subs to Clefable to use that to setup with, it worked about half the time.)
Actually, if you give Clefable a Life Orb, Double-Edge does more than a Toxic Orb'd Facade. Life Orb also gives Clefable a boost to its other attacks. Toxic Orb does have the benefit of blocking other status effects, though.
Actually, if you give Clefable a Life Orb, Double-Edge does more than a Toxic Orb'd Facade. Life Orb also gives Clefable a boost to its other attacks. Toxic Orb does have the benefit of blocking other status effects, though.

Right, forgot about stacking the effects of no-recoiling. Though the only statuses Clefable will able to absorb then will be toxic/poison and burn, as the others don't directly do any damage (sleep, paralysis, random freeze hax). I guess if you have a way to absorb sleep and paralysis...

*ponders LO Sleeptalk Facade fable? XD*