CAP 4 CAP 4 - Pokedex Entry Discussion

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"CAP4's arms are capable of hoisting huge molten rocks at the ooponent that it had gathered from from the Earth's Core".
"CAP4's arms are used as a tool to bury deep withen the ground and over 9000 feet below the Earth's Core".
Being chicken-hearted and sneaky , <CAP 4> are often hiding between herds of Pokemon when attacked.

<CAP 4> often assemble once a year to take part in a ceremony. They burrow themselves beneath the sun, with their hands clapping the whole night.

I hope my English was okey =C
" The jewels on <CaP4>'s hands are capable of sucking poison from the bodies of their afflicted allies. Some are even used in Pokemon Centers during extreme cases of poisoning."

I like this one the most. It also kinda matches with my submission "Overtime, the jewels on <CaP 4>'s hands shed and drop to the ground. These jewels can be sold at a very high price." So it's a good pairing imo.
"<CAP 4> is usually friendly pokemon. If attacked, it will dig into the ground and try to ward off it's opponent using it's several arms."
"It uses it's several appendages to protect itself. It's capable of digging underground and creating huge whirlwinds by spinning it's arms in a rapid manner"
I thought those were holes in its hands, not jewels.

I'm assuming we're making the pre-evo since X-Act's movepool won.

"After a life in the sky as a <Pre-evo>, <CAP4> is known to only emerge from its burrows to help Pokémon in need. They refuse to go back underground until the Pokémon is completely healed."
( tried to incorporate the ballooning and Persistent )

Will we be doing pre-evo entries like we did with Pyroak, or is this just for CAP4 itself?
"Digging at high speeds underground, it is known for leaving numerous pitfall traps. Most traps tend to be found in the desert"

5 minutes, w00t
"Known for being mischievous as well as curious, <CAP4> have been seen pilfering traveling caravan and tombs."

"Often <CAP4> are engaged in almost comedic battles between Revenankh over stolen good. It's believe that these fights are started by <CAP4> doing."

My attempt at this. I'm aware of grammer problems and whatnot. Will fix them when I can.
"CAP4's arms are used as a tool to bury deep withen the ground and over 9000 feet below the Earth's Core".

um, I hope you realize what's wrong with that.

"<CAP4>'s hands are used as tools to burrow deep within the ground at (you need to change this part)"
Those spots within his hands have to be pores. That animation shows the sludge used for it's sludge bomb being pumped out from them. Having those spot as gemstone seem pretty odd to me. BTW, vote for slap-stick comedy like battle between Revvy and Fidgity, because humor is good for you.
Simple but good, I think...

"The acid secreted from <CAP4>'s palms allow it to soften the ground so it can easily submerge its many hands."

"<CAP4> are rarely seen as they prefer to hide under ground, extending only their arms to the surface. However, it is common to see one of its many hands helping other pokemon above ground."

Possible Preevo dex:

"After hatching, <CAP4 jr> spends all of it's time floating through the air. As soon as it lands, it will evolve into <CAP4> and begin burrowing."
I always assumed they were gems. Mostly because of the colour from the original artwork in which it suggests so. During the animation I thought that perhaps the sludge seeped from the jewel or the jewel shifted to create an opening. It doesn't make sense to have holes that large bared to the world.
My take on it was that the circles were a thin tissue that the poison could seep through when pumped from the elbow joints.

But they could just as easily be jewels/holes or anything the community needs them to be.
May I post the ones I liked more?

"<CAP4> is extremely curious and stubborn. Whenever <CAP4> sees a human doing any kind of manual work, he will immediately imitate it until he has bested the human"

"<CAP4> has its own extensive sign language, consisting over 1,500,000 different signs and symbols made with its hands. They prefer to use this language rather than using their name."

"A FIDGIT'S brain is capable of focusing on eight different actions perfectly, using each of it's hands for a seperate action."

"PALMIRE uses its 8 powerful palms to ward off a helpless pokemon that has been ambushed."

"The drill under CAP4's abdomen can spin over 500 revolutions per second. It is harder than diamond."

"<CAP 4> are known to live in parts of the desert absolutely inhospitable for humans. Infamous for their tendency as tomb rombers, battles between them and REVENANKH are quite common and can often be very fierce."

"Often <CAP4> are engaged in almost comedic battles between Revenankh over stolen good. It's believe that these fights are started by <CAP4> doing."
^ Glad to see someone like my entry. I actually had no idea someone did a similar entry involving Revvy. While Megabite image their battle as serious one, I somewhat envisioned them as love-hate relationship spurrings. It's sorta like this:

1. Fidget steals Revvy's valubles
2. Revvy catch Fidget
3. They fight for a bit in a serious/comedic battle
4. Revvy "wins" his prize back
5. Wait for a few days and repeat from Step #1 again.

People can probably image and believe that Revenankh takes everything Spider Boy does as serious threats while Fidgit believe to be mere pranks and only kidding.
It looked like Fidgit had jewels on his hands to me. =S I might change my last submission to something else. No one's liking it too much.

1) The jewels on Fidgit's hands shed off and fall to the ground. The fallen jewels can be sold at a very high price.

2) In the past, hundreds of Fidgits were hunted for their expensive jewels on their hands and forehead. This leaded them to spending most of their time underground where they are protected from human encounters.

How do those sound?
<CAP4>, the Hand Spider Pokemon

<CAP4>'s hands are capable of using many different attacks and effects leading researchers to believe each hand has a mini brain.

Oh, and Wyverii, this'll be the second time I vote for something of yours. I like your entry.
Extremely acrobatic, <CAP 4> have been known to do 8-handed sommersaults, continuously rolling and creating large gusts of wind.

I tried to do some sort of Whirlwind/Tailwind thing here.
Ok here goes mine:

<CAP 4> uses the poison secretions that comes out of the spikes on its' elbows to defend itself when it feels threatened.

How was that?
Known as the "Mime of the Desert," <CAP4> have been known to build shelter out of Light Screens when it senses a storm.

<CAP4> strive to keep all 8 of their hands busy. This has caused some <CAP4> to neglect sleep at every oppertunity.
(This one's for vital spirit, haha.)

"Mischievous and too smart for their own good, <CAP 4> are a particular nuisance in desert areas for their tendency to steal things. Shiny, valuable objects are of special importance to them, making them even more troublesome."

"<CAP 4> are known to live in parts of the desert absolutely inhospitable for humans. Infamous for their tendency as tomb rombers, battles between them and REVENANKH are quite common and can often be very fierce."

" The jewels on <CaP4>'s hands are capable of sucking poison from the bodies of their afflicted allies. Some are even used in Pokemon Centers during extreme cases of poisoning."

"CAP4 love to play tricks on people. Hiding under the desert sand, they often grab at people's ankles and pull their legs under."

"CAP4 attacks by spinning on its drill like a top, swinging its limbs around. The drill is also poisonous."

"Known for being mischievous as well as curious, <CAP4> have been seen pilfering traveling caravan and tombs."

"Often <CAP4> are engaged in almost comedic battles between Revenankh over stolen good. It's believe that these fights are started by <CAP4> doing."

1) The jewels on Fidgit's hands shed off and fall to the ground. The fallen jewels can be sold at a very high price.

<CAP 4> uses the poison secretions that comes out of the spikes on its' elbows to defend itself when it feels threatened.
Well I like all of these in addition to my previous batch, so I'll probably wack all of them into a big 15 option poll. I feel that there's a nice mix of Jewel, Poisin and Underground references in there that everyone will find something to vote for.
Can we just not mention Delibird? Why should Delibird be mentioned in EVERY CAP Pokedex thread? :(

It's tradition. Besides, how many Dex entires mention DELIBIRD? Only Delibird's. Its an honor. Sort of.
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