CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 7 (Stat Spread Poll 2)

Who's stat spread should we use?

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Why people aren't voting on Deck Knight >_>

Come on, you know you want a Rocky Skymin in OU >_>

That said, Icy Vegeta's is pretty good too. The 140 Speed almost bought me.
Voted X-Act (before it started winning) for two reasons:

It's the slowest of all the spreads, i really don't want to see a huge speed stat here there is only 1 rock pokemon above 80 base spd (aero at 130) i would have prefered an even lower speed, but the majority has spoken.

It's also the bulkiest of the spreads, at least on the special side. I'd like it to be able to switch in on at least 2 attacks relatively easy without wasting EPs on defensive stats.
Voted X-Act, the others seem to go overboard IMO with Special Attack and Speed, if we get 125+ Special Attack and 130+ Speed then say goodbye to any sort of movepool that allows variety or any decent abilities.
Jesus....I'm having my ass royally thrashed here. To be perfectly honest, I thought I had a chance this time, but it looking like I was wrong yet again. I'll still have a tiny bit of faith I can pull a come back from out of nowhere...I hope.

the others seem to go overboard IMO with Special Attack and Speed
Excuse me but I take this with some offense. I put my heart and soul into my spread believing I did the right thing and I know other did the same but you're saying that I and everyone not named X-Act went overboard? How in God's name was we suppose to know what the community truly wanted? The community needs to be more organized when it comes to their desires because it would sure help. Forgive me if I'm being an ass to you, but losing so many time can really sprains one's ability to accept defeat =/

if we get 125+ Special Attack and 130+ Speed then say goodbye to any sort of movepool that allows variety or any decent abilities.
How do you know that? Please, don't assume the worse until it actually happens. A spread with 125+ speed could have a movepool with great variety and/or abilities.
I voted for X-Act for a few reasons-the speed wasn't overwelming(sp?), Special attack was pretty good and most importantly it had 95 base HP and Special Defense, making it quite bulky specially in Sandstorm.
Jesus....I'm having my ass royally thrashed here. To be perfectly honest, I thought I had a chance this time, but it looking like I was wrong yet again. I'll still have a tiny bit of faith I can pull a come back from out of nowhere...I hope.
Yea guess our hope is that we pull voters from the other 3...Fishin's and Icy Vegeta's are closest to ours, whereas deck knights might vote X-Act. Well as a defense against my spread, to those of you who are worried about the high speed, consider that it is only now beating weavile, scarftran (who will prolly be running timid more often for skymin), and skymin. I don't think the difference will be gamebreaking, but somewhat notable. And my response for X-Act's high special defense is that it doesn't break the mold because most rock types are notable for being able to capitalize off this. It has spdef close to ttar and cradily. Ours in ss is at a base 120 spdef level, while X-Acts is at a 200 base spdef level (with no EVs). When we're mainly supposed to be creating a special sweeper, I think the high spdef detracts. I absolutely respect X-Act and the effort he put into his spread but I have to say something =/
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