CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 7 (Stat Spread Poll 3)

Who's stat spread should we use?

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Break the Mold-Click here to see the full post.
latinoheat said:
Name: Break the Mold

An OU viable pokemon that goes completely against the stereotypes of its typing.

Type: Rock

Offensive/Defensive Bias: Offensive 20-40
Physical/Special Bias: Special -20 and lower
Base Stat Rating: Very Good

X-Act said:
X-Act needs to conform! So here I'm conforming.

The following is my truly final stat spread:

HP: 95
Atk: 50
Def: 50
SpA: 120
SpD: 95
Spe: 120
(BST 530)

Physical Sweepiness: 82 (Moderately Bad)
Physical Tankiness: 81 (Moderately Bad)
Special Sweepiness: 194 (Amazing)
Special Tankiness: 135 (Good)
Offense/Defense Balance: 20.1 (Bias to Offense)
Physical/Special Balance: -75.5 (Extreme Bias to Special)
Overall Rating: 406 (Very Good)

The point of this stat spread is to make a fast sweeper that is also quite bulky in Special Defense, going almost to the minimum allowed Offense/Defense Balance of 20. This allows it to beat Togekiss, whether it has max Special Defense or max Special Attack. In the former case, this Pokemon will, without a favourable nature, 2HKO Togekiss more often than not if it is equipped with a 90 base power Special Rock move, while in the latter case, Togekiss only manages a maximum of 76% damage using Aura Sphere even if our Pokemon does not invest any EVs in HP and/or SpD.

As I already mentioned, this stat spread assumes that this Pokemon is going to have a 90 Base Power Special Rock move, whether it being a newly-created move or a Technician'd Ancientpower. Because of this, I didn't give this Pokemon a Special Attack stat beyond 120. After all, Weavile does pretty well with the same base stat (for Attack) and having STABs of only 75 BP and 70 BP. Also, remember how Gengar used to do so well in ADV without having any Special STAB moves?

Regarding Speed, this Pokemon really does not need more than 120 base Speed. Consider all the common Pokemon that outspeed it: Weavile, Syclant, Jolteon, Crobat, Aerodactyl, Shaymin Sky Form, Ninjask and Deoxys-S. Among these, only Jolteon and Deoxys-S would dare switch into this new Pokemon, as all the others are weak to Rock. Jolteon can't do much back with this Pokemon possessing 95/95 special defensive prowess. About Deoxys-S, it's not exactly the bulkiest of switch-ins, for one thing, and anyway, you really shouldn't expect me to make the Speed stat more than 180 just to outspeed it...

About the Attack stat, it is quite low, since Rock-types are generally proficient in this stat and we are breaking the mold. 50 base Attack is like Rhyperior's 55 base SpA, to ensure that it is not allowed to do any serious damage using physical moves, just like Rhyperior can't use Thunderbolt, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Surf and Focus Blast effectively (yes, it learns all of them).

Finally, the 50 Def stat paired with 95 base HP, again low due to Rock types usually excelling in this stat, is this Pokemon's Achilles' heel. This Pokemon has 5 weaknesses, 4 of which are very common types. Having such a low Defense with these bad weaknesses allows us to give a good, or at least better, movepool for this Pokemon.

Hope you like it.

Gothic Togekiss/Mr. Goodbar
Gothic_Togekiss said:
Decided to team up with Mr. Goodbar with this spread. I have faith that our spread will pull through to the end.


Special Attack: Having the same attack points as Weavile, and he does quite well with it I might add. It's relative high toward Rock type Pokemon, but considerable average when considered to other OU sweepers. Can leave some pretty big dents in some Pokemon. Now let assume* that CAP5 gets Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, and Shadow Ball with Power Gem given on those moves there let's see how much damage it could do.

Power Gem
Life Orb'd Rockmon using Power Gem on a Standard Togekiss: [B]50% - 59.68%[/B]
2HKO with SS and/or SR up.

Lifed Orb'd Rockmon using Power Gem on 0/0 Gengar: [B]68.2% - 80.84%[/B]
Another 2HKO by Rockmon. Be warned that Gengar do carry Choice Scarf

Against Weavile: [B]126.69% - 150.18%[/B]
Killed that damn weasel. Got to worry about speed ties though.

Against 216/0 Bulkydos: [B]73.25% - 86.23%[/B]
87% chance of OHKO with SR up.

Against 120/0 Salamence: [B]98.61% - 116.9%[/B]
OHKO with SR up

Against 252/220 Calm Zapdos: [B]57.81% - 68.75%[/B]

Against 0/0 Infernape: [B]70.65% - 83.28%[/B]
Both Zapdos and Infernape are 2HKO regardless of SR

Ice Beam
Life Orb'd Rockmon using Ice Beam on 252/0 Celebi: [B]62.87% - 74.26%
[/B] Can't switch into it without losing alot of Hp in the process.

6/0 Dragonite: [B]117.28% - 138.89%[/B]
Sala and Nite are down for the count.
Shadow Ball
     Lifed Orb'd Rockmon using Shadow Ball on a 0/0 Gengar: [B]104.21% - 123.37%[/B]
Smother that damn shadow to death.

Against 20/0 Cresseila: [B]44.04% - 52.33%[/B]
I think we have someone who can stand up against it.

Against 252/0 Celebi: [B]52.97% - 62.87%[/B]
2HKO with Rock's up
Earth Power
Life Orb'd Earth Power to 252/0 T-tar faces: 59.9% - 70.79% ([B]40.1% - 47.52%[/B])
Pray you get a special defense drop upon switch in.

204/172 Calm Tentacruel: [B]69.32% - 81.82%[/B]
A wonderful 2HKO on the jellyfish.

Against 40/0 Heatran: [B]138.14% - 163.36%[/B]

Against 0/0 Infernape: [B]121.5% - 143.34%[/B]

Against 252/0 Jirachi: [B]59.9% - 70.79%[/B]
Against 160/0 Starmie: [B]97.01% - 114.29%[/B]
OHKO with SR up.

Against 124/0 Milotic: [B]58.01% - 68.51%[/B]
Easy 2HKO on the water fish.

Against 216/0 Bulkydos: [B]131.95% - 155.84%[/B]
Just in case people wanted to see what it could do to Dos with TB

: 130 in speed means that Syclant can no longer outspeed you in any such way, which is freaking great.

What does it outspeed?:
80 base speed Scarfers (Neutral natured)
Everyone below 130

What does it tie with?:
Aerodactly and the rest of the 130 crew.

What does outspeed it? This is here for the sake of countering it via speed:
Pokemon with 131+ base speed
Choice Scarfers with 264+ in speed
Fighting and Steel type priority moves.

[Special]Defense: Average defenses to counteract it's powerful special attack. It's physical defense isn't very high but it does allow it to survive weak neutral moves and not very effective moves from enemies. CAP5's special defense when under sand turned from 176 to 264. The extra boost in Special Defense combine with HP actually allow him to survive more stronger blows than it's defense.

Mr.Goodbar said:
Notable numbers concerning its defenses...
372 is the attack needed for a sure OHKO with EQ, no boosting item (the attack reached from adamant +attack base 120s)
312 is attack needed for a sure OHKO with seed bomb/waterfall (base 80 move), no boosting item but with stab/cb, 358 no stab with life orb (bulky gyarados can't reach this)

380 is the SpA needed for a sure OHKO with grass knot at maximum power, with LO, in sandstorm (azelf/infernape can't reach this)
321 is the SpA needed for a sure OHKO with surf, with LO and stab, in sandstorm (timid max SpA starmie cannot reach this)

Mr. Goodbar said:
Hmm Starmie max spatk life orb will ko ~58% of the time, though it seems most use leftovers. It takes surfs fairly well from bulky waters in SS, being left with at least 15% health including rocks, which is nice but not ridiculously good. If this thing turns out to be heavy, bold celebi's grass knot at max power will never ohko even with rocks up (though it'll have a small fraction of health left only :P). With 8 SpD EVs a choice specs togekiss's aura sphere will never ohko, sadly a standard NP togekiss will ohko with a boosted aura sphere. Metagross with max attack and lefties can OHK this with SR down every time, but earth power with LO would do a 72.5%-85.7% to a max HP/min SpD Metagross if it decided to pursuit instead.

Attack: Basically it's high enough for use in a gimmick Choice Band set, but otherwise not usable. I don't know what else to say about it since it's no going to be used much.

HP: A respectable 321 without EVs is something few Rock type Pokemon have. It helps cushion blows taken on the special side when Sandstorm is up. It probably would allow for some non-OHKOs on the physical side, but judging from all those physical monsters in OU not likely.

* Assume as in let's pretend it do have those moves.

These are your top two. Good luck to both of you, and may the best spread win!
Voting Goodbar/Togekiss. One thing I've noticed here is that we aren't breaking the mold as much as we could be. Most people seem to be choosing bulkiness (a typical trait of Rock) over Speed.

- Bulkyness over speed. While outspeeding most pokemon, the HP and Spec Defence that X-Act offers gives it more durability and stay power while still being considerably fast. I can see this Special Rock pokemon with Choice Specs and Choice Scarf just because of its speed and power.
Voting Goodbar/Togekiss. One thing I've noticed here is that we aren't breaking the mold as much as we could be. Most people seem to be choosing bulkiness (a typical trait of Rock) over Speed.

Rocks are generally physically bulky and specially not-so-bulky. X-Act's is less physically bulky than Goodbar/Togekiss, yet more specially bulky. X-Act's seems to be X-Actly what Rock-types aren't right now.
I can say with 100% certainty that the winning spread will have 120 SpA and 119+ Speed. Rooting for G_T, though X-Act's spread is good too.
Voted Gothic Togekiss/Mr. Goodbar.

Just a nit pick here. With X-Acts Cant switch in list

Weavile, and Aero would be able to switch in to this, (Areo with EQ + Focus sash or Weavile ice punch + Sash) = Pwnd with no sr up wouldnt it? Also making them revenge killers?
Though that doesnt stop you from switching out

With Goodbar/Togekiss
With Weavile slower no way it would switch in to be pwn'd but only to be a revenge killer. And with this prob running modest a Jolly Areo could kill it easy as revenge or switch in as above.
But no one said you wouldn't run jolly or switch out.

Just wondering... am I right though?
Personally, I like the fact that X-Act's spread allows this thing to switch in a few times on special attacks and even take a serious beating in Sandstorm. 120 speed is nothing to sneeze at, either. Very, very few threats can outspeed 120 in OU as it is.


The reason I'm NOT voting for Gothic Togekiss & Mr. Goodbar's spread is the lower special defense, actually. 70 base SpD is lower than what I had envisioned, and isn't bulky at all, even with the 90 in HP.

X-Act's spread allows this thing to safely switch in on special attacks without Sandstorm in play, playing to the "bulky sweeper" motif more so that G_T & Mr.G's stats could allow.

It's fine if you think this thing should be fast and frail, like Weavile, but remember that bulky sweepers are much more effective than revenge killers, as they swing the momentum back in your favor as soon as they come out on the field (think Heatran or Garchomp). Without Pursuit (a physical move), a revenge killer can only scare things away and stop sweeps... not a very offensive strategy.
Special defense is actually high on many rock types, such as tyranitar, cradily, probopass, bastidion, regirock, and shuckle. While everyone of those has high defense as well, I wouldn't say ours compares even closely to any of those (besides cradily), while X-Acts is pretty close to some of them and has very impressive special defense, especially in SS. Which is why I prefered something generally frailer...Either way though I agree they both break the mold so I won't be disappointed if X-Act's is chosen, close race so far but that's how it was last time ?_?

EDIT: I wouldn't laugh at our spdef as it reaches w/o EVs the same as a base 120 spdef pokemon in sandstorm. Also bulky sweepers tend to be slower as a check, 120 speed is pretty astounding for something that walls special stuff nearly as good as tyranitar
Where are my supporters? Daddy loves everyone who votes for me and Goodbar's spread. Help my baby come to life...figuratively. You know you want it, it's in your heart and soul. :c disturbing. I wouldn't have voted for you if I knew this would happen! :P [/joke]
It's a mixture of that, and the way Fridgetom stares at you.

I really, really like your avatar.

It all comes down to speed vs. sp defense -- and I'm torn. They both have their advantages, reasons for being higher, reasons for being lower, and individual threats/potential sweeping to be weary of.

both are excellent spreads, guys. Too excellent.
...really close. What will happen if the lead is marginal or non-existant? Anyways repeating that I prefer X-Act's spread since it offers more room for ability and movepool to kick in creatively.
Special defense is actually high on many rock types, such as tyranitar, cradily, probopass, bastidion, regirock, and shuckle. While everyone of those has high defense as well, I wouldn't say ours compares even closely to any of those (besides cradily), while X-Acts is pretty close to some of them and has very impressive special defense, especially in SS. Which is why I prefered something generally frailer...Either way though I agree they both break the mold so I won't be disappointed if X-Act's is chosen, close race so far but that's how it was last time ?_?

EDIT: I wouldn't laugh at our spdef as it reaches w/o EVs the same as a base 120 spdef pokemon in sandstorm. Also bulky sweepers tend to be slower as a check, 120 speed is pretty astounding for something that walls special stuff nearly as good as tyranitar

Aerodactyl has 75 Special Defense, Golem 65, Kabutops 70, Omastar 70, Relicanth 65, Solrock 70. I'd say there are more Rock types in the 70-ish range for special defense than the 95ish range, easily.

With only one STAB type for offense, some pretty significant Rock resists in the metagame (Revenankh, Bronzong, Metagross, Fidgit... at least Garchomp's gone now) plus Blissey as a special wall, and weaknesses to lots of priority attacks like Scizor's Bullet Punch, I don't think all-out sweeping is going to be easy for this guy even if it has 130+ speed. Having some bulk on one side of the spectrum for safer switch-in chances realy feels like it'd help for the viability of this CAP. Not to mention that 120/120 is still pretty great for attack stats.
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