CAP 6 CAP 6 - Concept Submissions

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Name: Immunity Abuser
Description: A fairly bulky pokemon that, through its typing and ability, would have the maximum amount of immunities possible.

Explanation: Yeah, the first thing that comes to mind is Spiritomb, but thats not what I'm suggesting. Spiritomb has no weaknesses, I'm going for something will a bunch of immunities. No pokemon really has the maximum immunities, and those that do aren't super bulky (Gengar and Mismagius). For example, Ghost/Steel with Levitate.

Doesn't that kind of imply a typing?
Not more so than other submissions. Doesn't "Kingdra of the Sun" imply that its going to be Fire or Grass?
Not more so than other submissions. Doesn't "Kingdra of the Sun" imply that its going to be Fire or Grass?

But if you're going for the max amount of immunities you have to have a specific typing/ability to, you know.. have the max amount of immunities.

  • Specific Pokemon types or type combos cannot be included or excluded in a Concept. Nor can other characteristics of the Concept specifically result in in the inclusion or exclusion of Types. For example, the following phrases would be illegal:
    "This is a Dragon pokemon with..."​
    "The pokemon should be immune to Ghost attacks..."
    "The pokemon should have at least 7 resistances..."
    "The pokemon should get STAB on Thunderbolt.."
Yeah, you have a point -- do you think any of the platinum rotom forms put any pressure on him though? They do pack some super effective hits with high BP.

You mean Rotom-w, the only one you see semi-regularly with a super-effective move. I'm not really seeing Rotom-f at all, since there is no hail anyway.

Not more so than other submissions. Doesn't "Kingdra of the Sun" imply that its going to be Fire or Grass?

Kinda but the second type is up for grabs. So thats basically 32 possible combinations for typing, instead of about 2-3 for yours.
Name: Bulky Paralysis
Description: A pokemon that can switch into some top tier threats and inflict paralysis on them

Something that will perhaps decentralise the metagame and give an alternative to all out offence
Concept: Horrible Typing
Description: We take a pokemon and give it a bad typing combination (there's quite a few) and do our best to make it viable in the OU enviroment
Concept: Horrible Typing
Description: We take a pokemon and give it a bad typing combination (there's quite a few) and do our best to make it viable in the OU enviroment

Eh, I'm pretty sure Fidgit does that to some extent, as well as Stratagem (Mono-Rock is ass really). Heck, you could even say Syclant does that with 2 4x weaknesses, and 2 2x weaknesses to very common types, and only 2 resists.
Concept: Special Wall

Description: A decently bulky Pokemon able to take hits well from special attacks.

Explanation: With Pokemon like ScarfTran and Stratagem (and maybe Togekiss) running around ripping through teams, it makes sense that if your Blissey goes down it's pretty much over. If there was another option it would be easier to counter these threats, as they might not be prepared to counter this guy, instead expecting a Blissey. Basically, I'm sick of Blissey being the unarguable best special wall in the meta-game.
Concept: Sleep Abuser/Status Abuser

Description: A fairly durable pokemon that does its best while sleeping, or inflicted with a status.

Why abuse status when you can avoid 3/5 major status effects with Fidgit (Immune to Poison and Electric-Based Paralysis, Vital Spirit prevents sleep).

Concept: Special Wall

Description: A decently bulky Pokemon able to take hits well from special attacks.

Explanation: With Pokemon like ScarfTran and Stratagem (and maybe Togekiss) running around ripping through teams, it makes sense that if your Blissey goes down it's pretty much over. If there was another option it would be easier to counter these threats, as they might not be prepared to counter this guy, instead expecting a Blissey. Basically, I'm sick of Blissey being the unarguable best special wall in the meta-game.

Why make another Blissey? Just for another option? Then we have to deal with all the "Blissey does this better" or "Blissey gets this, and this should too" arguements. Personally, Tyranitar does just fine countering both Scarftran and Stratagem, especially if you invest a bit in HP.
Name: Swapped your heart.

Description: You know, Manaphy does have that cool move Heart Swap, which I think is underrated quiet a bit. For this Pokémon, it should be perfectly viable to use. The current metagame relies alot on setting up ( SD Scizor, DDMence, .... ), and this Pokémon could be a nice check to them. With "Heart Swap", it could just get these boosts, while still being a threat for Scizor and the likes in general.
Name: Swapped your heart.

Description: You know, Manaphy does have that cool move Heart Swap, which I think is underrated quiet a bit. For this Pokémon, it should be perfectly viable to use. The current metagame relies alot on setting up ( SD Scizor, DDMence, .... ), and this Pokémon could be a nice check to them. With "Heart Swap", it could just get these boosts, while still being a threat for Scizor and the likes in general.

1 attack is a bit broad.
Concept: Bouncer
Description: A Pokemon that can fully take advantage of both Counter and Mirror Coat.

Explanation: Obviously, a Pokemon that can counter (pun intended) the heavy hitters in the metagame with enough bulk, and ideally a healing move, to take advantage of two powerful moves that haven't seemed to find a user without better options. Until now.
Concept: Bouncer
Description: A Pokemon that can fully take advantage of both Counter and Mirror Coat.

Explanation: Obviously, a Pokemon that can counter (pun intended) the heavy hitters in the metagame with enough bulk, and ideally a healing move, to take advantage of two powerful moves that haven't seemed to find a user without better options. Until now.

You ever tried Gatrodon with Mirror Coat/Counter/Recover/Surf?
Name: Jailkeeper
Descrption: A pokemon designed specifically to lock down options of attack, retreat and defence on the enemies team.

Explanation: I'm thinking, basically, something that can block OPTIONS, with moves like Imprison, Mean Look, stat lowering moves, Taunt, Torment, Knock Off, ect. Basically, think of it like this: common SD Lucario switches in. CAP6 would be designed to stop its set up, then lock its common moves. Blissey switches in, CAP6 Knocks Offs Leftovers, ect. It would be balanced out by the all too common 4 moveslot syndrome, because obviously, if you are running it to Imprison, you can't have it Taunt and Trick, too.

Also, I like the functional gimmick idea (that was what I was going to originally post).
Concept: "Cleaner of the fields"

Descriptions: A pokemon that can fairly quick and easy clean away all things on the field, to make a "restart" for another pokemon.

Explenation: Alot of pokemons are severly harmed by things like Spikes/Rocks or status effects. And alot of things becomes extremely dangerous in certain weathers, behind Subs or with Stat ups. This pokemons main role would be to be able to come in and clean away something that ruins your game. Like to Spin away spikes/rocks, change weather or nullify weather, remove Subs and Screens, remove stat ups and maybe remove statuses on teammembers.
It cleans the fields so that another pokemon (that would have been severly harmed by the field effects) can come in and do its thing.
Name: Jailkeeper
Descrption: A pokemon designed specifically to lock down options of attack, retreat and defence on the enemies team.

Explanation: I'm thinking, basically, something that can block OPTIONS, with moves like Imprison, Mean Look, stat lowering moves, Taunt, Torment, Knock Off, ect. Basically, think of it like this: common SD Lucario switches in. CAP6 would be designed to stop its set up, then lock its common moves. Blissey switches in, CAP6 Knocks Offs Leftovers, ect. It would be balanced out by the all too common 4 moveslot syndrome, because obviously, if you are running it to Imprison, you can't have it Taunt and Trick, too.

Also, I like the functional gimmick idea (that was what I was going to originally post).

Concept: "Cleaner of the fields"

Descriptions: A pokemon that can fairly quick and easy clean away all things on the field, to make a "restart" for another pokemon.

Explenation: Alot of pokemons are severly harmed by things like Spikes/Rocks or status effects. And alot of things becomes extremely dangerous in certain weathers, behind Subs or with Stat ups. This pokemons main role would be to be able to come in and clean away something that ruins your game. Like to Spin away spikes/rocks, change weather or nullify weather, remove Subs and Screens, remove stat ups and maybe remove statuses on teammembers.
It cleans the fields so that another pokemon (that would have been severly harmed by the field effects) can come in and do its thing.

Fidgit. It can do both things at once really. Taunt+Encore, Rapid Spin, even Psudo-Spin!
You ever tried Gatrodon with Mirror Coat/Counter/Recover/Surf?

Gastrodon has good survivability, yes, but its mediocre defense stat puts it at a disadvantage. Regardless, while as Pokemon such as Gastrodon/Swampy can manage a Counter/Mirror Coat set, that is not their best options. The Bouncer Pokemon would have somewhat limited options outside of C/MC and very strong defenses and moves built centrally around this concept.
Gastrodon has good survivability, yes, but its mediocre defense stat puts it at a disadvantage. Regardless, while as Pokemon such as Gastrodon/Swampy can manage a Counter/Mirror Coat set, that is not their best options. The Bouncer Pokemon would have somewhat limited options outside of C/MC and very strong defenses and moves built centrally around this concept.

1) Swampert doesn't learn recover
2) <--- Nuff' Said
Name: Power Legacy.
Description: A pokémon that focuses on leaving an impact on a match, even after it has fainted, by using many different moves that punish the opponents.
Gastrodon has good survivability, yes, but its mediocre defense stat puts it at a disadvantage. Regardless, while as Pokemon such as Gastrodon/Swampy can manage a Counter/Mirror Coat set, that is not their best options. The Bouncer Pokemon would have somewhat limited options outside of C/MC and very strong defenses and moves built centrally around this concept.
Doesn't that sound exactly like, uh, Wobbuffet? It's stats (Titanic HP) movepool (Encore) and ability (Shadow Tag) make it not only good at abusing Mirror Coat/Counter, but make it broken too. Remove any one of these traits, however (given that it has limited options), it will suffer from being far too predictable and unable to do much good.
Fidgit. It can do both things at once really. Taunt+Encore, Rapid Spin, even Psudo-Spin!

I see where your coming from, but Taunt+Encore is only one example. My suggestion, again, include SEVERAL different options, which could be geared toward specific threats. If I'm allowed, I'd like to pose the following set-up as an example:

A common set of Lucario is the Crunch/Extremespeed/SD/Close Combat. So, CAP6 tailored to this could look like:

Close Combat

Now it has no options to attack, while you can proceed to punish it.

To clarify, I really want something that can run an effective Imprison, with lots of movepool options but stats that don't let it abuse the moves it gains. The other moves "support" this by locking down escape, weakening attack stats, ect. Hope that makes it move clear, and less like Fidget.
I see where your coming from, but Taunt+Encore is only one example. My suggestion, again, include SEVERAL different options, which could be geared toward specific threats. If I'm allowed, I'd like to pose the following set-up as an example:

A common set of Lucario is the Crunch/Extremespeed/SD/Close Combat. So, CAP6 tailored to this could look like:

Close Combat

Now it has no options to attack, while you can proceed to punish it.

To clarify, I really want something that can run an effective Imprison, with lots of movepool options but stats that don't let it abuse the moves it gains. The other moves "support" this by locking down escape, weakening attack stats, ect. Hope that makes it move clear, and less like Fidget.

In theory, Transform + Imprison Smeargle does this.
I see where your coming from, but Taunt+Encore is only one example. My suggestion, again, include SEVERAL different options, which could be geared toward specific threats. If I'm allowed, I'd like to pose the following set-up as an example:

A common set of Lucario is the Crunch/Extremespeed/SD/Close Combat. So, CAP6 tailored to this could look like:

Close Combat

Now it has no options to attack, while you can proceed to punish it.

To clarify, I really want something that can run an effective Imprison, with lots of movepool options but stats that don't let it abuse the moves it gains. The other moves "support" this by locking down escape, weakening attack stats, ect. Hope that makes it move clear, and less like Fidget.

So you would basically give him a huge movepool to abuse Imprison? Dont be surprised if people will scoff at imprison and will abuse the huge movepool lol. If you give it good stats it will dont need Imprison to work best. If you give it bad stats, there is Smeargle for your Imprison needs - which, by the way, also is best used in a shitload of other tasks rather than imprison. Really, Imprison is a shitty move that is and will reamin gimmicky, even more than Disable.

EDIT: Second time I am beaten on time^^ this is going to be quite annoying lol... good job RBG!
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