CAP 6 CAP 6 - Concept Submissions

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In theory, Transform + Imprison Smeargle does this.

Also true, but this wouldn't have to Transform. Also, as good as Smeargle can be in ideal circumstances, I'm thinking something that could take a hit on the switch in, something Smeargle cannot claim to do. And again, I turn your attention to the second to last sentence.

EDIT: To above poster, I mean bad attacking stats, good defence. Survivability, not blitzkreig.
Concept: "Cleaner of the fields"

Descriptions: A pokemon that can fairly quick and easy clean away all things on the field, to make a "restart" for another pokemon.

Explenation: Alot of pokemons are severly harmed by things like Spikes/Rocks or status effects. And alot of things becomes extremely dangerous in certain weathers, behind Subs or with Stat ups. This pokemons main role would be to be able to come in and clean away something that ruins your game. Like to Spin away spikes/rocks, change weather or nullify weather, remove Subs and Screens, remove stat ups and maybe remove statuses on teammembers.
It cleans the fields so that another pokemon (that would have been severly harmed by the field effects) can come in and do its thing.

Fidgit. It can do both things at once really. Taunt+Encore, Rapid Spin, even Psudo-Spin!

But Fidgit can't switch in and do much on something that alredy has a Sub and some stat ups, because of his bad typing. And Fidgit also gains more in keeping SS (thats even more common now with Stratagem) than change it to any other weather. And I can't see Fidgit abuse Brick Brake any good.
But anyhow, Fidgit is the super utility and its little it can't really do. But some other pokemon could be a better Sub/Screens breaker and weather changer.
But I maybe should change the Description of mine because the first and probably only thing you think of is a rapid spinner.
What I dont like of many concept is that, in fact, they really would not add anything to the metagame. Most of them are cool concepts at best, that would not fit a hole, neither would help an underused tactic to be viable. I dont quote any post on the negative because I dont want to be blamed or open harsh arguing, but things like RBG submission or Hyra's one are good examples of what we would need
Zarator, I think the point is that everyone submits stuff but then vote should really be based on what people think is the most beneficial for the metagame, so don't criticise the submissions, let the voting do the talking on which is truly the best.
Eh, I'm pretty sure Fidgit does that to some extent, as well as Stratagem (Mono-Rock is ass really). Heck, you could even say Syclant does that with 2 4x weaknesses, and 2 2x weaknesses to very common types, and only 2 resists.

Uhhh what? Ground + Poison is a decent stab combo along with bringing 2 status immunities.

Syclant has a freaking ability to bypass the 4x SR weak and also has the movepool along with good stabs to make up for it.

You want to talk about giving us a challenge?


You get the point. I'm not saying my idea is great but a lot different from the response you gave it
Name: Ends Up A Monster

Description: A Pokemon that gets stronger and stronger without ever having to spend turns stating up.

Explanation: There's no move sexier than Meteor Mash. However, there are many other ways we could do this, too:

  • Charge Beam
  • Speed Boost
  • Spin-off Speed Boost (boosts a different stat)
  • Seed Flare (to "kind of" do it)
  • Rollout! Ice Ball! Fury Cutter!
  • Something completely different (with a project so creative and open-ended, this is always an option)
This Pokemon certainly wouldn't have to be Steel, but Doug did mention in the last CAP how amazing it would be to make a fast, frail, sweeping Steel, and frankly, I agree with him. :)
Uhhh what? Ground + Poison is a decent stab combo along with bringing 2 status immunities.

Syclant has a freaking ability to bypass the 4x SR weak and also has the movepool along with good stabs to make up for it.

You want to talk about giving us a challenge?


You get the point. I'm not saying my idea is great but a lot different from the response you gave it

Ok: We already did "break the mold", how is this that much different. Plus, Mountaineer is only on the switch in. Really, its an OK concept, but we need something that helps the metagame right now, not another random "this is cool lets do it" concept.
I know I'm novate in CAP, and I visit the server a few times [However I think I'm more useful in Art Polls], but I'll put a submission, maybe I may inspirated someone here.

Concept: Masochist
Description: OU viable pokemon who hurt himself to get some kind of advantage.

Explanation: I'm seeing a Belly Drum user, Reckless,or Moves with recoil damage, etc. Maybe this sounds lame, but we can make a new ability that get an advantage with self-hurting moves.

I prefered a bulky pokemon, that easily can wall the latest CAP pokemon or the most used pokemon in CAP server. It tooks damage from the other pokemon and itself,... and easily can defeat 2 or 3 pokemons.
I totally forget it. Sorry. Yeah Reckless will be a good ability, but I'm giving examples. Maybe a variation of Reckless....
Concept: Item Abuser

Description: A pokemon that is not severely hindered by, and can take advantage of, any item.

Explanation: Something like this would make a nice switch in into the wave of new Trick leads that Platinum has brought. Trick really is a devastating move, and this pokemon could serve as a 'counter' of sorts. So many pokemon get messed up with Choice items: be it a wall who cannot alternate moves any more or a sweeper stuck with a choice item of the wrong spectrum. This pokemon should be able to use almost any item to its advantage, or at least not suffer enough to warrant the opponent using Trick on it. This can be achieved in many ways, but examples which I can currently think of would be by having an ability somewhat like Klutz or Sticky Hold, or having decent mixed stats to the point where a different choice item just lets it hit harder on one spectrum. A wide movepool and not glass-cannon frail stats would help it do this.
However, that is not all I think this pokemon should be able to do - with its ability to use almost all items effectively it could become a very unpredictable pokemon, as you never know what item it could be using.

Thanks, LR.

EDIT: OK, I didn't see Mekkah's post while I skimmed through the thread, but my concept isn't designed solely for that purpose. I've changed the wording around a bit to show what I mean.
It's a rhetorical question, really. If you realize that you can't find your post anywhere in this thread, it was probably deleted for a reason. So I would like to make this clear to everyone. If your concept submission was deleted, then it probably means your concept was not legitimate according to the rules of the OP. Just reword your concept so it does follow the rules or come up with a newer and better concept. We do not appreciate you guys posting the same things over and over again after we delete them, so please take the time to make sure your concept is valid.

Cosmos: I believe all CAP projects are focused on exclusively DPP OU. Don't post concepts related to the ubers metagame.

LR: Your concept is almost exactly the same as Mekkah's.
Concept: Predictable

Description: Can do one thing, but it does it extremely well. It would be very specific in what it can do, likely having very few niches. Since it only does one thing well, it would be counterable by a large portion of the metagame.

Explaination: examples could be heracross and slaking. When you see them, you know exactly what's coming, with very little variation. This does not mean the concept is restricted to physical sweepers. It could be a sweeper, tank, wall, or other, on the condition that it is very predictable.
Lets throw this in:
Name: Tier-Tossup
Description: Something that can handle top tier threats but falls to some lower pokemon

I am rather sick of the same group of Pokemon coming again and again. This could enrich the metagame by bringing some lesser seen Pokes into the OU area while reducing spammage of the EXTREMELY overused Pokes (and you know who I'm talking about..)
Concept: Most Annoying Pokemon of the Year.

Description: A usable agitator for the OU metagame.

We had Aipom back in the day. It wasn't good for that much, but when used right, it was annoying. Now that it evolved into something of value, a good, fast agitator is almost impossible to find and use properly. We need to see the most annoying type of Pokemon make its way into OU territory.
Description: This pokemon will have extremely high speed and priority attacks making sure it can hit before it dies, however it shall be hindered by other stats and/or ability and typing.
Weather Starter
A Pokemon that can easily set up any weather condition.

Weather teams are fun, but except for Sand and sometimes Hail they're hardly ever seen. (Kingdra's new and improved Platinum version has brought out a few new Rain teams, but they're still not that common.) A Pokemon that specializes in setting up a particular weather could go a long way towards making such teams viable. General weather-boosted moves such as Weather Ball, Thunder, Solarbeam, Blizzard, and any Water or Fire type moves could help it avoid being dead weight until the timer runs out on the weather.
Concept: Most Annoying Pokemon of the Year.

Description: A usable agitator for the OU metagame.

We had Aipom back in the day. It wasn't good for that much, but when used right, it was annoying. Now that it evolved into something of value, a good, fast agitator is almost impossible to find and use properly. We need to see the most annoying type of Pokemon make its way into OU territory.

Sorry, but I really cantunderstand what you mean with agitator... annoyer perhaps?
Why use drizzle/drought? Why not use some ability that not only sets up Sun/Rain but also (for example) sets up stealth rock... on your side of the field.
Name: Master bait.
Description: A Pokemon that has a great movepool/ability/typing to act as a lure to counters for an extremely threatening sweeper. This Pokemon will draw in the counters of such Pokemon and kill them in some way, paving the way for a sweep.

Additional info: Think of it as Lucario for example. Lucario has such a big movepool to use in it's Swords Dance set, that when you use one move over another, a new counter is made. For example If one chooses to use Stone Edge over Ice Punch for Zapdos and Gyarados, Gliscor is a counter. If it uses Extremespeed over Bullet Punch, it isn't hitting Gengar anytime soon. Therefore, it will be able to "suprise" it's 'counter'. I'm not saying you shouldn't create it because Lucario can do this role to some extent, but do it differently. Maybe a special based lure?
@Helios: Auto-Rain/Sun is borken and you would want also something that also set up SR? Sounds just ridicolous to me... Oh, and BTW, it is also an illegal submission because you would suggest an ability in the description, im glad that pretrie911 has changed its submission

@GEC: the entire point of a lure pokemon is that I dont know it is a lure. If I know said pokemon is a lure, why I would ever have to switch in the to-be-lured pokemon? And if you say that it could be able to lure a wide range of pokes, you are better off with either a wall-breaker for tanks or an annoyer for sweepers.
Name: A Wall Unlike Any Other
Description: Wall-breaking has become extremely easy now, but this unique wall has more to it than just good defensive stats, whether this is through strange typing, ability, or anything else to hinder the conventional methods of wall-breaking.

Okay, that's about as far as I can go without getting too specific. What I basically thought we'd need for the metagame is something very unique that puts a whole new twist on walling - what I really had in mind, before reading that specific abilities couldn't be mentioned, was a wall with either Unaware or Magic Guard, just as an example of two possibilities, not a requirement or anything. Unaware would ignore stat-boosters, making it harder to overwhelm for the common sweeper, and Magic Guard would be a protection from status, Leech Seed and entry hazards. Those are just two examples and I'm sure more could thought up. (by the way, I don't see Clefable and Bibarel as particularly viable walls)
@Helios: Auto-Rain/Sun is borken and you would want also something that also set up SR? Sounds just ridicolous to me... Oh, and BTW, it is also an illegal submission because you would suggest an ability in the description, im glad that pretrie911 has changed its submission
I was saying it sets up Stealth rocks on YOUR side of the field, as your pokemon are now taking damage from the rocks. Anyway, meh...
A-ha! I was going to post this one, so of course I support it. Maybe people will disregard it because it's a "boring" concept, but in order to attain an equilibrium between offense and defense in the metagame, I think we need this pokémon.

Gogo Great Wall!

I also support this although for different reasons.None of the past CAPs (baring fidgit) have come even close to be called a wall.Sure we have CAP tanks, but I think having a CAP wall would be really interesting.
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