CAP 6 CAP 6 - Part 15b - Sprite Poll 1

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Throwing my hat in the ring for Doug and Cartoons!

I feel that I've connected a bit with Doug since the premiere of the first CaP sprite poll. (Which ironically, was exactly a year ago). He became a good friend of mine on Smogon and I see exactly how far he really has come in spriting and art in general.

Man, you really improved alot from:

And Cartoons! has been another advent supporter of CaP. I remember when he leapt in fo CaP 3 I think and took us by storm. I am constantly in awe by his artistic feats!

I don't know him as well as Doug, but I consider him a friend too.

Yeah, I'm pullin' for them. My sprites weren't as great this time around.
Oh, you know I love you too.

You were my main rival for CaP 2, if memory serves correctly.

It was a tough choice for the second place, but Doug won in the end. Though Cartoons shiny scheme is still plain unadultered awesomeness.
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