Suspect Fireworks (Suspect Warstory)

I've been playing around on the Suspect ladder recently. I really wanted to try out the power of Specs Latios, thus I built a team around it, supporting its weaknesses and basically guaranteeing it kills one or two things per match. After a good deal of matches in which I received positive results (win or lose, I was impressed with Specs Latios), I got into a match with Guardian, who had a rather unique team.

Note that this match is a good example of why I absolutely hate prediction ;__; I know it can be the deciding factor of any match, but it sucks when overprediction occurs, or if you yourself get outpredicted and end up in a bad situation, rather than a safe one >.< Enjoy the warstory.

Red text refers to Guardian's Pokes
Green text refers to my Pokes
Purple text represents my commentary
Leftovers, SR, etc... will be shown once and then removed
Teams are revealed at the end to keep suspense


Ladder Match
Sleep Clause
Freeze Clause
OHKO Clause
Evasion Clause
Species Clause
Strict Damage Clause
Soul Dew Clause

The Match begins...


Mr.T sent out Aerodactyl
Guardian sent out Rhyperior
Aerodactyl is exerting its pressure!
Aerodactyl used Taunt.
Rhyperior fell for the taunt!
Rhyperior used Avalanche.
It's super effective!
Aerodactyl lost 62% of its health.
kingjames has entered the room.
Aerodactyl used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!
Rhyperior used Stone Edge.
It's super effective!
Aerodactyl lost 38% of its health.
Mr.T's Aerodactyl fainted.

Things are looking good so far; I got my Stealth Rock up, I have a Taunted Rhyperior with no Sandstorm up, and I have 5 other team members who can hit Rhyperior for super effective damage. I don't want to bring in my trump card, and I don't want to take my chances of Mamoswine / Scizor not OHKOing, so it's up to the star of the show!

Aerodactyl // 0%
Rhyperior 100%

6-5: Guardian

Mr.T switched in Latios
Latios used Surf.
It's super effective!
Rhyperior lost 100% of its health.
Guardian's Rhyperior fainted.

Magnificent! A solid, clean OHKO. Normally this may seem like some wishful thinking on my part, but I doubt a Pursuit user such as Tyranitar is coming in. Even if it is, it needs a Choice Band to directly threaten me (non-CB Pursuit doesn't KO if Latios stays in). Locked in Surf isn't the most beneficial situation for me to be in, but Draco Meteor would've been worse, and Grass Knot would've been too easy to find a resistance for.

I'll have to play my cards right to get the upper hand in this match.

Latios // 100%
Rhyperior // 0%

5-5: Even

Guardian switched in Blissey
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Blissey lost 12% of its health.

Oh no. A Blissey! My team can handle Blissey very well, but finding a safe switch in is pretty difficult. First off: There is no way in hell I can stay in. Second, Thunder Wave incapitates a good deal of my team, and while I have Mamoswine, I fear Toxic. So here are my best options: 1) Go to Scizor, take a Toxic, Pursuit for high damage, and get the hell out (Zone destroys me here). 2) Go to Mamoswine to take the Thunder Wave, and 2HKO with Earthquake regardless of EVs.

In the end...I trust...


Mr.T switched in Mamoswine
Blissey used Toxic.
Mamoswine was badly poisoned!
Mamoswine is hurt by poison!
Mamoswine lost 6% of its health.
Blissey's leftovers restored 6% of its health

Oh come on! The one Blissey that still runs Toxic (yep, Twave causes more grief in todays fast-paced metagame) ends up on my opponent's team. Not only that, but it uses Toxic on the Mamoswine switch in T__T Poor Mamo, he's running on borrowed time, however, he can now hammer things with a LO Earthquake!


Guardian switched in Suicune
Suicune is exerting its pressure!

Pointed stones dug into Suicune.
Suicune lost 12% of its health.
Mamoswine used Earthquake.
Suicune lost 44% of its health.
Mamoswine lost 10% of its health.
Suicune's leftovers restored its health a little!
Suicune restored 6% of its health.

The majestic water dog took a giant chunk from Earthquake, barely missing a 2HKO with Stealth Rock. That makes me think it's a CroCune, since it's freaking bulky as hell. Don't sue me for using LO Mamoswine over CBer, I needed some freedom when using my moves, especially on a team-destroyer such as Mamo. I still have a lot of use in Mamoswine, and another Earthquake won't kill it, so it's off to Latios to soak the ever obvious Surf.

Mamoswine // 72%
Suicune // 50%
Blissey // 94%

Mr.T switched in Latios
Suicune used Surf.
It's not very effective...
Latios lost 14% of its health.

Success! Whatever comes in is taking a heavy powered Draco Meteor (plus, I may get lucky and hope he overpredicts, and expects me to switch to a Pursuit user on his Blissey). I'm going out with guns blazing.


Guardian switched in Blissey
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Latios used Draco Meteor.
Blissey lost 36% of its health.
Latios's special attack was harshly lowered.

Okay, I really overhyped Specs Latios's power. I expected it to shave nearly 50% off the pink blob, but it barely scratched her. Now anything I bring in is going to either take a Seismic Toss hit, or take a Toxic. Luckily, Scizor can handle both easily and Pursuit Blissey to hell...Yeah let's go with that!

Latios // 86% (- 2 Special Attack)
Suicune // 56%
Blissey // 52%

Mr.T switched in Scizor
Blissey used Wish.
Blissey made a wish!
Blissey used Protect.
Blissey protected itself!
Scizor used Pursuit.
Blissey protected itself!
The wish came true!
Blissey restored 43% of its health.

Argh, outpredicted, and now I'm locked into Pursuit while Blissey got a free Wish off. I at least know most of its moveset (Protect / Wish / Toxic / ???) The last one is probably Seismic Toss, which is good since Scizor doesn't have to fear Flamethrower. Ah well, two wasted turns, bad prediction and wishful thinking on my part. It's Mamoswine's turn to finally shine! (in all honesty, he should've come in first).

Scizor // 100%
Blissey // 100%

Mr.T switched in Mamoswine
Blissey used Seismic Toss.
Mamoswine lost 28% of its health.
Guardian switched in Skarmory
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Mamoswine used Earthquake.
It doesn't affect Skarmory...
Guardian switched in Suicune
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Suicune.
Mamoswine used Ice Fang.
It's not very effective...
Suicune lost 13% of its health.
Mamoswine lost 10% of its health.
Mamoswine is hurt by poison!
Mr.T's Mamoswine fainted.

Mamoswine has definately had better days, however, there was little I could do against the combination of SkarmBlissCune. Even now, Suicune stands at less than half health and able to wall a good deal of my team (which is pretty sad if you ask me). I really want to kill Suicune while switching, so U-Turn is the ideal move to use, however, there is the off-chance U-Turn misses the KO, so that's unreliable. I don't want to bring in Latios and let Blissey switch in for free and get that ever annoying Wish + Protect thing going.

It was around here I considered going to my late game sweeper (shall remain anonymous until revealed). However, Skarmory remains at full health, thus allowing it to completely wall and PHAZE my attempts of winning this match. Plus, my late game sweeper is unable to KO Suicune without any boosts, even at 37% health. Hmm...

Mamoswine // 0%
Skarmory // 88%
Suicune // 37%

5-4: Guardian

Mr.T switched in Scizor
Scizor used U-turn.
Suicune lost 34% of its health.
Mr.T switched in Latios
Suicune used Rest.
Suicune restored 97% of its health.

Okay...So let me get this straight. Scizor has 394 Attack, with a Choice Band, Adamant nature, 252 Attack EVs, and a 31 Attack EV, it equals 591 Attack. 12 points short of a Choice Band Tyranitar's Attack. That's pretty damn strong. U-Turn is a 105 Base Attack, more than the average Earthquake. Yet it can't even finish off a weakened Suicune?!?!

I did some damage calcs here, and realized the absolute maximum I could've done was 36.39% 36.39% <--- Why? Why am I .61% short of killing Suicune? Why!

Anyway, Suicune's back to 100% health, which is a major pain in the ass for me and the rest of my team. Not only that, but now if I Draco Meteor, Blissey is going to come in and steal the show. However, he could outpredict me and expect me to go to Scizor, stay in, and wall me indefinately. Tricky tricky...I decided that Draco Meteor would be the best option, since it dents everything pretty decently. Blissey can go take a hike since I'll Pursuit its ass with Scizor (he can't predict it twice in a row).

Guardian switched in Blissey
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Latios used Draco Meteor.
A critical hit!
Blissey lost 70% of its health.
Latios's special attack was harshly lowered.

Wow! I get some luck! Who'd have thought? Even with a Specs Draco Meteor, Blissey still takes it like a beast, and even though Blissey's at less than 1/4 of her health, I doubt I can finish the job. Ah well, no harm in trying, that fatass needs to go!

Scizor // 100%
Latios // 86% (-2 Special Attack)
Suicune // 100%
Blissey // 24%

Guardian switched in Skarmory
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Latios used Draco Meteor.
Latios's attack missed!
Mr.T switched in Heatran
Guardian switched in Jolteon
Pointed stones dug into Jolteon.
Jolteon lost 12% of its health.
Guardian switched in Latios
Pointed stones dug into Latios.
Heatran used Fire Blast.
Heatran's attack missed!

Two misses in a row, I guess they weren't exactly crucial, but a hit on both an incoming Latios and a Skarmory is always appreciated. So far, I've noticed his team is very defensive minded, however, the only real offenses I've seen are special based, which is arguably worse news for me since my team has high physical defense, but rather low special defense. Perfect. Heatran locked in Fire Blast against a healthy Latios is bad. So bad in fact, I'm shivering in my pants (well, not really, but you get what I mean). I don't want anyone to take a Draco Meteor, but I've got to trust Scizor to take it, and hopefully Bullet Punch it for the 2HKO.

Also noting a foe Jolteon. That too is bad news, since it outspeeds a majority of my team, and Jolteon + Latios handle Scarftran relatively well (unless I Dragon Pulse, hehe). Specs is likely the only set it's running, but a Baton Passer could be ass to my team, that's for sure.

Latios // 86% (-2 Special Attack)
Heatran // 100%
Skarmory // 76%
Jolteon // 88%
Latios // 88%

Mr.T switched in Scizor
Latios used Dragon Dance.
Latios's attack and speed were raised.
Scizor used Bullet Punch.
Latios lost 71% of its health.
Latios used Earthquake.
Scizor lost 71% of its health.
Latios lost 10% of its health.
Guardian switched in Skarmory
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Scizor used Bullet Punch.
It's not very effective...
Skarmory lost 15% of its health.

It was about time I finally saw Guardian's Latios! I anticipated a Surf or Draco Meteor, or even a Calm Mind, so my Latios check Scizor was called to battle. Unfortunately, it ended up being a (rare) Dragon Dancer, which took more health from Scizor than I would've liked.

Skarmory's out again, and now it's gonna get a free Roost. I know it's gonna Roost; there's nothing I can do about it. I have to pace myself to find the best universal switch that: 1) Won't be scared of his Skarmory 2) Doesn't require set up 3) Can do a lot of damage. Can you guess who it is?

Scizor // 29%
Latios // 9%
Skarmory // 49%

Mr.T switched in Latios
Skarmory used Roost.
Skarmory restored 50% of its health.
Latios used Draco Meteor.
It's not very effective...
Skarmory lost 75% of its health.
Latios's special attack was harshly lowered.
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered everywhere!
Guardian switched in Suicune
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Suicune.
Latios used Draco Meteor.
Latios's attack missed!

I knew that was going to hurt =] Even through a resistance, Draco Meteor decimates it; a 2HKO. As of now, however, a healthy Suicune sleeping is pretty much fodder for anything on my team, or at least would be provided I could take it out in 2 hits. I don't want it to wake up and begin Pressure stalling, so I have to find a way to break through its legendary defenses. The options I have include Scizor's U-Turn right to Latios for a Draco Meteor, or Scizor's U-Turn to Heatran's HP Electric, which is admittedly safer. However, after doing some calculations:

Scizor's U-Turn vs. Max/Max Suicune: 36.39% (max)

Heatran's HP Electric vs. Max/Min Suicune: 40.10% (max)

Not even a 2HKO, whereas Latios's Draco Meteor ensures a 2HKO, even when doing min damage (75.25%).

Latios // 86% (-2 Special Attack)
Skarmory // 24%
Suicune // 94% (Sleep)

Mr.T switched in Scizor
Scizor was hurt by Spikes!
Suicune is fast asleep!
Scizor used U-turn.
Suicune lost 34% of its health.
Mr.T switched in Latios
Suicune is fast asleep!
Latios used Draco Meteor.
Suicune lost 72% of its health.
Guardian's Suicune fainted.
Latios's special attack was harshly lowered.

The scoreboard is even once more, all thanks to the absurd power of Specs Latios. Things are starting to look really good; Skarmory is at low health, Suicune is dead, and Blissey is handled by a good portion of my team. There is, however, one speedy sweeper whom I had not forgotten that will definately cause me trouble...

...Yeah it's Jolteon. It outspeeds the rest of my team bar Scarftran, who can hardly switch in due to its powerful Thunderbolt. Latios gets done in by Shadow Ball / Signal Beam, and my last sweeper doesn't like Thunderbolt at all. Ugh, this'll be quite a pain.

Scizor // 17%
Latios // 86% (-2 Special Attack)
Suicune // 0%

4-4: Even

Guardian switched in Jolteon
Pointed stones dug into Jolteon.
Mr.T switched in Scizor
Scizor was hurt by Spikes!
Jolteon used Shadow Ball.
It's not very effective...
Scizor lost 5% of its health.
Mr.T's Scizor fainted.
Jolteon lost 10% of its health.
Mr.T switched in Heatran
Heatran was hurt by Spikes!
Heatran used Fire Blast.
Jolteon lost 66% of its health.
Guardian's Jolteon fainted.

Scizor didn't really impress me much this match honestly. Sure, it scared away a physical (lol) Latios, but it couldn't kill that Suicune at around a third of its health =/ The electric puppy didn't threaten the rest of my team much, but getting it out of the way via Heatran isn't a bother. Now, the scoreboard is even once more, on my side, I still have Heatran, Latios, and my trump card (shall be revealed at the end). He still has Blissey (who is most definately going to switch-in now, nothing I can really do), Skarmory, and his own Latios. Blissey is going to switch-in, but that's when I realized something...

...Blissey is at 24% health. With Stealth Rock, Blissey's going to be sitting at 12% health, more than enough for Fire Blast to murder it. Skarmory...Blissey...Latios, all go down in a single hit from Fire Blast. I've got this in the bag.

Scizor // 0%
Heatran // 88%
Jolteon / 0%

3-3: Even

Guardian switched in Blissey
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.

Here it is, Blissey's at 12% health. I ran some damage calcs, and even a max HP / max Special Defense Blissey takes 16.11% minimum from a Timid Heatran's Fire Blast. Say goodnight fatty ;D

Heatran used Fire Blast.


Heatran's attack missed!


Blissey used Wish.
Blissey made a wish!


This is just plain cruel, Heatran, how could you fail me like this? After all those battles we're been together, suspect matches, all those Dragon Dance Gyarados we revenge killed with HP Electric, the confused looks on their big-lipped faces as they go down in an electrical mess. Heatran, you my friend are a suspect for getting kicked off this team!

Okay, so Blissey is going to use Protect, get to 70%+ health, and stall out Heatran and Latios. Wonderful. Normally, this would be "gg" for me, however, I still have my trump card I haven't revealed. Guardian knows I have one last Pokemon, yet he doesn't know what it is. It could be anything, even a Blissey of my own (though it isn't, I don't use Choice Band Blissey). It's about time I let the tiger out of the cage.

Blissey // 18%

Mr.T switched in Metagross
Metagross was hurt by Spikes!
Blissey used Protect.
Blissey protected itself!
The wish came true!
Blissey restored 50% of its health.
Guardian: wow
Guardian: that might cost you the game...
Guardian: depends...
Mr.T: Kind of makes up for the crit
Guardian switched in Skarmory
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Metagross used Agility.
Metagross's speed was sharply raised.

Yes! Yes! Setting up Agiligross was a success! I've noticed a huge amount of Metagross + Gliscor in suspect, and even more Agiligross. I've never used one, but I was eager to try it. Boy...does it rape, especially when given a free chance to set up (seen here). Still, there are a few issues with his sweep, mainly, Skarmory. I honestly don't even know if Ice Punch can do 12% to Skarmory...The whole match is honestly based on this Ice Punch...*crosses fingers*

Metagross // 88% (+2 Speed)
Blissey // 74%
Skarmory // 12%
Metagross used Ice Punch.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Guardian's Skarmory fainted.
Metagross lost 10% of its health.

YES! It did KO, praise Metagross! After I breathed my sigh of relief, I did some damage calcs and found Ice Punch does 20.36% minimum to even max HP / max Defense Skarmory, so I was going to kill it regardless.

Metagross // 78% (+2 Speed)
Skarmory // 0%

3-2: Mr.T
Guardian switched in Latios
Pointed stones dug into Latios.
Guardian's Latios fainted.

3-1: Mr.T

Guardian: gg
Mr.T: g
Guardian switched in Blissey
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Mr.T: *gg
Metagross used Meteor Mash.
Blissey lost 61% of its health.
Guardian's Blissey fainted.
Mr.T wins! (3-0)

- Metagross, for being a solid force as always
- Latios, for its massively powerful Draco Meteor
- Mamoswine (for being cute)
- Guardian for the great match

- Fire Blast and Heatran >____<
- SkarmBlissCune for being so hard to stop
- Scizor...for not impressing me that much =(
- Damage modifiers, and hax. Oh my god how many times does Heatran and Latios MISS?

Guardian's Team

Mr.T's Team

Awesome, kept me interested to the end. I really knew what you were thinking at each point in the match, which is a key to a really good warstory. Reading this has given me 1. A way to beat Suicune and 2. A reason to use Flamethrower over Fire Blast. Heh.

Scizor didn't really impressive me much this match honestly.
Anyway, nice job.

P. S. Blah blah nice formatting, easy on the eyes, etc.
This was extremely nice formatting, I may have to steal some of it. There was a little but of "hax" in this match, but it was interesting and I really liked it.
That was quite a bit of missing in that match...

Why not add general hax in the cons part?

Eh, most of the misses wouldn't have done much (-2 SpA Draco Meteor on Skarm, Fire Blast on Latios). I will add it though, looking back I did miss a lot.

This was extremely nice formatting, I may have to steal some of it. There was a little but of "hax" in this match, but it was interesting and I really liked it.

Thanks ;D

Man, I was really hoping your trump card was Honchkrow...but anyway it was a fun read.

Who knows? My next warstory could have the Don Bird in it.
Eh, most of the misses wouldn't have done much (-2 SpA Draco Meteor on Skarm, Fire Blast on Latios). I will add it though, looking back I did miss a lot.
Heh, that's what keeps the game interesting. You're lucky Meteor mash didn't miss Blissey.

It's good to see Agiligross coming back from its prime time in RSE.:nerd:
It's good to see Agiligross coming back from its prime time in RSE.:nerd:
Agiligross is a beast and it will definitely start tearing up the suspect ladder later in the future.

In all honestly, this was an entertaining warstory to read. Even though there were some moments that made me cringe (looking at you heatran >_>), it was a great battle nontheless. Nice metagross sweep.

I'm really surprised Guardian's suicune only took 34% from a choice banded U-turn from a scizor (expected to deal something like 42-45%).
this was a great match. nice formatting. I want to make a warstory so badly now... but I can never get a good match. at least it's nice to know that those who do are making warstories out of them. gj
Heh, that's what keeps the game interesting. You're lucky Meteor mash didn't miss Blissey.

It's good to see Agiligross coming back from its prime time in RSE.:nerd:
Yeah, but all Blissey could have done was Seismic Toss, and Metagross was at 70%.
Good warstory, although it is a bit hard to read with green/red as most people who are color blind mix those two up :( It didn't really affect the battle and I still understood what was happening, so no big deal. Great job.