CAP 8 CAP 8 - Art Submissions

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Main Design:

Supporting Material:


End Comments:
*Note: I'm hacking away at the supporting info right now, just wanted to get this posted in case I'm unable to get any of this done before the deadline

You have my vote. This has to be te perfect mix of cuteness and creativity.
I think it's kinda neat that a lot of the submissions are explaining Shield Dust into the description of the Pokemon, although it really only works because of the way NoA opted to translate the ability. It was originally called Moth Scales. xP When you consider the real Pokemon that learn it, it actually makes more sense, heh.

Cyzir: I have to say, for quite a while I've been rather neutral on your design: I didn't dislike it, but it wasn't top of my list. But after seeing the final image of it, I'll admit, I think it looks fantastic. The dragons' faces have a lot of charm, mostly because of the simple, 'stock' Pokemon eyes.

pkmn-taicho: I couldn't quite tell whether your fakemon had two rods on its head or one. In the main design, it looked like the visible rod was bent toward the right, leading me to believe there was a left one as well, but after looking at the alternate poses, I'm unsure. I posted it in the 'super spriting' thread in Smeargle's Art Studio. Good luck in the polls!
pkmn-taicho: I couldn't quite tell whether your fakemon had two rods on its head or one. In the main design, it looked like the visible rod was bent toward the right, leading me to believe there was a left one as well, but after looking at the alternate poses, I'm unsure. Here ya go. Good luck in the polls!
Although the sprite is very good, please keep it to yourself until the sprite submissions thread is open. It shouldn't be much longer until the Art is completed and the submissions begin. Thank you!
Although the sprite is very good, please keep it to yourself until the sprite submissions thread is open. It shouldn't be much longer until the Art is completed and the submissions begin. Thank you!
Mm, my apologies, shoulda given it via PM.

Edit: Is that better? Now it's not linked directly, in any case.
these are so good, but Wyv is still by far the best at least for final submissions....damn these are good

Doug, whatever you did with your eye worked wonders for your dragon
Hey guys I finally decided on which one to choose (it was still tough, but no turning back now), so here's my Final Submission.
Main Design


I love the color scheme, but the tomoe formation on the taiko "drums" really really really makes me think of Naruto. Maybe make them more circularly fluid and less triangular? But it's your final submission so...

And I still say Zant should use fewer contrasting colors in his design.
The best overall is definitely Doug's, but to fit CAP8, my vote easily goes to Taicho's, since it can be created as bulky, and I could imagine it having Shield Dust.

I love them all, (most of them, at least) and I would vote different ones depending on the style and build of the CAP.
My Final Submission

Final Submission

Well to Doug: Ya, sorry i did not know u can't ask for instructions. And, My fakemon existed as a sprite at 1st till i read that it must be of a certain size, well i smoothened it abit now and it's original, if you're thinking of Hark the Ghost, that's me =)


Well criticize at will!!!
Hello SMOGON! First post on the forum.

Well, truth be told, T'm posting my (FIRST) CAP submission against the better judgments of my more learned pokemaniac friends. So here's my "too rugged for a (!)" and "too fierce for a (!)" "pokemon".

Here goes:



The tendril-like thingys are like exposed nerves that creat synapses between each other to enable for faster reflexes and better control of the poke's immense body. The red tissue underneath the belly can harden or soften, entirely at the poke's will. When it softens the ball-tail drops to the ground and earths, and if the pokemon holds the lightning bolt overhead, it can charge up at ultra-speed; when it hardens the tail is perpetually kept in the air, emanating soft sparks that travel up to the poke's brain through the said nerves.The poke can also short-circuit itself (note the positive pole and direction of current on its right arm and the negative pole and direction of current on its left arm) by cruching both fists together, and with the bolt of lightning in its grasp, capable of short, powerful burst of electrical explosions. Neat, huh?

That's it. PLEASE COMMENT! And yeah rushing through to meet the CAP dealine for chomzloh and myself. What a fine day for him to take a scouts camp pfft.
I love the color scheme, but the tomoe formation on the taiko "drums" really really really makes me think of Naruto. Maybe make them more circularly fluid and less triangular? But it's your final submission so...

I actually had a really hard time getting that right, it's hard to make it look nice by hand (well to be fair it was 4:30am, so maybe I should try again). I'll see if I can make them better (you can change your final submission post btw). Thanks for the criticism though.
Posting on behalf of chomzloh.



Did the colouring since chomzloh went to camp. Hope I didn't screw it up for him and you fans out there.
Final Submission

Final Submission


It is an enormous lizard with a cloud and some lighting patterns on it's back resembling a lighting storm on a mountain.
Somewhat based on the concept of a living mountain and the Komodo dragon.

Supporting material:

added this awesome piece of art made by Gooey Kablooie, with it's respective permission of course:
I give InHell 13 permission to add this to his final submission in any way he pleases

Thanks for all the support

and good luck in the polls to everybody :)
Hey, I'm rather new; well, I've been here for a few months, I just never really got the time to create an account, until now. I'm really interested in this Create-A-Pokemon project of yours, and I am extremely impressed, especially this CAP. Here's hoping I could get in on the action.

Anyway, here's my submission:


Supporting Material:

Backstory: I based my fakemon on Asian dragons and those long-sleeved Chinese robes. The sleeves of the robes, or in my fakemon's case, the arms, are like a plug and a socket. The elliptical gold gem between my fakemon's antennae-brows floats due to magnetism. When my fakemon plugs in its arms, it allows large amounts of electricity to pass through towards the gem, like a closed circuit. In doing so, it charges up, and can shoot out powerful blasts of electricity.

Note that in my Final Submission, there are no sparks of electricity between its antennae-brows and floating gem - because its arms are not 'plugged in'. In contrast, when its arms are 'plugged in', sparks of electricity can be seen, as is the case in the linked image.

Thus, because of its open/closed circuit characteristic, it is not offensive Special-wise when it is not 'plugged in', because it cannot shoot electricity when its arms are separate; it can only use its arms for Physical attacks. When my fakemon is 'plugged in', it also has lower mobility (try moving with your arms stuck together in a battle), and as such, complements an average Speed rating.


Okay, enough of mine. I LOVE Cartoon's fat thundercloud dragon. I have a thing for fat poke/fake-mon. Plus, we've never really had a pompous (and electric-booger flinging) poke. That gets my vote.
hey again. thanks for all the great feedback. i think most of the complaints were spot on, and that leaves me with this entry:


still a little robotic, i hope you can forgive me.

here's some of the other pics:

and the full sized one:

good luck to one and all.


I love this one, I don't really care how robotic it looks, it's just awesome. Though I really wish CAP8 was getting trace because of this design. I can't decide who to vote for...
Cyzir, I hate to say this, but I still feel like the perspective on the legs is a little off. Like, they're too far apart horizontally, and not close enough together depthwise. Does anybody else feel this way?
hey again. thanks for all the great feedback. i think most of the complaints were spot on, and that leaves me with this entry:


still a little robotic, i hope you can forgive me.

here's some of the other pics:

and the full sized one:

good luck to one and all.


HO.... LY.... KRABBY PATTIES!! Not only is it awesome, it screams 'Electric/Dragon'! Dual-toned and everything! I didn't think that was going to happen, but it did, and blew my expectations outta the window!

... and it's a Final Submission! :D I was getting worried it wouldn't make it!
Well, I was actually planning on dropping out, but someone convinced me to submit my concept anyways. So here is the lineart so far. I'll have the coloring done later today.

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