Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

One answer is use a flashcart.

I never used AR, but once I got my flashcart I used a few utility cheats to speed things up. I could easily have done anything I used the cheats for, it just would have taken much more time.

If you use AR, I hear it doesn't support it with SR'ing, so if you have a flashcart handy, use that instead.
I can use a synchronizer when catching Pokemon to change the Nature of my spread, as usual, and it won't affect anything like frames, correct?
Okay, so, I'm attempting to fish up a Dratini in Mt. Coronet with a certain spread. Can someone check my math or tell me if anything is incorrect?:

1. I used DPPt Time Finder under Method J to find a nice 31/31/31/9/31/31 Mild Spread, but I want Adamant, so I will use a Synchronizer.

2. I clicked "Generate Times", found a suitable time, and copied the seed.

3. I pasted the seed into RNG Reporter under Method J and found my spread. I then right-clicked the spread and selected "Calculate Encounter Steps" which tells me that while fishing I will find a Slot 1 Pokemon, in this case Dratini.

4. I looked at the "Frame" column and see it is frame 17 (yes, low number!) I should do the following when starting my game:

-Check coin flips
-If coin flips are correct, I will flip to a diary page with either a defeated or captured Pokemon 8 times to bring my frame up to 16.
-I will then take 1 step with repel on in the cave, which will advance the frame to 17 because Pokemon appear there.
-I will then, WITHOUT moving a tile, face the water I plan on fishing in and, with my Adamant synchronizer in the first slot, use the Super Rod.

If this is correct, I should find a Dratini with my target spread.

If I did this right, I think I understand most of this abusing and I should be able to figure out almost everything else on my own. Can someone verify this is correct?
Okay, so, I'm attempting to fish up a Dratini in Mt. Coronet with a certain spread. Can someone check my math or tell me if anything is incorrect?:

1. I used DPPt Time Finder under Method J to find a nice 31/31/31/9/31/31 Mild Spread, but I want Adamant, so I will use a Synchronizer.

2. I clicked "Generate Times", found a suitable time, and copied the seed.

3. I pasted the seed into RNG Reporter under Method J and found my spread. I then right-clicked the spread and selected "Calculate Encounter Steps" which tells me that while fishing I will find a Slot 1 Pokemon, in this case Dratini.

4. I looked at the "Frame" column and see it is frame 17 (yes, low number!) I should do the following when starting my game:

-Check coin flips
-If coin flips are correct, I will flip to a diary page with either a defeated or captured Pokemon 8 times to bring my frame up to 16.
-I will then take 1 step with repel on in the cave, which will advance the frame to 17 because Pokemon appear there.
-I will then, WITHOUT moving a tile, face the water I plan on fishing in and, with my Adamant synchronizer in the first slot, use the Super Rod.

If this is correct, I should find a Dratini with my target spread.

If I did this right, I think I understand most of this abusing and I should be able to figure out almost everything else on my own. Can someone verify this is correct?

Using a syncher doesnt change it into the nature you want. It goes to a different frame.

I will Edit this with some more help soon.

To answer the question below me, no. You have to find a different spread. That is why there is an adamant selection area when doing method J. It shows you what you would get.


Use this seed:390f02b8 and find a date and delay you can get with it.

Get frame 888 for fishing for dratini and you will get a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant dratini.
Hmmm, so there is no way to adjust the nature of the spread?

EDIT: If I fill the "Synch Nature" section of the Time Finder and click Generate again, will I find the same spread, just with a different frame number?

EDIT #2: I did fill in Synch Nature and it came up with the same spread, but frame 16. All I have to do is not take that one step now, right?
Hm, I'm a bit confused. Any reason for hitting the wrong frame when fishing? I did my math correctly and have a synch, but I didn't get the right frame (I can't check what frame I hit either because I didn't get a nibble). I saw something about your 128 steps that advance the RNG being loaded from your last save. Is this true?
Flurries, that will still be mild if it says mild for that frame.

Chaos - Yes the 128 step thing saves the number you are on from last time, so if you walk 128 steps exactly you will be fine. Also, the new RNG reporter says if it catches a fish or not for the frame you are doing. Also, don't forget you -4 for the fishing, not 2 or whatever.
Flurries, that will still be mild if it says mild for that frame.

Chaos - Yes the 128 step thing saves the number you are on from last time, so if you walk 128 steps exactly you will be fine. Also, the new RNG reporter says if it catches a fish or not for the frame you are doing. Also, don't forget you -4 for the fishing, not 2 or whatever.

Then what's the point of the Synch Nature category?
I don't really get the 128 step thing. Say I run around to fight trainers on the route with the VS.Seeker, then save in front of water to fish. When I load I'll be on a different frame or something?

I know about the -4 also, and did all the pre-requisites to check if I'd get a nibble, and if it's in the right slot.

Flurries: The sync nature category is to get more results.
The 128 steps thing is that every 128 steps you take, it will advance it by the number of pokemon in your party. There is an internal counter that keeps a count of it. The number you save at goes over when you load the game again. It doesn't advance the frame at all if you don't walk.
Oh okay, thanks. I still don't understand why I'm getting the wrong frame. Maybe if someone double checks my math.

Target Frame - Monster Frame - Wandering Pokemon
89 - 4 - 1 = 84
84/2 = 42 journal flips
Last question:

When breeding a Shiny Pokemon, once you save on the shiny egg, can you then SR for a certain spread? I know you can SR for IVs, but can you also SR for a certain spread you found in RNG Reporter, or is there some strange thing that alters the frames because you saved on the shiny egg that makes it too complicated.

I would assume you could just then reset, flip coin, diary pages, etc.
LightningFusion - I found my problem. It seems that since my sync was not first in my party, I switched it with one of my Pokemon before I fished. There is a possibility that switching Pokemon advances the RNG.

Anyway, I got it now :P.
LightningFusion - I found my problem. It seems that since my sync was not first in my party, I switched it with one of my Pokemon before I fished. There is a possibility that switching Pokemon advances the RNG.

Anyway, I got it now :P.

Ok, I would assume the 1st poke was for repeling.

Since you switched the syncher, you changed it from method J to method J with synch, so I think It may have advanced to make up for changing it, if you know what I am saying.
Reporting on a possible bug. In 6.10, under DPPt Egg PID (Normal), when I right-click a frame to get the calculated taps/flips, the option is grayed out. It is not grayed out if I switch to the International tab.
Just a small question:
When I was breeding nidoran, I found a female shiny spread on Shinyfinder so I did the taps and flips and everything and sure enough the egg turned up shiny but it was male for some reason. I did it again with the same result. Then I tried a male spread and it turned out female. Any reason for this?

Reposting, since nobody seemed to be answering my question....
It was not a problem with the percentages, because the M M M M spread I used turned out female. I don't know if it's something wrong with my game, but I don't have any hacking device or anything... Has anyone else tried breeding a shiny nidoran and had this happen to them? :(
Well I don't know if this is really that big of a deal, since all my other pokes turned out the correct gender, but I just wanted to know.
Reporting on a possible bug. In 6.10, under DPPt Egg PID (Normal), when I right-click a frame to get the calculated taps/flips, the option is grayed out. It is not grayed out if I switch to the International tab.

You're right, will release an updated version later this evening, thanks for the report.

It was not a problem with the percentages, because the M M M M spread I used turned out female.

Nidoran M and Nidoran F are completely different Pokemon so the PID really does not come into play when determining gender. Also not sure exactly how the game determines which species it is going to give as offspring, sorry.
Oh alright, it's okay I was just double checking in case there was something possibly wrong with my game, glad to know there isn't :)