Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Someone could answer my question?

Let me see if I understand right, I want to capture Zapdos using a RNG, all I have to do is follow the OP, with the difference that instead of using the method J should I use the method 1?​
Does the 128 steps that increase frame by the number of pokemon in your party still work while you're in grass? I've been trying to get a HP Ground Ditto, and everytime I do the flips (almost 1000) and do the step, I'm always a few frames above my desired frame.
Does the 128 steps that increase frame by the number of pokemon in your party still work while you're in grass? I've been trying to get a HP Ground Ditto, and everytime I do the flips (almost 1000) and do the step, I'm always a few frames above my desired frame.

Yes it does, what you should do is only turn once instead of walking in grass so that doesnt affect you while doing that.
I am quite sure that it does. If you think that you are at 127, just walk 5 steps or so and save again to "turn it over" and that would work. But if that is the case it won't be "a few" it will consistently be the amount of Pokemon in your party.

Or do what LF said :) Hey good idea, LF.
Okay. If I go over again this time, I'll turn. I've already taken the step and done about 500 of the flips, so i'm going to finish this reset. Hopefully it'll work. I've already done around 5,000 flips for this one, and I really don't want to do too many more.
EDIT: Yeah, that was it. I was 5 frames above my needed amount. I'm turning this time. Wish my luck.
To make sure I understand this, if I'm trying to catch a wild non-legendary Pokemon with a certain spread, I should do the following:

1. Use info from calibration to get your normal synchronize and reset time.
2. Use the preceding Method 1 frame of your Method J frame to find the Slot your spread is in by taking the last four HEX digits, converting them to DEC, dividing by 656, and dropping the remainder.
3. If you hit the seed and advance to the correct frame, you will find the Pokemon listed as appearing in that Slot (found on the charts).
4. Figure out if you Pokemon is appearing in Grass/Cave/Water. Subtract the amount of frames Sweet Scent will advance.
5. Take that frame number and find out how many diary page flips are required and do so.
6. Finally, with 2/3 frames left (depending on location), use sweet scent to find the Pokemon. The Pokemon will vary depending upon which slot the spread is in, but will always be the Pokemon in the given slot. It should contain the IVs and nature of the spread.

Correct flurries ^_^

Question: What last four digits do you take from the preceeding frame, its seed number or its PID?
Well the seed you started from is still the same; if each individual frame has its own seed that's nothing I even paid attention to.
To make sure I understand this, if I'm trying to catch a wild non-legendary Pokemon with a certain spread, I should do the following:

1. Use info from calibration to get your normal synchronize and reset time.
2. Use the preceding Method 1 frame of your Method J frame to find the Slot your spread is in by taking the last four HEX digits, converting them to DEC, dividing by 656, and dropping the remainder.
3. If you hit the seed and advance to the correct frame, you will find the Pokemon listed as appearing in that Slot (found on the charts).

4. Figure out if you Pokemon is appearing in Grass/Cave/Water. Subtract the amount of frames Sweet Scent will advance.
5. Take that frame number and find out how many diary page flips are required and do so.
6. Finally, with 2/3 frames left (depending on location), use sweet scent to find the Pokemon. The Pokemon will vary depending upon which slot the spread is in, but will always be the Pokemon in the given slot. It should contain the IVs and nature of the spread.


Get the new version of RNG Reporter, it does this for you.

Do the math and then do the required number of flips or steps. Just do this all at one time per the directions.
Do other trainers moving/walking advance the RNG frame as well? are they only the visible trainers or do those out of sight also advance the rng?
Directly from the OP:

- Wandering NPCs (Non-Player Characters) advance the RNG by 1 seed each time they move or turn. NPCs that move in a fixed pattern do not advance the RNG. All NPCs in a zone advance the RNG, even if they are not visible on the screen
Oh wow mingot, how do you stop such trainers like in route 224? I read about using the vs seeker? ._. are there NPCs in route 224 that advance the RNG?

Thanks for the new RNG Reporter version ^_^
Get the new version of RNG Reporter, it does this for you.

Do the math and then do the required number of flips or steps. Just do this all at one time per the directions.

Will Do.

By this you simply mean the 10 Flips to check your seed and the 128 steps if I hit an odd number, right? I didn't think I was using Flips to advance the RNG or anything.
Oh wow mingot, how do you stop such trainers like in route 224? I read about using the vs seeker? ._. are there NPCs in route 224 that advance the RNG?

Thanks for the new RNG Reporter version ^_^

If you read about using the vs. seeker (which is how you do it) why are you asking? Additionally walk around the route and check. Do you see any wandering PCs? If so, then there are. If not, then there are not ...

By this you simply mean the 10 Flips to check your seed and the 128 steps if I hit an odd number, right? I didn't think I was using Flips to advance the RNG or anything.

I mean follow the very clear and simple directions that tell you how to figure out how many journal flips and/or steps you need to walk. QUIT OVER COMPLICATING THIS. Follow the directions. Try it. See what you get. Correct from there.
Encouner slot finder. Right click on any method J frame and select "Calculate Encounter Slots"
When Seed->Time is used from the main page the current seed is set is used to populate the seed field.
I don't see this option in the new version