Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

whenever i go to find initial seed by stats, i get seconds and delay what are these for? I am breeding for a shiny i got the nature right but didnt get a shiny pokemon :( and i checked the box with "shiny only"
Thanks alot dude.

Running a new query for 31/HP Even/31/30/31/30...

Best I can find so far is 3309025A (11/03/09, 09:04:14, 593 Delay, Frame 11) A/B/31/30/A/30 - Hope your random Gengar has an even Attack IV

whenever i go to find initial seed by stats, i get seconds and delay what are these for? I am breeding for a shiny i got the nature right but didnt get a shiny pokemon :( and i checked the box with "shiny only"

Your SID is likely incorrect.
Wild Eep could you help me get my SID then pls?

I don't have the wherewithal to do that, sorry. Try the Simple Request thread at the top of the Wi-Fi forum.



I think I hit the jackpot for you.

BC160293 (11/14/2049, 22:09:14, Frame 31, 610 Delay) A/2/31/30/A/30
I don't have the wherewithal to do that, sorry. Try the Simple Request thread at the top of the Wi-Fi forum.



I think I hit the jackpot for you.

BC160293 (11/14/2049, 22:09:14, Frame 31, 610 Delay) A/2/31/30/A/30

Dang, thanks a lot. I wish the year wasn't so off but I can settle for that.
Dang, thanks a lot. I wish the year wasn't so off but I can settle for that.

That was the best year I could find considering the parentage. The 31s in SA and Speed (as well as being unable to use anything with a B in it) took away a lot of potential HP Fire choices.


Eagerly awaiting Darkrai so I can RNG up one w/o an AR'd Wonder Card. Hopefully it'll be available when I wake up tomorrow.

Alright, I'm going for Seed 3715025F/2009 07 05/21:05:15/Delay 598/Frame 40
B/B/30/A/30/30 (HP Rock 70, the Bs/As are both 31s)

This has happened 3 times to me...whenever I land on a delay of 598, I always get the spread from frame 41. Then everytime I SR again, it's an odd frame number. For any other delay though, I get the spread from frame 40.

EDIT: nvm I fixed it lol. I think it was from one the the NPCs turning around or something
How much does the PokeRadar advance the RNG? So I use it, take off the amount of steps I have to do from the frame, do the flips then go to the patch?

And are the encounter codes the same as sweet scenting?
Is it recommended during frame calibration to reset at the top of a minute then mash A as rapidly as possible then get the egg as rapidly as possible to get an accurate frame reading or can you just reset at any old time?

Edit: Now that all of my calibration for platinum is done I've found my final averages:

Seconds: 15

Delay Range: 596-600

Frame Calibration: 8 and 9 were most common

Now I've used the physical spreads text document to find a simple and easy spread to get for a wild pokemon:

Adamant: 30/30/30/8/30/31

Target Frame = 80

Target Time = 0:01:33

80 - 1 - 3 = 76/2 = 38 Journal Flips

I've tried to time this correctly by subtracting 15 from the 33 seconds to get a reset time at about 0:01:18 which should result in 0:01:33. My trouble is that I haven't been getting this, I've done the journal flips correctly but, I'm still turning up not what I want, does sweet scenting in the grass to find a pokemon affect the RNG advancement in any way? Also I just caught a staravia and input the information of it into the rng reporter to find the initial seed so I could find the frame it was on and man I'm really off, it landed on frame 159!!! Help?

Edit2: Ok after looking at the op, I've been doing it all wrong, the sweet scented pokemon in the grass are method J pokemon not method 1, man I'm out of it this morning:D Also it says that the frame is 2 for the grass pokemon, I'm guessing that's the starting frame?

Edit3: When I generate that spread from the text document for method J it doesn't bring anything up but, when it's generated for method 1 it brings the exact spread up, this makes me ask the question in the op for method j and method 1 is it swapped?

Edit4: Now I just went back and recalculated, did the journal flips which this time I had to 37 (80 - 2 - 3/2) but, I actually only have to do 36 then walk 128 steps with one pokemon in my party in an area with no wild pokemon so.....I think I might of messed up again as I didn't count the steps in the daycare so looks like I'm back at it again:D Also this time I got a Mild Roselia on a frame of 280 generated using method J, just my luck.

Edit5: Failed again, does the 128 steps thing with number of party pokemon reset itself if you deposit pokemon from your current party?
Method J is a form om method 1 that skips over the spreads. The RNG chooses a nature and then goes to a PID that matches it. So when you find a method 1 spread, you put the seed in RNG reporter, and generate method J and find the frame then. A syncher may be required.

Ok, this is what you do. Stand in grass when doing this, not out of it. You are making it to complicated for yourself. If you want frame 80 you do
Journal flips = (target - Sweet Scent - monster frame - roamers)/2
80 - 1 - 1 (wild pokemons are frame 1) - 0 = 39 journal flips.
That is with no roamers.
If you have a roamer and have to make it even for the journal flips, just turn once in grass.

You just stand in grass, and do coin flip to confirm seed. Then you do the journal flips and then sweet scent, and you should get the right frame. There may be NPCs moving by you to mess up your frame. If you can battle any moving NPCs, do it. Otherwise, it will be based on luck that they don't move or you coin flip and open menu as fast as you can after you flip, just hopeing they dont move. You can try stoping early on journal flips too.

Rysta - I am getting info for it so it is easy for people to understand it better without getting to many questions. It would require more experienced people to do it. The radar advances by 10, and every step counts as 2 it seems. So a horizontal patch or vertical patch in the 1st square would be frame 13, and a corner will be 15. I will post more later.
i'm having trouble with the rng reporter, I entered in the seed, my method, my ids, and I hit generate, but nothing's coming up.

I'm trying to get a shiny drifloon by capturing it.

First I open the time finder and generate the spreads. Then I pick one and hit generate time, and choose a date that's a friday. After I set my clock to the synchronize time, start my game, but I don't continue, and reset at the reset time. Then I catch the seed, but I've never got past that.
I know this is a very simple question, but why can't I hit my delay?

Seriously, I've successfully completed RNG Projects before, but this past week, I haven't been able to hit a delay of 599. I get 598 and 600 repeatedly, but not once within a weeks span have I hit a delay of 599.

See, I go on a second of 59. So, I have to hit "Start" on my AR Menu at 42 seconds in order to get 59 Seconds.

Now, does it matter WHEN I hit "Start" at 42 Seconds? Should I hit it at 42.9 seconds? 42.5 seconds?
I know this is a very simple question, but why can't I hit my delay?

Seriously, I've successfully completed RNG Projects before, but this past week, I haven't been able to hit a delay of 599. I get 598 and 600 repeatedly, but not once within a weeks span have I hit a delay of 599.

See, I go on a second of 59. So, I have to hit "Start" on my AR Menu at 42 seconds in order to get 59 Seconds.

Now, does it matter WHEN I hit "Start" at 42 Seconds? Should I hit it at 42.9 seconds? 42.5 seconds?
If you need delay 599 and you get delay 598, 600, then your delay is even, you need odd, so, I suggest inserting a GBA game, or when you have already a GBA Game inserted, remove it.
I know this is a very simple question, but why can't I hit my delay?

Seriously, I've successfully completed RNG Projects before, but this past week, I haven't been able to hit a delay of 599. I get 598 and 600 repeatedly, but not once within a weeks span have I hit a delay of 599.

See, I go on a second of 59. So, I have to hit "Start" on my AR Menu at 42 seconds in order to get 59 Seconds.

Now, does it matter WHEN I hit "Start" at 42 Seconds? Should I hit it at 42.9 seconds? 42.5 seconds?

Ok, it seems your game may be the one that only hits even or odds delay. And the way for you to change it may only be by re-saving. Or you can just change the year and go for one of the even delays.

Shika - For the first part, make sure you have make results at least 100000 without any requirements in the IVs. Other than that, your post is to vague to know why.

After you reset and think you got your seed, you do the advancements to get to the frame of your target spread. Once you do that, you talk to drifloon to battle it. Make sure you are saved in front of drifloon too. Like I said for the last one, it is to vague and that's the best I can help with now.
Ok, it seems your game may be the one that only hits even or odds delay. And the way for you to change it may only be by re-saving. Or you can just change the year and go for one of the even delays.

Shika - For the first part, make sure you have make results at least 100000 without any requirements in the IVs. Other than that, your post is to vague to know why.

After you reset and think you got your seed, you do the advancements to get to the frame of your target spread. Once you do that, you talk to drifloon to battle it. Make sure you are saved in front of drifloon too. Like I said for the last one, it is to vague and that's the best I can help with now.

so in the time finder I change the max frame to 100000?
so in the time finder I change the max frame to 100000?

No, the first part in your question didnt say it was time finder. What are you having trouble with in the time finder, because the second part of your post says you did get things to come up, while the first says you didn't. Sort of a contradiction there.
so even after you advance the rng to the frame you want you save in front of drifloon and soft reset?

and my earlier seed was 1000273

Thanks for all the help guys, (girls?) you've been extremely patient. I've managed to successfully capture my first RNG abused Gyarados.

Quick question: Is it impossible to RNG abuse for breeding without having caught a shiny pokemon?
yngstr - you just need to find out your ID/SID. currently, you can use an AR or have someone else find your ID/SID just by trading them a pokemon you caught.

shika - If you were trying for a shiny frame when you did it, then you may have dont it right, or just got lucky and battled a random raticate.
brute-force on startup seed.

Still I'm not sure whether this rollback would be possible - if second mersenne roll is not bijective, then we'd be stuck with anyway.
Looking at Mersenne again, I start to note that from one value only the first bit is taken. Recalculating 32Bit from 1Bit seems a bit tedius to me and if I could do that, I'd have a compression/decrompression method everyone would buy.

So I went for bruteforce. Well, "intelligent" bruteforce. I'm counting the seed not sequentally but in a specific order that I saw rather useful:

(with byte1 being MSB. I know, I know. That's uncommon)

for (byte3=0; byte3<=255; byte3++){
for (byte1=0; byte1<=255; byte1++){
for (byte4=0; byte4<=255; byte4++){

byte2 is the one I consider to grow slowest, so it has an outside call. I even use forks to let 8 threads work on different hour values at the same time.

it works surprisingly well. At the moment, 8-thread-forking only is done for bytes 0-23. If no one else uses the octocore, it iterates through hours 0-23 in about two minutes.

Seems, I started my main game about 14:something.

it still only has limited use in cheat-testing. If a Pokemon that is said to be "caught fair" has an SIDTID-combination that could only be generated from a high hour value (xxHHxxxx), the OTrainer still might have waited a long time on game startup - for whatever reasons. Also, some Trainers change their ID (for whatever reasons) and I'm not sure whether that disqualifies all their Pokemon as cheats.

Anyone wanting me to guess their game start time by their SID/TID? ;)

im going to RNG abuse the darkrai that was released today, and I have a question:
do I have to worry about slots on it? since there are no other pokemon there, or is it slot zero or something?