Mismagius [4N] - Stallbreaker

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sem feio
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus


It's Mismagius!

Many of you who play UU will know this Mismagius. Hailed as one of the best stallbreakers in UU, the only typical member of a Stall team who will be able to defeat this beast is Drapion - who Mismagius can escape from alive. Additionally, she fares well against other Mismagius and others I will list in this analysis.

I have tested this set and it works extremely well as a stallbreaker.

Additionally, the EV spread was originally 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD (Calm), but I see that it works much better with those 40 Def EVs put into SpA because of speed and burn relieving most of the physical damage it receives.

Credit to Thund for the set.


name: UU Stallbreaker
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Pain Split
nature: Calm
item: Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 40 SpA / 216 SpD

<p> Mismagius is often hailed as the beast of UU, with a set of Substitute and Calm Mind that is nearly impossible to stop, penetrating even Chansey. This Mismagius takes a more defensive approach, while still being able to defeat the typical members of a Stall team.</p>

<p> Taunt is the core of this set. Most members of a typical stall team, such as Chansey and Roserade, rely on statusing Mismagius in order to come out on top. Taunt will stop any attempts to paralyze or sleep Mismagius, respectively, while also halting Roserade's Spikes.</p>

<p> Taunt's main use, however, is stopping recovery. In a Stall team, most, if not all, members will have a method of healing. Mismagius base 105 Speed means it's more than likely able to outspeed the opposition and Taunt it before it replenishes it's health. Mismagius makes a wall-breaker of sorts by preventing heal while chipping away at health points using the combination of entry hazards and burning the enemy through Will-O-Wisp. Will-O-Wisp also defends Mismagius from Registeel, whom it will beat 1-on-1 through the use of Shadow Ball, Taunt, and Will-O-Wisp, and allows Mismagius to escape from Drapion to live (which is ironic because it is a Ghost!) another day.</p>

<p> Pain Split is Mismagius' only form of healing, but as most members of a Stall team have gargantuan HP, like Chansey and Altaria, Mismagius will be able to thrive at high health. Although it may not seem that good because of this Mismagius' large investment in HP, keep in mind that 4 HP Chansey still has 642 HP. Shadow Ball is the obvious choice of attack, backed up by STAB and a decent base Special Attack, will help "haunt" the target of the attack.</p>

<p> Registeel is often considered the best counter to Mismagius, however this set is able to defeat the robotic. Mismagius is a magnet for Registeel, who may get burned on the switch-in by a timely Will-O-Wisp. Taunt will then stop any attempts to paralyze Mismagius with Thunder Wave, as while paralyzed Mismagius is an easy target for physical attackers. Taunt also stops any attempts to Curse or Rest. Shadow Ball will do roughly as much as Iron Head while Registeel is Burned, while the burn itself chips away at Registeel's health.</p>

<p> Another common check to Mismagius is Azumarill. Mismagius will likely lose 1-on-1, however Mismagius can burn it, crippling both it's power and its bulk and making it all the more easier for teammates to handle it.</p>

<p> The EVs of this set are rather simple. A Calm nature boosts up Mismagius' excellent Special Defense, while 252 HP EVs are put into HP to maximize it's dual survivability. 216 Special Defense EVs help Mismagius sponge the assaults of (Haze) Milotic and Roserade, two common members of a Stall team. The rest of the EVs are put into Special Attack to juice up Shadow Ball. An alternate EV spread would be 252 HP / 144 SpD / 112 Spe, which outruns Jolly Absol and can burn it, turning Night Slash's OHKO to a 2HKO and, along with Life Orb, severely lowers Absol's lifespan. </p>

<p> Because this Mismagius can shuffle a team so well, entry hazards are extremely recommended. Mismagius' Ghost typing also means it can protect the hazards from being spun away, and fares well against the most common Rapid Spinner, Hitmontop.

<p> Spikes Roserade can easily set them up with it's offensive prowess forcing many switches, and durable Pokemon like Mesprit or Registeel are perfect to set-up Stealth Rock. Toxic Spikes are not recommended because of the large amount of UU that is immune to it and can even absorb it, as well as it's interference with Mismagius' Will-O-Wisp. </p>

<p> Offensively and defensively, Clefable is a great choice with Mismagius. Clefable's Life Orb Double Edges and Fire Blasts can seriously harm any member of a Stall team, and thanks to Magic Guard it avoids damage from Life Orb, Double-Edge, entry hazards or Sandstorm, which would break apart any other pokemon. Clefable's only weakness is a type Mismagius is immune to, and Mismagius' Ghost weakness does nothing to Clefable (although you still need to watch out for Dark typed attacks). Registeel forms a good defensive pair with Mismagius, giving it Stealth Rock and a resistance to both of her weaknesses, while Mismagius prevents the Stealth Rocks from being spun, and absorbs Ground and Fighting attacks that harm Registeel (and sponges most Fire attacks thanks to good SpD). </p>
Credit to Thund for the set.

I believe its Malk's set originally. I run this on my stall team but with the EV spread 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 Spe. Hitting slower physical sweepers like Venusaur, Feraligatr, and Drapion before their boost is essential imo. You could try that EV spread.
This set is geared towards beating stall; I think that that EV spread would be better for the "Bulky Ghost" set on the analysis, since that's what is tailored to check those threats.
This can most likely be tailored to fit in the current "Bulky Ghost" set on the analysis by adding Taunt as on option in the second moveslot. If you can summarize the use of Taunt to beat stall into a paragraph or two, I'll update the current analysis.

And just for reference, the original set.
Spiritomb can run an identical set and with more bulk and resistances, the only thing he misses out on is the extra speed. Also, Spiritomb gets STAB Dark Pulse and Pressure so it can PP stall normal types better.

I ran a similar Mismagius with CM over Pain Split and HP Ice over WoW and it decimated stall teams as well. Taunt is the big thing.
Add 16 speed EV's to outspeed Adamant Absol. I run that same set with Thunderbolt over Pain Split as it makes beating Milotic that much easier.
i think Thunderbolt deserves a slash. when not playing a stall team, which has to be considered, it does more to Honchkrow, Drapion, Registeel, and Absol. The current set has no way to get past Chansey, or Clefable, who with some switching can PP stall your main stall-breaker. It also lets it get past Miltank, who completely counters this set currently.
i think Thunderbolt deserves a slash. when not playing a stall team, which has to be considered, it does more to Honchkrow, Drapion, Registeel, and Absol. The current set has no way to get past Chansey, or Clefable, who with some switching can PP stall your main stall-breaker. It also lets it get past Miltank, who completely counters this set currently.

Chansey doesn't counter Mismagius, since it can't use Special Attacks on a pathetic 35 base SpAtk stat. Taunt + Burn shuts Chansey down. Miltank hates being burned, Taunt stops it from paralyzing you and recovering, and it can just switch out...Clefable is a bit of an issue, though, but once again, Taunt the Wish/Toxic/TWave and Clefable isn't doing anything to you anyways.
Chansey doesn't counter Mismagius, since it can't use Special Attacks on a pathetic 35 base SpAtk stat. Taunt + Burn shuts Chansey down. Miltank hates being burned, Taunt stops it from paralyzing you and recovering, and it can just switch out...Clefable is a bit of an issue, though, but once again, Taunt the Wish/Toxic/TWave and Clefable isn't doing anything to you anyways.
If Clefable is the CM variety, it can either PP stall or kill Mismagius as Pain Split, while it still heals you, doesn't damage Clefable through Magic Guard.

Which is why Spiritomb does this set better. Dark Pulse still hits normal types and Pressure PP stalls much faster.
Chansey doesn't counter Mismagius, since it can't use Special Attacks on a pathetic 35 base SpAtk stat. Taunt + Burn shuts Chansey down. Miltank hates being burned, Taunt stops it from paralyzing you and recovering, and it can just switch out...Clefable is a bit of an issue, though, but once again, Taunt the Wish/Toxic/TWave and Clefable isn't doing anything to you anyways.

Miltank has Scrappy Body Slam to shut you down, and you don't have anything to stop it.

and there's still the point of KOing Krow when it comes it to pursuit. WoW, pain split, then T-bolt kills Krow, while shadow ball cannot. Pain split can wear it down, but then it comes down to sucker punch guessing games. also, it actually does something to Drapion pursuiting you, with you being able to stay in, WoW, pain split, and then T-bolt. not to mention making it easier to beat registeel.
If Clefable is the CM variety, it can either PP stall or kill Mismagius as Pain Split, while it still heals you, doesn't damage Clefable through Magic Guard.

Which is why Spiritomb does this set better. Dark Pulse still hits normal types and Pressure PP stalls much faster.

| Clefable   | Move         | Softboiled       |    60.8 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Seismic Toss     |    39.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Protect          |    36.4 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Encore           |    35.3 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Wish             |    33.6 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Thunder Wave     |    25.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Facade           |    23.0 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Trick            |    15.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Toxic            |    15.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Cosmic Power     |    14.5 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Ice Beam         |    10.4 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Belly Drum       |     9.4 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Other (18)       | <   8.4 |
As you can clearly see, Calm Mind Clefable is non-existent. Therefore, your point is, well, pointless. And if you haven't noticed, this set contains Taunt. Mismagius is faster than Clefable (unlike Spiritomb) and can Taunt Clefable before it uses Calm Mind, Softboiled, Wish, Encore, etc. The only valid reason you state for why Spiritomb does this set "better" is the ability to hit Normal-types with a direct attack. Even then, jrr has explained why that isn't valid reasoning. You will rarely, if ever, be PP stalling with this set.
I believe its Malk's set originally. I run this on my stall team but with the EV spread 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 Spe. Hitting slower physical sweepers like Venusaur, Feraligatr, and Drapion before their boost is essential imo. You could try that EV spread.

I actually posted this set in his stall RMT. :P

I use the set in the OP because it fit my team better. Thunderbolt and changes in ev's are all possible. Just change it to how it can help your team overall. Normal-types are annoying, yes, but the whole point is to have entry hazards up. With Taunt, Chansey and Miltank can't heal themselves and will eventually be worn down by hazards + burn damage. Clefable is annoying, but because a lot just run Seismic Toss as their only attack, they can be easily stalled out.
And that is why WoW is used. Miltank won't be doing much damage and you've effectively neutered Drapion and Honchkrow

miltank paras missy.
it switches out
it comes back in and outspeeds missy, so it can heal. it also lets krow and drapion come in and outspeed you, unless you hit it with WoW on the switch. and it lets you beat registeel. that fact alone should warrant a slash. also with shadow ball, you can only switch out of pursuit once, but with t-bolt you can ko the krow. i'll be happy with just a sentence or two metioning how t-bolt is an option.
nizik, Will-o-wisp handles all of the threats you mentioned (Absol, Registeel, Miltank, Drapion) better than Thunderbolt with the exception of Honchkrow. However, Will-o-wisp has the added advantage of crippling Honchkrow without risking being OHKOed by Sucker Punch.

Miltank holds no real relevance on the use of Thunderbolt. It 4HKOs Miltank, meaning Miltank can just Milk Drink to recover any damage. If anything, Thunderbolt would be more useful for Milotic.

Thunderbolt vs. Miltank

256 Atk vs 176 Def & 394 HP (95 Base Power): 100 - 118 (25.38% - 29.95%)

Due to Thunderbolt's pitiful damage, it is advantageous to permanently slice its Attack with burn. You don't beat Registeel with Thunderbolt. If you have max HP and Will-o-wisp, you have a better chance.

Thunderbolt vs. Registeel
256 Atk vs 438 Def & 364 HP (95 Base Power): 40 - 48 (10.99% - 13.19%)
13% - 6% (Leftovers) = 7% damage per turn

Shadow Ball vs. Registeel
256 Atk vs 438 Def & 364 HP (80 Base Power): 25 - 30 (6.87% - 8.24%)
8% - 6% (Leftovers) + 12% (burn) = 14% damage per turn

Iron Head (burned) vs. Mismagius
186 Atk vs 156 Def & 324 HP (80 Base Power): 52 - 63 (16.05% - 19.44%)
19% - 6% (Leftovers) = 13% damage per turn

As you can see, you "beat" Registeel more often with Will-o-wisp than you do with Thunderbolt.

With the exception of Registeel and Miltank, you really shouldn't be staying in against any of those Pokemon anyway.
| Clefable   | Move         | Softboiled       |    60.8 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Seismic Toss     |    39.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Protect          |    36.4 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Encore           |    35.3 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Wish             |    33.6 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Thunder Wave     |    25.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Facade           |    23.0 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Trick            |    15.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Toxic            |    15.7 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Cosmic Power     |    14.5 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Ice Beam         |    10.4 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Belly Drum       |     9.4 |
| Clefable   | Move         | Other (18)       | <   8.4 |
As you can clearly see, Calm Mind Clefable is non-existent. Therefore, your point is, well, pointless. And if you haven't noticed, this set contains Taunt. Mismagius is faster than Clefable (unlike Spiritomb) and can Taunt Clefable before it uses Calm Mind, Softboiled, Wish, Encore, etc. The only valid reason you state for why Spiritomb does this set "better" is the ability to hit Normal-types with a direct attack. Even then, jrr has explained why that isn't valid reasoning. You will rarely, if ever, be PP stalling with this set.
I have faced a couple, and this Mismagius cannot touch any Clefable at all. Not a single move has any effect. That's why Spiritomb is superior.

Also it's hard countered by Pursuit Houndoom, and both the Pursuit/NP and straight special Houndoom have increased drastically in numbers since the suspect test officially ended (ie the last couple days of last month).
This applies to the above two posts, I really don't know how to respond to them because the logic is just so horrible.

[15:18:39] <+SevenDeadlySins> ghghg
[15:18:56] <@LegacyRaider> or wait not vashta diinbong
[15:19:09] <vashta|rmt> lol
[15:19:21] <@Stellar> SDS
[15:19:23] <@Stellar> i dont know how to respond
[15:19:26] <@Stellar> to the last post
[15:19:33] <@Stellar> without just posting "lol, not doing that"
[15:19:35] <+SevenDeadlySins> i'd go with "you're retarded"
[15:19:49] <+SevenDeadlySins> maybe a "shut the fuck up" or two
[15:19:54] <&X-Act> yeah let's not have a STAB attack.
[15:19:59] <+SevenDeadlySins> YEAH
[15:20:00] <+SevenDeadlySins> v_v
[15:20:09] <+SevenDeadlySins> well
[15:20:12] <+SevenDeadlySins> not having stab is ok on some monds
[15:20:14] <+SevenDeadlySins> mons*
[15:20:29] <+SevenDeadlySins> but
[15:20:36] <+SevenDeadlySins> we're talking mismagius here
[15:20:58] <&X-Act> it's only okay when either the attacking stats are weak or the STAB moves available are.

This set will not slash Thunderbolt as an option over Shadow Ball. Having Thunderbolt as Mismagius's only attack is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. If anything, it will be mentioned as a possible option over Will-o-wisp (although the possibility is low) and will not actually be slashed in on the set.

I'm not going to bother continuing this "Spiritomb is better" argument either.

Please don't continue either of these arguments or I'll probably have to infract you.
Wow, this thread is pretty popular... o_O

The main point of this set is abusing Mismagius' Speed to the fullest and spamming Taunts and Will-O-Wisps around, while punishing switches with entry hazards. Spiritomb could never pull off an identical set with 30 base Speed, and as noted Mismagius walls the majority of Normal-types who aren't touched by Shadow Ball. The combination of Taunt + Burn is rather amazing. Spiritomb can't Taunt nearly fast enough to prevent things from healing.
I actually posted this set in his stall RMT. :P

I use the set in the OP because it fit my team better. Thunderbolt and changes in ev's are all possible. Just change it to how it can help your team overall. Normal-types are annoying, yes, but the whole point is to have entry hazards up. With Taunt, Chansey and Miltank can't heal themselves and will eventually be worn down by hazards + burn damage. Clefable is annoying, but because a lot just run Seismic Toss as their only attack, they can be easily stalled out.

Oh, well good set, I use it as my Rapid Spin blocker. Got me 1500 on ladder today.

To sum up Spiritomb vs Mismagius debate: The faster Taunt and Will-O-Wisp makes a huge difference in the game.
franky said:
To sum up Spiritomb vs Mismagius debate: The faster Taunt and Will-O-Wisp makes a huge difference in the game.

IMO Spiritomb is better vs. Offense thanks to better durability, resistances and type coverage whereas Mismagius is better vs. Stall because of a speedy Taunt to prevent heals.

Mismagius ftw!!!
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