Boxing Day


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Surprised no one has started this thread.

Share your escapades? Did you get crushed by lines? Did you run to the nearest door crasher items? Did you go broke?

I went to Metrotown and Lougheed Mall. Nothing was worth buying at Metrotown, except for some stuff at Esprit (50% off everything) so I bought a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Then I went to Urban Behaviour. I swear, the lines were longer than the ones at A/X. Maybe because they slashed most of their items by 70%... anyways, got sick of the lines, left for Lougheed, walked around, found nothing, went to Bluenotes as a last resort, and found a peacoat for 30 bucks.

Then I went to Circuit City to see their "boxing deal" stuff that they claimed they had on the newspaper. Turned out, they had all of their regular prices... and their shit was boxing day priced the day before Christmas Eve. Could've gotten a pair of Sennheiser earbuds for fifty bucks, and now they're at 130 when I went before Christmas Eve, and thought they would drop even more at Boxing Day. Moral: Don't be greedy.

All in all, 150 dollars spent.

Let's hear your stories?
Amazingly busy in my home town. It was bargain city.
Went in with my girlfriend, she picked up a friend, as did I. It was so crazy. But shit, I got some good bargains. Two pairs of Levi jeans = $40NZD (maybe about 25-30USD) then I got 4 t-shirts, one nice button up shirt, and two pairs of shorts for $110. (about 80USD I spose). My mate got a godzilla box set with EVERYSINGLE godzilla movie ever made (bar the newest one), we watched Mechagodzilla vs godzilla yesterday, absolutely hilarious. Oh, and some sweet headphones. We also waited 35 minutes for Starbucks. >.< To be speedy, I didn't try any of the clothes on haha, but luckily they all fitted perfectly. Phew.
I'm extremely chuffed. First time I had really gone boxing day sales hunting and still have lots of money to spare.
hungover to fuck, stayed in bed all day, have not washed, had several cups of some lukewarm tea, cheese on toast, and played MW2. good day.
Picked up assassin's creed 2 for 40 bucks. Futureshop had a crazy ps3 slim + uncharted 2 + killzone 2 for $300 deal but I missed out on it.
Because of the size of my family (due to parents divorcing and then later marrying other people), I essentially have two Christmases: one on Christmas Day and one on Boxing Day.

Not really anything to say in the way of incidents.
Picked up assassin's creed 2 for 40 bucks. Futureshop had a crazy ps3 slim + uncharted 2 + killzone 2 for $300 deal but I missed out on it.
Why didn't you get it for $30 instead? =P And it was the fat PS3 at Future Shop, not Slim. And it was the first Uncharted, not Uncharted 2.

I got up at around 8:15 and went to Rogers Plus by my house a few minutes before opening. What a fucking scam. Their item on Page #1 was Modern Warfare 2 + Assassin's Creed 2 used for $60 combined. Was gonna trade in AC2 (already have the collector's edition on the way from EB Games which was $30), finish MW2, and trade that in. But guess what? 0 stock. I was the third person in the store. My uncle was #2 and got the only Mario Kart Wii. #1 got one of like the 5 PS3 Controller bundles. How the fuck do you not have any stock of your front page items. Jesus. Joke company.

I just went to London Drugs beside it and picked up Rock Band 2 and Tomb Raider Underworld for $5 each. Didn't bother hitting up Metrotown this year.'s sale blew too. I couldn't tell if it was updating slowly or if they didn't have a sale... Well, unless my order for that $20 PSP goes through XD Then the sale was amazing.

...found a peacoat for 30 bucks.
o rly... I need a new coat. Kinda late now I guess.
o rly... I need a new coat. Kinda late now I guess.

If you fit L or XL or XXL, I know that Urban Behaviour at Metrotown has ton of those. Black and Grey. They're around 40-60. No one was touching them, because... well those sizes are pretty big.
went out with a friend to dufferin mall, stayed there for a while until i finally bought some bargain shirts at bluenotes for 20$. stopped in at hmv planning to get embryonic for just a bit off because yeah!! ill support the flaming lips. thouroughly dissapointed at the lack of flaming lips stock. basically stopped after that because i didn`t feel like going to the eaton center or to sherway (toronto malls, yeah!) because they are always insanely backed

to be honest boxing day doesnt have as much on sale as youd like but at this point its just the fact that its boxing day that people end up shopping anyways
Had my Aunt and Uncle up for lunch, which was good. We continued our tradition of trying to buy each other the most horrifying gifts ever; my aunt got us a fish sculpture that is atrocioius, we got them an extremely tacky photoframe in the shape of a car with our pictures in each of the windows.

Then, I went to Sydney to see Sherlock Holmes with friends.

id rather avoid toronto malls entirely on boxing day and go a few days after cause honestly, it's not worth it :s
oxford street was the biggest crush i have ever seen.
as was kings road, covent garden, carnaby street, and camden market.
and the tube, my god, it was hell on earth.

i think jackal had the right idea there if toronto's anything like london.
id rather avoid toronto malls entirely on boxing day and go a few days after cause honestly, it's not worth it :s
It's all about online shopping! I'd rather F5 and fight past server crashes than wait in the cold at 2AM. Not to mention the online sales all start on Christmas Eve making it a good first line of attack with the stores as a last resort. Mostly for electronics purchases though. For clothing you're basically screwed.
Went to see Avatar! There were 5 of us as a group, and luckily there were 5 seats left at the cinema (although we had to sit apart, it was still well worth the 2 hour journey there) Also ate Burger King (twice) and KFC (this is a big deal when your town has no fast food restaurants...)
Went to see Avatar! There were 5 of us as a group, and luckily there were 5 seats left at the cinema (although we had to sit apart, it was still well worth the 2 hour journey there) Also ate Burger King (twice) and KFC (this is a big deal when your town has no fast food restaurants...)

Do you live in an Amish Commune?

EDIT: Damn, what a way to waste Post #500.
If you fit L or XL or XXL, I know that Urban Behaviour at Metrotown has ton of those. Black and Grey. They're around 40-60. No one was touching them, because... well those sizes are pretty big.
Dammit, all they had left were XL and XXL. L might have fit... maybe.