Metal Gear Solid Tactical Game: Sign-ups

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Ok I checked the priorities and everything should be fine now, but if you spot a contradiction be sure to present some evidence that highlights it (yeah AAI is out).

If you are in no other game and signed up for nothing, you are P1.
If you are in no other game and signed up for Superstars, you are P1-or-P2-etc.
If you are in DotA and signed up for nothing, or if you are reserved for Superstars and are in nothing else, you are P2.
If you are in any other situation (you are in DotA and signed up for Superstars, or asked to be taken as a sub only...), you are Other.
Dont forget those reserved for Superstars and are in nothing else are P2 (you have it already in the main list, but not mentioned in previous post).

Edit: I'd be willing to sub in if I dont make it (which i doubt). Or be one of the people not in game that participate
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