CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

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Rocket, I have to disagree with the above^.
Love the new colours, might even vote with you instead of mine:)

Yilx...I just can't really see that current design and colours as a pokemon. It doesn't really give an electric feel just through the colours. Also, I'm not convinced on the shape you've got going on the two tentacles - can't you make them a bit more dynamic?
Final Submission

I've made the circles yellow, and tried to remove the fins from the side of its face, but it looked very incomplete and not like a water type without them.

I'm still open to suggestions, but figure I might as well make a final submission just the same, as I can always go back and edit this post.

Edit: Revised final design:


Supporting Material

Alternate poses that show its rear design better:

Since competitive aspects come before flavor, I feel that flavor should adapt itself to make the overall creation more cohesive and logical. This way we wont end up with a cloud having moth scales (Cyclohm's Shield Dust). =P

Also, it can use any Elemental Punch or Fang move that might make its moveset, looks moderately fast, and could convincingly have a high HP.

Additional details: It has power cells on its arms that charge electricity as it swims. The sensitive nerves running through its skin channel this power into other parts of its body. This Pokemon uses the nerves in its fingers to read the energy given off by the opponent's ability, then transfers the signal through its body in order to duplicate the effect.

They are most often found in swift-running fresh water.
@Nyasu: Lose the lightningbolt spurs you have on the backs of the feet. To me they just look silly. The dorsal fin looks odd. Looking at just about every sea creature it's triangular shaped. Yours looks more like a pectoral fin slapped on it's back. I feel you can also lose the lightning tip of the tail as well. As with the spurs it looks rather out of place and silly.
Paras Hilton: I wish you hadn't said FINAL SUBMISSION! :( Your Poke looks watery, but not super shocky. I agree with an earlier post: changing the color of the lightning shaped elements removed some of the mental associations to electricity.

One really subtle thing you could do: Add a faint lightbulb filament to the lantern. Doesn't have to be prominent, just visibile if you look at it. Turning that lantern into a lightbulb would add some much needed electric elements to the design, but also help remove a bit of that supernatural vibe. As it is currently, it reminds me of a half-mermaid, half Legend of Zelda Poe Ghost. I do really like it, though.

Keishinkae: Your first design series is my favorite, but I feel like the current one is a definite evolution from that. Consider the Aligator Clip/clamp, as a possible way to make more of those electrical mental associations.

Aragornbird: Thunderprawn has been my favorite critter (fritter) since it first showed. For some reason, I imagined it floating in stormclouds instead of the sea or ocean, and I fell in love with the design. (I was prwn'd). The design wavered, but it definitely seems like it matches your original desing document. The antenna are throwing me off, though, since they remind me of Chinchou. Do you think a lightningbolt-style double kink, or making them sweep back (like a shrimp) would be too extreme a way to help differentiate them?
here is my entry
It's still a WIP


It's my first tme I scratched soemthing that is bigger then 80x80 so I think I didn't did that bad...
Only the colors just don't give me
so kind wanted to ask for some opinions...
I know it's kind of late to do so, but I really havn't had the time to post this earlier...
Rocket, I have to disagree with the above^.
Love the new colours, might even vote with you instead of mine:)

Yilx...I just can't really see that current design and colours as a pokemon. It doesn't really give an electric feel just through the colours. Also, I'm not convinced on the shape you've got going on the two tentacles - can't you make them a bit more dynamic?

I tried to make the tentacles a little more lightning and zappy-like, but it didn't really do very well for the silhouette if I did that...

Maybe I'll remove the gradient-ish hues from it; that's probably what making it un-pokemonlike.
Eel thing
Electric Catfish

My first post in a while! I wanted to try making a picture for this CAP earlier, but I didn't get the time. The first picture was based on an electric eel. Those oval-shaped things on its sides are supposed to generate electricity.

The second pic is based on an electric catfish. In real life, it creates electricity on its skin, but here it doesn't look electric at all. Does anyone have any tips on what I can do to change that?
I experimented with a shorter, flatter version of the teeth on my hydroelectric beaver design. Here is the long and short version of the teeth side-by-side (click to view in full size):

I still prefer the longer teeth, because I think it makes the design a bit more offensive looking. But, the shorter teeth put the design more squarely in the classic beaver mold, which may be a better way to go.

Anyway, I'm curious which one is preferred by others.
I think the long teeth are still much better DJD, although if you like both I suppose it could be the basis of a gender difference (or is that left up to spriters?).
I experimented with a shorter, flatter version of the teeth on my hydroelectric beaver design. Here is the long and short version of the teeth side-by-side (click to view in full size):

I still prefer the longer teeth, because I think it makes the design a bit more offensive looking. But, the shorter teeth put the design more squarely in the classic beaver mold, which may be a better way to go.

Anyway, I'm curious which one is preferred by others.

I'd be curious to see if you could make a version with decently long teeth out to the sides of the mouth like walrus tusks. It might even shut up the "Bibarel evo" crowd.
@Nyasu: Lose the lightningbolt spurs you have on the backs of the feet. To me they just look silly. The dorsal fin looks odd. Looking at just about every sea creature it's triangular shaped. Yours looks more like a pectoral fin slapped on it's back. I feel you can also lose the lightning tip of the tail as well. As with the spurs it looks rather out of place and silly.
I'd been thinking about getting rid of those, but wasn't sure. But the tail-tip one, too? I think the tail would look too empty without anything on it, but don't want to put just a typical fish tail on it. For the dorsal, do you think it would look better if the bottom spine had skin stretched down to the body (making it more triangular)? I'll try those things.
Doug, I definitely like the longer teeth way better than the shorter ones. I say stick with them. I can't really give a definite reason as to why they look better, they just feel right. That sort of instinct is something I trust when it comes to creative endeavors, so yeah.
I tried adding spots, but none really looked that nice except this layout. Still messing around with color schemes, I'm leaning towards the blue skin brown plating, but the teal looks kinda cool.
Eeh ... go with the right-hand one and lose the bits on the side of the head because they make your design look too much like a cute Salamence.

First drawing. I'm working on line-art now. Just want some feedback on the concept. Its a Hippo in a cloud for anyone who hadn't guessed.
Revision: this time with no lightning spurs and fixed dorsal fin.

Thinking about putting something on the soles of the feet, if only just a circle like a lot of other Pokes. Also wondering if there's anything better to put on the tail tip than the current bolt.

Revision: this time with no lightning spurs and fixed dorsal fin.

Thinking about putting something on the soles of the feet, if only just a circle like a lot of other Pokes. Also wondering if there's anything better to put on the tail tip than the current bolt.


What other pokes have a circle on the bottom of their feet?

To me, the torso of your potential submission looks a little plain. However, at the same time I'm worried that adding anything there would result in its looking garish or overcomplicated.
What other pokes have a circle on the bottom of their feet?

To me, the torso of your potential submission looks a little plain. However, at the same time I'm worried that adding anything there would result in its looking garish or overcomplicated.
The first thing that came to mind was the Charmander line, which has a yellow spot on their soles, but I'm pretty sure there are others.

Several people have suggested putting something on the torso, but so far, nothing has worked that didn't look either cliched or cluttered. =/
I think the torso looks great as-is. You don't need to clutter every part of its body with extra details - as a matter of fact, generally simpler designs are better received and are more attractive. I also don't think that you should get rid of the lightning bolt on the tail, since without it you can barely tell the thing is Electric anymore. My thoughts, anyways.
I'd been thinking about getting rid of those, but wasn't sure. But the tail-tip one, too? I think the tail would look too empty without anything on it, but don't want to put just a typical fish tail on it. For the dorsal, do you think it would look better if the bottom spine had skin stretched down to the body (making it more triangular)? I'll try those things.
The tail, I feel, will need some sort of fin. Otherwise I don't see how it can control itself effectively in water. The dorsal fin and webbed hands help for momentum and turns (as well as protecting it from rolling currents) but the tail is the rudder. A quick example of how this works is humans have a hard time turning in water without having to thrash and throw our bodies around. Fish simply need a quick flick of their tail to turn. This of course also adds to the pokedex entries you can make. I don't think the standard fish tail will look good either, but I think putting a short fin membrane along a large portion of the tail will look good. Here's a quick example of what I mean, if you like it go ahead and tinker with the idea. This kind of tail means it won't be absolutely fantastic in control, but the presence of the actual tail muscle throughout the fin means it will be powerful.

The dorsal fin looks better but I think you're putting too much emphasis on the spines. That could be just me.

I also don't like how everyone feels the poke 'needs to look EXACTLY like the type'. Throwing lightningbolts all over the body of your design, I feel, ruins it. If you have something that already directly tells your audience that it incorperates electricity (ex: your electric arm generators) and water (ex: your fins) then I don't see the need to go over the top. Cartoons! and Paras Hilton hit the nail on the head with this concept while AragornBird is another fantastic example.
New and improved, slightly smaller version.


First draft of my concept... I'm a little happier with the concept than the execution.

I'd love criticism of both.

The idea is that the wings are its shield, hence the bulkiness, and the speed isn't hard to imagine since it's a bird (even if swans aren't particularly fast).

I figure it's not a Flying-type because, having re-purposed it's wings as a shield, it's too heavy to fly anymore. Another lame excuse I thought of is that it generates electricity by flapping its wings, so excessive flapping could cause it to damage itself.

I imagine it could flap while running to make it move more quickly.
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