BlazBlue - 2d fighters are still alive

I'd recommend AC+ too, but there's no netplay. So if your friends nearby have no real interest, there's no real point. On the other hand, there's a fan patch that lets you play online with the PC version of #R. That's the main reason why I would recommend someone #R over AC+.

Of course, if you can get together a few buddies to play AC+ with you, by all means buy that one over the older edition.
I don't even know how necessary it is to play on a stick for this game (though I do), there are some really solid pad players for sure.
I assume that the 360 pad is terrible, and the analog slows you down quite a bit. It's just overall a lot easier on a stick from my one time trying it out.
It just makes things a lot easier overall. You've got four fingers instead of one thumb moving along the face buttons. Plus, if you've got nice, expensive buttons, it makes the comboing easier. The square gate (at least for me whenever I get to play around with one) is by far very easy to use. Circular motions might be hard at first, but dang, they make your moves accurate after a little bit of practice.

Oh. And negative edging becomes so much less of a pain.
yeah I'd still probably recommend playing on a stick to most people, I just think they're a lot less "necessary" than a lot of people make them out to be, at least for some games/characters.

So anyway yeah, balance. EVO and SBO seemed indicative that the game was a bit better balanced than some people would complain; a Noel won EVO and she's mid tier, Carl made it to top two in SBO and there were two Litchis (and I think a Bang) in top eight (though Arakune won the tournament and there were two Nus in top four). What people who support the game's balance like to ignore is that the Noel that won EVO was a guy who lives in Japan, and that SBO is crazyjapanland single elim nonsense. So until recently there really hasn't been a major NA tournament that fairly showcase's the game's balance.

Well, West Coast Warzone says "sup." Final four was Nu, Nu, Arakune, Rachel, all top tier. Final two was Nu versus Nu, simultaneously the best and arguably most boring character in the game. So especially with there only being 12 characters in the game to begin with, I think it's pretty much 100% obvious that the game could really really use a balance update of some sort. Then there's the fact that Nu and Arakune are pretty much designed to be assholes... I'm not entirely convinced that say, just lowering their damage output would make them interesting characters to play as or watch. I'd like to think that a balance patch would see Nu and Arakune, and probably Carl for that matter, reworked a little bit. But hey who cares, I play Jin, who's even or better with like the whole cast lol.
To be honest, I'd rather they give some of the lower tier, close-range characters some scary offense to work with. Seriously, every time I actually get a chance to play this game, there's nothing stopping my Arakune from applying pressure from a safe distance. Especially when my opponent's close range pressure isn't all that threatening/fairly easy to read.

With the exception of maybe Rachel, literally nobody has the offensive capabilities to make you wet your pants like Millia, Slayer, or Jam did in GGXX. Instead of fearing puffballs, we now fear curse clouds.
I sort of wish I knew more about Guilty Gear so I'd know how the games compare. one thing I do know is that Blazblue throws are considerably nerfed by comparison, and I know that there are a lot of people who attribute that to offense being less effective, at least to some extent.
I'm still working on improving my gameplay. Someone here hit me up if you have PS3, gamertag is in the first post of this topic.
finally got this game, and was a LE :naughty:, at first all i played was Rachel but gave another shot at Arakune and if it is fun to play, at least when i use it because it is a pian to fight againist, also Hakumen caught my eye, big damage but small combos sounds good to me, too bad matagama build kind of slow and sometimes don't have enough to finish a combo :pirate:
yeah hakumen also pretty much runs straight into a brick wall when it comes to competently-played top tiers. in general i think he's considered a fairly "advanced" character who just happens to have a pretty even learning curve early on. it's really fun playing against a smart, counter-heavy hakumen because they really make you vary your offense and keep you on your toes.
Tager moves faster and has faster attacks, Arakune's bees can no longer guard break, the burst system matches guilty gear's... I wonder how the tiers will shift.
I really want to play some of this and check it out.

Arakune's changes seem pretty drastic to me so far, but I haven't really payed attention to the other characters.
Looks like Jin got fucked up hardcore so far. j.b slower (so 5c can no longer combo into it which is pretty huge), 5b doesn't hit opponents on the ground, b ice car doesn't knock down anymore, and triple ice swords is apparently double ice swords now. in return he gets a new counter super, a new j.c (his old one is j.2c now), and some sort of buff to his ground ice swords apparently. not too confident in him right now but time will tell if I might wind up wanting to pick up a sub when this game comes out.

Rachel's offense has apparently been heavily nerfed which I think is a bit boring but oh well.

Carl has a really good projectile and no clap loop, he should be interesting.

Hakumen seems really interesting; he's apparently the only character who hasn't really lost damage output, and has some sort of projectile... barrier... thing.

and pparently Tsubaki is supposed to be like Order Sol or something.

this will be interesting.
tsubaki looks really interesting, i always liked HOS so i will def try her, arakune looks like more balanced now with the curse system changed, v-13(now v-11/Lambda) looks entirely diferent hopefully for good, hakumen look very solid now, barrier againist projectile, huge damage output thats going to put him def mid-top, can't wait to try the game!
isn't his birthday supposed to be on International Dance Day or some shit

"Michael Jackson with knives and chains"

kind of the most badass concept possible in my opinion
Continuum Shift gets its arcade release exactly 1 year after Calamity Trigger's: November 20th.

And that is a sweet-looking cover
Guys I'm confused.

I've been waiting for this game since it's been announced, and now apparently the 'upgraded version' Calamity Trigger is finally out in Europe so I was about to get it - but what is this Continuum Shift then? A completely new sequel, or DLC? When is it supposed to be available in Europe? Should I wait for it, or buy CT right away?