Anyone else ever feel like a complete failure at life

Like, every thing I do seems to go wrong. Either I have to act like a complete deadbeat or I end up physically hurting someone or embarrassing someone or fucking up a friendship. No matter how much I try just every fucking thing goes wrong for me

anyone else ever get huge, multi-year stretches like this? what to do? :/
yes, as the song says "I bet it all on a good run of bad luck"

We all hit those. and it sucks. all you can do is keep going, and live with good intention. if you mean well i will end up good in the end. :D
I used to feel like this, no matter what I did I couldn't please anyone, and because of it I suffered immensity. While all the "buck up"s and "it'll get better"s are kind of nice to get, really they are worthless. It's like your cats dead and someone says "you can get another one," you don't want another one, you want that one. Basically, what I did was do things which made me feel good about myself. I wrote for Smogon, kept a journal, did activities that I could get complemented on. Skateboarding (while a bitch to start off at first) is a good way to get out and do something. I suggest skateboarding since once you start landing tricks you feel great about yourself, and you can't wait to try something new. But things like running, biking, or painting are good things to try to. Running and biking release a chemical in your brain that makes you happy, while painting is a nice thing to sit around and do. Sure, you may be awful at first (or not!) but you can look down at your deformed house and say "I made this."

"Get out, get going." Is basically what I did to get over all of this. You don't want to feel terrible, so go try to cheer yourself up. The first way to please others' is to first please yourself.
Me, dude. My entire life seems to be one constant whirlwind of failures. I never say or do the right thing, and I have really dropped in grades over the past few years, from all of the pressure from parents and the like. It seems the only thing I can do relatively well in is playing video games and talking on forums like this, the only place where I can seem to do and say the right thing.
Sometimes i feel like im wasting skills and talents that i have, and i could be doing this or that. Or maybe im on a road to nowhere only to end up a dead-beat loser.

But in the end.. seriously.. things work out for the best, and your situation is never that bad. I overwhelm myself often.. but when i relax and actually think... shits pretty great.
My only beef lately is that most of my male frienships are based off of smoking weed, and now that I've quit smoking as much, I feel like I'm losing friends.
The only thing that makes me feel like a failure are my grades at school. They're not even that bad but I feel like I could be doing a lot better. Failing what I was gonna major in sure made me feel like a piece of shit though. ;_;
no, i do not feel this way.

i have close to NO "motivation" at all, but why don't i feel the same as you do?

you people just need to stop thinking or pretending to think too much.
i'll just leave it at that.

You're right! Not only do I believe in myself now but I also believe in you. One day you WILL be the Pokemon League Champion.

Seriously though, good advice when it works.
Like, every thing I do seems to go wrong. Either I have to act like a complete deadbeat or I end up physically hurting someone or embarrassing someone or fucking up a friendship. No matter how much I try just every fucking thing goes wrong for me

anyone else ever get huge, multi-year stretches like this? what to do? :/

maybe you should go see a psych professional. Who knows, if it's you fucking the bed repeatedly you might have some sort of disorder. The bolded part could easily be symptomatic of dozens of disorders, but I'm not psych person. That shit is more art than it is science, hence why I have scorn for it even when it helps me.

Just learn to be more confident and belive in your self. Think about the glass being half full, not half empty

This has to be the worst feel good information of all time. Honestly, you can't just say "believe in yourself" and expect someone who is going through tough times to turn it around and think "you know what? that's awesome. I just had the worst day ever and then was raped by a large man but at least I had sex lol!"
I you feel like you're failing you are trying too hard. Learn to know your limits and don't overdo anything. Thinking too much doesn't really do you that much good anyway.
I just did right now. Sigh.

ANYWAYS, Don't get yourself down, but think positively like everyone said. One word of caution: Don't turn to eating or playing video games. Those will consume your life worse than ever.
okay I guess I need to spell things out:

Internet random 14 year olds saying "think positively" to someone trying to reach out and, as I highlighted before, could have an underlying issue that can easily be dealt with, need to shut the front door. Really guys, let me tell you that someone depressed, bipolar or suffering from other conditions might not be able to be like "hey I guess Eraddd was right, if I use negative coping mechanisms like eating or video games it will ruin me so instead I'll think positively."

Yes, everyone has their failures in life. Yes, sometimes life piles on shit. Okay, it does suck and whatever, but really if it is a long term or chronic thing please talk to your doctor. It can improve your life far more than just "thinking positively".
My only beef lately is that most of my male frienships are based off of smoking weed, and now that I've quit smoking as much, I feel like I'm losing friends.

Yeah this is a familiar situation, however I was already friends with most of the people I smoke with before we started. The people I smoke with now, eh there cool, but not great friends.

To the OP, yeah these horrible feelings happen, but I'm never feeling like shit for too long. I do occasionally get those nights where I question what the fuck im doing with my life, realize its all worthless, and then just forget about it and go to bed, waking up the next day, never making any changes I had decided on the night before, eh w/e.
okay I guess I need to spell things out:

Internet random 14 year olds saying "think positively" to someone trying to reach out and, as I highlighted before, could have an underlying issue that can easily be dealt with, need to shut the front door. Really guys, let me tell you that someone depressed, bipolar or suffering from other conditions might not be able to be like "hey I guess Eraddd was right, if I use negative coping mechanisms like eating or video games it will ruin me so instead I'll think positively."

Yes, everyone has their failures in life. Yes, sometimes life piles on shit. Okay, it does suck and whatever, but really if it is a long term or chronic thing please talk to your doctor. It can improve your life far more than just "thinking positively".

Right. And instead of giving out input, we should instead go with the professional advice of "Go see a psychiatrist." We're trying to help, and have a bit of human contact with him, not just see him as another sick in the masses. By giving out advice, I think most of us are showing that we "care" (And please don't say some shit about caring doesn't work, because quite frankly, our society is built on human contact and caring for one another).
When I was in intermediate school (11-12), and maybe even younger I dont really remember, I was pretty depressed. At that point I used to share a room with my older brother, but he would have been pretty old at that stage, so maybe it was younger than this. I'm not sure.. Anyway I used to dread going to bed. Cause that was when I was alone and probably the lack of sunlight didnt help, so what would happen was I would lie in bed awake with the radio on until my brother went to bed as well, and he would turn off the radio and I would pretend to be asleep but I dont think I did a very good job of it.

Anyway, at some point this stopped happening. I cant really remember a cause for this at all. But like, by the time I was 15 I had become almost like an exaggerated parody of an obnoxious optimist. And, at this stage of my life, I completely forgot that I had ever been depressed earlier at all. Possibly it was the optimism that helped me out of that state, maybe it had nothing to do with it I dont remember. I mean honestly I think my life was just better by then. But basically I could control my emotional state pretty well, and when I was getting frustrated or whatever, I could snap myself out of it if I needed to.

Ok, so then at university, I suddenly got depressed again. A bunch of people I knew, and my pet cat, all died in the space of a year or so, this is 2001 as well, so there was 9/11, and I was doing some philosophy ethics paper about various horrible situations like assisted suicide and abortions. And anyway, I really felt like shit. Oh yeah, this was when I suddenly remembered what my life had been like earlier..

But the real problem, was I believed that through positive thinking I could control my emotional state, cause I had been doing this all through highschool and it had never let me down. But, when I was getting more and more depressed, it just didnt help. And I panicked. So firstly I felt like shit, and I also had the sense of powerlessness on top of that.

Anyway, basically what I had to learn to do was to accept that when bad things happen to you, you are likely to feel bad. And that, if you are afraid of feeling bad, and being afraid feels bad, then you will continue to feel bad for a very long time.

This I dont know if what you are in is a similar situation at all. I mean, if I am being honest, I probably am closer to the feels like one is incapable of doing anything wrong end of the spectrum. So the purpose of this post isnt so much to help you as it is to show people that sometimes "have a positive attitude" is actually harmful advice rather than helpful.

I could close this thread, cause I gotta be honest, a lot of the advice here is bad. But I'd like to leave it open, cause it could be really helpful. What I think is much more useful than advice though, is your own experiences and what was helpful to you.

Have a nice day.
maybe you should go see a psych professional. Who knows, if it's you fucking the bed repeatedly you might have some sort of disorder. The bolded part could easily be symptomatic of dozens of disorders, but I'm not psych person. That shit is more art than it is science, hence why I have scorn for it even when it helps me.

Insert standard response of budding psychologist that it is a science here.

This is good advice, however. Stick it out for a while more if you think you can, and eventually something will happen to make you feel better. If that doesn't happen within a timeframe you're comfortable with, go see a therapist and/or shrink.

Also posting to say that the posts saying "Just think positive!", while likely well-intentioned, are not terribly good advice. A positive attitude can help with life's various small letdowns, but when you're feeling as you are all the time trying to look on the bright side of things is not going to help by itself.

Whatever you do, do not attempt to harm yourself.
I'm definitely going to agree with wer on the unhelpfulness of the "Be positive!" posts, no matter how well-intentioned they are. First of all, sometimes that's simply impossible (say, for someone suffering from clinical depression). Second of all, negative emotions are still around for a reason; being positive is great, but being positive all the time is far from it. I am an extremely easy-going person, to the point where if I find something unpleasant, I automatically think "oh well" and push it aside (not saying I have all these negative feelings bottled up, I genuinely don't think about it anymore). That's wonderful if it's something I have no control over, but many times it's something that I could fix, or have fixed, if I felt the need to change it. Being negative would help me in those situations.

Anyone on the internet should read this, and anyone with good reason to post in this thread should read #7 a few times.

I didn't feel like posting anything serious so soon after the religion thread, but stumbling upon this article I am seriously saddened. Not because it's anything I didn't know, but because after a life time of trying to understand human empathy (as the token Autistic), a large number of my peers (especially the kind of people I'd prefer to be my peers, nerds) have been discarding their empathy for a decade now.

You know what I did today? I told a girl that I was falling in love with her, and that it scared me because we haven't known each other very long, and have only been on one date. And I sure as hell wasn't going to say something like that over a text message. I wanted to see her today, but she lives three hours away so we agreed on Friday. Then I called my friend Alex, who I have almost nothing in common with, and wanted to know if he'd like to meet to finish a board game we'd been working on. We had to settle for tomorrow. THEN, I settled for the computer.

Maybe, if so many people on the internet feels like deadbeats, then there are better things for them to be doing.
i highly recommend seeing a professional psychiatrist (note: not a psychologist, although seeing both might be useful too).
Yeah, actively going out and sorting your problems is a far better solution than wallowing in self pity. Go do something about it instead of whining on here.

You've only got on life, you'll regret letting just slip by
Personally, the reason I'm disagreeing with the "think positive" mentality is because most of the time, people don't tell you how to think positive. If you're going to give advice, be specific.