Most Generation PRNG Help / Information


What impossible odds?
is a Contributor Alumnus
Okay so I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment; I've been trying to RNG the togepi egg given to you in SS, and I'm getting weird results. This is what I'm shooting for:

Seed: 7b0448d1
Frame: 1
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Ability: 1 (serene grace)

Now obviously I'm shooting in the dark here since at this point in the game I don't have the roamers released/all the elm call versions yet, but I've found some ways around that.

I took a stab at hitting the seed without changing the delay(via emloop); essentially calibrating for my game's delay time. I got a value of 18460, or 171 frames of game loading time. So I added that to the delay on emloop, and did another reset. That's where the trouble popped up.

Somehow I had managed to land on seed 7ddf7cc8, and got the first frame in method 1, just like predicted. The problem is that RNG Reporter (I have version 8.1) calls 7ddf7cc8 and invalid seed when I try to put it into time finder to find out the delay I hit. I did a few more resets, each time landing closer to my target seed, but it just happened again. Time finder can't find the spread for frame 1 method 1 of seed 7ddf7cc8 either.

I don't know what's causing this, but I found it really weird that I would be getting invalid seeds while resetting >_?

If anyone could help clarify what's going on here, that would be much appreciated, thanks.
The shiny egg hatching process is different to the one you used in DPPt, as far as I know. I'm no RNG pro, but I can breed shinies in HGSS. I'll tell you what I did:

1. Open up time finder, click the Shiny Egg tab. Check 'HGSS Shiny Egg'
2. Enter all the details, including a seconds value and delay range you are confident you can hit regularly.
3. The date actually isn't important (unless you care about your shiny being hatched at some stupid date)
4. If no results come up when you press generate, try changing the date until something good comes up. Something 'good' is one with a frame as low as possible. This way you won't have to go through eggs and risk missing one (I won't go into details).
5. When you find a good seed, right-click it and select 'Generate More Times...'
6. On the screen that comes up, make sure it has the correct date and seconds, and check 'HGSS'. Find your seed on the list, and highlight/click on it. Click the generate button located on the middle right.
7. Now you should have a bunch of adjacent values as well as your desired seed.
8. Start the button-mashing sequence on your game. To see if you hit your target seed, immediately load up pokegear after pressing continue. Call Elm 9 times, note his replies, press 'Search Elm' in the middle, and enter what you got.
9. The RNG Reporter should now find the seed you hit. If nothing comes up, then you're either too far off your target or entered Elm's replies wrong.
10. Repeat step 8 until you hit your target seed.
11. When you succeed, you can now put your parents in the daycare and start collecting eggs.
12. There is no coinflip app in HGSS, so you have to go through each egg one by one (as the guide says). That is why you want an egg on the first frame, so the first egg you pick up will be shiny.
13. When you reach the frame of the shiny egg, save before collecting it if you want to SR for IV's.

I hope this helped.

P.S. I don't have any roamers roaming about on my game. So I've never had to enter their locations. Otherwise it should be the same process for you.
Hmm, do the delays have to match up exactly? Let's say in the first window, I choose a seed with a delay of 483. In the second window (Seeds to Time), do I have to get the exact same delay again (483) after I enter the Elm information?

Never mind, the seeds have to match up exactly. My mistake.
Okay so I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment; I've been trying to RNG the togepi egg given to you in SS, and I'm getting weird results. This is what I'm shooting for:

Seed: 7b0448d1
Frame: 1
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Ability: 1 (serene grace)

Now obviously I'm shooting in the dark here since at this point in the game I don't have the roamers released/all the elm call versions yet, but I've found some ways around that.

I took a stab at hitting the seed without changing the delay(via emloop); essentially calibrating for my game's delay time. I got a value of 18460, or 171 frames of game loading time. So I added that to the delay on emloop, and did another reset. That's where the trouble popped up.

Somehow I had managed to land on seed 7ddf7cc8, and got the first frame in method 1, just like predicted. The problem is that RNG Reporter (I have version 8.1) calls 7ddf7cc8 and invalid seed when I try to put it into time finder to find out the delay I hit. I did a few more resets, each time landing closer to my target seed, but it just happened again. Time finder can't find the spread for frame 1 method 1 of seed 7ddf7cc8 either.

I don't know what's causing this, but I found it really weird that I would be getting invalid seeds while resetting >_?

If anyone could help clarify what's going on here, that would be much appreciated, thanks.
Wouldn't 7ddf7cc8 be a 31934 delay in 2010? How exactly are you working out these delays and seeds?

I got a value of 18460, or 171 frames of game loading time.
The delay is the frames of loading time (I think); 18460 delay means your game was loading for over five minutes... Did you really leave it on that long?
When breeding for a shiny or doing and other RNG thing, is there any way I can increase my delay? It's becoming difficult to land on a specific delay.
The longer you wait before pressing A at the continue screen, the higher your delay will be. If you time yourself with a programme/stopwatch/clock you can aim for high delays quite accurately.

Alternatively, changing the year of your DS will change the necessary delay by an equal amount (i.e. what's a 600 delay in 2010 is a 610 delay in 2000).
The longer you wait before pressing A at the continue screen, the higher your delay will be. If you time yourself with a programme/stopwatch/clock you can aim for high delays quite accurately.

Alternatively, changing the year of your DS will change the necessary delay by an equal amount (i.e. what's a 600 delay in 2010 is a 610 delay in 2000).
What program would you recommend the most?
I understand this but what can i do to get shiny egg i just need to know what can i use just like pearl how to double tap i want something like that but what do i use in Soul silver to take over the double taping this is what i got so far i just wanna learn how to get shiny egg for now

Easy, where should I start... Hmm...
First... Do these
1.Hatch Togepi egg from Elm
2.Get someone with Pokerus
3.Get to Kanto

After doing these, you can call Elm to verify you target seed, like Coin Flip. You can use the latest RNG reporter to check this.

Calling Elm each time increases the frame by one as well, you can use radio to advance it but Elm is the easiest, risk free, consistent method. It's like flipping Journal.

So, when calling Elm to verify your seed, your frame will increase as well. Keep this in mind. I am not sure how roamers will affect the RNG though.

While breeding, just copy the seed to the RNG reporter (Not time finder) to check which Elm responses you will get.
I have a request. The FAQs on RNG manipulation are severely lacking with regards to how to use a CSV (spreadsheet), getting a seed from this spreadsheet and then putting it into RNG Reporter (where exactly? which buttons to press first?) and what to do with Seeds to Time.

The directions are very clear with regards to hatching a shiny in DPPt using happiness checker and coin flips. I have hatched many shinies for the past year. Very good instructions.

The FAQs give info but not clearly enough with regards to using Time Finder to select IV spreads for an egg. All the pics that could guide a noob, which we have in hatching a shiny and which showed which button to hit and when to hit it, are missing. For this reason, I and many others clamour for attention from any willing tutor on the forum.

And then we get to catching perfect pokes and again we see the use of Time Finder. This is ok if you already have experience with Time Finder, but waiting for a seed to show up takes forever and sometimes a seed doesn't. So we continue reading and...

We get a small mention of spreads and Seed to Time on the very bottom of the catching perfect pokes page.

At this point, the FAQs assume a lot of knowledge that noobs can't possibly have. There are no pictures showing which buttons to press and where to fill info into RNG Reporter. There is no guidance about where to put the "seed" or even if what we are looking at in the spreadsheet is the right info to cut and paste. There is no guidance as to what we must do from the very moment of opening RNG Reporter to getting our final results. There's a huge gap of skipped steps.

I'm pretty certain I'm not the only person stumped by this severe lack of info. I would like to catch a perfect poke. I would like to be able to use a seed in a spreadsheet, but damned if I can get a seed from a spreadsheet to show me a timid perfect spread when plugging it into any part of RNG Reporter without proper guidance.

So, as before:

1) Either show me how to use Seed to Time properly so I can write up a proper FAQ for the rest of us noobs


2) Please write an FAQ that starts clearly, beginning with "Open RNG Reporter. Open the spread sheet. Find a seed in the spreadsheet. The seed is 'at this location' in the spreadsheet. Cut and paste it in this box on RNG Reporters (first?) page. Make sure this box is ticked or this box. Then press.... etc."
Hello everyone, long time visitor of the site, and a new member.

My problem starts with HGSS RNG abuse. I successfully abused an Adamant 31/31/30/31/30/31 Ho-oh (did 551 elm calls, took me an hour, I was so excited) and a 31/22/19/30/29/31 (HP Grass) Zapdos. I will redo the zapdos, along with latios/entei and raikou because I already caught them before I learned about this.

I am currently struggling for a Timid Suicune 31/31/31/31/31/31 and is my fist time with long delays. Here is the info.

Initial Seed 48080a94
Timid (Synchronize active)
31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric
Ability: 0
Delay 2698 (44.96 sec)
Date 2010/05/05 08:02:45
Frame 8
Elm Response: P E E P K P K P K P

I was going by Syberia's guide on emloop when out of the blue, emloop stopped doing the second countdown. So I transferred to pikatimer.

First timer 60:20 sec
Second timer 44.96 sec

and from there, tried to deduce my "white screen@s delay equivelant" by catching suicune, feeding it 5 rare candies, and inputting the data into RNGReporter's Seed Finder.

The result I'm getting from the seed finder is that my seed does not exist. I triple checked the info, repeated the process thrice, removed my synchronizer from the front of my team, tried again but to no avail, it won't work. Any ideas?

And is my method of hitting the correct seed valid?
I have a request. The FAQs on RNG manipulation are severely lacking with regards to how to use a CSV (spreadsheet), getting a seed from this spreadsheet and then putting it into RNG Reporter (where exactly? which buttons to press first?) and what to do with Seeds to Time.

I honestly think your making this alittle harder then it really is.
You put the seed into where it says "Seed Hex" on the clipboard of the RNG Reporter (the main part)
Now if its for catching obviously you have to click the IV's you want
Ie if the seed you want is 31/X/31/31/31/31 click those IV's on the RNG Reporter
Then you have to chose the method you are using (Method 1/J/K/Breeding DPPt/HG/SS etc...)
Seed to time copies the seed from the clipboard to it already
You Enter your seconds in it, and then keep changing they year untill you get the delay you want.
Then click generate. Click generate again on the lower part once you have highlighted your desired date.
The directions are very clear with regards to hatching a shiny in DPPt using happiness checker and coin flips. I have hatched many shinies for the past year. Very good instructions.

The FAQs give info but not clearly enough with regards to using Time Finder to select IV spreads for an egg. All the pics that could guide a noob, which we have in hatching a shiny and which showed which button to hit and when to hit it, are missing. For this reason, I and many others clamour for attention from any willing tutor on the forum.
The time finder is easy to use, enter in your seconds, and your min/max delay (all of these are labeled)
Choose a date any date and have the desired IV's in.
Click generate and find a seed that will work with your parents... (there is a new feature on the newest RNG Reporter that takes into account your parents IV's)
Once you have found a spread right click on it and click generate adjacent results. Enter in the max/min seconds and delay, and click ok. Enter the time and date of your seed into the DS and synchronize it with a stopwatch or some kind of external clock. Enter the game and reset when the clock hits one minute and mash into the game. (You should have your journal coming up, and be saved infront of the daycare man for this) Mash A and collect the egg, and enter the 10 coin flips you got into the adjacent results (It says search coin flips) Once you have found the seed you hit right click on it and click copy seed to clipboard, paste it into the clipbord where it says seed hex and chose your breeding method (DPPt Breeding or HG/SS Breeding) (Unfortuneatly you cant use the time finder yet to see what seed you hit for breeding in HG/SS so either use the seed to time or use the seed finder by catching a Pokemon)
Click generate on the clipboard and hatch you egg, find the frame that matches with your egg's IV's and there you go.
And then we get to catching perfect pokes and again we see the use of Time Finder. This is ok if you already have experience with Time Finder, but waiting for a seed to show up takes forever and sometimes a seed doesn't. So we continue reading and...
There is PokeRNG and the spreadsheets to use as well.
If I left something out sorry it was quite alot to type out lol
Hope it gave somewhat of a better understanding...
Thank you, Jubilee. It's very kind of you to take the time for this. It's only the Seed to Time function I need help with and yours is very appreciated. :-)

I know how to use Time Finder (I mentioned this in an earlier post and neglected to do so in the last one, sorry)--I have successfully hatched shiny pokes with the IV spreads I want, using only Time Finder. I had step-by-step tutoring on how to use it, but there was no info on Seed to Time. The big post was an attempt to get my exact problem focused on, because I have been asking for a few days and couldn't get clear instructions until you provided them.

Ok, so I followed your instructions and got results at last, and I now see why people complain about weird dates.

I do have more questions: Following your instructions, I used a seed I found on a physical spread CSV for perfect IVs for a timid pokemon. Why do I need to enter the IVs on the first window of RNG Reporter if this seed was supposed to give me perfect IVs to begin with? Am I even going to get a timid pokemon with this seed from the spreadsheet? I still feel I'm missing information because of this discrepancy.

Forgive me, but I still need to reconcile the info at the following link ( spreads and Seed to Time) with using seed to time.


Sweet and bitter as chocolate.
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Okay, so, I'm trying to figure out a spread for a roaming Emerald Latias before I battle the Elite Four. I stalked the RNG boards for Emerald, and there seems to be two Method 1 charts on Smogon:

Emloop seems to support the one on the PRNG thread (I checked out the Hasty nature with the horrible 0-0-0-11-26-30. It supported it), and I'm on the verge of relying on Emloop because of the convenient timer. I'm not sure.

So, should I believe:

  • Method1.csv or...
  • uporg1843386.csv
Oh, and a side question: Should I use the Emloop timer at all, because some people are saying it lags by some milliseconds.

If I posted something wrong on this RNG help thread, I'm sorry.
I need help, I'm trying to RNG for my first wild poke (Moltres in Mt. Silver). I input all the details I wanted into the time finder under 'Capture' tab (its method J for Moltres, right?), and I've got my seed. I right-clicked on it and selected 'generate more times...', clicked on one of them and then generated adjacent times. I started SR-ing but whenever I call Elm to verify my seed his responses never match. I know my timing isn't the problem as I've hatched shiny eggs. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong?
I need help, I'm trying to RNG for my first wild poke (Moltres in Mt. Silver). I input all the details I wanted into the time finder under 'Capture' tab (its method J for Moltres, right?), and I've got my seed. I right-clicked on it and selected 'generate more times...', clicked on one of them and then generated adjacent times. I started SR-ing but whenever I call Elm to verify my seed his responses never match. I know my timing isn't the problem as I've hatched shiny eggs. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong?
Do you still have any roamers out?
Strange...I chose a different time and day to aim for and it's working now...anyway, just to confirm does Moltres have a monster frame of 1? And are all wild pokemon method K? Thanks in advance.


/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Strange...I chose a different time and day to aim for and it's working now...anyway, just to confirm does Moltres have a monster frame of 1? And are all wild pokemon method K? Thanks in advance.
Yes it does and yes, in HGSS all wild pokemon are Method K


Never give up!
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
hmm while going for the following spread on raikou

SEED: 0A0A025D
DATE: 2010 06 29
TIME: 10:53:39
DELAY: 595
FRAME: 178

the position of roamers according to "seed to time" on RNG reporter (I can´t stress enough how insanely helpful this program is, getting perfect stuff within a few resets is crazy):

E: 38 L: 4

I was hitting these delays (verifying by roamers´positions)
R: 46 L: 19 -> I couldn´t find this one (searched -50/+50 & even delays, also +2/-2 seconds, it was actually delay 601, 2 seconds later (10:53:41)...that´s pretty much impossible as I´m using emloop
R: 46 L: 19 again -> experienced rng abusers get a feel for their SRs and this just felt like 595 lol
R: 46 L: 19 once more...once more it didn´t feel off, it couldn´t have been 2 seconds

I had to try and catch the raikou to be sure, once and for all...

I did my 175 pokémon search party radio frame advances incase I actually hit the correct seed (accidentally clicked pokémon music once like 10 advances before target frame lol ._.)

beat lance, caught raikou, and it was:

179 0:02.98 K FB7E86EF Calm 1 31 31 27 12 2 17 Ground 54 M M M M

one frame above my target frame on SEED: 0A0A025D

yeah, so R: 46 L: 19 was actually my 595 delay

my question is, whether the roamer method is 100% accurate if there´s just 2 roamers out or is this just RNG rep. not being complete? sorry if this kind of stuff has been commented on before

big big thanks to everyone involved in this research


/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
hmm while going for the following spread on raikou

SEED: 0A0A025D
DATE: 2010 06 29
TIME: 10:53:39
DELAY: 595
FRAME: 178

the position of roamers according to "seed to time" on RNG reporter (I can´t stress enough how insanely helpful this program is, getting perfect stuff within a few resets is crazy):

E: 38 L: 4

I was hitting these delays (verifying by roamers´positions)
R: 46 L: 19 -> I couldn´t find this one (searched -50/+50 & even delays, also +2/-2 seconds, it was actually delay 601, 2 seconds later (10:53:41)...that´s pretty much impossible as I´m using emloop
R: 46 L: 19 again -> experienced rng abusers get a feel for their SRs and this just felt like 595 lol
R: 46 L: 19 once more...once more it didn´t feel off, it couldn´t have been 2 seconds

I had to try and catch the raikou to be sure, once and for all...

I did my 175 pokémon search party radio frame advances incase I actually hit the correct seed (accidentally clicked pokémon music once like 10 advances before target frame lol ._.)

beat lance, caught raikou, and it was:

179 0:02.98 K FB7E86EF Calm 1 31 31 27 12 2 17 Ground 54 M M M M

one frame above my target frame on SEED: 0A0A025D

yeah, so R: 46 L: 19 was actually my 595 delay

my question is, whether the roamer method is 100% accurate if there´s just 2 roamers out or is this just RNG rep. not being complete? sorry if this kind of stuff has been commented on before

big big thanks to everyone involved in this research
If the Roamers were already on the desired areas when you saved, then it will advance the frame 1 more and go to the next area. I am not sure if it is in RNG Reporter, but always enter where the Roamers are when you save and it should be correct.


Never give up!
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
thanks Ditto, you were right, I didn´t input the positions before saving the game (I never understood why this is needed, but now I know at least one reason why it is)

when I did, I got the positions E: 38, L: 4 as I hit the correct delay 595 within 3 tries

and also, got my raikou
Okay, been planning on doing some Pokéwalker abuse. Think I'm fine with the IVs, but I'm a little puzzled about the Natures.

The nature is chosen using a call to the IRNG, modulo 24. This means that the Quirky nature cannot be chosen.

The IRNG is also used for the swirl animation when connecting to the Pokéwalker. The full animation advances the IRNG 192 times; therefore, the PID of the first Pokémon transferred is generated on frame 193. Each PID generated advances it by 1.

This means it can be manually advanced by connecting to the Pokéwalker. The easiest way to do this is to set up the PID beforehand; with the Pokéwalker empty, hit your seed. Then, choose 'Receive Gift' to start the swirl animation; do this as many times as is necessary to hit your correct nature. For example, doing this twice, catching a Pokémon, and transferring it results in a frame of 577 (1 + 192 * 2 + 192).

The advance is only 192 if the connection is completed; while a communication failure also advances the IRNG, it appears to be inconsistent. The above method is consistent, as long as you don't mess up and accidentally get a communication failure.
That's all very well, but what order are the natures listed in?

Let's say my initial seed is 702001F. Then that mod 24 gives... Um... My hexadecimal mental arithmetic isn't the best... Is it 7? But which is nature 7 on the list? I guess the Quirky nature is number 25, but I've no idea what order the rest go in.

Well, whatever. First I need to advance that by a mersenne twister 192 times. That's the same method as the Egg PID in RNGReporter; but they just tell you the frame number in RNG reporter, which isn't helpful. How can I know what number that equates to?

Can anyone help?
does pokerus affect rng? I'm tring to get my seed, but when I verify it by using roamer method, i get results not listed in adjacent results

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