NP: UU - Bye Bye Bye

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the pastor of disaster
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The results of the sixth round of UU Suspect Voting are now in!

froslass - 
bl: franky, bluewind, yondie, shrang, Steinhauser, FlareBlitz, Erazor,  Heysup, Synre, Anachronism, whistle, Thund91, Loki, Krack, Aldaron, Fuzznip
uu: golden sun, THB, Eo Ut Mortus

bl: bad ass, RT., franky, bluewind, 6A9 Ace Matador, FlareBlitz, Leman,  Erazor, Heysup, Folgorio, whistle, Loki, Krack, Aldaron, Fuzznip
uu: Steinhauser, THB, Plus, Thund91, Eo Ut Mortus

bl: Synre, Folgorio, Loki, Krack, Aldaron, Fuzznip
uu: franky, bluewind, yondie, golden sun, shrang, FlareBlitz, THB, Plus,  Erazor, Heysup, whistle, Thund91, Eo Ut Mortus, Iconic

bl: franky, yondie, 6A9 Ace Matador
uu: bluewind, silentverse, shrang, Steinhauser, FlareBlitz, THB, Plus,  Erazor, Heysup, Synre, capefeather, Folgorio, whistle, Thund91, Eo Ut  Mortus, Iconic, Loki, Krack, Fuzznip
The total votes for each Suspect are:

Froslass: 16-3 BL
Raikou: 15-5 BL
Moltres: 14-6 UU
Dugtrio: 19-3 UU

Consequently, Froslass and Raikou are voted BL by a supermajority, and thus given permanent BL status. Moltres and Dugtrio remain UU.

Congratulations to all who voted!

This round ends June 8th

Ratings requirements for this round are 1600/55 and there's the new added upper requirement of 1775/45! Note that meeting these upper reqs will not make you free of sending in anything, but rather you're only required to write ~2 sentences describing your vote for each suspect. The brevity of this submission does not mean you can get away with lesser quality, however!
I expect to see lots of things like cloyster rise up to take froslass place. Raikou was fun, but didn't belong. I expect to see a large diversity of electrics now. Overall, not a lot of change, expect to see a lot more diversitry, and without raikou to revenge moltres is that much more broken. woohoo.
On that note I'd like to just make a few points concerning Upper Requirements.

If you met upper requirements, sent in votes for all 4 suspects and noticed you weren't accepted for all 4, it generally means that somehow in the span of 6 sentences you found the ability to completely contradict yourself or throw in massive flaws in your reasoning. Over the course of 12-16 sentences, it's pretty embarrassing when such massive problems somehow show their face, so I couldn't find it in my heart to let people like that vote, it's just sad. Also funnily enough, the quality of lower requirement paragraphs were horrendous this voting period, I guess that does indeed signify a correlation between logical reasoning abilities and pokemon skill!!

Anyway you lazy asses finally got want you wanted congratulations I knew the ability to do things the easy way would motivate some of you guys to finally do something :P

Happy battlings!
So I guess all that hype over Dugtrio was for nothing.

I'm anxious to start playing in this new metagame. With the removal of Froslass and Raikou, it'll hopefully be more enjoyable for everyone. Thanks again to all those running these testing periods.
Oh nice. People should finally calm down now that the main Suspects (Froslass and Raikou) are banned. Now, time to find replacements.
Heysup's gonna wake up happy.

Anyway, with Froslass gone, I expect the teams to change A LOT. Instead of relying on one teamslot for Spikes + a ghost, it'll need to rely on 2, meaning less room for checking threats.

I'm gonna have to rebuild my team now...
Heh, finally succeeded in getting Froslass out. Ahh well, Quilfish, Cloyster, and Omastar are all still good spikers, but I think the last will probably fill the void on stall teams with his awesome physical defense.
Can we like make Dugtrio a superminority and never embarrass ourselves by voting on him again? lol 18-3...

Secretly glad Raikou got banned, and extra glad I didn't have to vote on him to do it. Yeah abstaining!!

Though he's still my favorite Pokemon :( Rest easy, sweet prince, we can hang out in GSC and ADV soon <333
Well that was quick. Definitely will send in my paragraphs faster next time. Nice to see Froslasss leave, although I personally though Raikou was UU. I expect a stally period this round, unless Heracross pops up and makes things exciting.
FUCK YEA. what?

Seriously, I don't fucking remember how to play without Froslass.....fuck that bitch anyway.
Synre why'd you vote Moltres BL but Raikou, which is arguably the more powerful sweeper, UU? Yes you didn't vote ... but judging from your posts in the last thread that's what you feel about Raikou.

As for the votes, I guess what's done is done. Time to move on.

Does anyone feel that the lower reqs are a bit too low? Like, the last time I tried, I made lower reqs in a few hours of play using a heavily flawed team. I find that scary - not only was I using a heavily flawed team, I as a player have many flaws. The top players will probably all steamroll me; the only reason I've won a few games against them is because recently all I've used is the rather gimmicky dual screen Baton Pass strategy. There've been times where I'm playing and Steinhauser comes in to watch for example. Then he'd be like "you should've done this" or "you should've saved this Pokemon" and I'd be like, "DUH!" ... except I'd have moved already. Seeing things one step too late is still too late. Even scarier is that the teams I use are heavily flawed and I'm not sure how to fix it, which speaks volumes about how good I am at the game.

But in spite of all this I can still make lower reqs easily. I may have a CRE of ~1400 only and be very far from the leaderboard, and yet I still make lower reqs. This is disturbing. Given my performance I don't feel I should be allowed to vote - at least certainly not until I dramatically improve the team I was using - and yet I would've. @_@ It might be that I made lower reqs only after the ratings were taken, however, when lots of people stopped playing / stopped playing seriously.

PS: Fun fact - Eo and THB voted all the suspects UU. Curious ... I barely recall Eo posting in these threads ...
PPS: Strange ... why aren't the results posted in the UU suspect test voting site?

And Jabba/reach

Finally, we're almost at a completely balanced metagame. Now lets hope that stall doesn't completely dominate.
Synre why'd you vote Moltres BL but Raikou, which is arguably the more powerful sweeper, UU?

Secretly glad Raikou got banned, and extra glad I didn't have to vote on him to do it. Yeah abstaining!!

He said that he is happy that Raikou is banned. From my conversations with him, he enjoyed Raikou in UU but thought that banning it would improve the game.

I'm happy with the bans. I said this last time, but school is over now so I'll hopefully have time to make upper reqs.
Synre why'd you vote Moltres BL but Raikou, which is arguably the more powerful sweeper, UU? Yes you didn't vote ... but judging from your posts in the last thread that's what you feel about Raikou.

Might want to try reading the post in this thread two posts above you on the Raikou thing which had a painfully obvious connotation, but I would agree Moltres is the greater evil both because contrary to what most of the people in these threads seem to think Moltres is a lot harder to check for offense than Raikou is in spite of their speeds(and neither impress me against stall) as well as that Moltres has a substitute available in Charizard that from a special sweeping standpoint is basically the same thing but worse. I think the metagame would be a lot better off with Zard serving Moltres' role in the metagame since the weaker defenses make it more manageable for offense and they're functionally identical against stall since everything is either going to tickle or maul them, anyway.

Also stellar is a dork for being faster than me

Banedon said:
Does anyone feel that the lower reqs are a bit too low?

I think you'd have to basically be functionally retarded not to make the lower reqs - even the account I was using for testing for QC ended up at like 1710 rating or something, 1600 is almost impossible to miss. It might not be such a bad thing since it basically functions as a special exception vote in OU(people who can make enough sense in their paras get to vote in spite of not having particularly impressing ratings/sexp/whatever), but it's definitely not anything resembling an accomplishment to make them.

Banedon said:
PS: Fun fact - Eo and THB voted all the suspects UU. Curious ... I barely recall Eo posting in these threads ...

Eo is pretty studly. Really, with some of the crap in these threads(damn you guys for voting it back up to three stars!!) I'm surprised we get as many competent posters as we do.

I mean, looking at the nice "Who Posted" thing in the last topic, 3 of the top 5 are PK Gaming(252 posts), M Blade(142 Posts)(although he's getting better lately I guess), and Lonewolfnumbers(126 posts), why do you think people aren't posting here?
In which case why didn't you vote Raikou BL outright?

And I certainly got the impression from your posts in the last thread that Raikou is UU.

EDIT: @stellar's post below - Lol, sometimes things are just incomprehensible. Who cares, I guess.
In which case why didn't you vote Raikou BL outright?

Secretly glad Raikou got banned, and extra glad I didn't have to vote on him to do it. Yeah abstaining!!

Obviously he didn't feel like voting... I'm sure if he felt that his vote would have determined the outcome, he would have been more compelled to vote. In the end, it is his choice to vote or not.
Wow, I totally forgot about my paragraphs. :(

But it appears I can trust the UU community to do the right thing after all. Glad we were mostly on the same page with this one. Now I don't have to put Registeel on all of my teams and can completely ignore Dugtrio like I used to. :)
Bit surprised at some of the votes. Anyway, pat yourselves on the backs gents, it looks we're finally going to have a reasonably balanced metagame! Now it'll actually be fun to see how new OU dropouts change the metagame instead of it just being one big broken clusterfuck.
Bit surprised at some of the votes. Anyway, pat yourselves on the backs gents, it looks we're finally going to have a reasonably balanced metagame! Now it'll actually be fun to see how new OU dropouts change the metagame instead of it just being one big broken clusterfuck.

Yeah me too.....although by and large we got what we wanted. Although Moltres will now continue to terrorise for another 4 weeks...
Although without Froslass' support it should be much more manageable.
This is great news from my viewpoint, I stopped playing UU because I didn't find it was balanced and enjoyable with Raikou and Froslass, now I think shall start playing UU again.
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