Overkill Mafia - Game Over! Supercellular Warriors, Yeti, and TIK win!

Note to HFB:

giving mafia a recriutment is OVERPOWERED by ALOT. NEVER AGAIN!

Also kracko is fucking broken to. I mean, we got a magma rock AND a sapphire jem, and that was only the first night! imagine what we would have gotten with two more nights. If my team hadn't scavenged all the items off my body, this game would have taken ALOT longer.

Anyway, good job guys! :D I'll post the role PMs I have in here for reference.

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear wickdaggler,
You are King DeDeDe.


You are the greedy king of Dream Land, who has been stopped by Kirby on many an occasion. You have crossed his path numerous times, the first being the time when you raided Dreamland's food for a midnight party. You hold a grudge against him and have joined the SuperCellular Warriors for this purpose.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Surrounding <user>'s home with spy Waddle Dees". You will have your Waddle Dees surround <user>'s home and spy on him for the whole night. You will learn his role PM by morning.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Sending Waddle Doos to guard <user>". You will send your army of Waddle Doos to protect <user> from any kills. This cannot be stacked with your other ability.

A long time ago, you helped out an odd creature called Kracko, who has agreed to do a favour for you once. Once in the game, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Calling Kracko". Kracko will arrive to help your team, by giving you certain items. He will give you 2 for each night that he exists, and will go away after 3 nights. This can be stacked with your other abilities.

You are holding the Mist Rock. You may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Cracking Mist Rock". You will break the Mist Rock on the ground, which will create so thick a fog that all of your team members will be protected from all attempts on their life for the night. This stacks with your normal abilities. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with the SuperCellular Warriors. You win if the SuperCellular Warriors eliminate all unfriendly threats.


Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear Altair,
You are Lord Voldemort


Stereotyped in the Harry Potter books as a Hitler-esque villain determined to prey on the weak and helpless, you are really just an eccentric, slightly unstable wizard with an affinity for pipe bombs. After faking your death in the last book (that was too weak an ending to be true), you decided that the dangers of the wizarding world were too much for you to handle and thus have moved your dastardly operations into the Muggle world. Your first step was to recruit several others and form the SuperCellular Warriors.

On even nights, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Use AVADA KEDAVRA on <user>”. You will obliterate <user> with your trademark killing spell.

Pipe bombs! If you are ever inspected, you will show up as:

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear Altair,
You are Francis


You are a biker covered in tattoos, holding a shotgun, and you ain't afraid of no zombie horde. When things get nasty, you know you can count on your Molotov cocktails. You've worked in a team before, and you've got what it takes - no buddy is gonna die if you can do anything to stop it. Oh, and the HyperPowered Draconeers and the SuperCellular Warriors? Come on, you faced a Tank and that Metal Gear thing. They were way scarier.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X - Throw a pipe bomb at <user>". You will try to attract your enemies towards your target, but unfortunately they aren't zombies. You will only infuriate anyone that targeted <user>, and they will target you instead.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X - Hey, <user>, I'm FOXHOUND". You will tell <user> that you are his FOXHOUND ally and that he shouldn't target you. Unfortunately, there are no FOXHOUND in this game, so he'll actually make extra certain to target you! This cannot be stacked with your other ability


You are allied with the Multiplex SuperCannons. You win if the Multiplex SuperCannons eliminate all unfriendly threats.

Keep in mind that this character is far different from any others in the game if you decide to claim this role.

You are holding the Silver Sword. At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Berserk <user>”. Anyone who targets <user> will be killed. This item is only usable when used in conjunction with your killing power. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with the SuperCellular Warriors. You win if the SuperCellular Warriors eliminate all unfriendly threats.

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear Amake,
You are Marvin the Martian.


You are one of the Looney Tunes, and you are known for being an alien who wishes to destroy the Earth. You have had a number of silly reasons for doing so, such as wanting to be able to see Venus. You also wear a skirt, which has made quite a few people laugh at you. But you are going to show them who’s boss, with the assistance of a few friends and your vast knowledge of technology, which was in fact the reason the SuperCellular Warriors recruited you. You will be destroying Bugs Bunny, and anybody else who stands in your way.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Surrounding <user>’s house with Martian forces”. You will surround <user>’s house with your troop of avian-like Martians, frightening them into not posting in the thread for the next day. If <user> posts in the thread, he will instantly be godkilled.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Cruising with <user> in spaceship”. <user> will be dragged onto your spaceship and tied up for the cruise. He will be unable to use a night action for that night, and cannot post in the thread in the next day. If <user> posts in the thread the next day, he will be godkilled. However, <user> will be protected from all night actions for the night. You can’t do this to the same person twice, since you want variety in the people whom you take for your cruise. If you are killed when on a cruise, the person with you will be killed. This action cannot be stacked with your other ability.

You are holding the Orb Of Light. You have no use for it, but have heard that someone badly needs it, so keep it in mind when you deal with it.

You are allied with the SuperCellular Warriors. You win if the SuperCellular Warriors eliminate all unfriendly threats.


Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear Game Freak201,
You are Bellatrix Lestrange.


Couldn’t find a better picture. You are Voldemort’s right hand and are so skillful that you may use both your abilities together on the same night. You enjoy taunting Harry Potter and his bunch of little friends. However, you have decided that this time, you will be squishing him and his friends once and for all, along with anybody who stands in your way. For this purpose, you have joined the SuperCellular Warriors.

At night you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Using Imperio on <user1>, telling to finish off <user2>. You will bring <user1> under your control for the night, and will force him to vote for <user2> in the next day’s lynch vote. If he does not do this, he will instantly be godkilled.

You may also PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Using Accio on <user>. You will summon all of <user>’s items to yourself. This can be stacked with your other ability.

You are holding the Shadow Veil, gifted to you by your husband Rudolphus at your marriage. While holding this item, once, you may avoid a lynch against you. This stacks with your normal abilities. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with the SuperCellular Warriors. You win if the SuperCellular Warriors eliminate all unfriendly threats.


Also, my fake claim:
Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear wickdaggler,
You are Sonic the Hedgehog.


You are the fastest thing in the world, so fast infact that you can preform both your abilities together on the same night. You have stopped Eggman on many occassions, the first being when he tried to kidnap your animal friends in Green Hill Zone. You have heard that he's trying to kidnap some animals, and have joined the Multiplex SuperCannons to stop him.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- running with <user>". You will run with your legendary speed, speeding <user> up, thus increasing their prority.

You may also PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- creating wind resistance around <user>". You will use your speed to create wind resistance around <user> slowing them down, thus decreasing their prority. This can be stacked with your other ability.

You are holding the Rings, which you collected on your travels. When holding this item, once, you may prevent a night kill againset you. This stacks with your normal abilities. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with the Multiplex SuperCannons. You win if the Multiplex SuperCannons eliminate all unfriendly threats.

^5 tik my neutral brother.

he did most of the work for our WCs/getting the items, I just sat around and had my role dicked with.

I was inspect or hook at first, then safeguard or bg + inspect or hook and I was immune to all night actions.

Oh, and you guys couldn't lynch me directly.

l o l.

It was fun but whacked as.
Good game. Sorry the Supercellular's recruitment video was so convincing.
There was a kinda odd assortment of roles. I think the game was sorta meant to be a balanced unbalanced game (overkill)

Had things went according to plan Night 2-3 and the final day it would've been pretty beautiful.

Tik kills Liza
Magma stone kills macle
Link cable kills Mr378 (linked to Liza)
Amake kills shuckles my hero
Amake kidnaps Fangren
^=4 deaths, 1 kidnap (2 or 3 total kidnappees) Didn't see that assassinfred and upside both came back :(
Staraptor (Persuasion + no vote item)
Badalcristiano (silence + forced post item)
Exarius (silence + persuasion)(Didn't work)
^=3 godkills

And if I knew that amake would kill people when he was lynched then we probably would've lynched him lol
So I think there /could've/ been 10 kills between N2-3 and D3, 6 of the 10 during the day.
Well, this WAS an experimental concept, somewhat ruined on Night 2 Take 1 by my lack of knowledge of IRC commands.

And yes, it was unbalanced a little towards SuperCellulars, I gave Draconeers Tracker, that's all they had over the SuperCelullar Warriors.

What I suspected was namekills, which was why I made the SuperCellular Warriors have a fairly well-known bunch of people. Unfortunately, you all applied standard mafia tactics, and thus lost, when the title said it was Overkill, requiring different tactics you know.
Well, damn. I'm gone the whole day to attend my sister's med school graduation, and I come back to find that the game is over.

All I really did, btw, was revive Mattimeo and kill Altair. Since Mattimeo got converted, a fairly broken role btw, I doubt my rogue ability would've have ever been given the chance to go off.

Oh well. Good game folks.
In case anybody wondered if there was a theme in the game, all the characters(not the mole PMs or fake claims) were characters from stuff I read/play occassionally/played in the past.
I think that we were able to win due to a number of factors:

1. Having moles in the village giving us information
2. Kracko giving us useful items
3. Me stealing some pretty useful items
4. Cooperation from the neutrals
5. Recruit
6. The village being very easy to sway
Thats because veedrock was too lazy to actually send us his. IIRC he never even finished his fake claim. go veedrock

The only person who never claimed and I just assumed was bad. Once I saw your fake claim and the 'black belt' though I thought Veedrock was actually villy lol.
Veed claimed private voter and as he was Medicham he said he was meditating and would get more powers later. Amake claimed to have an item that enhanced fighting type pokemon.

Actually, I knew you were neutral since Day 2. When Yeti's item and your item happened to coincide (Ruby and Sapphire), I was convinced you were Wario. I was also convinced that you were no threat to the village, so I let you do your thing.

Mattimeo why???????? :pirate:

How'd you know Yeti had the sapphire? And I'm not sure. :F Probably because I have no other outlet for evil things.
Yea, that part was pretty nice, although did He ever tell you his item? I dont think he ever came up with one.

Anyways as for fake claims I thought mine was pretty good ;o
I'm not sure but I think mm87 would only get hyperpowered results and shuckles might've only gotten supercell results. That probably could've been pretty helpful for the village. Not sure what badal's inspection results were.
Oh I thought you'd known before that.

And dickwaggler there was too many village thieves so had you put that ability in game_freak's role pm it still would've been suspicious.

We had a list of roles not in the game Matt. So coming up with a role wasn't a problem. In addition, that was how we were able to tell that macle was mafia since we knew that priority +/- wasn't in the game.
Well, quite honestly, I was just frustrated by this: First night after I sub in, SG and yeti hook. on part 3, I actually do my stuff. Except I get silence/vote reinforcer. Fun. Gladly for me, Eo worked it out for me and I didn't get godfucked due to an earlier situation in the game where the same happened, and the person didn't die.

But how many vote controllers were there? I counted at least 2 O_o

Also, my posting restriction was fucking awful. Whoever gave it should be shot on sight.
Exarius, the posting restriction was meant for reyscarface. Obviously, you wouldn't see the joke in it.

EDIT: I'll leak something. Mattimeo was a sane inspector, MagicMaster87 Insane, badalcristiano Naive, and shuckles my hero Paranoid.
I would, I have played in games with rey and know the joke of it.

But try yourself to add that into every single fucking post and make it look at least a bit natural. Something simple like the HO HO HO from remo mafia would have been simple, this one was just retarded.