Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Does that mean Jirachi will get some love in a movie in Gen VI? Or am I thinking too far ahead? And to go really far ahead, who will be the 100 Base Stat legend of Gen IV? I'm thinking Shaymin, but surely we have another. Or at least, I hope we do.
I would guess Manaphy... since its another event only and you cant get it by using an item like you can for shaymin... so nitd make sense if it were all 100 base stat legends that cant be captured in game
I've seen the trailer for the movie, and Zoroark has a lot to deal with the three dogs and aparently celebi in the actual video game, (Jhoto legends).

that's a trailer for a movie that isn't out yet. we have no idea what the exact relation is between them, because there is little information about it. so no, that's not a reason.

Not mention that pokemon never holds big download game events for non-psudo legends(they could of for lucario but they didn't now did they).

just because they haven't doesn't mean they can't. chances are they are doing this to increase interest in the movies, or because they want to be dicks about it and limit what Pokemon we can get. this is no indication that they are legendary, especially when there is so much evidence that proves that they aren't legendary.

Cressilia has gender and so does heatran, so making 600bst one of a kind pokemon not have genders is out of the window since diamond and pearl came in.

4 legendary pokemon with genders (Latios, Latias, Cressilia and Heatran) out of 37 is not a lot. Legendaries are largely genderless, so using those 4 as a reason why Zoroark could be a legendary is silly.
these 4 Pokemon also can't breed, or evolve, just like every other legendary (except Manaphy in terms of breeding, but it's still genderless and can't evolve)
. Zoroark has an evolution line, a gender, and will most certainly be able to breed. Zoroark has 3 out of 3 qualities; legendaries so far only have, at most, 1 of 2 (since none of them evolve) and even then only 5 Legendaries in total have even that.

so what if Zoroark evolves( and whatever other hidden reasons behind that), the fact that stands is that the unique dark type pokemon has dealings with a lot legends, and their making a lot of hype over the pokemon in the company.

Just like Lucario... OH WAIT! Lucario isn't a legendary! funny how that works, isn't it!? it seems that just because a Pokemon is in a movie and is hyped up, doesn't mean it's legendary! how fun! :happybrain:

I have already proven you wrong multiple times, yet you still persist on trying to justify your wishes. it's not going to work. Zoroark is not a legendary Pokemon, and nothing you say will make it one. just admit you're wrong and save both of us a lot of trouble.
Uh, guys, have aany of you stopped to think about the definition of the word "legendary"? Lucario, while being much the same as most other pokemon, could be described as a legendary pokemon, given that there are legends surrounding it, and it's rather rare. It may not fit into our definition of legendary, but it is a creature of legend, and thus could be argued as being legendary. Legendary =/= Mythical
4 legendary pokemon with genders (Latios, Latias, Cressilia and Heatran) out of 37 is not a lot. Legendaries are largely genderless, so using those 4 as a reason why Zoroark could be a legendary is silly.

And out of those four, three of them have set natures. Heatran is the only "legendary" (in quotes due to lack of a definition) that has a fluctuating nature. So, that is even less reasoning why Zoroark would be considered a legendary.
Obviously, all of the completely useless Pokemon like Farfetch'd and Luvdisc need evos but I think Gamefreak made them to troll us and wants them to suck. The Pokemon that I think most needs an evo and is most likely to get on is Pachirisu. It doesn't really fall into the category that Farfetch'd and Luvdisc are in because it's available in the wild reletively early in the game. In my mind, it's very similar to Yanma, in that, they both are available at around the same time in their respective games and both of them are uncommon animals (ok, yeah, squirrels are pretty common but there's only one of them in Pokemon).

I think that Pachirisu should evolve into an Electric/Flying flying squirrel. Here's what I have for it:

Type: Electric/Flying
Abilities: Serene Grace/Pickup
HP: 80 (+20)
Atk: 55 (+10)
Def: 80 (+10)
SpAtk: 100 (+55)
SpDef: 100 (+10)
Spe: 110 (+15)
BST: 525 (+120)

The only moves I could see it getting that Pachirisu doesn't already have are Air Slash, Roost, and Heat Wave. Serene Grace as well as STAB on Discharge and Air Slash could make it one of the best ParaFlinchers and it could use support moves like Super Fang, Roost, U-turn, Encore, and Light Screen. Offesive sets could use any combination of Thuderbolt, Air Slash, HP Ice, Grass Knot, Heat Wave, and U-turn and a Choice Scarf set can easily revenge kill DD Salamence with HP Ice.

I have a feeling that they'd base it off of a Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel, specifically.

That's actually really awesome. Best fan-evo I've seen so far!

Well what do you think is with all the celebi connections then? And why do all the video gameplay pictures show Zoroark verses Zorua in a battle fighting. There has to be some reason for this evolution rivalry.

Hurr durr the same reason they have the unevolved starters fighting ubers. They release a couple new Pokemon, then show them in battle. You're reading way too far into a couple pre-release shots.
Well actually dude, as for related to legendaries. I've seen the trailer for the movie, and Zoroark has a lot to deal with the three dogs and aparently celebi in the actual video game, (Jhoto legends).
It's a movie. Lugia has a baby in one of the movies. Deoxys has "a lot to deal with" Rayquaza in one of the movies. Ash has an incredibly shitty team and doesn't get destroyed every movie.
None of these things are supported by the games. It's just part of the movie plot.

Not mention that pokemon never holds big download game events for non-psudo legends(they could of for lucario but they didn't now did they).
You mean like this Scizor WiFi event they're holding now?

So I have many based reasons for my predictions here, Cressilia has gender and so does heatran, so making 600bst one of a kind pokemon not have genders is out of the window since diamond and pearl came in.
Heatran is the only legendary with variable gender.

so what if Zoroark evolves( and whatever other hidden reasons behind that), the fact that stands is that the unique dark type pokemon has dealings with a lot legends
In the movie.

and their making a lot of hype over the pokemon in the company.
Like Lucario.
Does no one else remember all the "ZOMG RUCARIO IS A LEGENDARY" when DP was at this stage?
one could also argue its head resemble a giant mouth ready to eat you right?
That would be a pointless argument, because Mawile's head doesn't resemble a giant mouth, it is one.
true that resemble the plant, but dont mean it was gamefreak intention since they might just wanted a pokemon with a giant mouth on the back of its head(also besides the back mouth looking like the plant mawile got nothing to do with the grass type).
But the likeness is there. You can't say "Tauros doesn't resemble a bull because it doesn't look like one (except for its horns and hooves)"

The point is, some people thing Mawile's big mouth resembles a venus fly trap. And the fact that it learns Sweet Scent can support this. It doesn't mean it will evolve into a plant. But it's not out of the question.
Pikachu has that one legend in the anime episode with Spiritomb. (There's an Aura Guardian that uses a Pikachu to lock Spiritomb in the tower.) Does that mean that Pikachu's legendary, too? Arcanine, Lucario, and Zoroark aren't legendary Pokemon, they're just rare Pokemon that are supposed to be good (same as things like Snorlax and Rotom, even though Rotom isn't that great).
Wait, I thought Rotom was classified as a legend. It didn't really have anything to do with the main plot of DPPt, and it was a stupid thing hiding in a TV, but I could swear that its classification was legendary (or at least in-game), while things like Spiritomb and Lucario were just "rare".
That's what i said.
But Arcanine is legendary... because the description says so. "Legendary pokemon". Very simple, actually.

it's not legendary when you can catch wild Growlithe in several places, and evolve them with a stone that can be bought in the Poke Mart (well, in gen 1 at least...). if anyone and their grandma could easily have one, it's not legendary.
Pikachu has that one legend in the anime episode with Spiritomb. (There's an Aura Guardian that uses a Pikachu to lock Spiritomb in the tower.) Does that mean that Pikachu's legendary, too? Arcanine, Lucario, and Zoroark aren't legendary Pokemon, they're just rare Pokemon that are supposed to be good (same as things like Snorlax and Rotom, even though Rotom isn't that great).


Legendary Pokémon

Legendary is hard to define. I actually kind of think of Unown as Legendary even though it's not rare because it can't breed and isn't a baby. Rotom could be considered a Legendary for the same reason. I think Nintendo considers both Legendaries "officially", so Legendary is pretty subjective and shouldn't really matter. What matters is whether we can get multiple and whether we can breed it and Lucario's stats (also whether it would be allowed in official competitions like VGC for people who play in them).
I'm quite pleasantly surprised to find that people support a Mawile evo. I should start posting my art all over this thread, but I think one last one is ok...

I call it Mawploy. This one got a bit more attention than Panmegearo, and wasn't drawn with a dying magic marker. I understand alot of people would prefer for Mawile to look like something a little more suited to sweeping, but I had mawile's original origin in mind when drawing this. I suppose this would be a more tank-like version, though I think it would be a shame to ignore the sweeping potential of it's moveset. Man I want that thing to evolve so badly. It's my second favourite pokemon and it's not even UU!
Chaoswalker, that Mawile evo looks neat! looks beautiful and dangerous at the same time, nice work ;).. hope Mawile's evo (assuming it gets one in gen V) will be something like this.

I like the design and I personally like how you switched the black and yellow colors of Mawile. I'm just a little iffy on the humanoid shape you have going on there. I don't think we would want another Lopunny. @_@

I think it would be cool if the second mouth evolved into something else, instead of just turning into a bigger mouth. 'Cause on Mawile, it looks like a Venus Flytrap was glued to her head, but with her evo, what if it became something like, I dunno, a crest of razor blades or something.
I was thinking of something earlier if this gen is supposed to be more tech involved/advanced in the storyline part of the game, would this possibly mean some of the pokemon might be more tech influenced?
If so maybe this might be a good name to go with Pignition: Turboar. It could be kind of a Auto sub theme in the name.
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