RMT: Frank's OU team

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So I just joined, and while I'm a pokemon veteran from the Red and Blue days, I still have some issues making teams, mostly due to favoritism, so you'll have to forgive me for not using the ABSOLUTE TOP TIER POKEYMANZ like Salamence (bleh) and Gengar (overrated). =P

This is just one of my competitive teams, so...yeah. It's for OU 1v1 at LV 100. I switched up items in case of Item Clause. First up:



Item: Wacan Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: Unknown. This guy is 3 years old, from D/P, who I caught long before I started EV training my pokes.
Nature: Careful
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Fang

This guy is my Dragon Dancer, obviously. Now, because of his nature, and unsure EVs, he's actually much bulkier than my Adamant Gyarados, at the cost of ATK and Speed, which are boosted anyway by DD. This, with Intimidate, lets him survive hits better, especially Electric attacks.

EQ for obvious power and coverage, Ice Fang handles dragons, Dragon Dance for, what else, Dragon Dancing, and Waterfall gets STAB, and if he cant OHKO it, he can hopefully make it Flinch. All in all, nothing too special here. BUT ITS SHINY!! =D


Item: Expert Belt
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: HP 252, ATK 56, DEF 200.
Nature: Relaxed
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance
-Fire Punch

Rhy acts as my all around awesome-sauce poke. The EV spread gives him great bulk while still having some ATK power to work with Swords Dance. I used Relaxed because I want his speed as LOW as possible for Trick Room, as well as exploit that great DEF and Solid Rock. Then I'll have the "fastest," strongest, bulkist poke I could ask for.....in theory. Bring on the Scizors! Rhy aint afraid! The reason for expert belt is to work with the Item Clause, if anyone may want to play with it.

EQ for obvious STAB and coverage, and Rock Slide for STAB and added coverage. I use Rock Slide over Stone Edge because I HATE MOVES WITH LESS THAN 90 ACCURACY. I'm just stubborn like that. Anywho, his bulk makes Swords Dance easy to setup, with or without Trick Room, and lastly, Fire Punch cuz I dont care for Megahorn...and cuz I wanna kill Scizor really bad.


Item: Choice Specs
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: HP 4, SpAtk 252, Spd 252.
Nature: Timid
-Trick Room
-Signal Beam
-Energy Ball

Alakazam is my revenge killer/Choice sweeper, as well as my Trick Room user. He's the key to making half my team uber fast, especially Rhyperior. Thats pretty much it.

Trick Room does what it does, Signal Beam hits grass types, dark types, and opposing psychics. Psychic gets STAB and is his strongest move. Energy Ball hits bulky waters and enemy Rhyperiors. Also, I hate Focus Blast.


Item: Life Orb
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: HP 4, SpAtk 252, Spd 252.
Nature: Timid
-Leaf Storm
-Focus Blast
-Dragon Pulse
-Energy Ball

A 2nd revenge killler/general special attacker. I decided to use this setup after listing to Smogcast #1, and I gotta say, it works well. Sceptile is speedy, so revenge killing, switching, and Leaf Storm go hand in hand. Life Orb makes everything hit harder, obviously, and the recoil helps to eventually activate Overgrow.

Leaf Storm kills stuff. And it gets boosted by STAB and Life Orb. Nice. Dragon Pulse nails Dragons for super-effective damage. No fooling! Energy Ball is there as an alternative to LS, in case I want Scepy to stay in longer, and lastly...Focus Blast is there cuz I have no real alternative for hitting steel types, and Blissey.


Item: Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: HP 252, SpAtk 4, DEF 252.
Nature: Bold
-Pain Split
-Sludge Bomb

I love Weezing. That much should be clear. Anywho, this lovable, purple blob acts as my physical wall. He does his job just fine. Can also switch in on EQ's aimed at my other pokes. Hooray for Levitate.

Pain Split obviously helps to recover some HP, along with Black Sludge, as well as to deal some damage. Haze gets rid of any stat-ups. If my opponent thinks they can just sweep with a Dragon Dance set, they can forget it. Will-O-Wisp shuts down physical attackers and deals damage at the same time, making Weezing even harder to kill. Yay! And Sludge Bomb for STAB, cuz he needs at least ONE attacking option.


Item: Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: HP 252, SpAtk 4, SpDef 252.
Nature: Calm
-Stealth Rock
-Grass Knot

My special wall. And Stealth Rock user. And pseudo-hazer.

Stealth Rock for obvious switch-in damage. Roar works well with SR, and forces switches, stopping the opponent's attempts at sweeping. Surf gets STAB and in his main attack. Grass Knot hits opposing water types and other such things. Pretty straightforward.

So yeah, thats one of my teams, but I think it works fairly well. Won like 4 times in a row in Pokemon Battle Revolution, and yes, I battled Standard teams all four times. One even had a couple Ubers. lol.

Images from: http://www.arkeis.com/pokemonfactory.htm
Erm. I’m no expert but I feel the need to say something. It's very hard to tell what's going on with this team, it has no real direction. The EVs are all over the place. And trick room with a bunch of very fast pokemon, one of whom has dragon dance? Haze when you have a phazer? And who is your lead? I'm not particularly good myself but you seem to be all over the place and it's very hard to help without knowing what you want to acheive. Offensive? Defensive? I don't wish to sound harsh, it's just these are all questions you should be asking yourself as right now you seem to be trying to play in several different ways at once and it’s very hard to rate this team without rebuilding it completely.

For starters, trick room should never be used on a choice specs set. Alakazam is horribly frail and after trick room it would be locked into that move, forced to switch out, and very slow. If you want a trick room team you will need to completely redesign the team as it’s full of fast, frail pokemon that are rendered useless.

Now if you eliminate trick room, things become easier. For starters, you need a good lead. Empoleon can be decent with some tweaking.

Modest Empoleon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 156 HP / 252 SpA / 100 Spe
Nature: Calm
-Stealth Rock
-Hydro Pump
-Aqua Jet
-Grass Knot

Empoleon can get up a SR early on with its resistances, whilst a combination of Hydro Pump and Aqua Jet defeats common leads such as azelf, aerodactyl, gliscor, and heatran. Grass Knot can stay to beat swampert leads.

Without trick room, I’d suggest Rock Polish on your rhyperior.

Jolly Rhyperior @ Expert Belt
Ability: Solid Rock
252 Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 HP
-Rock Slide
-Rock Polish
-Megahorn/ Aqua Tail

Fire Punch lacks power in OU and rhyperior is not a good pokemon to counter scizor anyway. You should have a different poke to deal with scizor before you send out rhyperior. Megahorn is a great move to prevent Celebi walling you, but if you still don’t want to use it try aqua tail to hurt ground types like hippowdon and gliscor. Make sure to use Life Orb when the Item clause isn’t around for extra damage. Stone Edge is also recommended in general despite the accuracy, since rock slide’s is offputting anyway and it lacks pure power.

Alakazam is outclassed by Gengar, who has better coverage and resistances. Plus, I’m guessing a choice locked pursuiter (common gengar counter) isn’t going to do much to rhyperior with its defence, so he can come in and set up. If you’re going for revenge killer, try out scarfgar.

Timid Gengar
Ability: Levitate
252 Special Attack, 252 Speed

- Shadow Ball

- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice

This outspeeds pretty much everything and KOs all sorts of common threats such as tyranitar, and +1 salamence/ gyara who’d otherwise have a lot of fun with your team.

Weezing isn’t doing anything useful. I’d suggest a Tyranitar, who can set up sandstorm which will greatly benefit rhyperior's special defense. Not sure what set exactly and I have to go now. Sorry for so many suggestions, just looks like you could do with some help. Hopefully this is a start, as you play competitively you’ll learn more.
Sorry man, but don't use that Gyarados if you don't know its EV spread. If it's not LV.100, just use EV reducing berries until it has 0 EVs, then EV train it. I know, it's Shiny, but still. Please, take Trick Room off of Alakazam. A CB Ttar/Scizor can come in on Trick Room, and threaten you with Pursuit. ( I'm new to Smogon, but not new to competitive battling)
Erm. I’m no expert but I feel the need to say something. It's very hard to tell what's going on with this team, it has no real direction.

The direction is to attack. =/

Sorry for not having a stupid theme to my pokes.

The EVs are all over the place.

Do explain.

And trick room with a bunch of very fast pokemon, one of whom has dragon dance?

Its for Rhy, Weezing and Empoleon.

Haze when you have a phazer?

Whats wrong with stopping the opponent from setting up on either?

And who is your lead?

Depends. Usually its Empoleon with Stealth Rock, but other times its Gyarados.

I'm not particularly good myself but you seem to be all over the place and it's very hard to help without knowing what you want to acheive.

I want to deal damage.

Offensive? Defensive?

Some are offensive, some are defensive.

For starters, trick room should never be used on a choice specs set. Alakazam is horribly frail and after trick room it would be locked into that move, forced to switch out, and very slow.

The idea is to set up Trick Room for my other pokes. How's that for a "direction?"

Now if you eliminate trick room, things become easier. For starters, you need a good lead. Empoleon can be decent with some tweaking.

Modest Empoleon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 156 HP / 252 SpA / 100 Spe
Nature: Calm
-Stealth Rock
-Hydro Pump
-Aqua Jet
-Grass Knot

Empoleon can get up a SR early on with its resistances, whilst a combination of Hydro Pump and Aqua Jet defeats common leads such as azelf, aerodactyl, gliscor, and heatran. Grass Knot can stay to beat swampert leads.

Empoleon sets up SR and walls special attacks. Its not meant to muscle through teams. =/

I'm an accuracy freak, so forget Hydro Pump, and Aqua Jet is too weak, so no.

Without trick room, I’d suggest Rock Polish on your rhyperior.

Jolly Rhyperior @ Expert Belt
Ability: Solid Rock
252 Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 HP
-Rock Slide
-Rock Polish
-Megahorn/ Aqua Tail

Fire Punch lacks power in OU and rhyperior is not a good pokemon to counter scizor anyway. You should have a different poke to deal with scizor before you send out rhyperior. Megahorn is a great move to prevent Celebi walling you, but if you still don’t want to use it try aqua tail to hurt ground types like hippowdon and gliscor. Make sure to use Life Orb when the Item clause isn’t around for extra damage. Stone Edge is also recommended in general despite the accuracy, since rock slide’s is offputting anyway and it lacks pure power.

Fire Punch hits Brongzong, Skarmory, and Forretress pretty well. =/

What are the odds or running into Celebi? This isnt shoddy battle.

It'd rather stick with RS, since missing blows. It's rather deal less damage then no damage.

Alakazam is outclassed by Gengar, who has better coverage and resistances. Plus, I’m guessing a choice locked pursuiter (common gengar counter) isn’t going to do much to rhyperior with its defence, so he can come in and set up. If you’re going for revenge killer, try out scarfgar.

I dont like Gengar, so meh.

Weezing isn’t doing anything useful. I’d suggest a Tyran-

Yeah I stopped reading after seeing that.

I dont like using pokes like him. They're overused and I'm sick of seeing the same 4 pokes on every OU team. I tried using Tyranitar before, and honestly? I'm not impressed. Didnt help my other team at all. It just sucked and died. And no, it wasnt one of those fancy choice band sets. It was a dragon dance set, and it didnt do anything noteworthy, even with a DD.

If Trick Room REALLY bothers you so much, lets just replace it with some other generic move that doesnt help my team at all. Like Shadow Ball or sumthin'.

I swear, I dont know why I even bother making RMT's on any forum, be it marriland or smogon. Its the same thing everytime: "DUDE UR TEAM HAS NO THEME, USE SALAMENCE/TYRANITAR/GENGAR." No actual rating ever seems to go on.

I'm gonna be honest, does anyone actually look at these sets and think of why they're set up the way they are? Or do they just look at Smogon's movesets and go "nope, not listed. It sucks."

I'm sorry if I come across as an ass, but honestly, it seems no one can be creative anymore without having the same "your team is weak, use pokemon X and Y" shoved down my throat.
Perhaps if you are tired of OU then you should play underused where you won't see the "same 4 pokemon" commonly used over and over. There is nothing wrong with using a pokemon from lower tiers in OU when there is reason to do so. You asked for a RMT and you were given advice on how to better perform in the OU environment, so there is no reason to get snappy when someone suggests using a pokemon that does the job better than x or y UU/NU pokemon.

The advice given to you is very sound and your Trick Room will probably screw you over more than it will help, especially considering that Alakazam is choice-locked into it, forcing you to switch. Trick room also has negative priority, so the chance of him using it is slim to none. A bulkier user, such as Uxie, Claydol, Dusknoir, Slowbro, etc would be a much better choice for setting it up.

I hope next time you'll make a RMT with a much more open mind, seeing as how you're asking for advice in the first place.
^I wasnt asking people about who does what better, I was asking them to rate the posted team. Last thing I want to hear is "OH JUST USE A SALAMENCE OLOL!!"

And always with the Trick Room. Sheesh.
The point of rating a team is to make the team better. If a pokemon you are using is outclassed in what you are using it for, then it is beneficial for you to change pokemon.

and seriously, the trick room thing is really stupid.
The point of rating a team is to make the team better. If a pokemon you are using is outclassed in what you are using it for, then it is beneficial for you to change pokemon.

Dont you think if I really wanted to use the "better" pokes, I would have done so? Honestly.

and seriously, the trick room thing is really stupid.

Oh w/e.

There, I just taught it Shadow Ball in TR's place. Ya'll can breathe easy now. The mean ol' TR is gone. =/
Sorry for not having a stupid theme to my pokes.

It's nothing to do with "having a theme". You seem to be trying to run a trick room team with a bunch of speedy pokes whilst also playing offensively but then you slap in weezing who's completely out of place.

Do explain.
"EVs: Unknown" is a good start. There is no reason not to maximise Rhyperior's attack. And Empoleon is not a "special wall" as there are plenty of things that will do it better. Any powerful enough thunderbolt can still 2HKO it even with max HP/ SpD so I'd suggest either using the lead or standard defensive set.

Its for Rhy, Weezing and Empoleon.
The only one of them who'd benefit is Rhydon. Weezing can't do anything useful, any decent special attacker could KO it. You decided your Empoleon isn't for "muscling through teams" so it's also not going to do much. Meanwhile your 3 other pokes are rendered utterly useless.

I'm an accuracy freak, so forget Hydro Pump, and Aqua Jet is too weak, so no.
It'd rather stick with RS, since missing blows. It's rather deal less damage then no damage.
I used to think like this, but what you've got to consider is the extra KOs you'll net. If you run Stone Edge you may have an 80% chance of hitting and OHKOing something, but this is always preferable to having a 0% of OHKOing something with rock slide.

Fire Punch hits Brongzong, Skarmory, and Forretress pretty well. =/
Er, no it doesn't? It barely deals more than Stone Edge to any of them bar forretress, and why you would use rhyperior as a scizor/ forretress counter is beyond me.

I dont like using pokes like him. They're overused and I'm sick of seeing the same 4 pokes on every OU team. I tried using Tyranitar before, and honestly? I'm not impressed. Didnt help my other team at all. It just sucked and died. And no, it wasnt one of those fancy choice band sets. It was a dragon dance set, and it didnt do anything noteworthy, even with a DD.
So use it properly then?

To be frank (lol) your responses are very immature, particularly the part where you randomly insinuate that we're overweight. >_> And you shouldn't have made this topic if you don't want criticism or suggestions. There is a reason OU pokes are OU, and while some UUs can work well in the OU metagame this is not how. Good luck, anyway.
Rock Polish like mentioned before by bij Star Flare is better for Rhyperior. Might even be a must though.

Trick Room like others also say is not good. Only one that really benefits from it is Rhyperior anyway who you can give Rock Polish to make it faster. Your only putting Alakazam in a bad situation because of it. Way waste it's speed to give 1 other pokémon on your team more potential? For only 5 turns anyway.

You should really consider putting more physical attacks in your team. 4 pokémon that can only attack with special moves is not good. Sceptile can also be physically based for example. That way you don't have to change anything in your team when it comes to pokémon.

EDIT: I just looked again at your team and you are really Zapdos weak
Gyarados - Thunderbolt
Ice Fang won't hurt Zapdos much without you having used Dragon Dance and then there is still the change to miss
Empeleon - Thunderbolt
Sceptile - Heat Wave
Rhyperior - Hidden Power Grass
Without the Trick Room of course
So 4 pokémon can easily be defeated by one and there's no real counter against it either in your team... what will you do then?

By the way you are really funny with Alakazam you say:
Also, I hate Focus Blast.
Then a moveset under it from Sceptile:
-Leaf Storm
-Focus Blast
-Dragon Pulse
-Energy Ball
The direction is to attack. =/

Yeah, because obviously, no other team uses attacks. Hell, why don't we just write off every team as an 'Attacking team' or 'Defensive team'? It'd make Team Rating so much easier.

Sorry for not having a stupid theme to my pokes.

Yeah, because making your RMT look interesting, as well as actually making at least a half-assed attempt at a real competitive team is stupid.

The idea is to set up Trick Room for my other pokes. How's that for a "direction?"

If you want that to be the direction of the team, then focus the team around that. Stop throwing random crap together and expecting it to work well.

I dont like Gengar, so meh.

It doesn't matter what you like. It matters as to what works. If you like something, and have no intention on changing it, then don't create an RMT.

Yeah I stopped reading after seeing that.

I dont like using pokes like him. They're overused and I'm sick of seeing the same 4 pokes on every OU team. I tried using Tyranitar before, and honestly? I'm not impressed. Didnt help my other team at all. It just sucked and died. And no, it wasnt one of those fancy choice band sets. It was a dragon dance set, and it didnt do anything noteworthy, even with a DD.

Seeing the same four Pokemon? Listen, those Pokemon are seen everywhere for a reason. In OU, those four Pokemon are things like Salamence, Flygon, Scizor, Blissey, Skarmory, ect, ect. In UU, it's Moltres, Venusaur, Hitmontop, Mismagius, Spiritomb, ect, ect. It's the same in every tier.

You weren't impressed by Tyranitar? Then obviously, one way or another, you were using it incorrectly. You were either using it without the needed support, or you were just flat-out using it wrong.

If Trick Room REALLY bothers you so much, lets just replace it with some other generic move that doesnt help my team at all. Like Shadow Ball or sumthin'.

Being a smartass towards the people trying to help you doesn't help your case.

I swear, I dont know why I even bother making RMT's on any forum, be it marriland or smogon. Its the same thing everytime: "DUDE UR TEAM HAS NO THEME, USE SALAMENCE/TYRANITAR/GENGAR." No actual rating ever seems to go on.

Then don't make RMTs. Simple. We don't like slogging through crap like these RMTs, with people that act as if they're shit doesn't stink. Your team has no theme, and it's actually weak to basically all three of those Pokemon you just listed.

I'm gonna be honest, does anyone actually look at these sets and think of why they're set up the way they are? Or do they just look at Smogon's movesets and go "nope, not listed. It sucks."

No, we actually evaluate the move-set, what it does for the team, and how it works as a whole. It's not that we don't like the sets. It's the fact that the sets suck and/or are outdated.

I'm sorry if I come across as an ass, but honestly, it seems no one can be creative anymore without having the same "your team is weak, use pokemon X and Y" shoved down my throat.

You did come off as an ass, and rather ignorant, as well as stubborn.

Oh, and one last thing.

Won like 4 times in a row in Pokemon Battle Revolution, and yes, I battled Standard teams all four times. One even had a couple Ubers.

I lol'd
The original name of this rmt drew me in.

^I wasnt asking people about who does what better, I was asking them to rate the posted team. Last thing I want to hear is "OH JUST USE A SALAMENCE OLOL!!"

This team gets a 2/10.

Originally Posted by Fat butterfingers158
The point of rating a team is to make the team better. If a pokemon you are using is outclassed in what you are using it for, then it is beneficial for you to change pokemon.
Dont you think if I really wanted to use the "better" pokes, I would have done so? Honestly.

Bull pizzles. Perhaps, after reading all the critique from smogon (a very influential pokemon site who knows what they're doing) and finding a 0% approval rating, you may want to change your response to that. I would also recommend reading this, specifically this part:

3) Provide a solution
Pointing out a problem is not enough - as raters you are expected to fix it as well as best you can. Letting the new player know that he is weak to Gyarados is great, but now all he is going to do is slap an Electivire on the team and call it a day, wholly believing that this Electric type has him secured against the threat.


This team gets a 2/10.

The whole point of RMT is to MAKE THE TEAM BETTER. That may involve suggesting a better pokemon. Star Flare did a great job, agreeing with everything he said. But,

Timid Gengar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
252 Special Attack, 252 Speed

- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice

Also, I would recommend (blatantly ignoring your request to just say "good job/this sucks") training your new Gyarados as a bulky gyarados. Taunt/DD/Waterfall/Stone Edge (yes, it's neccessary, good coverage resisted only by empoleon) gives you a physical wall that can also boost up and kill stuff.

In addition, you now need a steel type, since Empoleon is now a suicide lead. Steel types are the only things that resist dragon attacks, which are common in the OU metagame, and destroy this team. Instead of Weezing (whose job as a physical wall is taken by Gyarados), run a Agiliy Metagross. It provides an additional rock resistance, and sets up on Choiced TTar that your Gengar lures in. It provides a Mence check, too, setting up on DD/Draco Meteor and killing it with Ice Punch. Agility/Meteor Mash/Earthquake/Ice Punch. Earthquake has good coverage with Meteor Mash, hitting every type for neutral damage, while Ice Punch kills Flygon, who resists the first two attacks, as well as Salamence.

EDIT: Shiny Pidgey, I want to marry you. Hit the nail on the head. Seriously, some of his post is forum-signature gold.
It's nothing to do with "having a theme". You seem to be trying to run a trick room team with a bunch of speedy pokes whilst also playing offensively but then you slap in weezing who's completely out of place.


Frank M. said:
There, I just taught it Shadow Ball in TR's place. Ya'll can breathe easy now. The mean ol' TR is gone. =/

"EVs: Unknown" is a good start. There is no reason not to maximise Rhyperior's attack.
Except when you're trying to capitalize on its DEF as well.

And Empoleon is not a "special wall"
So all that SpDef suddenly doesnt exist?

Weezing can't do anything useful
Yeah, cuz as well as know, he cant wall physical attackers at all. Will-O-wisp does NOTHING and Haze totally doesnt get rid of boosts, amiright?


any decent special attacker could KO it.
And any decent physical attacker can OHKO Blissey. Whats your point?

You decided your Empoleon isn't for "muscling through teams" so it's also not going to do much.
zomg! a wall that cant sweep! i suck.

I used to think like this, but what you've got to consider is the extra KOs you'll net. If you run Stone Edge you may have an 80% chance of hitting and OHKOing something, but this is always preferable to having a 0% of OHKOing something with rock slide.
Not really. More often than not, SE misses when I really need it to hit. So forget it.

Er, no it doesn't? It barely deals more than Stone Edge to any of them bar forretress, and why you would use rhyperior as a scizor/ forretress counter is beyond me.
Thats why I Swords Dance. And why I boosted his DEF and HP. =/

So use it properly then?


[qoute]To be frank (lol) your responses are very immature, particularly the part where you randomly insinuate that we're overweight. >_> [/quote]

-looks through posts-

Nope, I dont see anything about saying you guys are fat.

Points for making stuff up though. Thats another reason to avoid Smogon users. =D

And you shouldn't have made this topic if you don't want criticism or suggestions. There is a reason OU pokes are OU, and while some UUs can work well in the OU metagame this is not how. Good luck, anyway.
It's called "Rate My Team," not "Ridicule My Team."

Its asked for people to rate THE POSTED TEAM, as in, the team I'm using, not the team you think I should use. I didnt ask anyone to tell me what I should or shouldnt be using.

I can now see why so many people dislike this site. Cant even do something as simple as rating a team without treating the other person like a moron.


Obviously if i truly wanted to, I could use the top tier pokes that freakin' EVERYONE uses but thats just no fun. It's much more fun to win with my favorites or pokemon that arent used quite as much.

I think this quote from pokebeach (in a topic about how this site sucks, oddly enough) explains the method to my madness fairly well.

[B][URL="http://pokebeach.com/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=8307 said:
Ophie[/URL]"[/B]]I pick Pokémon based on whom I simply like better. Movesets, stats, ability, and any other battle-related things have nothing to do with my choice. I picked Drifblim, for instance, because I couldn't resist training a Pokémon described as a hot air balloon full of souls and because it looks wacky; and I trained Lucario simply because he looks so cool. I trained a Crawdaunt because he's always been in the shadow of Kingler, already a Pokémon banished to UU. Moltres might be considered inferior to Heatran, but if I like Moltres better than Heatran (and I do, because I think Heatran is ugly), then I'll choose Moltres to put on a team.

In essence, my way of play is inspired by the "Japanese style," which is less focused on winning and more focused on exercises in creativity, using Pokémon as far down in UU (and often NU) as possible and getting as much mileage from them as possible while throwing an OU or two in from artistic preference.

This is pretty much how I feel. I like using pokes that arent in the "TOP 6 POKES THAT ALMOST GURANTEE VICTORY."

And despite what you all seem to think, this team works just fine for me, especially cuz I dont waste my life on Shoddy Battle or whatever. I play with that actual game, not that fancy simulator that can give you perfect pokes and whatnot without any effort.

Yeah, because obviously, no other team uses attacks. Hell, why don't we just write off every team as an 'Attacking team' or 'Defensive team'? It'd make Team Rating so much easier.

Yeah, because making your RMT look interesting, as well as actually making at least a half-assed attempt at a real competitive team is stupid.

If you want that to be the direction of the team, then focus the team around that. Stop throwing random crap together and expecting it to work well.

It doesn't matter what you like. It matters as to what works. If you like something, and have no intention on changing it, then don't create an RMT.

Seeing the same four Pokemon? Listen, those Pokemon are seen everywhere for a reason. In OU, those four Pokemon are things like Salamence, Flygon, Scizor, Blissey, Skarmory, ect, ect. In UU, it's Moltres, Venusaur, Hitmontop, Mismagius, Spiritomb, ect, ect. It's the same in every tier.

You weren't impressed by Tyranitar? Then obviously, one way or another, you were using it incorrectly. You were either using it without the needed support, or you were just flat-out using it wrong.

Being a smartass towards the people trying to help you doesn't help your case.

Then don't make RMTs. Simple. We don't like slogging through crap like these RMTs, with people that act as if they're shit doesn't stink. Your team has no theme, and it's actually weak to basically all three of those Pokemon you just listed.

No, we actually evaluate the move-set, what it does for the team, and how it works as a whole. It's not that we don't like the sets. It's the fact that the sets suck and/or are outdated.

You did come off as an ass, and rather ignorant, as well as stubborn.

Oh, and one last thing.

I lol'd

Ah, an elistest Smogon user. Just what I'd expect.

Rock Polish like mentioned before by bij Star Flare is better for Rhyperior. Might even be a must though.

Then I'd be wasting vaulabe EVs on his speed and not his DEF or HP.

EDIT: I just looked again at your team and you are really Zapdos weak
Gyarados - Thunderbolt
Ice Fang won't hurt Zapdos much without you having used Dragon Dance and then there is still the change to miss
Empeleon - Thunderbolt
Sceptile - Heat Wave
Rhyperior - Hidden Power Grass
Without the Trick Room of course
So 4 pokémon can easily be defeated by one and there's no real counter against it either in your team... what will you do then?
I dont use Shoddy, so not everyone will have access to a suitable natured Zapdos. =/

By the way you are really funny with Alakazam you say:
Also, I hate Focus Blast.
Then a moveset under it from Sceptile:
-Leaf Storm
-Focus Blast
-Dragon Pulse
-Energy Ball
Only cuz it's needed.

The original name of this rmt drew me in.

This team gets a 2/10.

Thanks for explaining your reasons, herp derp.
The pains of trying to be different, eh?

I agree that seeing Tyranitar/Mence/Blissey and all that every battle sucks, and thus I'm not going to suggest using any of them, but I think I've come up with a couple of ideas that could help.

First I think you might want to pick a dedicated lead, whether it is Gyara or Emp, just so you can build them to lead rather than have a mixed role. I personally suggest a Gyara lead, because from what I see your team seems to be more bulky than offensive, and this would allow you to get a DD off while they set up rocks, or just muscle through. If you are going with a lead Gyara, I suggest dropping EQ for Bounce. Ground/water has redundant coverage (They both hit Fire and Rock for SE and mostly cover the same types) This gives you an answer to lead Machamps which are EVERYWHERE as well as giving you better coverage. But seriously, Machamps are EVERYWHERE.

Now, from looking at your team you seem to be crying out for a special wall to complement Weezles, and an answer to electric attacks, whom smack Gyara silly. After giving it a bit of thought, I've decided that a good pokemon to replace someone (Empoleon probably, since focusing on Alakazam for SpAttack and Rhyperior for face raping seems apt) would be Lanturn. Lanturn has really nice HP, Volt absorb, as well as passable SpDef. This means that you can use Gyara as bait to heal Lanturn, and also you resist Water attacks who would otherwise make your Rhyperior wet in the worst way. If you do go with a Lanturn, I suggest this set;

Lanturn @ Leftovers
Nature: Calm
EVs: 216HP/252SpDef/40Def
Ability: Volt Absorb
- Confuse Ray
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Parafusion makes me smile. This set is on Smogon if you want the original one (I switched the HP and Def EVs because you already have Weezing as a phys wall) but I think that a Lanturn could do very well on your team. Also grass and ground are the only types Lanturn is weak to (as far as I can remember, I'm pretty tired) and Weezing resists grass and lols at ground.

Also, I say give Weezing flamethrower over Sludge Bomb. Scizor counter done. Will-o-Wisp and haze seem a bit redundant too, I'd say pick one or the other, but that's just me. It can let you free up a slot for Tbolt/Explosion or Sludge Bomb.. I guess.

Lastly, I was looking at Sceptile and figured you might benefit from a SubSeed set. This makes Blissey cry and is generally a pain (Sceptile is the fastest Subseeder outside of Shaymin-S or something.. can't remember) You could run something liiiiike:

Sceptile @ Leftovers/Big Root if you're item clausing it.
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 216HP (important.. I think)/40SpAtk/252Spe
Ability: Whatever it is.. grass version of Torrent o.o
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Energy Ball
- Dragon Pulse

This set would spell trouble for any stallers, particularly Blissey who can do nothing to this. Energy ball is there for STAB and the ability to OHKO Swampert.. or close enough, I can't be bothered figuring out if it does or not, as well as smacking around a few other Poke's. Dragon Pulse is there to surprise the 51385909998^14 Mences that are used in the diverse habitat that is OU, as well as Dragonite and gives you a good Kingdra counter, 2HKOes Kingdra.. I think.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. Interesting team overall, and personally I very much enjoy a good Weezing!



EDIT: Oh, and also, if you want something to smile about, think about what's going to happen to all the people that love/live for/dream of etc Mence when he's banished to the Uber tier. Their tears will sustain me. :D
any decent special attacker could KO it.

And any decent physical attacker can OHKO Blissey. Whats your point?

The point is that Blissey is not a physical wall, it's a special wall.

Its asked for people to rate THE POSTED TEAM, as in, the team I'm using, not the team you think I should use. I didnt ask anyone to tell me what I should or shouldnt be using.

Originally Posted by Fat Darkamber8828
The original name of this rmt drew me in.

This team gets a 2/10.
Thanks for explaining your reasons, herp derp.

You don't give a shit about our reasons, remember? Or am I lucky enough to be the only one you'll listen to?

Anyway, let me rephrase that. This team gets a 3/100, because you beat 3 standard teams with it. Also, 3 is a nice number. So much better than 2. For example, if you had 3 popsicles and 2 friends, you would eat all the popsicles, right? But if you had just 3 popsicles, you would have 2 popsicles left! However, if you're the charming person you appear to be, you probably don't have 3 friends, huh?
You know what? Normally, I try not to be a complete dick, especially to someone new. But I've already decided, I'm betting along with a new other people, that we don't like you.

Shiny Pidgey, I want to marry you. Hit the nail on the head. Seriously, some of his post is forum-signature gold.

Sorry, not big on marriage, lol. Yeah, I should be quoting everything for a signature. Damn 'Your signature is only six lines' rule. This whole topic needs to be sig'd...for great justice.

Oh yeah, your points about Salamence are completely idiotic, considering every team doesn't have Salamence (mine for example, which is in my signature).

It's much more fun to win with my favorites or pokemon that arent used quite as much.

Then don't come to a competitive battling site.

I think this quote from pokebeach (in a topic about how this site sucks, oddly enough) explains the method to my madness fairly well.

You have no method. You have no madness. There is only fail.

And despite what you all seem to think, this team works just fine for me, especially cuz I dont waste my life on Shoddy Battle or whatever. I play with that actual game, not that fancy simulator that can give you perfect pokes and whatnot without any effort.

OBJECTION! EV training a Pokemon, breeding for IVs, and then grinding to Level 100 actually takes more time on the actual game, so that would mean that you've wasted more of your time, making you the loser.

Now please, for the love of Christ, GTFO. kthnxbai
I don't think you quite grasp what an RMT actually is. You don't just list your pokemon and expect a yea or nay answer; the point is to get other people to give their opinions and point out weaknesses and give suggestions. The important thing about using UU pokemon in OU is to not use them as an inferior version of a more dominant one, the way you are. Mismagius, for example, should use her access to Nasty Plot instead of trying to pull off an inferior version of one of Gengar's sets.

Weezing, by the way, is completely shut down by Heatran, who as you've mentioned is everywhere.
The pains of trying to be different, eh?

I agree that seeing Tyranitar/Mence/Blissey and all that every battle sucks, and thus I'm not going to suggest using any of them, but I think I've come up with a couple of ideas that could help.

Finally, someone who doesnt give off that "you're stupid for using pokemon X Y and Z" vibe.

First I think you might want to pick a dedicated lead, whether it is Gyara or Emp, just so you can build them to lead rather than have a mixed role. I personally suggest a Gyara lead, because from what I see your team seems to be more bulky than offensive, and this would allow you to get a DD off while they set up rocks, or just muscle through. If you are going with a lead Gyara, I suggest dropping EQ for Bounce. Ground/water has redundant coverage (They both hit Fire and Rock for SE and mostly cover the same types) This gives you an answer to lead Machamps which are EVERYWHERE as well as giving you better coverage. But seriously, Machamps are EVERYWHERE.
Thats fine then. I have an Adamant DD Gyara I can use in place of the other one.

Now, from looking at your team you seem to be crying out for a special wall to complement Weezles, and an answer to electric attacks, whom smack Gyara silly. After giving it a bit of thought, I've decided that a good pokemon to replace someone (Empoleon probably, since focusing on Alakazam for SpAttack and Rhyperior for face raping seems apt) would be Lanturn. Lanturn has really nice HP, Volt absorb, as well as passable SpDef. This means that you can use Gyara as bait to heal Lanturn, and also you resist Water attacks who would otherwise make your Rhyperior wet in the worst way. If you do go with a Lanturn, I suggest this set;

Lanturn @ Leftovers
Nature: Calm
EVs: 216HP/252SpDef/40Def
Ability: Volt Absorb
- Confuse Ray
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Parafusion makes me smile. This set is on Smogon if you want the original one (I switched the HP and Def EVs because you already have Weezing as a phys wall) but I think that a Lanturn could do very well on your team. Also grass and ground are the only types Lanturn is weak to (as far as I can remember, I'm pretty tired) and Weezing resists grass and lols at ground.
Thank you, I will definetly try raising one. I suppose I can just give in and use Blissey or something otherwise.

Also, I say give Weezing flamethrower over Sludge Bomb. Scizor counter done. Will-o-Wisp and haze seem a bit redundant too, I'd say pick one or the other, but that's just me. It can let you free up a slot for Tbolt/Explosion or Sludge Bomb.. I guess.
Even though I'm one of those "has to have a reliable STAB move" kinds of players, I can see where you're coming from, so I'll definetly teach it FlameT and ThunderB in place of Haze and SludgeB and see how it works out, though I still think Haze is a good move.

Lastly, I was looking at Sceptile and figured you might benefit from a SubSeed set. This makes Blissey cry and is generally a pain (Sceptile is the fastest Subseeder outside of Shaymin-S or something.. can't remember) You could run something liiiiike:

Sceptile @ Leftovers/Big Root if you're item clausing it.
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 216HP (important.. I think)/40SpAtk/252Spe
Ability: Whatever it is.. grass version of Torrent o.o
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Energy Ball
- Dragon Pulse

This set would spell trouble for any stallers, particularly Blissey who can do nothing to this. Energy ball is there for STAB and the ability to OHKO Swampert.. or close enough, I can't be bothered figuring out if it does or not, as well as smacking around a few other Poke's. Dragon Pulse is there to suprise the 51385909998^14 Mences that are used in the diverse habitat that is OU, as well as Dragonite and gives you a good Kingdra counter, 2HKO Kingdra.. I think.
Thank you for the suggestion, but I think Sceptile is currently just fine. I'm honestly not too interested in Substitute sets.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. Interesting team overall, and personally I very much enjoy a good Weezing!


Thank you, I very much appreciate you're open-mindedness and for not talking to me as if I have 3 heads.

^^and what that, it seems we're back to square one. Its truly is no wonder people say Smogon is full of elitist assholes. At first I thought they were just haters, but now I see what they're so upset about.

Sheesh. I came to Smogon thinking I could find some like minded players, but what I find is a bunch of elitist nerds who cant seem to understand that not everyone has to play the game "by the numbers" so to speak. I understand they're better pokes out there, but again, I find it more fun to try and win with the "underdogs." It's not like I'm trying to gain approval by using a team of Magikarp and Feebas. Christ almighty.

The point is that Blissey is not a physical wall, it's a special wall.

And Weezing is a physical wall, not a special wall. =/

What a silly statement. Obviously special moves can kill Weezing, cuz he's not meant to wall special moves, just as Blissey isnt meant to wall physcial moves!
Don't you love how he ignores everything he has no response to?

Although, give him a cookie, he's showing character development already.

Thank you, I will definetly try raising one. I suppose I can just give in and use Blissey or something otherwise.

And there's this,

The direction is to attack. =/

Fear Blissey's offensive presence. It'll Choice Band STAB Giga Impact your pathetic Carvahnas to death!

^^and what that, it seems we're back to square one. Its truly is no wonder people say Smogon is full of elitist assholes. At first I thought they were just haters, but now I see what they're so upset about.

Sheesh. I came to Smogon thinking I could find some like minded players, but what I find is a bunch of elitist nerds who cant seem to understand that not everyone has to play the game "by the numbers" so to speak. I understand they're better pokes out there, but again, I find it more fun to try and win with the "underdogs." It's not like I'm trying to gain approval by using a team of Magikarp and Feebas. Christ almighty.

And you are not an asshole. Because calling 43,222 people an asshole doesn't make you an asshole.

I would LOVE to see the stupidity that could arise from 43,223 of "like-minded" people like you. There's a few of them here.

So, if all your "like-minded people" started using this team, proclaiming its awesomeness and proving to the world that it is awesome, Weezing, Sceptile, Alakazam, and Rhyperior will be OU by about 43,223 people. Then what will you do? They'll be "BSOLUTE TOP TIER POKEYMANZ," no?

With your logic, you will eventually be using a team of Magikarp and Feebas. Although, with Species Clause, you might add Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple, Burmy, and Hoppip for good measure.

Although, forgive me for that last thing. I thought whomever said that was referring to Empoleon.
^Thank you Smogon, for another completely elitist member treating a new member like crap. I expected nothing less. =)

Nice sig, too. Really proves my point.
Uhmzz Frank M. i'm now an elitist but even i can tell you are acting like a jackass.
First of all you are not following the rules for the RMT.
For example you don't explain in-depth how your team works.
People here are trying/tried to help you but you are replying in a very weird behaviour. So logical they don't respond properly anymore either. What goes around comes around you know.
About the signature of DarkAmber... it's funny you said that cause i didn't know Uber was standard nowadays. Apparently you do know that Frank M. i'm reeeeeeallllllyyyyy impressed by how you know your stuff and you shouldn't need any help at all with team building '-_-
Oh god, why the heck did you post a thread if you didnt want changes? You're team is bad, period. We gave you suggestions, you didn't wnt them and then on a sarcastic little condescending whine-filled rant about how all smogon users are elitist idiots. Get real. I suggest you read This for future reference. Could a Mod lock this.

0/43,227 (The number of users on smogon, who would all beat you handily.)
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