Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 24 (READ THE OP)

Instead of Charging in Guns Blazing, i'm gonna calmly ask
Why has Salamence been moved to Uber?

I'm asking because I've been battling on Pokemon Wifi for over 3 years and i've never found Salamence to be that much of a problem even after it gained Outrage

So what are Smogon's reasons for this weird move?
the users that voted on Salamence's move to Uber posted their reasons here just read the conversation
Could somebody give me the link to the Salamence vote thread to pair with this:

And could somebody give me the link to the Garchomp post similar to the one linked above, and the Garchomp vote thread, if they still exist?
At the bottom of the main page of the forum, there's a forum called Policy Review. Go in there, and you'll see a subforum called Suspect Test Voting Site. That has both of the threads you want:
Hey guys, What ability will a Camerupt have? Is it random ...? Numel has oblivious and simple, while Camerupt has Solid Rock and Magna Armor. How do we determine which ability that Camerupt will get?
Two questions:

Can a Pokemon re-learn an Egg Move after it's forgotten it with the Move Relearner(in either Platinum or HG/SS)?

If I evolve a Pokemon using an Evolution Stone and it's evolution has two abilities, what are the chances the Pokemon will switch to the new ability, if there is a chance?
Two questions:

Can a Pokemon re-learn an Egg Move after it's forgotten it with the Move Relearner(in either Platinum or HG/SS)?

If I evolve a Pokemon using an Evolution Stone and it's evolution has two abilities, what are the chances the Pokemon will switch to the new ability, if there is a chance?

1. Nope, That is why I cry for my Jolteon
2. 50 % most the time...

btw Thanks Ericcc
I feel stupid, but when using smogon's "Export to text" feature for RMT's, how do I copy it? It won't open the copy/paste screen when I right click.
Serebii's Game Mechanics page says otherwise about pokemon changing abilities at evolution. It says once the poke has one of the two abilities, it's stuck with that one. Anyone want to confirm otherwise?
Serebii's Game Mechanics page says otherwise about pokemon changing abilities at evolution. It says once the poke has one of the two abilities, it's stuck with that one. Anyone want to confirm otherwise?

If it has different abilities at its evolved form then it changes. Do you see a Dragonite with shed skin anywhere, or a Tyranitar with guts?
How does Hoppip get both Reflect and Encore?
HOOTHOOT: Learn Reflect at level 17
TOGEPI: Breed male HOOTHOOT with female TOGETIC
TOGETIC: Evolve TOGEPI (Happiness)
TOGETIC: Learn Encore at level 19
HOPPIP: Breed male TOGETIC with female HOPPIP
I feel stupid, but when using smogon's "Export to text" feature for RMT's, how do I copy it? It won't open the copy/paste screen when I right click.

If you're on a PC, ctrl+c to copy, then you can right click wherever to paste (or ctrl+v). On a Mac, it's the funny Mac command key + c.

Serebii's Game Mechanics page says otherwise about pokemon changing abilities at evolution. It says once the poke has one of the two abilities, it's stuck with that one. Anyone want to confirm otherwise?

It is stuck with that ability. If you're evolving a native 4th gen pokemon, you can determine which ability it'll have by default, sicne one ability always corresponds to a certain ability on the evolution. The only time its really "random" is when a native 3rd gen pokemon is transferred to a 4th gen game, that's when its ability can be either of the abilities upon evolution (hence why you can see Clefable with both 3rd gen tutor moves and Magic Guard). It is set upon migration to the 4th gen game though, due to a hidden value specific to the pokemon (which explains why cloning a pokemon in Emerald, and migrating multiple copies won't change the result).

So in either case, you wouldn't be able to soft reset and hope for the second ability. There's a list of 4th gen corresponding abilities here on Smogon that's helpful for odd evolutions like Tyrogue but I can't quite remember where it is. EDIT 2: They moved it to the RNG part of the site, no wonder I didn't find it. Ability 0 on a pokemon will always correspond to ability 0 on its evolution.

Hoppip is compatible with both Clefairy and Togetic. Togetic learns Encore at level 19, and Clefairy at level 4. Both can learn Reflect through TM33.
Afaik Dodrio tower is unlocked by beating the whole game on round 1 that means you neeed to complete the arena leader castle and the stadium in order to get the dodrio tower.

On Mewtwo i would go for
+ extra coverage move (instead of Barrier)

since there are alot more crits, that totally negate you def boosts, in rby compared to the following gens e.g. mewtwos crit chance is 25% for every hit.

That is a good point, is there an easy way I can calculate damage for critical hits on Mewtwo in RBY to see if it will be threatened that much, and if so, by who?
Great thanks for the feedback. Think id have better luck soft resetting some more or just saving this aerodactyl and breed it with my brreeding ditto (modest and perfect IVs)?

You have a Ditto with perfect IV's? My best overall Ditto has 31/4/30/0/29/30 but I have loads, and a few more with 31's so I have all stats covered. I like breeding for the nature first, then try and breed in IV's to where I need em. But if possible I like to be able to just breed the same species together rather than stick to Dittos. Eggs are produced faster, and by selecting for offspring, if I wanted say... 31/31/31/x/x/31 for my Breloom (which is a Breloom I recently hatched, and my crowning glory). Then I'd want to try and breed two Brelooms who have at least all 4 IV's covered, preferrably 2 and 2 (i.e. one with 31HP/31Atk and another with 31Def/31Spe). And whenever I hatch one with more overlap, I'd rather throw that in as well, to increase the odds of inheritance.

An Aerodactyl though, especially as a suicide lead, is fairly easy to breed for. Get a Ditto with 31 Speed, or 31 Attack. And breed it with an Aerodactyl. Get an offspring with either 31, then breed that offspring with another ditto that has the other 31. Then it's just a waiting game.

Hope that helps :)
Hello everyone. I know my question will probably sounds stupid for the large majority of this forum but I just started EV training and I was wondering :

- How can I level up my pokemon without taking EV ? I mean, if I start EV train my pokemon when he's lvl 1, he wont be strong enough to kill most of the pokemon I have to kill. So obviously I must gain a few levels in order to EV train properly.
Would the Day Care do it ? Can I, for example take it to lvl 20 and then start EV train ?

- What about Pokemon like Heatran that are already lvl 50 ? They dont have any EV right ? I mean I can start EV train by knowing he doesn't have any yet ?

Sorry if I made any mistakes while typing (english isn't my mother tongue) and sorry if my questions have been answered 2030 times.
You have a Ditto with perfect IV's? My best overall Ditto has 31/4/30/0/29/30 but I have loads, and a few more with 31's so I have all stats covered. I like breeding for the nature first, then try and breed in IV's to where I need em. But if possible I like to be able to just breed the same species together rather than stick to Dittos. Eggs are produced faster, and by selecting for offspring, if I wanted say... 31/31/31/x/x/31 for my Breloom (which is a Breloom I recently hatched, and my crowning glory). Then I'd want to try and breed two Brelooms who have at least all 4 IV's covered, preferrably 2 and 2 (i.e. one with 31HP/31Atk and another with 31Def/31Spe). And whenever I hatch one with more overlap, I'd rather throw that in as well, to increase the odds of inheritance.

An Aerodactyl though, especially as a suicide lead, is fairly easy to breed for. Get a Ditto with 31 Speed, or 31 Attack. And breed it with an Aerodactyl. Get an offspring with either 31, then breed that offspring with another ditto that has the other 31. Then it's just a waiting game.

Hope that helps :)

You're not even mentioning Power items, which give you a much better change of passing the respective IV down to the egg

Hello everyone. I know my question will probably sounds stupid for the large majority of this forum but I just started EV training and I was wondering :

- How can I level up my pokemon without taking EV ? I mean, if I start EV train my pokemon when he's lvl 1, he wont be strong enough to kill most of the pokemon I have to kill. So obviously I must gain a few levels in order to EV train properly.
Would the Day Care do it ? Can I, for example take it to lvl 20 and then start EV train ?

- What about Pokemon like Heatran that are already lvl 50 ? They dont have any EV right ? I mean I can start EV train by knowing he doesn't have any yet ?

Sorry if I made any mistakes while typing (english isn't my mother tongue) and sorry if my questions have been answered 2030 times.

1 - Use Rare Candy or the Day Care, but keep in mind the Day Care will teach it every move that it can learn as soon as possible.

2 - Yes, whenever you obtain a Pokémon except through trading, it will have no EVs

And those aren't very common questions so it's no problem
1. I'll take it out of the Day Care just when he's supposed to take a level that allow him to learn a new move and go kill a pokemon for my EV train, so I can stop him from learning the bad move. I guess :/

Thanks a lot for the fast response !
1. I'll take it out of the Day Care just when he's supposed to take a level that allow him to learn a new move and go kill a pokemon for my EV train, so I can stop him from learning the bad move. I guess :/

Thanks a lot for the fast response !

Welcome, I'm not sure in what order moves are erased in the Day Care, but I wouldn't risk it if you need a certain move unless you want to Heart Scale it back later.

Keep in mind, in the lower levels, you can always send a Pokémon into battle and switch them out to a higher leveled one, because EVs are awarded to any and all Pokémon that receive Exp. from it
Do weather and Trick Room teams really work well in stadium mode? A local game store has tournaments once a month where we play in 4-vs-4 stadium mode singles on PBR. Last time I got second, losing to a guy who led with a Substitute/Encore Alakazam, so I'm worried that his lead may mess up any team that requires any setup whatsoever.

Also, which Infernape set would be most effective in stadium mode? Something like the specially-based Mixape set?
Do weather and Trick Room teams really work well in stadium mode? A local game store has tournaments once a month where we play in 4-vs-4 stadium mode singles on PBR. Last time I got second, losing to a guy who led with a Substitute/Encore Alakazam, so I'm worried that his lead may mess up any team that requires any setup whatsoever.

Also, which Infernape set would be most effective in stadium mode? Something like the specially-based Mixape set?

I've never played PBR but I would definitely consider a Choice Band personally or maybe a Choice Scarf or even Specs, because Fire and Fighting has excellent coverage and if they can figure out you have a Choice item, they might not have something out of their only 4 Pokémon that resists it