Terrorist Cup Discussion Thread

I wonder how strong CB Lickilicky explosion is...

252Atk Adamant Choice Band Lickilicky's Explosion vs.

252HP/252def positive nature Bronzong- 96.4% - 113.6%
252HP/252def positive nature Foretress- 86.4% - 102%
252HP/252def positive nature Registeel- 83% - 97.8%
252HP/252def positive nature Metagross- 82.7% - 97.3%
252HP/252def positive nature Steelix- 61% - 72%

Well, pretty strong as you can see, I didn't do all the steels as you can see, plus like no-one runs those EVs and natures, but it was just for LOLz sake anyway
im assuming smeargle isnt allowed veileis for two reasons. #1 its not on the list and #2 it sketches explosion not learns it. it is true though that the rules say carry not learn so idk
Hmmm looks really fun to play ;). Anyway, I abused idea of Explosions on... Trick Room teams in UU as many Pokemon abusing Explosion are slow, which fits perfect with those teams. Also fortunately some Trick Room users also learn Explosion, making this quite fun to abuse (Bronzong, Claydol, Lunatone, Solrock etc.). I think in this tier Trick Room based on "boom" will be even more powerfull.

Anyway, I would like to add one simple rule. Don't you think it would be nice to allow all pokemon, which may use SUICIDE moves, adding even more mindgames to this tier ? For example users of Destiny Bond and maybe for example Memento/Healing Wish ? Of course suiciding like this isn't as effective and funny like Selfdestruct/Explosion, however it's still neat to take opponent with Destiny Bond :D. Just my little idea, otherwise looks good.
Destiny Bond isn't a suicide move. It requires you to get killed for it's effect to happen, yes, but it's not a suicide move, since you don't kill yourself but allow other pokemon to kill you.
Anyway, I would like to add one simple rule. Don't you think it would be nice to allow all pokemon, which may use SUICIDE moves...

That's not how terrorists do it.

This looks fun, I think i'll try it on CaP...

For power...what would be the strongest boom possible? Belly Drum Snorlax Explosion?
I love this. I'm thinking of a Trick Room team wtih Curse Steelix holding Curse, Earthquake for stuff that resist Explosion, Gyro Ball for Gengar, Azelf, etc. then Explosion.

i'll try it on CaP...

For power...what would be the strongest boom possible? Belly Drum Snorlax Explosion?

Belly Drum Lickilicky. Snorlax only learns Self-Destruct. But I don't think it's practical to build up an Explosion like that. I guess If Cursers like Steelix or Regirock are an issue, then maybe Earthquake can deal with them.
Don't you think it would be nice to allow all pokemon, which may use SUICIDE moves, adding even more mindgames to this tier ? For example users of Destiny Bond and maybe for example Memento/Healing Wish ?
Kinda takes away the whole "terrorist" idea, imo. Destiny Bond doesn't directly make the user faint, by the way.

For power...what would be the strongest boom possible? Belly Drum Snorlax Explosion?
Snorlax can learn Self-Destruct, but not Explosion. Lickilicky can learn that combo, though.
Kinda takes away the whole "terrorist" idea, imo. Destiny Bond doesn't directly make the user faint, by the way.

Snorlax can learn Self-Destruct, but not Explosion. Lickilicky can learn that combo, though.

Err woops, I meant selfdestruct. But also, Snorlax has higher base attack...does 50 base power make enough difference to give Snorlax the edge or is Lickilicky just plain better?
Err woops, I meant selfdestruct. But also, Snorlax has higher base attack...does 50 base power make enough difference to give Snorlax the edge or is Lickilicky just plain better?

Lickilicky's is stronger, but if I had to pick a Normal type Pokemon with Explosion/Self-Destruct, I'd pick Snorlax since he's an overall better Pokemon, much bulkier, and can hurt other Pokemon much harder with moves like Earthquake and Crunch, and can Pursuit the Ghosts. Although Lickilicky can use Fire Blast to deal with Steelix better, it'll have to go mixed with a Life Orb, which defeats the purpose of "Most Powerful Explosion".
Played my first TC match. Must say it's fun. Gengar and Azelf seem pretty dominate. Magnetzone is reliable killing several steels that roam in TC. Fun though.
This seems to be a very interesting tier idea and I'm willing to try this tier. Before I start to create a team, I take some notes to this tier based on pure theorymoaning.

  • no instant weather changer
Tyranitar, the Hippo and Snowobama line, Groudon and Kyogre can't learn Explosion / Selfdestruct, therefore there is now instant weather in this tier.

-> Offensive weather (rain, sun) seems to be VERY viable. In fact you have Electrode, Azelf and Mewtwo (seriously) to change weather (+ Bronzong for rain).

Unluckily the options for rain seem to be poor. The only Pokémon with Swift Swim is Qwilfish and the other decent rain abusers seems to be Scarf Wailord and Wailmer. I'm not joking, the latter one should be still useful, as the tier lacks good water resists. The only one who are FE are Eggs, Cloyster, Qwilfish and Wailord, heck, even Scarf Cloyster can easily sweep under rain in this tier.

The options for sun are even better. You have Exeggutor and Shiftry as Chlorophyll abusers and Scarf Heatran as the main sweeper. The list of Pokémon who can switch into sunny day teams easily are unluckily longer, Scarf Heatran gives free switches for Heatran unluckily, who can also abuse the sun and put you into big trouble. Anyway, seems to be quite viable.

  • Lickylicky has the strongest boom in the tier, followed by Snorlax w/ Selfdestruct
  • Regirock takes the least damage from Explosion, followed by Steelix. Both can survive CB Lickylicky's Explosion and CB Snorlax's Selfdestruct with little investments.
  • The Ghastly line and the Drifblim line are the only ghosts in the tier, therefore they are the only ones immune to Explosion in the tier.
  • Skuntank is the best Pursuiter in the tier and can easily remove the ghosts. Unluckily his Explosion is rather weak and he lacks the ability to seriously hurt the countless steel- and rock types in the tier.

  • Trick Room is awesome
My favorite Trick Room core in standard (Bronzong, Heatran, Exeggutor) are able to learn Explosion. I can assure you that the trio is indeed offering next to perfect coverage, both offensively as well defensively. Furthermore there are tons of other slow TR sweepers in the tier.

  • Fast subs + Protect can protect from mindless spammed booms. Endure is another option that can work well with Custap Berry (no SS in this tier) for massive lulz.
  • SR is a must-have for breaking focus sashes. At least I'd be sick when my opponent would survive my Explosions all the time, just because I didn't break their sashes. Remember, no SS in this tier.

Mewtwo is allowed in this tier? Ugh, seems to be quite gamebreaking. At least I have to try a SubLO-set with Shadow Ball / Aura Sphere / Selfdestruct. Looks very nice on paper.

... I guess it's time for testing. Themed teams (TR, sun, rain) seem to be working very well and I guess that's the first thing I'm going to test. Better than theorymoaning for sure...

PS: Smeargle (and all NFE Pokémon that can learn Explosion / Selfdestruct bar Magneton are lacking, but I guess that's not important.)
Also, Soul Dew clause is unnecessary for this tier, technicially.

EDIT: Oh, Smeargle was added in the list in the OP. Always too slow...
Building on the above posters note that there are no instant weather changers, I kind of feel like Focus Sash deserves some mention as one of the better items in this metagame.

If you put Sash on something fast (say, azelf) and switch it into a predicted explosion, it will be left with 1 hp and thus can explode next turn easily, making it sort of a 2-for-1 trade. This could be a great counter to the Snorlax set that Lady Bug posted.

This of course will only work if stealth rocks is gone, but I mean that is why we have Cloyster or Forry right? Spinners are so key in this metagame.

I feel like this metagame has many exciting possibilities!
This seems to be a very interesting tier idea and I'm willing to try this tier. Before I start to create a team, I take some notes to this tier based on pure theorymoaning.


+Spe nature 252 Spe EV Cloyster with Choice Scarf hits 393 Speed, which is only beat by Electrode, Mewtwo, or a faster Scarf user. Cloyster hits 358.5 Speed without the +Spe nature, which is beat by Electrode, Mewtwo, Azelf, or a faster Scarf user.

I don't see why you think Cloyster is such a game breaker in any respect. And Scarf Wailmer? Hahahaha

Wailmer has to run a +Spe nature and 252 Speed EVs, even with a Scarf, or else it's pretty much (even more) pointless to use at all. Damage calculations are not impressive, Electrode and Shiftry take advantage of Wailmer/Wailord, as well as better Water types.

Bronzong can provide some coverage but do close to nothing with it, and I would never say Exeggutor has good coverage. If you use Levitate on Bronzong, you have a 2x and 4x weakness to Ground, if you use Heatproof on Bronzong, you have 2 2x weaknesses to Fire. Bug and Ghost attacks do pretty well against that combo.

Skuntank's Pursuit is very threatening to Ghost types, but Fire Blast requires a good amount of SpA investment to secure 2HKOs on many Steel types.

And for the record, Trick Room is not awesome if everybody is using it.
Lickilicky's is stronger, but if I had to pick a Normal type Pokemon with Explosion/Self-Destruct, I'd pick Snorlax since he's an overall better Pokemon, much bulkier, and can hurt other Pokemon much harder with moves like Earthquake and Crunch, and can Pursuit the Ghosts. Although Lickilicky can use Fire Blast to deal with Steelix better, it'll have to go mixed with a Life Orb, which defeats the purpose of "Most Powerful Explosion".

Actually, Snorlax cannot Pursuit ghosts in Terrorist Cup because Pursuit and Selfdestruct are illegal together, and obviously, Selfdestruct must be chosen.
To build on the imprison azelf set, you could use this:

Azelf@life orb/sash
252 speed 252 atc jolly
Shadow ball/taunt
protect/other attack/sub

This set could be one of the best wallbreaker/ghostbreakers in the tier. If you use shadow ball, then imprison any of the ghosts, they won't be able to hurt you very badly and you can just maul them with shadow ball. there seem to be some sets (regis) that have only explosion as the attacking move, so if you imprison and tauant them, they're forced to struggle. This is just theorymoron, but I think it could work.
Wow... Reading through the posts about this thread just... Blew my mind... I'm definitely gonna try this meta out.
To build on the imprison azelf set, you could use this:

Azelf@life orb/sash
252 speed 252 atc jolly
Shadow ball/taunt
protect/other attack/sub

This set could be one of the best wallbreaker/ghostbreakers in the tier. If you use shadow ball, then imprison any of the ghosts, they won't be able to hurt you very badly and you can just maul them with shadow ball. there seem to be some sets (regis) that have only explosion as the attacking move, so if you imprison and tauant them, they're forced to struggle. This is just theorymoron, but I think it could work.

I would use psychic over shadow ball almost EVERY time, there are only 2 ghosts, one of which is destroyed by psychic (gengar) and the other one (drifblim) only takes 25 less power from psychic while retaining its insanely useful stab, yes shadow ball + imprison can annoy drifblim but you can just use something like pursuit skuntank to alleviate that
It actually looks like a fun and creative metagame. I've definetely got to try this out in my spare time.

Edit: Woah, your considering Mew and Mewtwo? They probably won't end up being legal, but the mere prospect is intriguing. Only time will tell.
It's a shame Miltank and Kangaskhan can't learn explosion. Both would get STAB on it, and scrappy would make it unblockable (although rocks and steels would still wall it)