New OU List (September 2010)

I'm tempted to play UU just for the satisfaction of beating the shit out of everyone with Heracross.

By all means, do so. I know a lot of people are, and I will be doing so myself, so if you feel like playing UU just to abuse Heracross, line up with the rest of us and prove he's BL.
i don't know why some people are criticising weavile, it has potential unlike some pokes +2 attack Weavile can wreck some pokes up and get some kills -.-

but that is the problem: weavile dont got the defenses or typing to setup on almost anything, it CAN take a random hit like a surf from a defensive starmie but even that will hurt, it lack the resists that some pokemons like Lucario have, plus it lack a powerful STAB like CC(that Lucario also get), having to stick with ice punch that while not pathetic is still not exactly reliable or powerful.

on the other hand, its like i said before: weavile is a support pokemon falling on the same category as scizor. it helps the team by taking care of specific pokemons and scouting once in a while by forcing switchs. another problem is that people try to use weavile on the wrong way. either trying to sweep or sticking with sets like ice shard, pursuit, brick break and filler in hopes of doing some kind of damage.

i already got swept by vire cause i was not prepared for him, on the same hand i know some persons already got swept by weavile cause they were not prepared for her. keep that in mind.
Tentacruel needs to go to UU, foretress does a lot of things better.
Electivire gets a lot of hate, if you use a life orb it can kill stuff (why the hell would you use an expert belt when it can only take 1 hit anyway), notably skarmony with thunderbolt and cross chop for blissy. With a speed boost it can sweep fragile sweepers with great type coverage and force out and weaken gyarados counters, lets face it, gyarados is probably the most scary thing in ou right now.
Tentacruel needs to go to UU, foretress does a lot of things better.

Depends what you want. If you have a team that's Infernape weak, there's nothing better than Tentacruel around, and being a Pokemon that can absorb Toxic Spikes helps as well (since Tentacruel is seen on stall teams, Toxic Spikes can wreck you).
weavile isn't bad. Magnezone + weavile + gyarados make an effective core.Weavile isnt the bulkiest but he can take a few hits.
Lo and how the mighty have fallen...

It's sad to see such a great Pokemon fade away. I felt this way about Alakazam too, but they fade away for a reason. Darn you Scizor :(
Heracross is too strong for UU and Shaymin, well its shaymin, it had to go OU sooner or later after mence's banning
Oh-no...I feel bad for all the other Pokemon in UU. They're going to get destroyed by the Heracross. Poor Pokemon...
i tested weavile multiple times already and what you said is just like saying t-tar sucks because its killed by scizor, jirachi, metagross and other common pokemons.

each pokemon has checks/counters and a job. weavile make sure rotom/gengar/starmie dont switch out alive, and after doing its job then who cares if it die? if scizor use bullet punch to kill weavile then you switch zone and trap, if he u-turn then he is taking damage from life orb low kick, SR(Twice if you count the next turn he switch) and letting the next pokemon he switch into a bad situation since the weavile user now switch a counter to said pokemon.

magnezon stop most pokemons in there(Bar heatran and maybe metagross) so its a great partner. you cant expect a pokemon to do everything alone right? weavile is a good pokemon, it just hate steel types in general. scizor is going down in usage anyway, and remember scarf heatran is taking massive damage if he switch into low kick, just saying.
@alexwolf you dont seem to to understand the tiering system if a pokemon is ou/uu is not determined by how good it is. It depends on the usage if everyone would start using Regice it would get OU the same way scizor would get uu if noone would use it so blame the idiots that use weavile not smogon.

And Weavile isnt the worst it got uses as a revenge killer and trapper if you really want to get rid of certain pokemon. The worst is electivire followed by ninjask and dusknoir(who isnt bad per se he is just outclassed by rotom in most cases)
Yea a pokemon can be absolutely terrible and still be OU, and a pokemon can be good and be NU. It's not decided by smogon, but by the battlers.

Which explains why heracross fell and electivire is still in the 30s