

#598 Nuttre

Iron Barbs

Weak x4: Fire
Weak x2: Fighting
Neutral to: Bug, Flying, Ground, Ice
Resists x2: Dark, Dragon, Electric, Ghost, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water
Resists x4: Grass
Immune to: Poison

Sporting 11 resistances and only 2 weaknesses, complete with 74/131/116 defenses and a potentially crushing movepool, 'Nuttre' could put a dead stop to many threats, old and new. He also has access to Spikes, Leech Seed, Curse, Explosion and a handful of other moves that any pokemon with similar bulk would only dream of.

With resistances to water and rock and a hardy 131 base defense, Nuttre almost seems like a better counter to Gyarados than even Celebi! Especially since it's not weak to bounce. It's also one of the few pokemon to resist both Water and Electric... and alot of the types listed above actually. You'd think grass/steel would be similar to bug/steel but the resistances they bring are actually extremely different.

With only 2 weaknesses, and to type's that are commonly seen on the same pokemon, Nuttre's counter's will likely be easy to shut down, and it seems he would make an amazing partner for Shanderaa, Burunkeru, or almost any ghost type!

Bullet Seed
Leech Seed
Worry Seed
Seed Bomb
Rock Climb
Stealth Rock

Rock Climb
Metal Claw
Pin Missile
Gyro Ball
Iron Defense
Mirror Shot
Power Whip
Iron Head
Flash Cannon

Claw Sharpen
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Solar Beam
Double Team
Aerial Ace
Energy Ball
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Rock Polish
Thunder Wave
Gyro Ball
Swords Dance
Smooth Over
Poison Jab
Grass Knot
Flash Cannon
Rock Smash

Anyway, discuss.

(Thanks to Kyu for move info and weaknesses/resistances!)
Weak x4: Fire
Weak x2: Fighting
Neutral to: Bug, Flying, Ground, Ice
Resists x2: Dark, Dragon, Electric, Ghost, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water
Resists x4: Grass
Immune to: Poison

Bullet Seed
Leech Seed
Worry Seed
Seed Bomb
Rock Climb
Stealth Rock

Rock Climb
Metal Claw
Pin Missile
Gyro Ball
Iron Defense
Mirror Shot
Power Whip
Iron Head
Flash Cannon

Claw Sharpen
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Solar Beam
Double Team
Aerial Ace
Energy Ball
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Rock Polish
Thunder Wave
Gyro Ball
Swords Dance
Smooth Over
Poison Jab
Grass Knot
Flash Cannon
Rock Smash
This will absolutely HATE speed boost Blaziken though. Looks like it can switch in without fear and start to set up. I think it will need to be paired with something like Dragonite or Gyarados to stop the set up and sweep.
Thus far I think heatran and shanderaa are ideal counters. It will definitely need a shed shell or risk being dominated by the shadow tag candle.
Nuttre gets both Spikes and Stealth Rock via breeding.

Personally, I could see it being a serious stop to Rain teams, especially now that Politoed has drizzle. There is literally no Rain sweeper that uses fighting moves (save SD Lucidolo off of a lower attack score), and lol Fire attacks in the rain means that it can essentially switch in, set up a layer or two of hazards, and Explode to waste rain turns and remove a sweeper.
He seems like a pretty hardy spiker/wall.
Too bad he doesn't get Poison Spikes.
He also doesn't get a good rock/ground type move.
As far as I can tell, he doesn't get Rapid Spin either.
The new Water/Ghost type Burunkeru, with 100/70/105 defenses seems like it'd make a great partner too, it's immune to fighting and it can CLEARLY laugh off special based fire attacks (probably physical too), as well as only having weaknesses in electric, dark, grass and ghost, all of which are... well nothing to Nuttre.
I can see a support set cooking up already!

Nuttre @ Shed Shell / Aiming Mark
Impish / Careful 252 HP / 8 Atk/ 168 Def / 72 SpD

Stealth Rock
Power Whip

Eh, it gets hazards up and whatnot. With aiming mark Explosion is pretty safe to use once you no longer need him.
Plus, Burunkeru can (theoretically) block the spinning of hazards. That is unless aiming mark becomes incredibly popular on spinners.
ShadowTag Shanderra will LOVE being partners with this thing. Come in on a Fighting or Fire attack, sub, CM six times, and sweep.

Nuttre gets both Spikes and Stealth Rock via breeding.

Personally, I could see it being a serious stop to Rain teams, especially now that Politoed has drizzle. There is literally no Rain sweeper that uses fighting moves (save SD Lucidolo off of a lower attack score), and lol Fire attacks in the rain means that it can essentially switch in, set up a layer or two of hazards, and Explode to waste rain turns and remove a sweeper.

Hmm, well I think superpower Scizor and the event Raikou (that knows Aura Sphere) could be common on RD teams since rain hates Ttar and his sandstorm (and yes, sandstorm will be very scary in gen V with Doryuuzu and other abusers running around), but other than that, good point.
I hope you don't seriously hope to use ingrain - if blaziken, hihidaruma, or most any fire or fighting type switches in on the ingrain, it's a free KO, or even worse, free setup. A shame he doesn't get earthquake to KO those fires on the switchin. You'll definatly want status so shanderra doesn't setup on you (toxic is better against subminds, thunder wave is better against choice), gyro ball and explosion are probably givens so you can attack and then explode once it becomes dead wieght, and leech seed for extra health and damage. Mayby a resttalk set with toxic gyro ball.
Edit: OK, apparently it gets spikes from breeding. In that case, definatly spikes over leech seed probably.
Do you guys think Spikes, Stealth Rocks and Leech Seed would all be viable together?

As far as I can tell, we're going to have to rely on Cacturne to get Spikes and Leech Seed, so I doubt it. :C
Is his name actually Nuttre? I like Nattorei better... :P

Forretress has Rest/Sleep Talk, Toxic Spikes, and Rapid Spin. Besides that, I think Nattorei will be an amazing alternative. His 74/131/116 defenses (compared to Forretress's 75/140/60) along with his Electric/Water resists make him much better at taking special hits, and just about as good at taking anything else.

His standard support set will probably be some combination of Spikes/Stealth Rock/Thunder Wave/Leech Seed/Gyro Ball/Power Whip/Explosion. Curse/Gyro Ball/Power Whip could also work.

It should be mentioned that besides Shanderaa's typing synergy with Nattorei, he can also trap and kill spinners with Shadow Tag (even if he doesn't block them). Nattorei/Scarf Shanderaa might be a potent stall combination.
I'm very much looking forward to using Nattorei. It has some of the best mixed defense stats in the game combined with a solid attack stat and an absolutely LETHAL Gyro Ball. I believe it's the only Steel type (outside of Dialga) to resist both Water and Electric attacks. It's a shame it doesn't learn Rapid Spin or Earthquake, but perhaps it will find a different niche. Leech Seed on a Steel type with those defensive stats is nothing to sneeze at. Explosion is always welcome. He has a really solid Power Whip.

Any word on its ability? It's hard to judge him without knowing what it does.


I'm really looking forward to trying this thing out. Not just because of it's interesting typing, moveset, stats, and robotic design, but...


Oh, and where did you get the egg move info for this mon? Is that data available now?

[edit] found it awesome
Nattorel (I always think of Nutella when I type its name) and Burunkeru will probably make a potent combo, as pointed out above. Together, they resist every type in the game except for Ground and Rock, which is easily patched up by something like Torterra or Claydol:

Nattorel: Water, Grass, Electric, Normal, Dark, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, Poison, Psychic, Rock
Burunkeru: Bug, Fighting, Fire, Ice

As previously mentioned, Burunkeru could serve as a potent spinblocker, with the distinction of being the only ghost to learn Recover.
With 20 speed and 94 attack, it can hit pretty haridly with Gyro Ball as well and loves Trick Room. I have to point out that every pure grass Pokemon resists Water and electric so that was a poor combiantion choice for the post xD

I really want to see what Forre's bff here has for ability effect, and also why it doesn't seem to have a Dream World ability.
I read somewhere that its ability is a clone of Rough Skin. Egg Move Data can be found near the end of the stickied "All Base Stats" thread.
Fire and fighting as its weakness may be its ultimate downfall seeing how this generation seems to have an up rise of fighting types. Fire also seems like it's going to be a huge part due to some up grades of a certain fire type.....blaziken and that candle ghost seems like it can do some real damage.
I'm liking Gravity, quite alot. It cuts down the opponents options on reliable pokemon to bring in to its hazards (the flyers and levitators, notably), and can be reliable support generally. After gravity you could bring in something that specialises in Low Accuracy moves, or use those turns to faze away and poison as many pokemon as you can.

EDIT: lol, just checked and noticed Foretress has Gravity too, why did I not notice this? This is nothing new at all, heh.
I am seriously looking forward to this thing. Ubers it probably wont be to bad with Zekrom and Kyogre and Shadow Ball and Draco Meteor flying around.. YEAH!BABY! *favorite fifth gen. Pokemon*