
this poke has decent special attack it's just not going to go no where with that horrible speed still it has some use in the NU meta-game as a bulky psychic type but that's probably over estimating his potential which is already low.
I really like Oobemu, but in Singles play he's too slow and frail to do anything but die.

I disagree, with its DW ability it can do great damage, also it faraway from frail with decent bulk at 75/75/95 and his slow speed aids it with its DW ability.
this poke has decent special attack it's just not going to go no where with that horrible speed still it has some use in the NU meta-game as a bulky psychic type but that's probably over estimating his potential which is already low.

No...just no.... A wonderful move pool, good abilities, a FANTASTIC special attack and it's only flaw (other then being out classed by rankurusu)is its a low speed stat. NU my ass.
I disagree, with its DW ability it can do great damage, also it faraway from frail with decent bulk at 75/75/95 and his slow speed aids it with its DW ability.
his defenses aren't decent they are medicore at best he maybe can take 1 or 2 neutral hits but thats it and you shouldn't forget that psychic is an horrible typing.
he may be an OK UU though as long as rankurusu (the embryo thing) is in another tier.
his defenses aren't decent they are medicore at best he maybe can take 1 or 2 neutral hits but thats it and you shouldn't forget that psychic is an horrible typing.
he may be an OK UU though as long as rankurusu (the embryo thing) is in another tier.

lets not forget that Rankurusu has horrible coverage and very slow speed.
though his Hp and defense is higher i doubt that that would matter TOO much with his great abilities and movepool
Oobemu has horrible coverage (Steels wall you, have a hard time hitting a lot of things SE) and godawful Speed, too.

And Rankurusu has the single best ability in the game.
Oobemu has horrible coverage (Steels wall you, have a hard time hitting a lot of things SE) and godawful Speed, too.

And Rankurusu has the single best ability in the game.
Hidden Power, the holy grail of the special sweepers that have shallow movepool.
lets not forget that Rankurusu has horrible coverage and very slow speed.

Umm... If by horrible coverage you mean practically the best possible coverage with two moves (Focus Blast/Shadow Ball), then yes, it's positively abysmal. >_>

I do frankly feel like Ranculus outclasses this guy in MOST ways, but Analyze would be fun to mess around with, and I really love Oobemu's design so I'll probably end up using him as a late-game sweeper at some point.
In a way, Oobemu is a bit of a faster Ranculus. With ugly health. And just plain ugly. I think when some people on this thread said that it was made with doubles/triples in mind, I think it's true.

Name: Curse Room

Oobemu @ Leftovers
Ability: Telepathy/Synchronize/Analyze (any could work, but Telepathy would see more use on this set I just conjured up.)
Nature: Quiet/Relaxed
EVs: 252 Hp/212 Def/40 Sp.Atk
IVs: preferably 0 IV in Speed
- Trick Room
- Simple Beam
- Light Screen/Recover/psych up
- psychic/Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball

I realize this is Taunt bait, but it works in a double or triple battle. Your partner should have the move Curse, and Oobemu uses Simple Beam on it. Along with Telepathy, and take a Snorlax for example, it can wipe out anything that doesn't resist EQ with a Simple Curse or two. Trick Room comes into play here, as, with Snorlax being slow as hell, it can ensure it to be fast.

Since Snorlax already gets the Defense boosts, Light Screen is a viable option. Sadly, Oobemu doesn't get Healing pulse, so yeah. Recover would help it survive, I guess. And, if your team is based on cursing, Oobemu is viable to stay alive. Another option is psych up. Getting the boosts from Snorlax to get the Defense boosts as well as negative speed for Trick Room is cool as well.

The fourth move slot is mostly filler, just to make sure you don't get Taunted.

If this thread allows it, here's an example of a Curse Snorlax

Item: Leftovers
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 Hp/252 Atk/4 Sp.Def
IVs: 0 IVs. If you get awesome IVs in defenses, then awesome.
- Curse
- Earthquake
- Return
- Crunch/Rock Slide

Well, this is mostly directed on anything with Curse, but any slowpoke with a viable stat boosting move that is usable with Simple Beam is good too.

Whatchoo guys think?
This pokemon seems really cool, but he just doesn't seem to have enough bulk to survive multiple hits. Because of this, i think it might just be better to not boost up. How effective would choice specs be?
"This Pokemon has below 110 Base Speed Stat, it's terrible!" Seriously, ever heard of a bulky attacker build? Just because a Pokemon is slow doesn't mean it sucks. Having said that, I'm looking forward to Specs + Analyze.
"This Pokemon has below 110 Base Speed Stat, it's terrible!" Seriously, ever heard of a bulky attacker build? Just because a Pokemon is slow doesn't mean it sucks. Having said that, I'm looking forward to Specs + Analyze.

But it's Pursuit weak, has less HP and Defense than Phione, and is outclassed about 100% b Rankurusu in the field of bulky-attackery.

Your argument is invalid.
"This Pokemon has below 110 Base Speed Stat, it's terrible!" Seriously, ever heard of a bulky attacker build? Just because a Pokemon is slow doesn't mean it sucks. Having said that, I'm looking forward to Specs + Analyze.
As a bulky attacker is outclassed by Rankurusu who doesn't give a crap about status, higher everything stats and absolutely perfect coverage. Even as a OU-lite/UU bulky TR setup he would STILL gets outclassed by Musharna. Also don't kid yourself about Specs + Analyze since it still requires you to essentially give a free move away every single time you want to use it. You may as well just Nasty plot and TR up.

It can't even try find a niche as a Guard/Power Share abuser because its stats are too high too. This thing is made as a pure Doubles/Triple battle Pokemon, he just has absolutely nothing to define itself within standard format.
lets not forget that Rankurusu has horrible coverage and very slow speed.
though his Hp and defense is higher i doubt that that would matter TOO much with his great abilities and movepool

What? Rankurusu has perfect coverage, much better stats than Oobemu and a much better ability than Oobemu. And Rankurusu's bulk is a lot better than you take it for. The only advantages Oobemu has are Nasty Plot; which he's too frail to make use of, and Thunderbolt which only really gives him the niche of breaking through bulky waters easier than Rankurusu can.

Oobemu is completely outclassed by Rankurusu in singles; Oobemu's niche is his access to a variety of support moves to abuse in Doubles/Triples.

It can't even try find a niche as a Guard/Power Share abuser because its stats are too high too.

It could use Power Share in Doubles/Triples to boost the Sp.Atk of a partner, and Guard Share to soften up walls at least.
But it's Pursuit weak, has less HP and Defense than Phione, and is outclassed about 100% b Rankurusu in the field of bulky-attackery.

Your argument is invalid.

Stat wise, I agree that Rankurusu will beat it anyday. I also never said that this guy will make it to OU. I'm just saying that Analyze + Specs might find a place in the UU environment. 125 Base SpA Atk doesn't tickle very much in UU.

@Forsety: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Atk, switch in to a Tank that can't hurt you and then proceed using your predictability skills.
a) You'd lose your Analyze boost anyway on switches even when DW comes out (which it hasn't) as it stands Wifi is still the legal version.
b) If you're not going to try use the analyze boost you may as well use Gardevoir unless it works even if they haven't attacked first
c) Specs set didn't stop Gardevoir being relegated to pure NU in Gen 4 despite having similar movepool and offensive stats and arguably better trait but with decent speed.
Has everyone forgotten Trick Room? Also, the thread's name needs to be changed to Beheeyem (which is one of the best english names).

To me, this guy seems like the UU equivalent of Reuniclus, lacking Magic Guard and a bit of bulk. So, first of all, let me propose a "UU Reuniclus" set.

Beheeyem w/ Leftovers/Life Orb + Synchronize/Analyze
Quiet Nature, 252 HP, 252 Sp Atk, 6 (Sp) Def, 0 Speed IVs
Trick Room
Thunderbolt/HP Fighting
Energy Ball/Shadow Ball/HP Ice

How this works is kinda obvious- Set up TR, then sweep with raw power. Lefties is, well, Lefties, and Life Orb is, well, Life Orb. T_T
Synchronize is nice for inflicting your opponent with statuses, but Analyze can work if your TR runs out. Psychic is slight stronger and hits specially, while Psyshock hits physically. Up to opinion, really. Thunderbolt combos with Psychic for rather good coverage. Energy Ball is a bit of a filler move, though you can run HP Ice for the famous BoltBeam combo. Alternatively, you can run HP Fighting and Shadow Ball for even better coverage, though you lose the ability to hit UU's plentiful Bulky Waters.

Next, let's try the other kind of Reuniclus set.

Beheeyem w/ Leftovers + Analyze
Quiet/Adamant Nature, 252 HP, 252 Sp Atk/Def, 6 (Sp) Def
Calm Mind

You all know how a CM set works. Do I really need to explain?

Now, for something Reuniclus CANNOT do. That's right- Beheeyem has the perfect stat distribution to run a Doubles/Triples support role.

Beheeyem w/ Leftovers + Telepathy
Bold/Calm Nature, 252 HP, 128 Def, 128 Sp Def
Simple Beam
Trick Room
Thunderbolt/Psych Up

The premise is simple. Beheeyem is slow enough to utilize Trick Room, but fast enough to outspeed other common Trick Room abusers. An example? Turn 1, Simple Beam Rypherior as it Swords Dances. Turn 2, Trick Room as Rypherior Protects. Turn 3, Support Rypherior's efforts to sweep with EQ + Rock Slide. You can run Psych Up over T-Bolt if you're running him alongside a special booster, but I don't recommend it.

Now, who wants to discuss how awesome it is we have a brain-washing alien pokemon?