Shiny Mew's Art Thread

I don't do fancy tablet things. I just draw using paper, Sharpies, and pencils. I also may sprite things.
I wil almost always update on Fridays, Starutdays, and/or SUndays

HINT: With my lego sprite thing, move far wawy, and it will look better. A lot.

I'll take requests, too.








From all the recent threads, I'm led to believe that pencil drawers heavily outnumber tablet people.

Right now, I can't tell what the picture is. It's waaaaay too big to tell. Perhaps you should try resizing it.
I can't tell what it is either, guess we'll see when you finish! xD
I like sketching as well, but I hope to eventually get a tablet to see what that's like! :o
I think it's a robot, but yeah, MASSIVE page-stretch, things like tinypic can automatically resize it for you. There's not really a way to keep track of it afterwards however.
It looks okay, if you zoom out five times or something. I look forward to seeing when you get this done. By the way, some of it looks a bit 2D- things like the wheels and claws. I think they should be a bit thicker.
It looks okay, if you zoom out five times or something. I look forward to seeing when you get this done. By the way, some of it looks a bit 2D- things like the wheels and claws. I think they should be a bit thicker.
Yeah, I'm still working on it. I also turned it longways. Does this help?
EDIT: I put the in the spoiler tags. I also added a Sharpie-colored fire thing.
The problem is that without a large enough screen resolution, you just can't physically see what it is without zooming your browser out or scrolling, making it hard to piece the picture together.
The first on I'm thinking of coloring it silver, the heart, eyes, tip of the head blue, green, or orange. I'll try to make 2 verisons: a small one, and the orignal.
I would suggest maybe darkening the lines and adjusting the size before posting up drawings. It's pretty difficult to see at it's current size. Most artists begin with a very large canvas so that they can work on the details in their drawings more easily, and then resize it when they finish. I think that it would be a good idea. Otherwise though, great job!!!
I would suggest maybe darkening the lines and adjusting the size before posting up drawings. It's pretty difficult to see at it's current size. Most artists begin with a very large canvas so that they can work on the details in their drawings more easily, and then resize it when they finish. I think that it would be a good idea. Otherwise though, great job!!!
Thanks. I did that with the eletcirc thing.
How have you updated this? The lines seem as faint as ever. I recommend using a fineliner.
Scanning Pencil is very faint. I suggest so that we can see it better, just going over it with a Fineliner, like Alch suggested, if you're looking for ways to improve, trying a different medium always helps. If you can work so you draw to the same standard in a different medium then you'll have improved if not simply by just having drawn more and practised. I once decided to try and draw some of my pencil stuff with a caligraphy pen, was totally weird and my first attempts were naff, but I worked at it to reach the same standard as my Pencil drawings, and It got to the same standard and I went back to drawing with pencils and it just seemed so much easier to create the shapes I wanted. Dunno, just experiment.
Scanning Pencil is very faint. I suggest so that we can see it better, just going over it with a Fineliner, like Alch suggested, if you're looking for ways to improve, trying a different medium always helps. If you can work so you draw to the same standard in a different medium then you'll have improved if not simply by just having drawn more and practised. I once decided to try and draw some of my pencil stuff with a caligraphy pen, was totally weird and my first attempts were naff, but I worked at it to reach the same standard as my Pencil drawings, and It got to the same standard and I went back to drawing with pencils and it just seemed so much easier to create the shapes I wanted. Dunno, just experiment.

I tried that with a quick sketch and I used the 75 ppi setting on my scanner, so update:
Compared to the previous scans, that dunsparce is showing up quite well!
I notice the pencil marks of the bottom jaw and i'm guessing that it just didn't erase after you went over the used lines with ink.
To avoid these "extra" pencil marks from the sketch stage, I recommend using a 4H pencil for it leaves lighter marks that can be erased more easily. Just don't press really hard with it though as it will leave ridges in paper because it's a hard lead pencil. Since the lines are easily erased, you'll have more freedom to sketch out specific shapes of parts of the subject with no fear of them "lingering".
Hopes this helps!
Compared to the previous scans, that dunsparce is showing up quite well!
I notice the pencil marks of the bottom jaw and i'm guessing that it just didn't erase after you went over the used lines with ink.
To avoid these "extra" pencil marks from the sketch stage, I recommend using a 4H pencil for it leaves lighter marks that can be erased more easily. Just don't press really hard with it though as it will leave ridges in paper because it's a hard lead pencil. Since the lines are easily erased, you'll have more freedom to sketch out specific shapes of parts of the subject with no fear of them "lingering".
Hopes this helps!

Thanks! The lines on the lower jaw were meant to be there, kinda like how you would see something through flames.