What would [pokemon] look like if it were a different type?

@Tortfangatr-Thanks! That was like, my 10th sprite, and I almost thought there was too much going on. Then again, you can never have too much fire.

@Scampy?-A wild Floatrio appeared!


@ Galladiator, I think.-A wild Insecteon appeared!


@ Its A Random- A wild Pligar appeared

Ohai. I got bored and started lurking bw stuff, saw this guy, and figured he would be easy to make ice type-

Say hello to Gigaicu.
(Pronounced Giga-ice-oo)
(Also i sorta got lazy so in the end it turned into like 75% recolor)
Ah,I actually singed in this forum just for this thread,it is that awesome.You guys need to keep being so awesome with it :D

Ill make a little contribution...This is actually really hard haha.

Ok, Ground/Fire Togekis...


And Normal type Ghastly!

Hoping this can be pretty awesome. Steel/Fire Deoxys-D

'twas a bit complicated, seeing as fire types consist of warm reds, yellows, and oranges; where as steel types generaly consist of cool whites, grays, and even blues.

Does anyone know how to, hmmmm, resize sprites? I noticed that because of it's size that it looks a little blurry in my avatar since it had to be shrunk since I made him a little big (hehehehehehe...oximoron)
Tyrant, colours on Pokémon shouldn't give too much problems - you can just completely recolour. Also, I think that Exploud-thing is somewhat (actually quite somewhat) overdone, it has fire sprouting out everywhere, and the legs seem... Odd.