Battle Subway Pokémon Data

Team Rocket Elite

Data Integration Thought Entity
is a Top Researcher Alumnus

I ripped the data myself. I'm pretty sure this is the data for Battle Subway. I'm not sure what else it could be. I can't check to be 100% sure until I get a chance to play Battle Subway, though.

I wasn't sure what the commonly used names for these items were so I translated them myself. I don't actually know Japanese so I can't guarantee my translation is accurate (especially for Item545).

Item543 - ねらいのまと - Aiming Mark
Item545 - きゅうこん - Plant Bulb
Item546 - じゅうでんち - Rechargable Battery

I also converted the Pokemon names to romaji myself so some of the names may by spelt slightly differently than the commonly used name.
Interesting. I found this entry:

746 | Jaroda | Modest | Choice Specs | Leaf Storm | | | | Spd/SpA

If this is not a mistake, then this implies that the Contrarion/Perversity ability may in fact reverse Leaf Storm's Sp.Atk drop and that Battle Subway Pokemon could have Dream World abilities. It's not the only entry of its kind, either - I saw a Jolly CB Aero with only Rock Slide as well, so it's probably real.
Interesting. I found this entry:

746 | Jaroda | Modest | Choice Specs | Leaf Storm | | | | Spd/SpA

If this is not a mistake, then this implies that the Contrarion/Perversity ability may in fact reverse Leaf Storm's Sp.Atk drop and that Battle Subway Pokemon could have Dream World abilities. It's not the only entry of its kind, either - I saw a Jolly CB Aero with only Rock Slide as well, so it's probably real.
This looks like strong evidence.
Also Jaroda's mediocre base 75 Sp Atk serves to be a check and balance for this combo.

EDIT: Take a look at this!

335 | Exeggutor | Mild | Petaya Berry | Psycho Shock | Grass Knot | Light Screen | Synthesis | Spd/SpA/SpD

This Exeggutor carries Petaya Berry and Synthesis, which could be a good combo with the Dream World Ability Harvest. What's even more interesting is that Synthesis is an Egg move! This could provide some evidence that Dream World Abilities are breedable. Of course, this is all under the assumption that this Exeggutor has Harvest as its ability and not Chlorophyll.
It is the CB Aerodactyl
329 | Aerodactyl | Jolly | Choice Band | Rock Slide | | | | Atk/Spd

And i found this one with Porygon-Z (it is very rare)
537 | Porygon-z | Modest | Choice Specs | Hyper Beam | | | | Spd/SpA

A Rock Polish mono-atacker Rhyperior
535 | Rhyperior | Lonely | Hard Stone | Rock Wrecker | Rock Polish | | | Atk/Spd

And a CB-Ononokusu with 3 attacks
722 | Ononokusu | Jolly | Choice Band | Outrage | Earthquake | Dragon Claw | | Atk/Spd

I don´t know if some Battle Subway Pokémon have Dream World abilities, (maybe they appears only in the last battles), but the information we have can mean that each set of B-Subway Pokémon will have a specific ability (for example, the Specs-Porygon-Z set will have Adaptability, and the 3 attack Band-Ononokusu set will have Mold Breaker).
I've seen a few more new items in there besides the ones that are known already(Plant Bulb, Battery). I've seen Squeezing Band, various Type Jewels(Normal Jewel, Electric Jewel, etc). There isn't too many new items to play with.
This Exeggutor carries Petaya Berry and Synthesis, which could be a good combo with the Dream World Ability Harvest. What's even more interesting is that Synthesis is an Egg move! This could provide some evidence that Dream World Abilities are breedable. Of course, this is all under the assumption that this Exeggutor has Harvest as its ability and not Chlorophyll.
Keep in mind this is still battle tower/subway/whatever and we all know how much the AI likes to cheat in those :P
I don´t know if some Battle Subway Pokémon have Dream World abilities, (maybe they appears only in the last battles), but the information we have can mean that each set of B-Subway Pokémon will have a specific ability (for example, the Specs-Porygon-Z set will have Adaptability, and the 3 attack Band-Ononokusu set will have Mold Breaker).

The abilities could still be random though. In previous generations we've had Battle Tower/Frontier Pokemon which have had movesets that are great with one ability, poor with another, yet the ability they get is still random.

The fact that the ability isn't listed with the other pieces of data makes me think it's one of those factors about the Pokemon that can be random (along with things like the gender).
Hmm, I noticed that Hidden Power is used on two Pokemon. In previous gens, Battle _____ Pokemon never ran Hidden Power.

114 | Rigurii | Modest | Quick Claw | Psycho Shock | Hidden Power | Recover | Calm Mind | HP/SpA
396 | Jaroda | Sassy | Sitrus Berry | Grass Mixer | Hidden Power | Mirror Coat | Captivate | HP/SpA/SpD
> 843 | Gigaias | Quiet | Leftovers | Rock Slide | Stealth Rock | Curse | Earthquake | HP/SpD

>114 | Rigurii | Modest | Quick Claw | Psycho Shock | Hidden Power | Recover | Calm Mind | HP/SpA
>Hidden Power

>746 | Jaroda | Modest | Choice Specs | Leaf Storm | | | | Spd/SpA


Also ugh, why do all the Shandera sets suck so badly? lol

942 | Voltros | Timid | Choice Band | Thunderbolt | Dark Pulse | Focus Blast | Grass Knot | Spd/SpA

thanks team rocket elite for the good work..

do you plan to also extrapolate the data of the pokemon that the various trainers may have ? this info is very important for those, like me, who would like to challenge the battle subway....

i have another question : each time you face a battle subway trainer, you know his name, and the first pokemon that he sends out... with this info, can you always know for sure which pokemon is it, and maybe the other two also, or are the other two pokemon chosen at random ?

i remember, from the battle tower, that certain trainers have only ONE pomemon of each type, whilest other trainers have all the set (usually 4) of every pokemon they may have, so you could never be sure which one you're facing....
I found a Japanese site with a list of subway pokemon that is identical to TRE's (I cross checked only a couple of pokemon but they all share the same number, nature, moves, items and EVs.

They also have a list of trainers and the possible pokemon they will be using here:

...Along with a search engine which allows you to key in the trainer you see, the pokemon/moves he/she uses, etc, to narrow down on the possible pokemon that trainer will be using for a particular battle.
I have one question that bug me since Gen 4

How much IV of pokemon in Battle _______? All 31?

Apparently, its random. I have a jolly Kojondo with 30 speed IVs, and this thing outran me.

135 | Kojondo | Jolly | Muscle Band | Drain Punch | Acrobat | Wide Guard | Fake Out | Atk/Spd
I have one question that bug me since Gen 4

How much IV of pokemon in Battle _______? All 31?

In Super Battle Subway, in battle 29 and onward, all opponent Pokemon have straight 31 for IVs. It's slightly different in earlier rounds and in the Battle Tower/Frontier in earlier games.
Voltolos got an epic fail, are you sure the hackers didn't get this wrong? If they did, then apparently we got trolled by TrollFreak.
Not sure if this is a bump, but the rules do say one thread per topic.

Anyway, I'm under the impression that this is the COMPLETE list of Pokemon that the CPU can throw against the player in the Battle Subway, whether it's Single, Double, Multi or Wi-Fi. (Of note, the regular trains only use/allow Unova monsters, and the ride ends after your 21st win.) So, now that the games have been out in America for 7-8 months, translations are possibly in order, yes?

(Also, it should be noted that if you take the train to Anville Town, the game allows you to Fly back to Nimbasa from there.)
Well, turns out that somewhere through the third train, the Normal Line starts throwing Trainers at you that Serebii lists only in the Super Line, and that is where I hit my wall and am reduced to crying in frustration as I fail to unlock the super train yet again.

FUCK YOU, GENTLEMAN TRENTON (then again, I suppose it was my fault for mispredicting with Sucker Punch to the point that his Klang got off three Gear Shifts: I somehow got rid of it with Krookodile's Intimidate + Earthquake, then his Galvantula just opened up a can on me)