
I actually use a sub + LS + protect, and...wow. I swear PO is broken with protect, because Priority in both for Erefuun means he can LS, Sub and then protect upwards of 5 times in a row (yeah I know right?) while the opponent dies, switches or rage quits. Set up, SR with a lead, Spikes with Nattorei and kaboom, you decimate teams easily.
I actually use a sub + LS + protect, and...wow. I swear PO is broken with protect, because Priority in both for Erefuun means he can LS, Sub and then protect upwards of 5 times in a row (yeah I know right?) while the opponent dies, switches or rage quits. Set up, SR with a lead, Spikes with Nattorei and kaboom, you decimate teams easily.

Or you can switch in Baffuron to absorb the Leech Seed as he boosts to +6 because you have nothing to stop him with at all.
Anyone try a lead set like this before:
Erufuun@Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart
Jolly Nature
-Quick Attack
-Grass Whistle
EV's: 252 Attack/252 Speed
IV's: 0 HP/ 0 Defense/ 0 S. Defense

Works the same as most Endeavor leads, although it has priority everything. Taunt most lead, Endeavor, die, next attacker (I like using a Jarooda so he can get that +2 S. Attack). This guy hates Hail/Sandstorm leads with a passion O_o Also, the Speed EV's and nature is to beat other priority users. Any comments?
Anyone try a lead set like this before:
Erufuun@Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart
Jolly Nature
-Quick Attack
-Grass Whistle
EV's: 252 Attack/252 Speed
IV's: 0 HP/ 0 Defense/ 0 S. Defense

Works the same as most Endeavor leads, although it has priority everything. Taunt most lead, Endeavor, die, next attacker (I like using a Jarooda so he can get that +2 S. Attack). This guy hates Hail/Sandstorm leads with a passion O_o Also, the Speed EV's and nature is to beat other priority users. Any comments?
Grasswhistle is even worse than Hypnosis, and Hypnosis is called Hypnomiss for a reason. Other than that... One question: Say I have a Swampert. You Taunt while I fail to set up rocks. You endeavor, bringing me to about half health while I Ice Punch/Ice Beam you. Focus Sash activates. What do you do next?
I only Endeavor at 1 HP. And you're right, I recently replaced Grasswhistle with Tailwind. Basically I'd Taunt and you'd have no rocks. I proceed to Tailwind and then while you damage me I survive with Focus Sash. I Endeavor the you KO me, I switch in a Jarooda and Leaf Storm, giving me a full health sweeper with a +2 S. Attack while the score is 5-5 and no entry hazards are down.
Then you'd find your Jarooda up against a Heatran. You don't have the advantage.

Also, everyone knows that Erufuun runs Taunt. You're probably not going to be able to get a Tailwind off, either.
Ok, I don't know if I should start a new thread for this, but anywayz.

There is a set I've been using in PO (but not in LC) with its pre-evo:

Leave the leading to 'Men!

Monmen Lvl. 1 @Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart
Nature whatevs
IV whatevs
EV whatevs
Leech Seed

It works wonders for me. I start seeding, and then sub.If the opponent breaks it, I'll start subseeding until its death/switch/ragequit. If it doesn't, I use enveavor and the opponent dies. Taunt stops harazers and set uppers.

It has one major problem, though: Priority. But that I counter it with other team members.

So, what do you guys think?
You beat me to getting this set posted! xD
I think it's pretty awesome, recovering all your health through leech seed while still being able to endeavor-weaken enemies like doryuzuu in a pinch. Maybe protect could go next to substitute as an option, to scout for choiced priority, pursuit, and u-turns?
This thing is actually really easy to handle for my team. I think, no offense or anything, that it was a bit over hyped. I can see the uses for it but it just isnt enough imo to earn it a slot in a team.
I despise this 'mon beyond all reason. Priority on Sub, Leech Seed and Taunt means I can't set up on it, and I can't damage it - it just sits there and regains health.
Only one 'mon in my team can take it down with any reliability, and that's Lucario with Extremespeed.
Anyone try a lead set like this before:
Erufuun@Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart
Jolly Nature
-Quick Attack
-Grass Whistle
EV's: 252 Attack/252 Speed
IV's: 0 HP/ 0 Defense/ 0 S. Defense

Works the same as most Endeavor leads, although it has priority everything. Taunt most lead, Endeavor, die, next attacker (I like using a Jarooda so he can get that +2 S. Attack). This guy hates Hail/Sandstorm leads with a passion O_o Also, the Speed EV's and nature is to beat other priority users. Any comments?

you taunt them they attack.
If the lead is faster than base 100 they attack. Win
Endeavor IS an attacking move. and with erufuun's craptastic attack stats
dont ever hope wuick attack able to OHKO bulky lead with lefties
well eru get his point though since no hazard is placed
I despise this 'mon beyond all reason. Priority on Sub, Leech Seed and Taunt means I can't set up on it, and I can't damage it - it just sits there and regains health.
Only one 'mon in my team can take it down with any reliability, and that's Lucario with Extremespeed.

after PO has been fixed try using kurimugan. If they dont have protect its pretty much gg
Erufuun doesn't get Quick Attack O_o I changed it with Hurricane and moved all Attack EV's to Sp. Attack for Hurricane against weather leads...Eru is base 116 so he out-speeds base 100's
Then you'd find your Jarooda up against a Heatran. You don't have the advantage.

Also, everyone knows that Erufuun runs Taunt. You're probably not going to be able to get a Tailwind off, either.

90% time I get a Tailwind, and if Heatran comes out I send in Garchomp to take the hit
I actually use a sub + LS + protect, and...wow. I swear PO is broken with protect, because Priority in both for Erefuun means he can LS, Sub and then protect upwards of 5 times in a row (yeah I know right?) while the opponent dies, switches or rage quits. Set up, SR with a lead, Spikes with Nattorei and kaboom, you decimate teams easily.

Protect is 100% the first time, then 50% every consecutive time after that, so the chances of Protect going up 5 times in a row aren't the astronomical chances it used to be on 3rd gen, but the same chance of scoring a critical hit:
1*0.5*0.5*0.5*0.5 = 0.0625

Regarding Erufuun, Encore+Seed+Substitute is been pretty good for me, Taunt keep all its PP like every match, so probably replacing, dunno if for Protect or something else, might check Tail Wind once Erufuun has done its job.
First post here, and it's about a set I've been using to an amazing degree.

I call it... STALLFUUUUUN!
Mischievous Heart
Calm Nature
-Leech Seed

EV's give great HP and bulk, with 8 speed being enough to outspeed Erufuun that only put 4 in there, letting you get a toxic off before they sub.

If you manage to leech seed something, you can literally stall them out until they switch- which can often leave you with a sub up and ready to seed again.
With toxic-spikes support, you can often run Encore over Toxic to give yourself easy switch-ins.

I don't doubt that there are better EV's for it, but I've managed to do beat teams outright with this if they don't have priority or a strong enough attack on a turn when I seed or Toxic.
Erufunn's presence as a lead is enough to deter the opponent from setting up hazards. But otherwise I don't think it works too well in the lead position. The set I've been using is Substitute / Leech Seed / Cotton Guard / Encore. IMO this makes the best use out of Mischievous Heart since it can act as an annoyer and staller all-in-one. With 252 HP 252 Def Bold you get to beat stuff like Roopushin and Garchomp one on one since you have priority +3 Def and attempts to block Leech Seed with Substitute get encored.
A couple of thoughts:
On rain teams, subseed erufuun can effectivly run gale to help deal with some common grass types like the two grass/fightings and to not be total taunt bait.

Also, erufuun has a pre evolution, monmen. I'm not sure which is bulkier after evo stone, but monmen's speed doesn't matter much when it has priority on all non attacking moves (it does get mischevious heart too). It's attacking stats don't matter since it probably isn't using them at all, too. It also has lower HP, so leech seed will recover more in terms of percentage, making up for the loss of leftovers.
Erufuun (Substrat1)
Mischevious hearth
Jolly/timid (252 speed, then rest for preffered bulkyness)
@ Leftovers
Leech Seed
Swagger(50% chance of getting a free sub in)

Basicly my proof that stall still works, this Pokemon allone has made me do 4 pokemon comebacks. Lots of threats nowadays run 252 in atk+ speed which fits perfecly for this pokemon. Swagger is used like "the offensive move) in this set, while leech seed helps regaining health for LS. 50% chance every turn that they will hit themselves hard, or give a free oppoturnity to sub(to then seed)is something ALOT of pokemon simply can't handle.

This pokemon is so good that I'm also using monmen (needs + speed nature+maxspeed to allways be faster then scizors bullet punch by 3 points) and swagger it to death. Possibly one of the best pokemon on forcing switches makes it EXTREEMLY useful along with SR/spikes/toxic spikes(to get rid of certain grasspokes)

Only real trouble seems to be Cloyster with icicle spear and harvest sitrus exeggutor. SS/Hail is preferably not on the field when using them, and priority sunny day gets rid of it fast.
A Mischievous cotton ball pokémon that's the more evil brother to Jumpluff and a better movepool. Can be very annoying to take down due to it's ability.
I've been evolving this thing for awhile now (as my favorite new pokemon, it's on almost all my teams) and i haven't changed this set in over a week:

Erufuun @ Leftovers
Careful, 252HP/252spdef/4atk
Stun Spore
Leech Seed

I have found that maxing special defense is much more beneficial than maxing defense because a grass type is invaluable for its water and electric resistances and both of these types are commonly special.

Taunt is unnecessary because no one will ever set up on this thing. Taunt is just expected in the same sense that no ghost or psychic will ever switch out of Weavile (btw i'm never 'green mage' online so i'm not revealing anything). Encore speaks for itself, and it replaces Substitute, because an encored, seeded pokemon is switching out. U-Turn lets you keep momentum against Espeon and opposing Erufuun (no speed helps here because you will always u-turn out after the opposing erufuun does which ensures you gain momentum).

Stun Spore is also quite valuable, although the accuracy can be a pain. Paralysis totally shuts down the majority of sweepers, especially against my team (which is slower, bulkier offense). A Paralyzed Dory is an ineffective Dory. Paralysis also works very well with u-turn and no speed investment.

Something else I have found is that Erufuun is significantly more effective in ubers. Here's a log of a particularly effective Erufuun appearance that shows this cotton ball's potential.

[COLOR=#0000ff]Tier: [/COLOR]Wifi Ubers
[COLOR=#0000ff]Variation: [/COLOR]+11, -20
[COLOR=#0000ff]Rule: [/COLOR]Rated
[COLOR=#0000ff]Rule: [/COLOR]Sleep Clause
[COLOR=#0000ff]Rule: [/COLOR]Evasion Clause
[COLOR=#0000ff]Rule: [/COLOR]Species Clause
[COLOR=#0000ff]Rule: [/COLOR]Wifi Battle

Totoxrage sent out KingQuasar! (Rayquaza)
Geardagas sent out Deoxys-S!
Deoxys-S is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's KingQuasar has Air Lock!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 1[/COLOR]
Deoxys-S used [COLOR=#b8a038]Stealth Rock[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones float in the air around Totoxrage's team![/COLOR]

The foe's KingQuasar used [COLOR=#7038f8]Dragon Dance[/COLOR]!
The foe's KingQuasar's Attack rose!
The foe's KingQuasar's Speed rose!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 2[/COLOR]
Deoxys-S used [COLOR=#705848]Taunt[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#705848]The foe's KingQuasar fell for the taunt![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#705848]The foe's KingQuasar can't use Dragon Dance after the taunt![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 3[/COLOR]
Deoxys-S used [COLOR=#e0c068]Spikes[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a8a878]Spikes were scattered all around the feet of Totoxrage's team![/COLOR]

The foe's KingQuasar used [COLOR=#7038f8]Outrage[/COLOR]!
Deoxys-S lost 303 HP! (99% of its health)
Deoxys-S hung on using its focus sash!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 4[/COLOR]
Deoxys-S used [COLOR=#e0c068]Spikes[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a8a878]Spikes were scattered all around the feet of Totoxrage's team![/COLOR]

The foe's KingQuasar used [COLOR=#7038f8]Outrage[/COLOR]!
Deoxys-S lost 1 HP! (0% of its health)
Deoxys-S fainted!

[COLOR=#705848]The foe's KingQuasar's taunt ended![/COLOR]
Geardagas sent out Erufuun!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 5[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#78c850]Stun Spore[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#f8d030]The foe's KingQuasar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#f8d030]The foe's KingQuasar is paralyzed! It can't move![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 6[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#78c850]Leech Seed[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's KingQuasar was seeded![/COLOR]

The foe's KingQuasar used [COLOR=#f08030]Overheat[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#0000ff]It's super effective![/COLOR]
Erufuun lost 300 HP! (92% of its health)
The foe's KingQuasar's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's KingQuasar's health is sapped by leech seed.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 7[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#a8b820]U-turn[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a0a0a4]It's not very effective...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#6b0000]A critical hit![/COLOR]
The foe's KingQuasar lost 12% of its health!
Geardagas called Erufuun back!
Geardagas sent out Dialga!

Dialga is exerting its Pressure!

The foe's KingQuasar used [COLOR=#7038f8]Outrage[/COLOR]!
Dialga lost 383 HP! (100% of its health)
Dialga fainted!

Geardagas sent out Kyogre!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Kyogre's Drizzle made it rain![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 8[/COLOR]
Kyogre used [COLOR=#98d8d8]Ice Beam[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#0000ff]It's super effective![/COLOR]
The foe's KingQuasar lost 35% of its health!
The foe's KingQuasar fainted!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Totoxrage sent out Kyogre!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Kyogre![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Kyogre is hurt by spikes![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 9[/COLOR]
Geardagas called Kyogre back!
Geardagas sent out Zekuromu!

Zekuromu has TeraVoltage!
The foe's Kyogre used [COLOR=#f8d030]Thunder[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a0a0a4]It's not very effective...[/COLOR]
Zekuromu lost 55 HP! (14% of its health)

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 10[/COLOR]
Totoxrage called Kyogre back!
Totoxrage sent out Deoxys! (Deoxys-D)
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Deoxys![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Deoxys is hurt by spikes![/COLOR]

The foe's Deoxys is exerting its Pressure!
Zekuromu used [COLOR=#f8d030]Thunder[/COLOR]!
The foe's Deoxys lost 40% of its health!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
The foe's Deoxys restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 11[/COLOR]
The foe's Deoxys used [COLOR=#a8a878]Recover[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Deoxys regained health![/COLOR]

Zekuromu used [COLOR=#f8d030]Lightning Strike[/COLOR]!
The foe's Deoxys lost 75% of its health!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
The foe's Deoxys restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 12[/COLOR]
The foe's Deoxys used [COLOR=#a040a0]Toxic[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a040a0]Zekuromu was poisoned![/COLOR]

Zekuromu used [COLOR=#7038f8]Draco Meteor[/COLOR]!
The foe's Deoxys lost 16% of its health!
Zekuromu's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
The foe's Deoxys fainted!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a040a0]Zekuromu is hurt by poison![/COLOR]
Totoxrage sent out Kyogre!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Kyogre![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Kyogre is hurt by spikes![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 13[/COLOR]
Geardagas called Zekuromu back!
Geardagas sent out Kyogre!

The foe's Kyogre used [COLOR=#98d8d8]Ice Beam[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a0a0a4]It's not very effective...[/COLOR]
Kyogre lost 70 HP! (20% of its health)

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 14[/COLOR]
Totoxrage called Kyogre back!
Totoxrage sent out Shaymin-S!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Shaymin-S![/COLOR]

Kyogre used [COLOR=#f8d030]Thunder[/COLOR]!
The foe's Shaymin-S lost 70% of its health!
[COLOR=#f8d030]The foe's Shaymin-S is paralyzed! It may be unable to move![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 15[/COLOR]
Kyogre used [COLOR=#f8d030]Thunder[/COLOR]!
The foe's Shaymin-S lost 5% of its health!
The foe's Shaymin-S fainted!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Totoxrage sent out Arceus-Ghost!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Arceus-Ghost![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Arceus-Ghost is hurt by spikes![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 16[/COLOR]
Geardagas called Kyogre back!
Geardagas sent out Erufuun!

[COLOR=#705898]The foe's Arceus-Ghost vanished instantly![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 17[/COLOR]
Geardagas called Erufuun back!
Geardagas sent out Zekuromu!

Zekuromu has TeraVoltage!
The foe's Arceus-Ghost used [COLOR=#705898]Shadow Force[/COLOR]!
Zekuromu lost 189 HP! (49% of its health)
Zekuromu fainted!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Geardagas sent out Erufuun!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 18[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#78c850]Leech Seed[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Arceus-Ghost was seeded![/COLOR]

The foe's Arceus-Ghost used [COLOR=#f08030]Overheat[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#0000ff]It's super effective![/COLOR]
Erufuun lost 94 HP! (29% of its health)
The foe's Arceus-Ghost's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Arceus-Ghost's health is sapped by leech seed.[/COLOR]
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 19[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#78c850]Stun Spore[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#f8d030]The foe's Arceus-Ghost is paralyzed! It may be unable to move![/COLOR]

The foe's Arceus-Ghost used [COLOR=#a8a878]Swords Dance[/COLOR]!
The foe's Arceus-Ghost's Attack sharply rose!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Arceus-Ghost's health is sapped by leech seed.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 20[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#a8a878]Encore[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Arceus-Ghost received an encore![/COLOR]

The foe's Arceus-Ghost used [COLOR=#a8a878]Swords Dance[/COLOR]!
The foe's Arceus-Ghost's Attack sharply rose!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Arceus-Ghost's health is sapped by leech seed.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 21[/COLOR]
Totoxrage called Arceus-Ghost back!
Totoxrage sent out Kyogre!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Kyogre![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Kyogre is hurt by spikes![/COLOR]

Erufuun used [COLOR=#a8b820]U-turn[/COLOR]!
The foe's Kyogre lost 13% of its health!
Geardagas called Erufuun back!
Geardagas sent out Kyogre!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 22[/COLOR]
Kyogre used [COLOR=#6890f0]Surf[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a0a0a4]It's not very effective...[/COLOR]
The foe's Kyogre lost 0% of its health!
The foe's Kyogre fainted!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Totoxrage sent out Lugia!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Lugia![/COLOR]

The foe's Lugia is exerting its Pressure!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 23[/COLOR]
Geardagas called Kyogre back!
Geardagas sent out Erufuun!

The foe's Lugia used [COLOR=#a040a0]Toxic[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a040a0]Erufuun was poisoned![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
The foe's Lugia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#a040a0]Erufuun is hurt by poison![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 24[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#a8a878]Encore[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Lugia received an encore![/COLOR]

The foe's Lugia used [COLOR=#a040a0]Toxic[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a040a0]Erufuun is already poisoned.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
The foe's Lugia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#a040a0]Erufuun is hurt by poison![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 25[/COLOR]
Totoxrage called Lugia back!
Totoxrage sent out Arceus-Ghost!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Arceus-Ghost![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Arceus-Ghost is hurt by spikes![/COLOR]

Erufuun used [COLOR=#78c850]Leech Seed[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Arceus-Ghost was seeded![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#a040a0]Erufuun is hurt by poison![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Arceus-Ghost's health is sapped by leech seed.[/COLOR]
The foe's Arceus-Ghost fainted!
Totoxrage sent out Lugia!
[COLOR=#b8a038]Pointed stones dug into the foe's Lugia![/COLOR]

The foe's Lugia is exerting its Pressure!

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 26[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#78c850]Leech Seed[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Lugia was seeded![/COLOR]

The foe's Lugia used [COLOR=#98d8d8]Ice Beam[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#0000ff]It's super effective![/COLOR]
Erufuun lost 126 HP! (38% of its health)

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
The foe's Lugia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#78c850]The foe's Lugia's health is sapped by leech seed.[/COLOR]
Erufuun restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[COLOR=#a040a0]Erufuun is hurt by poison![/COLOR]

[COLOR=#0000ff]Start of turn 27[/COLOR]
Erufuun used [COLOR=#a8a878]Encore[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#a8a878]The foe's Lugia received an encore![/COLOR]

The foe's Lugia used [COLOR=#98d8d8]Ice Beam[/COLOR]!
[COLOR=#0000ff]It's super effective![/COLOR]
Erufuun lost 50 HP! (15% of its health)
Erufuun fainted!

[COLOR=#6890f0]Rain continues to fall![/COLOR]
The foe's Lugia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Geardagas sent out Kyogre!
Nooby opponent yes, but the potential is still shown, particularly how Fuun can survive a Rayquaza overheat.
How can a Trick Room doubles team stop Erefuun and avoid being Taunted?

Easy. Have multiple strategies. I run a TR/Sun/SS doubles team to great effect. Given, it's a VGC team, but regular doubles should work fine. I find Erufuun using Sunny Day and then Shandera using Heat Wave works excellently, as an opponent will almost always lead with their Erufuun.
Easy. Have multiple strategies. I run a TR/Sun/SS doubles team to great effect. Given, it's a VGC team, but regular doubles should work fine. I find Erufuun using Sunny Day and then Shandera using Heat Wave works excellently, as an opponent will almost always lead with their Erufuun.

I ask because I'm working on a TR team for the upcoming VGC, and I realise that Erefuun will be a great threat to the team.

Come to think of it, wouldn't Heat Wave OHKO Erefuun? Or have the mechanics changed?
I've been using this set as a lead recently, it fares very well from my perspective.


Erufuun @ Choice Scarf
Careful Nature
Mischievous Heart
252 HP/ 128 Def / 128 S.Def
~ Switcheroo
~ Tickle / Taunt / Fake Tears
~ Leech Seed
~ U-turn

Pretty straight forward. The idea is to use switcheroo if it's something that will traditionally set up spikes/rocks etc. Most think of sub-seed when they see Erufuun, but many are put off guard by this. The 2nd option is up to you to get the switch in you get. I've used all three and I feel that tickle is the best option, but since this is a defensive set Erufuun can come back in and use Taunt later in the game. Fake Tears is like Tickle, but I would rather get the extra damage from U-turn. If it's an Anti-Lead, you could always Leech seed and U-turn away. More Speed can be used, but this can survive quite a few SE attacks from my testing, and you can lose out in coming back later and taunting/Leech seeding.