Challenge The Scramble Challange

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Yo Zanicus, What up my homie? Oh, you want a Pokemon from me eh? Okay man. I present to you, only the coolest, most hip-hop gangsta in da land y'all, It's 50 Cent da Meowth, y'all & He's one to have all the cool bling bling on him.
This dude likes to get rich quickly, that's right, quickly. So he must know & keep Pay Day, 'cause he likes to get rich quickly or die tryin' man. This dude also has Swagger y'all, that's right, he got Swagga, so he must know & keep Swagger, 'cause he got fucking swagga. And this dude thinks he's so cool with all the chains & the bling bling, that he may not evolve until he reaches level 50, that's right, 50. This dude is so cool & so strong, the he may never be the lowest leveled member on the team! Oh no, here the cops! I gotta run!!!


  • Take a male Meowth & name it 50 Cent.
  • Must know & keep Pay Day & Swagger.
  • May not evolve until it reaches Level 50.
  • May never be the lowest leveled member on the team.
Have fun.
Alright, I've got finals this week and then winter break and I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands! I want to do a Diamond Scramble, no trading...let's do it!
Hutch3, you get the Chatot you get from the in-game trade in Eterna City.

This Chatot is so noisy that it may only use Sound-Based moves in battle. Must solo a combined total of 10 Gym Leader/E4 Pokemon.

Have fun.
Reserving for zanicus and hutch3, editing it atm.
EDIT: @Zanicus, you need psychic resist so I give you "ShrtCircut" the magnemite. This is no ordinary magnemite, it's a magnemite prone to short circuiting. Lucky for you this only happens if it's hit by an electric attack, so steer clear of electric attacks.
The actual challange part.
-Magnemite named "ShrtCircut".
-If it's hit by an electric attack it shorts out and can't be used until you go to a pokecenter or battle 5 trainers (with your other pokemon ofcourse).
-Since you asked for evo requirements you can't evolve it until it solos 10 electric type pokemon, atleast 3 must be owned by trainers.
There's your challange, good luck.

EDIT2: @Hutch3, I haven't seen anyone give you a starter yet so you get a turtwig named "1337 HAXER". Your new turtwig wants to be the greatest flinch haxer the world has ever seen, and to do this it must learn bite and use it every time it is sent out (once it has it ofcourse).
The challange.
-Turtwig named "1337 HAXER".
-Must learn and keep bite.
-In order to prove itself worthy of title of flincher it must use bite first every time it is sent out and can't switch attacks until it flinches.
-In order to evolve into torterra it must solo 10 pokemon without taking any damage and atleast 5 must be owned by trainers.
Good luck on your challange.
@Zanicus: You get a slightly altered GDS (Green Day Slowpoke).

Slowpoke is the epitome of Americans, as it is lazy, slow, and rather unintelligent. Its final moveset must be:

Laziness: Rest / Slack Off
Slowness: Yawn / Rain Dance (because rain is depressing to Americans)
Fatness: Substitute / Light Screen (TV, get it? hahaha)
Stupidity: Amnesia / Attract (because the only Americans who consistently attract other people are on street corners)

You may have noticed that this entire movepool consists of status moves. Now, as much as Americans care about status, they care more about power. As such, you may replace one move up there for every five Gym Trainers Slowpoke solos. However, every new move you use must have 120 or higher base power (including STAB), and it may not apply this cop-out until it knows (simultaneously) one move each from two of the above categories. It may not evolve until it has learned one move from each category at some point. Name it Green Day.

@Hutch3: You get a Burmy, the first one you see. Name it Camouflage (if female) or WanaBBfree (if male). It must solo ten Pokemon to evolve, at least five of which must be Trainer-owned. If it evolves into:

Wormadam-Grass: It may never forget Hidden Power and it must learn and keep Growth forever. It must solo one of Maylene's Pokemon.

Wormadam-Sand: It must always know at least one physical move. It must solo one of Volkner's Pokemon.

Wormadam-Trash: It must keep Attract and Captivate forever. It may never solo a Pokemon in any Gym Leader or Elite Four battle.

Mothim: Its final moveset must consist entirely of Special moves. It must solo one of Aaron's Pokemon and one of Lucian's Pokemon.
reserved for hutch3.

EDIT: Take a Piplup. It must learn Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Drill Peck, and Flash Cannon by the E4. Solo the Galactic Eterna Building (yes, the whole thing) to become Prinplup, and solo Dialga to become Empoleon. NN "Tux."

EDIT2: Dammit Dark Ray.

Take a Shinx with Intimidate. It must learn Roar and use it successfully 3 times on Trainer Battles to become Luxio, and it must solo Cyrus at Spear Pillar to become Luxray. After it becomes Luxray, solo Gym Leader Volkner and Flint of the E4. NN it "Thor."
Platinum Hard Scramble
- I reserve the right to refuse your challenge.
- I will refuse anything that requires grinding, or is just plain boring to use (Such as a Pokemon with no damaging moves, that has to solo Pokemon by PP stalling)
- I want 9 Pokemon since I am done for the night. I will choose the six I will use.
- Automatic ineligible list: Bug types, Ponyta, Bidoof, Starly, Chansey.

So... the challenges.
- Let's go with...Togepi! Yes, hatch the egg Cynthia gives you in Eterna. Upon hatching, nickname the baby Togepi "Spasm". Spasm is different from other Togepi. (S)he is always jealous of other Pokemon because they get cool moves, but (s)he's left out in the proverbial cold. As a result, Spasm must always know Metronome, and use it at least once against every Gym Leader, starting with the next Leader you face (either Wake or Maylene). It can only evolve to Togetic when it solos Candice, and may evolve into Togekiss at the entrance to Victory Road. It must use Metronome once against Aaron, twice against Bertha, three times against Flint, and five times against Lucian, and must lead against Cynthia, where it must use Metronome at least twice. (Galladiator) Accepted. Togepi. meh.

- Here are the steps to find your Pokemon:
1. Pick any country.
2. Use a search engine to find the latitude and longitude of that country's capital. (Be sure you find degrees, minutes, and seconds.)
3. Add together the degrees from both, minutes from both, and seconds from both, then add those together.
4. Find the first Pokemon alphabetically you can have (if you can trade, that counts) whose base stat total is within 30 of that number. However, you MUST start your alphabet on the first letter of the country you chose.
Once you have your Pokemon:
5. Name your Pokemon after the country you chose (removing vowels if necessary).
6. Have it solo the first two Gyms (outside of the leaders) after you catch it. You must catch it ASAP. For example, if you get Starly, it must solo Roark and Gardenia's Gyms, except for Roark and Gardenia.
7. If you get something that can only be caught after Gym 7, have it solo the eighth Gym leader's entire Gym (including the GL) as well as ten Trainers in Victory Road. (Dummy007) Accepted. Should be cool.

- Texas Cloverleaf, I will give you a variable Pokemon.
Late in the game you go to Lake Valor & find an Azelf. You think Woah, it looks cool & decide to catch it. After countless Pokeballs, you finally catch it! You got a Legendary! You take it out of the PC & throw it out...only to see that it was a disguise & a random Pokemon comes out...
What Pokemon it is depends on Azelf's nature...
Neutral: It was a Drifloon! It must know & keep Stockpile & Swallow/Spit Up & evolve before Victory Road. Must KO 5 Pokemon in the Pokemon League.
+Atk: It was a Scyther! (Or Scizor if you can trade) It must know & keep Fury Cutter & Double Hit. Must KO 10 Pokemon in the Victory Road.
+Def: It was a Duskull! It must know & keep Shadow & Curse & evolve into Dusclops before Victory Road. Must KO 10 Pokemon in the Victory Road.
+SAtk: It was a Kirlia! It must know & keep Imprison & Magical Leaf & evolve into Gardevoir before Victory Road. Must KO 5 Pokemon in the Pokemon League.
+SDef: It was a Swablu! It must know & keep Mirror Move & Refresh & evolve before Victory Road. Must KO 10 Pokemon in Victory Road.
+Spd: It was a Golbat! It must know & keep Mean Look & Poison Fang & evolve before Victory Road. Must KO 5 Pokemon in the Pokemon League.
Either way, name it Random or ItsARandom. Have fun (And NO SRing). (ItsARandom) Accepted. I will however, soft reset if I get the Swablu since I used one in my last Emerald challenge.

- Take a Chimchar. Soft-reset for a nature that lowers either Speed or Attack. It may never learn Nasty Plot. It may never learn Special STAB. Have it solo Gardenia to evolve into Monferno and Byron for Infernape. Solo Giratina with it just for kicks
Name him "IFlySolo" (chocolate-kipp) Accepted.

-You get a male shinx with rivalry named "#1LeafsFan", the only restriction i'm giving it is it must learn and keep roar. (Dark Ray) Rejected. Me no likes Shinx.

-Take a Houndour. Once you catch it, use the Coin Flip Poketch app four times. Count teh Magikarp as heads, the other side as tails.
If you get zero heads, then Houndour/Houndoom must have an all-physical movepool (use TMs to immediately teach it physical moves) and solo one of Wake's Pokemon before evolving. You must be at least Level 29 when doing so. (Hint: Heart Scale Thunder Fang!!!)
If you get one head, then Houndour/Houndoom must know one Fire move, one Dark move, one status move, and one free choice move, and solo Volkner at one point. Evolve when you want.
If you get two heads, you may evolve whenever you want, but you cannot use a move with higher Base Power of 60 (60 is ok, 61 is not. Hidden Power is fine, Natural Gift/Return/Frustration is not)
If you get three heads, then you solo Cyrus at Celestic Town to evolve.
If all four are heads, you don't have to solo anything, but you don't get to evolve until level 41, and Houndour may not be the highest level pokemon on your team. (detroit lolcat) Accepted. Should be good.

-Texas Cloverleaf, you get a Blissey! It must be a +SpD or +SpA nature, otherwise no restrictions, have fun with it. (Sprocket) Accepted.

-Iggdrasil's Octillery Rejected sooo fast. I hate this challenge :P

-Texas, take a Shieldon. It must know 3 special attacks and metal burst. It must also solo 2 gym leader mains in order to evolve. (Dexington) Rejected. Sheildon sux.
Therefore the team is:
-Galladiator's Togepi
-Dummy007's variable challenge
-ItsARandom's variable challenge
-chocolate-kipp's Chimchar
-detroitlolcat's Houndour
-Sprocket's Blissey
I'll probably start it on the weekend. Let's see how it goes.

Final Update!
The team:

Blissey @Luck Incense, Careful lv 51
Thunderbolt, Fire Blast, Softboiled, Shadow Ball
Blissey is pro. While her offense tended to be lackluster due to her Careful nature, she could wall Special mons to hell and back. Serene Grace was very useful for free status.


Garchomp, Lax lv 54
Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Surf
As some of you know, due to choosing Paris, France for my variable country challenge I recieved a Garchomp. After evolving from Gabite Garchomp became a monster with insane attack and defense (Iron Island go!) stats. While its speed was occasionally low its defense never wavered allowing it to get some crucial KO's.


Infernape (Nuada), Sassy lv 54
Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Slack Off, Swords Dance

Wow this is a godly set. Seriously this thing caould take out so many things in one shot it wasn't even funny. Add in Swords Dance and Slack Off and this thing was sick. Good job Infernape.


Togekiss, Quiet lv 55
Fire Blast, Metronome, Roost, Air Slash

Togekiss was pretty good during the run. Perpetually underpowered as a Togepi after it 'finally' soloed Candice it evolved and became a great special attackers. While Metronome use in the League was annoying (forced Ether use) it did solo many mons in the league and did very well.


Houndoom, Mild lv 55
Flamethrower, Crunch, Thuder Fang, Toxic

As I mentioned before I checked his IV's and discovered that he had a perfect Speed stat and either a 30 or 31 Attack stat, as well as passable HP and Def stats. Since I flipped 1 head, he was forced to solo Volkner which was annoying but not too difficult.
Anyway, throughout the entire Scramble this thing was insane. Amazing power, great coverge, solid bulk, he was great, just great.


Gardevoir, Random Nature lv 40
Psychic, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Imprison

Very meh. Was only recieved after the Galactic arc and as such, despite having Exp. Share attached it only reached level forty by the league. Made one cameo to prove its worth in the league, 2HKOing Bertha's Golem with Magical Leaf while surviving Earthquake with 2 HP remaining.

All in all a fun Scramble. Final time clocked in at 33 and a half hours as a result of my two bouts of grinding. Next Scramble will be on Emerald. Expect it by the end of the week.
This looked so awesome I registered just to have my first scramble!

I'll be doing it on sapphire, and I don't have many restrictions. Only pokemon that appear in sapphire version and no feebas.
Congrats on finishing your Scramble, Texas. I guess mine was the LVP?

Might queue in another HeartGold Challenge soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

In my current Heart Gold Scramble, Voltorb Flip is being a pain in the ass...Have 8,000 coins, need 12,000 more before I can get the TM's for Thunderbolt & Ice Beam, for Starmie...Damn you, A1...

EDIT: Cornplosion, You get Flapper The Cheri Berry Zubat with a difference...

It must hold a Cheri Berry to fight. If it loses it mid-battle, you must switch out.

The difference is...Oh no! During your capture attempt, you damaged its wing & it cannot fly, meaning it may not use any Flying-Type Attacks. You go searching for a medic, but then, you find a medic in Lavaridge Town who takes your Zubat to the Hot Springs & heals the damaged wing! Unfortunately, the springs had done something that prevents it from evolving into Crobat...On top of that, your Pokemon loses all the poison in its system, preventing it from using Poison Type Attacks...

-Zubat named Flapper
-It must hold a Cheri Berry to fight. If it loses it mid-battle, you must switch out.
-Cannot evolve into Crobat
-Cannot use Flying Type attacks pre-Lavaridge. Post-Lavaridge, cannot use Poison-Type Attacks.

Have fun.
^Slightly ridiculous team. I'd brace yourself for the challenge from hell for Emerald.

EDIT: Talking to Texas there, if it wasn't obvious.

Also, Cornplosion, you get Pelipper. It must only know HMs as attacking moves, and must solo the Champion's last Pokemon. It must battle in every route in the game before the E4 in order to evolve.
Yeah but only because it never got used. Voltorb Flip isn;'t so hard once you figure out the strategy, but luck hates me.
@cornplosion, You get any of the following pokemon, i'll let you pick. Geodude, koffing, voltorb, baltoy or lunatone. The interesting thing is that they all have the same requirements, must learn self-destruct/explosion ASAP and can never forget it. Now that seems a bit too easy, so to evolve (or in the case of lunatone to be used in the e4) whatever you choose must solo 10 pokemon with explosion and atleast 5 must be owned by trainers (doesn't that sound like fun?). Good luck on your challange.
All right, coming on the heels of Texas' final update, I'll post a request for an Emerald Scramble. (What happened to FireRed, you ask? Well, I had some friends over and one of them accidentally took my cart. They've probably restarted it by now, so I can't play it until I get it back.) I won't start it immediately; I'm in the middle of a non-Scramble runthrough, and as I'm doing fairly well, I'd kind of like to finish. Here are my guidelines:

-I'd like a starter, and I'd rather it be allowed to fully evolve. (I'm looking at you, Treadshot.)
-If possible, I'd like to be able to get my full team before Mossdeep. (Shoal Cave Poke's are fine.)
-I need a Surfer and a Flyer, if possible.
-Nothing excruciating, but don't go too light, either. I can and will reject challenges if I feel that they are unreasonable.

My team:
-All Special Gyarados, can't learn Thunder if you teach it Surf, can't learn Blizzard if you teach it Waterfall. (Texas) Accepted, should be interesting.
-Reserved for Kipp
-PrlB4Swine the Spoink, must hold a Pearl ASAP to fight; only 2 attacks, both of different types; solo 10 grass/darks, one must be Dark, 3 must be Trainer 'Mons. Within 5 levels of highest Mon. (Dark Ray) Accepted, although it feels like the military all of a sudden...
-Take a Shedinja. May never be the lowest leveled Pokemon on your team. (Random) Accepted. Never used Sheddy before...should be challenging to say the least. At least it doesn't have to solo Flannery...
-Clasica the female Altaria, must know Sing, Double Team / Safeguard, Astonish / Fury Attack / Dragon Dance / Perish Song, Fly; must sleep 10 Pokemon using Sing, must solo one Gym Leader, one E4 member, and KO one of Wallace's Pokemon. (Arctic) Not too big on Altaria, but what the hell. Accepted.
-How about Magnemite, must keep Supersonic/Thunder Wave until it evolves. Then it switches.
When it has Supersonic, it cannot use a Steel-type move. When it has Thunder Wave, it can only use physical moves. This restriction ends at Lv.60, or if it soloes 1 fire type before the E4, which ever comes first. (Puffins_R_Cool) Rejected. Sorry, but Magnemite sucks. Next!
-Joeseph the Treecko, may never battle with a green opponent, must solo Brawly or Roxanne and Watson to evolve; as Grovyle, must solo any purple 'Mons; to become Sceptile, KO one of Maxie's, Flannery's, and Winona's Pokemon; as Sceptile, must solo red and blue 'Mons, cannot hurt purple. (Dummy) Accepted. I guess this means I have to pretty much solo the E4, since 95% of their Pokemon are red or blue (especially Glacia). Yay.
Reserved for Galladiator. Sorry about your FireRed, man. :c

EDIT: Take an Oddish from the Route above the Nugget Bridge (it HAS to be from there). Oddish must hold the Nugget you get from the Nugget Bridge at all times. Because it is such a bright Pokemon with bright tastes, it must evolve into Bellossom rather than Vileplume. Name him/her "GoldDigger".
@galladiator, you get a cacnea named "DaScarecro". Dis be dat scarecro from dat movie da wiz o oz so it has no brain, as such it dun no how to learn any o dem moves it cant learn from levelin up. If you can't understand a word I just said here's a recap.
-Cacnea named "DaScarecro".
-Can only learn moves from level up, that's right no tms/hms or tutor moves.
-Since someone stopped using 1 of my scramblemons mid-game and I don't want that to happen to this 1, must be within 5 levels of your highest leveled mon at all times (and if it's not get to training).
-Doesn't really get any good moves from level up or have good stats so no other restrictions.
Have fun, and sorry to hear about your fr.
Voltorb Flip isn;'t so hard once you figure out the strategy, but luck hates me.
True that. Luck Hates me, I especially hate the ones where there are no rows/columns with no Voltorbs...

Galladiator, One day, you catch a Nincada. Liking it so much, you evolve it ASAP, suddenly, one of your Pokeballs gets mysteriously taken over by an empty shell...You chuck the Pokeball & a Shedinja Comes out. You suddenly think, whoa. This is cooler than that Ninjask, & you box Ninjask. Suddenly, you think after Shedinja gets killed several times, man, this thing sucks... but one day, you get saved by this thing & you decide this isn't as pathetic as you thought. So you decide it can't be the lowest leveled Pokemon on your team...

-Take a Shedinja.
-May never be the lowest leveled Pokemon on your team.

Have fun.
Galladiator, you get Clasica the female Altaria. Classical music can sound both sweet and aggressive at the same time, and your Altaria can be no different.

She must know:
Sweet Melody: Sing
Dual Harmony: Double Team / Safeguard
Tempo Change: Astonish / Fury Attack / Dragon Dance / Perish Song
Floating Melody: Fly

To demonstrate her musical complexity, she must put ten Pokemon to sleep with Sing and then leave the battle. You may not use accuracy-enhancing items.
To demonstrate her battling prowess, Altaria must solo a Gym leader and an Elite Four member, and KO one of Wallace's Pokemon.

Have fun with your musical bird.
Reserved for Galladiator. Sorry about your FireRed, man. :c

EDIT: Take an Oddish from the Route above the Nugget Bridge (it HAS to be from there). Oddish must hold the Nugget you get from the Nugget Bridge at all times. Because it is such a bright Pokemon with bright tastes, it must evolve into Bellossom rather than Vileplume. Name him/her "GoldDigger".

You do realize I'm doing Emerald, right?
@Galladiator: Your starter will be Treecko. Your Treecko is green, so it loves the color green! As a result, it may never use a move while facing a Pokemon whose main body color is green. It must solo either Brawly or both Roxanne and Wattson to evolve. As a Grovyle, it is watching TV one day (yes, you have to watch a TV) when The Color Purple comes on. It watches the movie and hates it with a passion. In fact, it hates that movie SO MUCH that it must solo any Pokemon you come across that has a main body color of purple. To evolve again, it must KO one or more Pokemon in the parties of Flannery, Maxie (first time), and Winona (yes, all three). Upon evolving again, it realizes that The Color Purple isn't such a bad movie after all. However, it also learns that the two colors that make up purple, red and blue, were part of the scene in Electric Soldier Porygon that caused seizures. Your Sceptile now loves purple and hates red and blue.

~Take a Treecko.
~It may never use a move while in battle against a Pokemon with a green main body color. (This carries over if it evolves.)
~It must solo either Brawly or both Roxanne and Wattson to evolve.
~As a Grovyle, it must solo any Pokemon with a main body color of purple.
~To evolve again, it must KO at least one of Flannery's, Maxie's, and Winona's Pokemon.
~As a Sceptile, it may not use a move while in battle against a Pokemon with a purple main body color. It must solo any Pokemon with a main body color of blue or red.
~Name it Joseph.
How about Magnemite, must keep Supersonic/Thunder Wave until it evolves. Then it switches.
When it has Supersonic, it cannot use a Steel-type move. When it has Thunder Wave, it can only use physical moves. This restriction ends at Lv.60, or if it soloes 1 fire type before the E4, which ever comes first.
My challenge so far...

1. get the Chatot you get from the in-game trade in Eterna City.
This Chatot is so noisy that it may only use Sound-Based moves in battle. Must solo a combined total of 10 Gym Leader/E4 Pokemon. Sounds good

2. get a turtwig named "1337 HAXER". Your new turtwig wants to be the greatest flinch haxer the world has ever seen, and to do this it must learn bite and use it every time it is sent out (once it has it ofcourse).
The challange.
-Turtwig named "1337 HAXER".
-Must learn and keep bite.
-In order to prove itself worthy of title of flincher it must use bite first every time it is sent out and can't switch attacks until it flinches.
-In order to evolve into torterra it must solo 10 pokemon without taking any damage and atleast 5 must be owned by trainers. That's gonna be a pain, but ok

3. get a Burmy, the first one you see. Name it Camouflage (if female) or WanaBBfree (if male). It must solo ten Pokemon to evolve, at least five of which must be Trainer-owned. If it evolves into:
Wormadam-Grass: It may never forget Hidden Power and it must learn and keep Growth forever. It must solo one of Maylene's Pokemon.
Wormadam-Sand: It must always know at least one physical move. It must solo one of Volkner's Pokemon.
Wormadam-Trash: It must keep Attract and Captivate forever. It may never solo a Pokemon in any Gym Leader or Elite Four battle.
Mothim: Its final moveset must consist entirely of Special moves. It must solo one of Aaron's Pokemon and one of Lucian's Pokemon. Never used one before, so I'm looking forward to this one!

4. Take a Shinx with Intimidate. It must learn Roar and use it successfully 3 times on Trainer Battles to become Luxio, and it must solo Cyrus at Spear Pillar to become Luxray. After it becomes Luxray, solo Gym Leader Volkner and Flint of the E4. NN it "Thor." Not a problem

5. Hutch3, take a Cranidos. It may never evolve or learn Head Smash. Rejected, give me one a little more practical/usable, he's just gonna sit in my party collecting dust all game.

6. Waiting on BiGGiE
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