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  • Np, just kept seeing your message and was like geesh, no one yet?? But got my 3ds yesterday so finally can use my wi-fi. So I was like, "Hey w/e, its a pokedex entry." But glad you got it taken care of. -Raix
    I've seen your messages in the question thread for a bit now. I finally got a new ds that can access my router's wi-fi. If you still haven't gotten it taken care of by tomorrow, I'd be glad to help you out. Just leave me a message and what not. -Raix
    Hello. Can we help each other out tomorrow possibly? I need to update my FC for B/W as well! :)
    Wait, I forgot. No contests in Leafgreen.

    You know that Geodude? Have it kill four Trainers with Explosion instead.
    No prob! I was wondering if in return, do you happen to know anybody that has a shiny flawless adamant groudon? I would've asked for the one in your thread but it's impish.
    -_- If you don't, then I guess I can take the shiny jolly gible. Thanks!
    Due to you might not being able to have WiFi, I'll have to pass. Sorry.
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