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  • Alright, it's the standard spread right? I can clone, so don't worry. When do you want to trade?
    hmm :( cant seem to find it. might have accidentally traded it. ill keep looking and see if i can find it. sorry. im sure i have it somewhere
    That would be awesome. I don't have a calm mind, and I only have 9 BT points, but I Ice beams/thunderbolts, EQ, giga drain, solarbeam, flamethrower, sludge bomb, fire blast, drain punch, silver wind, shadow claw, avalanche, stealth rock if you want any of those TMs?
    I don't have any of those pokemon you asked for. But I do have a ditto that I'm pretty sure has flawless IV's. If you want, I'd appreciate a Calm mind or two. But if you don't have them you can have it for free.
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