Archive for good teams?

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I wasnt sure whether to post a new topic or put this in the guides idea thread.

Aaanyway, I thought it would be kinda cool if good teams, submitted here (in a thread, maybe?) could be put up on the site, with a guide on how to use it. Maybe even allowing the team file created by NB to be downloaded.

It would be nice to easily find builds, ranging from generic ADV OU builds, to something more rare, like monotype teams.

PokeRealm does something like this so we'd be accused of stealing!

I wouldn't mind it much though. I can see Zapdos/Skarmory/Suicune/Claydol/Blissey/Dusclops or Ninjask/Smeargle/Vaporeon/Umbreon/Mr. Mime/ZapdosorMedicham being uploaded because they are the most generic working teams ever.
Probably wouldn't be a good idea as some teams only work in some phases of the metagame imo. Wouldn't wanna be using a Reversal team these days in the everyone is using tyranitar on their team stage.
eh i'll vote no here has generally most people will have a decent understanding of the metagame(s) in about a month of play
Am I the only one who doesn't care about what anyone is using as long as my own team is good? No one really knows what is used a lot and what isn't despite what they are trying to tell you. It's mostly new discoveries like Boah and McGengar that spark different Pokemon and sets.
Am I the only one who doesn't care about what anyone is using as long as my own team is good? No one really knows what is used a lot and what isn't despite what they are trying to tell you. It's mostly new discoveries like Boah and McGengar that spark different Pokemon and sets.

I'm going to differ here.

I'm definitely far less experienced than you are (closer to 300 battles, around 200 of them rated), but many times I have tweaked predictable Pokemon in order to make them either radically different or designed to brutally rape their counters even though they're barely feasible (yawn-induced FP Snorlax, HP Ground Skarmory, Endure-Salac-Explosion Metagross). Other times I have used relatively unused Pokemon to catch troubling Pokemon by surprise (Tropius in favor of Exeggutor due to its obscurity). With the knowledge of what's currently in vogue, you can create WTF-inducing movesets.

I'm sure almost every skilled player bases their team partly around countering what's currently popular while taking it a step further and aiming to counter those counters with their own Pokemon. (weird wording.)
God, this thread makes me sad... I used to host and admin this thing when it was a wee little lad, and now it has all these discussions about in depth shit o_o I was the highest leveled player there as well for about a month before I accidentally started over, got pissed, and quit.
You're sure that's not the RPG, khold? :S

I'm going to differ here.

I'm definitely far less experienced than you are (closer to 300 battles, around 200 of them rated), but many times I have tweaked predictable Pokemon in order to make them either radically different or designed to brutally rape their counters even though they're barely feasible (yawn-induced FP Snorlax, HP Ground Skarmory, Endure-Salac-Explosion Metagross). Other times I have used relatively unused Pokemon to catch troubling Pokemon by surprise (Tropius in favor of Exeggutor due to its obscurity). With the knowledge of what's currently in vogue, you can create WTF-inducing movesets.

These movesets will spawn a WTF-look upon your opponents immediatly, whether you send them out now, 2 months ago or 9 months ahead. There's a a difference (actually, I don't see a similiarity) between using unexpected movesets and taking into account what is used at the moment. I see posts like "well Raikou use has definitely gone down since 2 days 13 hours 20 minutes and 15 seconds ago" quite often and I honestly don't see how you would know this, considering there's no NB statistical database anymore, and if you go by what you see, you have a flawed argument. Why? Because
- you could have been battling the same group of people over and over, who have a certain preference
- let's say someone challenges you. If you accept, you see 6 pokemon and add them to your memory as "pokemon you saw" and add 1 to how often you've seen. But if you refuse, you won't see them. Does that mean that if you don't battle this person you can say they are "used less"? Yeah they are used less because they've been in battle less because you refused...but that's not what this is about if you catch my draft.

I'm sure almost every skilled player bases their team partly around countering what's currently popular while taking it a step further and aiming to counter those counters with their own Pokemon. (weird wording.)

You're either not saying I'm a skilled battler, or you are just generalizing. Countering Pokemon that counter your Pokemon is from all times. But seriously: let's say Blaziken is a really impopular Pokemon despite its tier status (kind of a contradiction, but I do acknowledge the existance of certain trends). Would you not bother putting a Blaziken counter on your team, because it is "not used nowadays"? You're going to get swept if someone goes out of their way and does, and that's why it's dumb to go by what you see or what you hear from what is used.
Oh I read the thread wrong. Well, only a couple posts and forgot I didn't click the "RPG" thread.

Pokerealm has downloadable Pokemon teams, but I think that is more effective than just listing the Pokemon.
PokeRealm does something like this so we'd be accused of stealing!

I wouldn't mind it much though. I can see Zapdos/Skarmory/Suicune/Claydol/Blissey/Dusclops or Ninjask/Smeargle/Vaporeon/Umbreon/Mr. Mime/ZapdosorMedicham being uploaded because they are the most generic working teams ever.
Something I always thought about was just having team templates, and we could all sit down and figure out which pokemon would fit into each slot, (ie physical, cbers, etcetc) then the person who wanted a team could pick from the different KINDS of teams and different individual pokemon, which would lead to many different kinds of teams.

Though, I already know that the same pokemon would be used already, having something like this in the form of a guide or a little kinda... tool thing would be cool for newer users who suck at structuring a team.

catch my drift?
There is my team building guide, which should get you easy-to-work teams. The problem with a tool is that teams don't simply consist of 6 slots with:
- Physical sweeper
- Physical wall
- Special sweeper
- Special wall
- Support
- Fuckyfucky

It just doesn't work like that. Above is outdated as hell.

Come to think of it, I wonder how teams would turn out if you did this:

- Bulky water (Swampert, Suicune, Milotic)
- Dedicated Special wall (Snorlax, Blissey, Regice, Celebi)
- Heracross counter (Salamence, Gyarados, Weezing, Skarmory)
- Main offense (Medicham, Heracross, Salamence, Metagross, Tyranitar, Gengar, etc)
- Filler spot
- Filler spot

Most of above seems like a must to me. Without the first slot you're dead against Salamence, Flygon, etc. Without the second one Starmie, Jynx or even Raikou if you don't have Grasser + Swampert runs over you. The third is obvious. The fourth is a must for any team anyhow. And the filler spots can be used with prompts like
"Normal resist" (if no Tyranitar, Skarmory, Metagross, Gengar, etc)
"Flying resist" (same as above except Zapdos over Gengar)
"Status sponge" (if no Snorlax, Milotic, Heracross, Celebi, Blissey)
"Tyranitar counter and/or Rock resist" (if no Swampert, or Metagross for the Rock resist)
"Anti-Spikes" (if not everything hurts Skarmory, could be Magneton, Claydol, Donphan, Starmie or Forretress or whatever Spinner)

And so on and so on.
Although some teams don't run of that foundation. Teams with special 'goals' work differently, and would get on the offensive so they don't have to defend. Of course, a new user downloading that taem probably wouldn't have a shitclue in the world how to use it and would just flood up topics with 'how do you use it' etc etc
Yes, those teams are more for the advanced player anyway. If such teams were to appear in this database there should be some description on how to use it in there as well.
I didn't mean just one template like that, I'm talking about different team types and different types of pokes for each team, I think you get that, I just think I misunderstood what you said.

The idea I said before will be much more plausible after DP is introduced.
I don't think this is a very good idea. There are so many factors considered when making a team and different pokemon and different roles that, no matter how broad or how specific you determine the criteria for a "good team," there are just too many factors that have to be taken into account when building a team in RS or even GSC (RBY is kinda lol when we're talking about standards) to have an "archive" of good teams or good team formats.

This is especially true in vulnerable RS where it's argued that there are so many different things to counter that it's hard to build a variety of good teams with a variety of good pokemon that don't have SOME sort of gaping weakness. In addition, as the metagame shifts and evolves, some teams considered "good" could be rendered almost obsolete. For example, a certain stall team may be considered great at one point, but with the introduction of anti-stall things (THINGS, meaning more than one) such as Tyraniboah, that team may not be consdered very good at all.

There's also the possibility of the metagame becoming strictly counter teams against counter teams if people seriously looked at such an archive on a regular basis.