drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

i honestly didn't come here to have people tell me not to do drugs. first of all, what does age have anything to do with it? fuck man. if i enjoy something and it opens up my mind in a new, wonderful way then why shouldn't i do drugs? i enjoy being high as opposed to being sober. i'm not stupid and i can maintain myself so honestly what's the problem? and it's fucking high school man who doesn't try drugs in high school -______-

i am the last person to tell you not to do drugs at your age BUT just stick to the weed for now, really. just going by my own life - all the kids who ended up doing drug exploration when they were your age, me included, have fairly fucked up lives wheras the kids who just stuck to weed - occasionally - are doing really rather well.
the thing is like, it's kind of like a tattoo. you're young. if you still want to take drugs when you're a little bit older then, go ahead! its just that.. things you do at your age tend to become habits a lot quicker than things you take up later.

having said all this I don't know you personally and maybe you're one of the ones that will do okay. but my honest advice? make drugs a very, very small part of your life.
i honestly didn't come here to have people tell me not to do drugs. first of all, what does age have anything to do with it? fuck man. if i enjoy something and it opens up my mind in a new, wonderful way then why shouldn't i do drugs? i enjoy being high as opposed to being sober. i'm not stupid and i can maintain myself so honestly what's the problem? and it's fucking high school man who doesn't try drugs in high school -______-

I didn't.
Hey guys, what about that nutmeg?

I've done nutmeg 3 times (4 teaspoons each time) and honestly, the mental high is actually quite enjoyable. Its completely anxiety relieving and you feel fucked up in a good sort of way, music also sounds 3D. Perhaps I didn't take a high enough dose, because I've only ever had 1 geometrical OEV on nutmeg. This would be good if it weren't for the horrendous physical effects like extreme sedation, weakness (blacked out for a second when trying to stand up on this stuff), body aches, and dehydration. Did I mention the dry eyes? I could literally hear my eyelids scratching against my eyeballs whenever I blinked on this stuff. This alone was enough for me to decide that I would never do nutmeg again, no amount of visine made it better. One thing I do enjoy though is the next day afterglow when most of the bad physical effects have worn off. You just feel really chill and content in a way similar to opiates. But if you wanted this feeling you could just take opiates because everything else about nutmeg sucks.

As far as other drugs I do, I reguarly drink kava (just as good as any benzo, can't believe how unknown this stuff still is). I've tripped on shrooms once, popped various pills, chugged robitussin, morning glory seeds twice. Surprisingly I've only smoked weed once, and I dislike alcohol because it always makes me teary and depressed for some reason. Ayahuasa, smoked DMT, and MDMA are top on my list of drugs to try next.

My recent 600 mg dxm trip about scared me shitless. I was sure I was headed into respiratory and cardiac arrest. I'm guessing the 90% dark chocolate bar I ate prior to the trip had something to do with it because its extremely high in magnesium and apparently high amounts of magnesium+DXM is very dangerous. Throughout the trip I felt huge and tiny at the same time, euphoria and fear at the same time, and the sense of being in my dark bedroom and another dream-like planet at the same time. OEVs were beautiful and abundant. In one instance my room transformed into a dimly lit asian restaurant complete with Shandera light fixtures, and if I closed my eyes I would be the driver in some early 90s racing game. Had a couple OBEs, too, where I would see myself in a canoe floating down a river or see my bedroom from a birds eye view. After the trip was over I could feel a dull pain every time my heart beated and experienced a 2 day hangover with week long after effects (mostly shortness of breath). What a strange drug. Seriously, if there was one drug that put holes in your brain DXM would be it. I just can't imagine how permanently fucked up people that use it on a daily basis are.
i honestly didn't come here to have people tell me not to do drugs. first of all, what does age have anything to do with it? fuck man. if i enjoy something and it opens up my mind in a new, wonderful way then why shouldn't i do drugs? i enjoy being high as opposed to being sober. i'm not stupid and i can maintain myself so honestly what's the problem? and it's fucking high school man who doesn't try drugs in high school -______-

Since you're younger and thus your brain hasn't fully developed, drugs have more of an effect on your brain. I wish I wouldn't have ever smoked until I was 21 because my memory would definitely be better. And that, kids, is the reason that when pot becomes legalized it should be 21 like alcohol.

I don't think I am immune at all, I just think the alcohol I had in me and the fact I was a little tense had something to do with it. I felt a little different but that was about it. It might HAVE been some really crappy stuff, I have no clue.

Either way, I have heard before it usually isnt until the second time where someone truly experiences the effects of smoking weed.

Tips for getting high;

1. After taking a hit, breathe in air to force it into your lungs. Eventually, you'll be able to inhale completely by habit.
2. You're right, most people don't get high their first time. For me, it was my third and I got BLAZED. So, keep smoking until you get high or smoking in the first place was pointless ;)
3. Smoke A LOT your first time, because you only get your first time once and you want it to be as awesome as possible.

alcohol is fucking terrible
went to my friends house yesterday. It's the weekend before the math exam, which means I'm starting calculus on tuesday which means I probably won't be drinking/smoking as much. My friend only had a mickey, but I'm a fairly large lightweight, so six ounces is usually enough to get me done.
After the mickey was done, we ate, and my friend (john we'll call him) decided that we needed more booze. So he went to the lcbo and picked up another mickey. After finishing that in half the time it took us to finish the first we ate more, and decided to smoke.
Turned the vaporizer on, had 4 hits each; got really really high. So after this point is when shit starts to get really foggy. I remeber my friend went downstairs, so I was left alone in his room watching tv. I started to get really dizzy an couldn't focus or sit up. When I lied down I felt even worse. So I went into his washroom so that If I did throw up I could do it in the toilet. Instead of going to the one that was right next to his room, I went to his moms one downstairs. Bad call. I don't know why, but I guess I decided that his moms bathroom was bigger or some shit.
So I was lying down in the washroom then the next thing I know my friend is standing in the doorway just howling with laughter. I situp, and realize that I am laying in a very large pool of vomit. I started feeling really nauseous again so I laid back down. I threw up again, and I think I can add "projectile vomiting" to a list of things I've done. My friend said I was like a geyser. Because I was lying on my back I pretty much just covered my hair in vomit. Proceeded to be picked up and dropped in the bathtub by john while he poured water on me. When I woke up I was the most hungover I have ever been, and cleaning that washroom was not fun.

Speaking of hangovers, what do people usually experience? As a kid I always thought hangovers just gave you a really bad headache and you could be in bright places, but every time I've been hungover I just throw up more.
I don't smoke pot or drink alcohol to cope with pain, but I just like being high/drunk more than being sober. Music is better, food is better, etc. etc.

It's easier for me to be happy when I'm drunk or high, but if I was sad before I smoked a joint, I'm probably going to be sad afterward.

Oh, I'm not judging anyone else. But for me, I've been through a lot of shit, and it would be a cop-out for me.
stories about bad trips on psychedelics are very easily exaggerated and misconstrued into making the general public think that psychedelics=you will go mad

apparently even pcp isn't as bad as it's made out to be after reading some trip stories on erowid
Since you're younger and thus your brain hasn't fully developed, drugs have more of an effect on your brain. I wish I wouldn't have ever smoked until I was 21 because my memory would definitely be better. And that, kids, is the reason that when pot becomes legalized it should be 21 like alcohol.

weed doesn't really fuck with your memory.


it may not be 100 % reliable but it IS a .org site and each myth is backed up with evidence.
i wanna try coleus, but theres a very short supply of info on everything about it really, escept it makes you trip. anyone done it?
tried salvia last night, unfortunately all i got out of it was a solid minute of laughing, and feeling stoned for about 10 minutes. out of the 4 people present who had some, 2 people actually tripped, 1 almost tripped, and i didn't get anything.
the two of us who didn't trip both smoked an entire bowl of the stuff, the other two had 3 hits before they felt anything. I was under the impression it was supposed to be more or less instant - one hit and you're totally gone, but this was far from what happened!
we'll probably get something stronger at some point soon, hopefully the experience is more fulfilling.
my last few days have been a bit of a blurr when it comes down to drugs, so ill just start on the first night

did 120-ish mg of prozac(?) and some alcohol for not good reason at all. woke up super early fucked up with the worst stomach feeling ever, threw up twice, and didnt eat through the day. next night i did .25 mg of xanax, thinking my tolerance would´ve been reset again. nothing. did more alcohol

next night i do .5 mg of xanax, feel nothing, get another .5 mg and wash it down with alcohol. overall good feeling but it was more of alcohol than xanax. also wound up passing out, as usual.

and yesterday(?) i finished the bit of vodka i had left

i think im glad its over??? i already used up all the script meds i had... which werent much either.

oh yeah in one of those nights, god knows which one, i did like 15mg of mirtazapine, the last bit i had. slept easily and the next day i was feelzing fuzzy and warm and quiet and i loved it.
tried salvia last night, unfortunately all i got out of it was a solid minute of laughing, and feeling stoned for about 10 minutes. out of the 4 people present who had some, 2 people actually tripped, 1 almost tripped, and i didn't get anything.
the two of us who didn't trip both smoked an entire bowl of the stuff, the other two had 3 hits before they felt anything. I was under the impression it was supposed to be more or less instant - one hit and you're totally gone, but this was far from what happened!
we'll probably get something stronger at some point soon, hopefully the experience is more fulfilling.

There's different strengths of salvia - try getting a higher x dosage next time.
ive really only toyed around with marijuana but i do want to try to enjoy the acid trip everyone speaks about. its extremely psychedelic from what ive heard and you trip out like fuck to a point you're just not yourself to the eyes of someone sober. definitely need to try this before i die.

marijuana itself is a p. large topic around teenagers especially around the hip hop community thanks to the sudden influx of weed smoking artists who influence these little kids that its cool. i mean, smoke to feel fucking high and enjoy a great time with your buddies but don't smoke just to feel cool because honestly these kids are just wasting good buds by keeping the smoke in the roof of their mouth and blowing it out instantly after they inhale it. what's the good in a little buzz when you get so high, i mean worst case scenario these scene kids just end up pretending to be high to fit in so its p. much a placebo effect.

ps the beattles are excellent to bang to when you're high !!!
Tips for getting high;

1. After taking a hit, breathe in air to force it into your lungs. Eventually, you'll be able to inhale completely by habit.
2. You're right, most people don't get high their first time. For me, it was my third and I got BLAZED. So, keep smoking until you get high or smoking in the first place was pointless ;)
3. Smoke A LOT your first time, because you only get your first time once and you want it to be as awesome as possible.

the first and 2nd tips i agree strongly with, but i just have to say that while my first blunt didn't give me any buzz, the second time i smoked after that (there were two joints going around us 4) e actually lost control of my legs and fell and shit! i was super sweaty and kept shivering. i stayed that way for like 20 minutes but then the 'usual' high kicked in and i ate some cookies and it was awesome.
the first and 2nd tips i agree strongly with, but i just have to say that while my first blunt didn't give me any buzz, the second time i smoked after that (there were two joints going around us 4) e actually lost control of my legs and fell and shit! i was super sweaty and kept shivering. i stayed that way for like 20 minutes but then the 'usual' high kicked in and i ate some cookies and it was awesome.

Damn dude, was that shit chronic? Because the first time I smoked pot, I bought an 8th and chain smoked it while my stoner friends watched since they wanted to see if I could get high my first time. The second time I smoked, we bought a quad and split it between four people. It was perfect. I was high for 8+ hours and laughed for the majority of the time.

Quick question though; What do you guys think about opium laced weed? I've been wanting to try it lately.
Damn dude, was that shit chronic? Because the first time I smoked pot, I bought an 8th and chain smoked it while my stoner friends watched since they wanted to see if I could get high my first time. The second time I smoked, we bought a quad and split it between four people. It was perfect. I was high for 8+ hours and laughed for the majority of the time.

it was pollen, which isn't very strong at all. i guess it was a mix between me being nervous and just not knowing what to expect. i actually didn't touch any drugs until university again after that (it was in the beginning of the 12th grade). i haven't had any bad trips for a while now! certainly none as strong as that.
it was pollen, which isn't very strong at all. i guess it was a mix between me being nervous and just not knowing what to expect.
It's not pollen. You can't smoke pollen and get high. Some fuckwit translated it improperly. It's called polm.
Ah, right, meant to ask this earlier:
anybody tried polm? (I know doomsday has done it) also called pollen?
I hear it's more of a europe thing but I was thinking of trying some. Any experiences?
unless there was the off chance that you did smoke pollen, but that'd be fucking weird.
I still have yet to find some in canada/north america. As the article says, it's more popular in europe.
the first and 2nd tips i agree strongly with, but i just have to say that while my first blunt didn't give me any buzz, the second time i smoked after that (there were two joints going around us 4) e actually lost control of my legs and fell and shit! i was super sweaty and kept shivering. i stayed that way for like 20 minutes but then the 'usual' high kicked in and i ate some cookies and it was awesome.
Moral of the story: have food when you are getting stoned.