Fallout 3 Mafia Postgame and iiMK's 0.4K

MK Ultra

is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Approved by Mekkah.

Inspiration for the game is pretty obvious, and I can’t think of anything to put here, so I’ll just get on with it. Player placement was mostly random, with a few changes by Veed and I.


iiMKUltra said:
Dear billymills,
You are Three Dog.

You are the host of the Wasteland’s most popular radio station, Galaxy News Radio. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Bow wow’. Anything you include in the body of this message will be announced at the beginning of the next day.

In addition, because of your wide-reaching broadcasts, your opinion is heard by many more people than that of others. Because of this, your vote counts for two in lynches.

Because of your value to the Good Fight, the Brotherhood has given you some extra protection in the form of Charon. You posess Charon’s Contract, protecting you from one nightkill. However, after this, the contract is considered void. Because of the extreme value of this protection, you cannot give away this item.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by UncleSam Night 5

The first role thought of, and a pretty obvious one at that. I had high hopes for billymills going into this, but was slightly disappointed later in the game. He didn’t know about some of his villagers (bt’s item for example) and then decided to troll the hosts. He was also never that involved in the running of the village, and had the less experienced players doing it for him. He did, however, suspect that UncleSam was wolf (or at least neutral) really early on, but his villagers never supported a lynch on him.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear lambasto/-TheLucarioEffect-,
You are Moira Brown.

You are the owner of Megaton’s general store, the Craterside Supply. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – User, would you like to do some research?’ Because of your cheery demeanour, User will be unable to refuse your offer, but because of the demanding and outlandish nature of your requests, they will die while attempting to complete this research. You will be so devastated by this that you won’t be able to ask another user to perform research for another cycle.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by Yeti Night 2

Not a lot to say really. Dak was hit by shade when the Enclave figured out he was a vigilante, and none of his kills succeeded.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear LifeAdmiral,
You are Fawkes.

You are a Super Mutant, yet you are practically unique in having maintained your intelligence and civility. You were very happy when you found your own way out of Isolation Room 05. However, years of confinement without your beloved terminal have made you bitter, and you enjoy playing practical jokes on those hapless enough to venture into Vault 87. Once per night, you may send a PM to both iiMKUltra and Veedrock titled ‘Night X – Ask User to activate the Fire Alarm’. User will feel great compassion for your plight, and search for the Fire Alarm console, which you have long since removed. Because User is searching for something that no longer exists, they will be unable to complete their night action.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Godkilled Day 7

Life played really well up until around Day 4, when he, for some reason, told UncleSam he was the village hooker. He then took a large risk in hooking zorbees Night 6 (I think) rather than Sam, which would have put the game back in the village’s favour. However, him telling Sam his role actually paid off, as Sam didn’t believe him and wasted an inspect on him. He was a key player in the village leadership, setting up a web behind billy with Objection and a few others, and a worthy MVP candidate.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear AlphaJolt,
You are James.

Twenty years ago, you were a scientist working on Project Purity. You are still a scientist, and you are using your considerable intelligence to help during this struggle. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Study User’. You will obsessively research User, and by the end of the night you will have User’s full Role PM.

You are holding a framed Bible verse; Revelation 21:6. This protects you from one nightkill, but shatters afterwards.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.

AJ played ok for a first game, though thought dmtc was the silencer. Had he realised that it was in fact UncleSam, the village could have won right up to the end. He, along with Life and Objection, was part of the actual village leadership.

Dear LightWolf,
You are Desmond Lockheart.

For centuries, you have been feuding with Professor Calvert and his family. Your spy sense tingles at the moment, and you know he is near. You know that if Calvert dies before you, then you will gain some powers, though what these are, you don’t know. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled – ‘Night X – Send pups to check on User’. Your ‘pups’ will check if User is being targeted by a kill, and if so, they will save User’s life. However, each time this is successful, one of your pups dies. Therefore, you may only use this ability twice.

After the death of Professor Calvert, nothing will stop you. You are the biggest badass in Point Lookout. At night, you may send a PM to iiMKUltra and Veedrock titled 'Night X - User, You Ignorant FUCK!' User will be so intimidated that they will give you their role PM in full.

You are holding the Experimental Mesmetron, which you found in Calvert’s mansion. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X - Mezz User’. You have determined from your previous tests that it will destroy any items held by User, but it seems very breakable.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by danmantincan Night 5

Probably the most overpowered village role, at least in combination with the others. I don’t recall speaking to LightWolf, but he never made anything I’d call a bad move.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear smashlloyd20/RaRe555/Engineer Pikachu,
You are Jericho.

You are a former raider, but you are now retired and spend your days in Megaton. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Guard User’. You will watch over User, and if any kills target them you will protect them. Thanks to your experience in the Wastes, you will not die, however this action may not be used on yourself. To prevent the arousal of any suspicion, and to maintain your image as ‘bad’, you cannot protect the same User twice in a row.

One of your most prized possessions is your Limited Edition Vault-Tec Bobblehead, LEEEEEEEEROY JENKINS! This items means your targets are unaffected by safeguards.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by UncleSam Night 6

The item never came into play, and there isn’t much to say aside from don’t guard someone acting as suspiciously as Sam was.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear theangryscientist/Altair,
You are Mister Burke.

You sit in a chair in Moriarty’s Saloon all day long. You are working for Alistair Tenpenny, but have had a change of heart and decided to come to the aid of the masses in this struggle. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – User, take a look at this bomb’. User will tinker with the bomb throughout the night, and anyone targeting user (aside from killers) will fail. In case they move the components around too much, you cannot ask the same User twice in a row.

During your ‘investigations’, you went into Jericho’s house and found a slip of paper. This is Jericho’s Criminal Record, stating that he is a convicted rapist. As such, no hooker will go near you while you are holding this.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by UncleSam Night 4

Tas decided to safeguard Sam Night 0, confusing billymills to no end, but aside from that, he and Altair weren’t particularly remarkable.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear Objection,
You are Gary 23.

You are a dead body used as a storage container in the Outcast Outpost. Due to your eponymous glitch being fairly difficult to perform, many users lose their items trying to use you. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Hey User, put your items inside me!’ User will be unable to resist the allure of infinite condition items and comply with your request, but they will perform the glitch incorrectly and lose their items to you in the process.

In addition, because you were so used to counting your fellow Garys, you have become very good with numbers .You know that including yourself, there are 13 members of The Wasteland.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by danmantincan Night 7

Objection was the second half of the background leadershipof the village, and only successfully stole one item - the enclave’s redirector. Objection and Life concocted a masterful plan involving redirecting zorbees and US, resulting in zorbees being powerless and UncleSam dying, and it would have come off without a hitch... had we not inadvertently made it a troll item by giving it a very low priority. Sorry man. He also planned a second time to switch himself and dmtc, making it three village against Sam, but that didn’t work either...

iiMKUltra said:
Dear Nachos,
You are Biwwy.

You are an aspie living in Little Lamplight. Nobody likes you because of your hyperactive nature and speech impediment. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Talk to User.’ You will talk to User, and any kills targeting User will be redirected to you – but because killing children is wrong, you can receive over 9000 bullets to your head without dying. However, because even you aren’t retarded enough to talk to yourself, you cannot protect yourself from kills in this way. If you were to talk to the same person two nights running, they would become so aggravated that they would kill you. Because of this, you cannot guard the same person two nights in a row.

You are holding Mentats to counteract your mental issues. It raises your concentration to such high levels that you cannot be distracted. While holding this item, you are unhookable.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by zorbees Night 1

shade said:
<shade>let's kill nachos
<shade>he's probably village

He guarded UncleSam iirc, which wasn’t a smart move, and got randed. Yeah.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear rickheg,
You are Wadsworth.

You are a Mister Handy robotic butler living in Megaton. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Tell User a joke. ’ Include something in the body of this PM. User will find this so utterly hilarious that they will feel obliged to tell everyone, and any posts they make in the thread must include this joke until the end of the next Night.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.

Aside from the obvious Veedrock being a dickweed jokes, rickheg never really came into the game.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear imperfectluck/ginganinja,
You are The Mysterious Stranger.

You are a suited man who comes to aid the luckiest of the wastes. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X - Aid User’. User’s priority will be raised to the highest possible level, but because of the immense luck involved in your arrival, you cannot target the same User two nights running. Because you are duty-bound to help those in dire need, you are unable to aid yourself.

In addition, once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Let me ask you a question.’ Include in the body of this PM a question that can be answered with yes or no. This cannot contain any Smogon usernames, unless they are actual words. The hosts will answer your question truthfully.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by UltraPorygon Night 2

Ipl played traditionally ipl-like at first and people weren’t particularly trusting of him unfortunately, as he was completely clean. When ginga took over and he still wanted info, he began to compile a reasonable spread, but never seemed to push for control of the village from billy until he was offed by the creatures.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear Blue_Tornado,
You are Wernher.

You are a slave escaped from The Pitt. You have become very adept at sneaking around and manipulating others. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X - User, find the cure!’ User will search for the cure and be wrapped up in the tough moral decision that ensues. User’s priority will therefore be lowered to the lowest possible. If User were seen in the Pitt too often, it would attract the attention of the Raiders. You therefore cannot target the same User twice in a row.

In addition, once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X - Sneak up on User’. You will sneak up on User unnoticed and see who, if anyone, targeted them.

Because you have feelers everywhere, at the end of each day the hosts will PM you stating how many mafians voted for the lynch victim.

You are holding a Steel Ingot, a remnant of your time in The Pitt. Because it is a mark of slavery and inferiority, it reduces the holder’s vote by one.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Lynched Day 4

Not a clue why you didn’t pass on the item. You knew there were equal numbers, and you didn’t even ask me if you could pass the item. Sorry to be so hard on you, but not a good moment for you there, along with p-downing the vigilante who was about to kill the wolf.

However, B_T’s role did allow a mass village cleaning by Day 2 and got Fangren lynched.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear Nilf,
You are Harkness.

The most advanced android in the Wasteland, you are duty-bound to protect citizens from unlawful death. If you vote in the daily lynch, it cannot be redirected in any way - whoever has the most votes hangs.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by zorbees Night 3

Nilf stopped the redirect of the lynch from Jiggly, and then got killed. Moving on. I know people didn’t like the role, but it wasn’t my idea, and I couldn’t exactly say no to Mekkah.

The Enclave

iiMKUltra said:
Dear <users>,
You are part of The Enclave. You hate anyone impure, and your goal is to eliminate anyone who fits into this category.

You are:
vonFiedler/President John Henry Eden/Kidnapper & Safeguard
Yeti/Colonel Augustus Autumn Jr./Tracker
shade/Stiggs/Lynch Redirector & Mole
zorbees/General Jingwei/Alliance Checker
DaLetterEl/Jigglypuffers42/Professor Calvert/Rival (weak Ability Checker)

You win if all other factions are eliminated.

The Enclave had a large focus on information roles, and were the first faction eliminated. If LightWolf had died, DLE would have become a full inspector. They also had really bad luck in continually hitting safeguarded targets up until around N3, and when Jiggly claimed, you all know what happened.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear vonFiedler,
You are President John Henry Eden.

You are a ZAK supercomputer whose personality is an amalgamation of all the human presidents before you. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Fireside Chat with User.’ You will assume the form of Teddy Roosevelt and invite User for a stay at your secure military compound. Depending on whether User is friend or foe, they will either be safeguarded from all night actions (however, killers tend to be somewhat more dedicated than your average street prostitute, so kills will still succeed), or they will be kidnapped and be unable to post or have actions target them until the end of the next night. Because Roosevelt is dead, to avoid suspicion, you cannot target the same User twice in a row.

You are allied with The Enclave. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by UncleSam Night 1

von played reasonably well, though his tenure was cut short by UncleSam as von put up the most vocal resistace, and Sam had the suspicion of him being mafia, so offed him to make himself look more clean.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear Yeti,
You are Colonel Augustus Autumn Jr.

You are the commanding officer of the Enclave Armed Forces. You are the only person who knows the true nature of your president. Because of your high-ranking military presence, once per night you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Sending Hellfire Troopers after User.’ Your Hellfire Troopers, the best soldiers in The Enclave, will attack and kill User. However, because of the relative sparsity of Flamer Fuel, this kill only works on alternate nights.

In addition, once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Follow User’. You and your forces will follow User and find out who, if anyone, they targeted.

You are holding a piece of alien technology - the Teleportation Matrix. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X - Teleporting User1 and User2’. Anyone targeting User1 is now targeting User2, and vice versa. This item only has two charges, and will then be unusable.

You are allied with The Enclave. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Lynched Day 4

Yeti was suspected by billymills, who didn’t like the smell of her fake, and when the inspector confirmed it, she was lynched along with B_T.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear shade,
You are Stiggs.

You are a robotics repairman. On the outside, you are weak and timid, and feed visitors lies about being recruited when sick and starving. Therefore, upon inspection, you will appear as part of The Wasteland. Once during the game, in the day, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Day X – Feeding people lies about User.’ Because of your wimpiness, people will be inclined to believe these lies and will lynch user instead of anyone else. However, you are aware that there is a role in the game that nullifies this action.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear shade,
You are Stiggs.

You are a weak and timid robotics repairman. The Enclave rescued you when you were starving and about to die, but you have always resented the atrocities you performed under them, and have always wanted revenge.

You have no night action currently, but should The Wasteland have no remaining ways of inspection, you will become a full inspector.

You are allied with The Wasteland. You win if all other factions are eliminated.

You are allied with The Enclave. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Lynched Day 6

shade was the main co-ordinator of the Enclave’s actions, and played very well. The spread was pretty good, especially for a team without an inspector, and he was trusted (granted, a few were suspicious, but nothing ever came of it) by a large amount of the village until the Spartacus moment D4. He was one of the victims of UncleSam’s plan to ‘eliminate the intelligent, I can only argue with stupid people’

iiMKUltra said:
Dear zorbees,
You are General Jingwei.

You were a Chinese general during the invasion of Anchorage in the 21st Century. You have returned to help your corrupt brothers during this conflict. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Shocksword User.’ You will stab user with your Shocksword, killing them. However, because you are obsessed with cleanliness, the night after you kill, you will be cleaning your sword and thus be unable to kill.

In addition, once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Discuss Communism with User.’ By the end of this conversation, you will be able to determine whether User is friend or foe.

You are allied with The Enclave. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by danmantincan Night 6

zorbees played pretty well, though I didn’t speak to him a lot. UncleSam inspected him and fed the information to billy - the Enclave didn’t stand much of a chance after that.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear DaLetterEl/Jigglypuffers42,
You are Professor Calvert.

For centuries, you have been feuding with Desmond. Your Tribals tell you he is near. You know that if Desmond dies before you then you gain some powers, though what these are, you don’t know. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Sending Tribals after User’ Your Tribals will follow User and send a report as to User’s ability back to you, though because of Desmond’s signal jammer, it takes two cycles for this information to come back to you.

You are allied with The Enclave. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Lynched Day 3

‘This is my fake...’ The screenshot billy showed me was priceless, and when jiggly realised what she’d done, you couldn’t help but laugh. The role was really weak, and got only one result iirc.

The Creatures

iiMKUltra said:
Dear <users>,
You are Creatures. You are disgusted by all these people strutting around the Wasteland like they own the place, and you’re all committed to taking it back.

You are:
makiri/Yao Guai/Thief
UltraPorygon/danmantincan/Super Mutant/Safeguard

You win if all other factions are eliminated.

The Creatures were focused on screwing with others. They were going fairly well after the early loss of two teammates, but UltraPorygon had two successive conversations with UncleSam, during which he revealed both of his teammates and one of their roles. They were also very late to be organised, never having a spread and only having an irc channel after Quag subbed in. Their kills were nightly, with one person doing it all but having a backup. It went Fangren-makiri-UltraPorygon-polelover44-Exarius.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear Fangren,
You are a Deathclaw.

The Enclave likes to believe they have control over you. They’re wrong. Through intense meditation, you have overcome their propaganda, and you have realised that 2+2 does indeed equal 4. You escaped your confines long ago, but because of your past, you appear as a member of The Enclave under inspection. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Lunge at User.’ You will lunge at User, killing them horribly.

In addition, once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Hey User. Hug a Deathclaw.’ User will become so incensed by this that they will chase you all night long and be unable to complete their night action.

You are allied with The Creatures. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Lynched Day 2

Fangren had a reasonable game, though was targeted by b_t, who was able to deduce that he was a mafia hooker.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear makiri,
You are a Yao Guai.

Mutated from a Black Bear, you are extremely fast and agile. Because of these characteristics, once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Charge User.’ You will run at User at full speed, stealing any items they may have.

Your friend the Deathclaw has been teaching you in the ways of killing and maiming. Should he die, you will take his place as your faction’s killer.

You are allied with The Creatures. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Lynched Day 1

makiri was unfortunately inspected by Sam, and I never talked to him.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear Exarius,
You are the AntAgonizer.

You are the leader of your giant ants. Possessor of the toughest Speech check in the game, you certainly are a Silver-Tongued Devil. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Persuade User OR Insult User OR Engage in detailed conversation with User.

If you persuade User, include another user in the body of the PM. User will be forced to vote for them the next day.

If you insult User, they will be so ashamed that they will be unable to post until the end of the next night.

If you engage in detailed conversation with User, they will be so enthralled by what you have to say that they will be unable to complete any other plans they had for the night.

Be aware that you may only use one of these actions per night, and that you cannot target the same User two nights running - the difficulty in talking to you so often would cause insanity.

You are holding the Ant Sight. This item increases your perception and has a higher priority than all thieves. If anyone steals your items, you will be able to determine their identity.

You are allied with The Creatures. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Lynched Day 7

Exarius was revealed by Ultra when he didn’t realise there was a mention of ‘Exa’ in a log which he had used find&replace to get rid of all mentions of ‘Exarius’. He played reasonable well, a highlight being spending three hours making a speech that was refuted by Sam after three minutes.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear UltraPorygon/danmantincan,
You are a Super Mutant.

You respect your comrades, but are somewhat simple. Therefore, once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Run in front of User.’ Any abilities targeting User will be absorbed by you, though you are perceptive enough to know that stepping in front of bullets is a bad idea, and you will never protect User from a kill.

You are allied with The Creatures. You win if all other factions are eliminated.

Everything about Ultra has been/will be said, so I’ll focus on dmtc. Sam knew all of the Creatures, and had them as his bitches when he subbed in, so they never really stood a chance. He ended up as the kingmaker, though he would have had to have been approached by AlphaJolt to have known how to have the village win, and as AJ thought dmtc was the silencer, that wasn’t going to happen.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear polelover44/Quagsires,
You are Azrukhal.

You are the ghoul barman of the Ninth Circle. Humans don’t accept you, so you joined the Creatures instead. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Hey User, how about a drink?’ User will feel so depressed by their surroundings that they will be unable to refuse the drink. And another. And another. By the end of their binge, User will be so drunk that they will reveal their full role PM to you.

You are allied with The Creatures. You win if all other factions are eliminated.
Killed by UncleSam Night 7

I didn’t have a lot of contact with pole before he asked to be subbed out as he was a little inactive/busy, and when Quagsires subbed in, he was the main planner (Exa wasn’t on irc enough to talk) and was the closest to getting out of UncleSam’s pimp-hold. Unfortunately, once they submitted to Sam, no amount of planning was going to save them.


iiMKUltra said:
Dear Flamestrike,
You are Charon.

You are a hired ghoul bodyguard. You are completely immune to any form of inspection, though because you are only hired help, you have no vote in lynches.

You automatically protect whoever is holding your contract, but once they are targeted by a kill, it doesn’t damage you but your contract is then considered void. The hosts will then PM you asking who you would next like to work for, though you are unable to choose yourself, any dead players, or any previous employers.

Your contract is currently held by Three Dog.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you protect 2 different people from kills.
Won Night 3

Flamestrike played reasonably well, getting into contace with billy early. I was kind of hoping he’d go the mercenary route, but playing it safe worked much better for him. The win condition was something Mekkah, Veed and I weren’t really sure about as this role hasn’t been done before, and it was pretty easy in a game with so many kills flying around, especially starting on the village.

iiMKUltra said:
Dear UncleSam,
You are The Lone Wanderer.

On your own, you are somewhat useless. All you are good for is killing. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – [Weapon] User.’ You will pull out your [Weapon] and kill User with it. [Weapon] can be almost anything.

In addition, you have enlisted the help of some of your companions:

Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Send Sergeant RL-3 after User.’ Sergeant RL-3 will talk to User before deciding he doesn’t like the look of them. User will be so ashamed by this rejection that they will run off crying and be unable to post until the end of the next night. Because anyone rejected twice in a row would instantly kill themselves, RL-3 cannot target the same User two nights running.

Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ‘Night X – Send Star Paladin Cross after User.’ Star Paladin Cross will use the might of the Brotherhood to find User’s full role PM, and will deliver it to you by the end of the night.

You are wearing Winterised T51-b power armor, the pinnacle of protective technology. The first time you are targeted by a kill, your armour will protect you. The first time someone inspects you, your face will be obscured and they will receive no information.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you are the sole survivor.
Lynched Day 1 Survived

Sam started by claiming unispectable man who wanted to lead the village, using his reputation from Redwall to make him seem less retarded. Billy was all for lynching him, but then decided to attempt to extort information in exchange for his life. Sam complied for a while, eliminating the more vocal resistance more efficiently than Stalin and not targeting many villagers. He also kept his silence under wraps for a long time. When Ultra revealed his teammates, the Creatures stood very little chance as UncleSam practically controlled them. He got rid of billy, fearing the noose, and then went about destroying the village through lynch control. He also came up with the idea of controlling the lynch by uniting all non-village against b_t. He came up with a plan around Day 5 that he was able to carry through the whole game. He was very lucky to survive the early game, as he was targeted by dak/-tle- every cycle, but had a bpv, a bg, and dak was p-downed.


Best Villager:

Best Enclave:

Best Creature:


Best sheet:
Enclave - vonFiedler/zorbees

Biggest mistake:
Jigglypuffers42 - Here’s my fake...

Just want to thank Veedrock for co-hosting and helping a huge amount with balancing the game, and thank everyone for playing.

If there’s anything you think I’ve got wrong or missed out, tell me and I’ll put it in.

<Spiffy> iimk can you mention me in your postgame

This is Spiffy. He has been mentioned.
Best villager! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Anyway, I tried my best, couldn't pull out a Village win, mostly because Sam turned the Creatures into his bitch (I saw this long before they did but couldn't do anything about). And MK/Veed trolled me and Objection hard with the redirector item (Shade was PISSED when Objection stole it) since we could have still pulled of a Village victory.

So yeah, good game and congrats to UncleSam.
-billymills was killed night 5 not night 4.
-As I have told iimk, billymills was the best villager up until about day 3 and second best after that to life, to I really don't know why he has mostly negative comments.

Other than that, I wish to express my displeasure at Spiffy being mentioned in this thread.

I think everyone knows my entire plan/line of reasoning by now so I will refrain from repeating it again here. If anyone wants to know anything about why I did what I did though I will try to answer.
i realize i played absolute shite, also stopping the wolf kill is something completely new to me and now i feel even worse

but yeah i completely forgot about the item and i'm really sorry for it, and i'm also sure it will never happen to me again :/

i do think though that i managed to give some good advice, communicated alot between key roles (most of which i gave advice to), and of course saved us from a costly billy (?!) lynch by leading to the lynch of the mafia hooker. not to mention i was pretty informative and patient with my super useful ability. yes i am trying to make myself feel better

this was an alright game, thanks for hosting

edit: yeah there is no reason to be harsh on billy, he played a good game. it's my fault for not sharing my item with billy, not his.
b_t I wouldn't have died for two other reasons apart from your deprio:
-I was protected that night by smashlloyd
-The Enclave kill was higher prio than the vigilante kill was even before the deprio

In other words, your deprioing dak really wasn't what stopped me from dying.
b_t I wouldn't have died for two other reasons apart from your deprio:
-I was protected that night by smashlloyd
-The Enclave kill was higher prio than the vigilante kill was even before the deprio

In other words, your deprioing dak really wasn't what stopped me from dying.

Goes to show how absolutely unorganized this village was.
Throughout the game I was wondering where all the items were but didn't know because I didn't tell anyone except Life that I was a thief and he didn't know where any items were. So all my targets were people I thought were bad guys and looked like they were going to get lynched shortly. I was surprised when I got the redirection item from shade. I love how everyone thought that I also stole a mayor item.

Kudos to LifeAdmiral for giving the village a chance of winning.
Lol, are you sure about that? According to the revision history, zorbees did far more edits, and even then half of it was conjecture from before I died (and it wasn't even finished). After death, I even kept it formatted properly. I was really fucking proactive this game, shame US had to kill me.
I got into the village late, because I wasn't sure if I should trust billy, but in the end I went to him the night before I died.

I proposed a protection plan for the night, which worked out nicely. But after that I mostly complained about how easy it was for the non villagers to gain majority, oh well.

I p much realised our win chances were close to none, but I still found one, where even with perfect play on the enemy side, we had a chance. It included me being protected the night I died(mostly since I suspected, that they realised the existance of another BG, and I was the only unclear guy), but billy never went through with that plan, he seemed to be depending on US too much, I told him he can ask him, but he shouldn't depend on him alone. Sadly he did.

Tbh I don't see why anything the village did after billy's death mattered at all, since then the game was obv lost.
The village was one item's priority away from winning on TWO separate occasions LightWolf.

What the village did mattered quite a bit after billy died.
Yeah so I realized I had to go to the Caribbean for a week with no wifi so I couldn't play and I decided it would be better to ask to be subbed out than go inactive and fuck my faction over.
didn't agree with billy's tactics at all, unclesam should have been shafted so early and from what i saw, heard and played the opposing mafia faction were pretty much inept. in light of that we did pretty well. there was kinda more thought behind the nachos kill than i let on, but it was obvious he was village so eh why not.

decent game, riddled with a lot of poor play!
I was assuming prefect play from the mafias, but alas they didn't

No, what Sam means is the redirection item. We basically could control kills with it... if the stupid priority wasn't set so low. Had it have first priority, Sam would have died and the Creatures would have been rendered useless (and I'd probably be alive at the end of the game too).
No, what Sam means is the redirection item. We basically could control kills with it... if the stupid priority wasn't set so low. Had it have first priority, Sam would have died and the Creatures would have been rendered useless (and I'd probably be alive at the end of the game too).

billy's sheet sucked more than I thought then.
Some other stuff you may be interested in:

Ultra's deal with Sam:
UltraPorygon said:
UncleSam said:
UncleSam said:
<UncleSam> ok heres the deal
<UncleSam> billy knows you are mafia
<UncleSam> i feel you are mafia too
<UncleSam> how do you respond to this
<UltraPorygon> you got evidence?
<UncleSam> uh bill yhas the log
<UncleSam> of you not claiming
<UncleSam> for a whole day
<UncleSam> then claiming bpv
<UncleSam> so uh have you gotten any interesting pms recently
<UltraPorygon> you sent me a pm?
<UltraPorygon> lemme check my inbox
<UncleSam> no
<UncleSam> i didnt
<UltraPorygon> ah okay
<UncleSam> im just wondering
<UltraPorygon> no
<UncleSam> cause billy sent some actions recently
<UncleSam> to ppl
<UncleSam> i believe
<UltraPorygon> i didnt get anything from billy
<UncleSam> ok
<UncleSam> so out of curiosity are you enclave or creature
<UltraPorygon> neither
<UltraPorygon> got to go for a moment will be back
<UncleSam> ok
<UltraPorygon> back
<UncleSam> ok heres the deal
<UncleSam> a vote checker checked how many mafia voted
<UncleSam> last day
<UncleSam> and based on the discrepancies with the first day
<UncleSam> you are mafia
<UltraPorygon> vote checker?
<UncleSam> now guess what
<UltraPorygon> never heard of that role
<UncleSam> someone who checks how many mafia voted
<UncleSam> in each lynch
<UltraPorygon> ah okay
<UncleSam> so anyway
<UncleSam> if you wanna talk with me i might consider dealing with your faction
<UncleSam> as in lynching the other mafia
<UncleSam> are you interested?
<UltraPorygon> so you'll lynch the other mafia instead of me?
<UncleSam> yes
<UltraPorygon> I'm interested.
<UncleSam> if you work with me
<UncleSam> first off
<UncleSam> which faction are you
<UncleSam> i need to know who im working with obv.
<UltraPorygon> creatures
<UncleSam> ok i believe you
<UncleSam> did you get fangrens pm
<UltraPorygon> what pm?
<UltraPorygon> i didn't get anything from fangren regarding you
<UncleSam> no i meant
<UncleSam> not regarding me rofl
<UncleSam> did fangren send you anything
<UncleSam> as in
<UncleSam> did the other mafia
<UncleSam> contact you
<UltraPorygon> no, fangren was never contacted by the enclave
<UncleSam> do you guys have a bg
<UltraPorygon> no =(
<UncleSam> what roles do you have
<UltraPorygon> we have an inspector, a safeguard, and a person who can persuade, hook or silence
<UltraPorygon> and the killing role obviously
<UncleSam> killing role is just a part of another role
<UncleSam> it was part of the hook
<UncleSam> oh you mean
<UncleSam> you started with five
<UncleSam> so now you have a persuade a safeguard and an inspect left
<UltraPorygon> no, a same person has silence, hook and persuade
<UltraPorygon> we had a second hooker in fangren
<UncleSam> and NO bg?
<UltraPorygon> NO
<UncleSam> wow
<UncleSam> that sucks
<UltraPorygon> neither do we have a lynch redirect
<UncleSam> anyway
<UncleSam> yea thats unfortunate
<UltraPorygon> obviously that person cant use all 3 abilities in the same night
<UncleSam> yea
<UncleSam> and NO contact with the other mafia?
<UncleSam> even after the makiri/fangren lynches?
<UltraPorygon> no, we were never contacted by the enclave
<UltraPorygon> BUT
<UltraPorygon> shade contacted us, claiming to be enclave, after inspection he turned wasteland
<UltraPorygon> we got no contact with the real enclave
<UncleSam> shade might be mole
<UltraPorygon> I think so because
<UltraPorygon> he said his faction was gonna kill nachos
<UltraPorygon> and they did
<UncleSam> mm
<UncleSam> i have other reasons to believe shade is enclave
<UltraPorygon> so he's probably an enclave who moles wasteland
<UltraPorygon> what reasons?
<UncleSam> cant explain that now
<UltraPorygon> ok
<UncleSam> one minute plz
<UltraPorygon> kk
<UncleSam> ok i will try to contact the enclave
<UncleSam> and arrange some plans between us
<UncleSam> btw they have four dudes left
<UncleSam> you have three
<UltraPorygon> i know
<UncleSam> so we will def. lynch one of them im thinking
<UncleSam> not you
<UncleSam> but ill be back in touch
<UltraPorygon> do you know any enclave?
<UncleSam> only shade
<UncleSam> at this point
<UltraPorygon> okay then i suppose we will lynch him
<UncleSam> we will see
<UncleSam> ill be back in contact
<UncleSam> you on later?
<UltraPorygon> I'll probably be going out in a while
<UltraPorygon> but i'll probably be on again later
<UltraPorygon> also
<UncleSam> btw can you persuade this night?
<UltraPorygon> due to irl circumstances, there's a chance i might need to be subbed out, not 100% sure though
<UncleSam> ok wll
<UltraPorygon> i'm pretty sure we can, i'll ask the persuader
<UncleSam> if you get subbed out
<UltraPorygon> also
<UncleSam> forward this
<UncleSam> convo
<UncleSam> to team
<UncleSam> and to that dude
<UltraPorygon> wait a sec
<UncleSam> who subs in for you
<UncleSam> also?
<UltraPorygon> i'm on mibbit and i cant copy convos without them being messed up
<UltraPorygon> could you copy it and send it to me
<UltraPorygon> you're on mirc?
<UncleSam> ill send it to you and iimkultra on smogon pms
<UltraPorygon> good
<UltraPorygon> also
<UltraPorygon> I'll tell stuff to iimkultra
<UltraPorygon> so he tells it to my sub
<UltraPorygon> if i get subbed out
<UncleSam> ok
<UltraPorygon> maybe
<UltraPorygon> i manage to pm my sub
<UltraPorygon> but not 100% sure
<UncleSam> ok
<UncleSam> you on for a while longer
<UltraPorygon> anyways I'll still tell it to mkiiultra
<UncleSam> i gotta do something else
<UncleSam> for a little bit
<UltraPorygon> okay

Exarius' and shade's reaction to the slip:
UltraPorygon said:
Exarius said:
Quagsires said:
You've seen the thread, we've lost Fangren, and did NOT gain contact with the enclave.

We did get a neutral claim from US, but we're still debating whether we can trust him or not, despite us thinking he is telling the truth. In addition, he almost certainly will die tonight due to a vigilante, so it may be worth a shot to do so.

We're wondering if you had any ideas for tonight, besides probably killing Shade, although I find it odd that he's said nothing about you yet. Thoughts?

[23:55:14] <UncleSam> rofl exarius just wanted you to know that your idiotic teammates let slip your name as mafia in fallout3 mafia
[23:55:24] <UncleSam> silly ultra porygon...
[23:55:39] <Exarius> aha?
[23:55:50] <UncleSam> rofl
[23:55:58] <UncleSam> interested in a DEAL xD
[23:56:09] <Exarius> well, I am somewhat busy right now
[23:56:19] <Exarius> so can't really talk at the moment
[23:56:23] <UncleSam> ok
[23:58] <shade> tell your team
[23:58] <shade> to fuck off
[23:58] <shade> and stop selling me out
[23:59] <shade> i am really pissed off
01[23:59] <Exarius> ?_?
Session Time: Wed Dec 22 00:00:01 2010
[00:00] <shade> [21:57:35] <UncleSam> the creatures dude let slip a VERY extensive log
[00:00] <shade> [21:57:41] <UncleSam> of you discussing things with his teammate
[00:00] <shade> [21:57:59] <UncleSam> including you killing nachos
[00:00] <shade> explain this
[00:00] <shade> also why von died
[00:00] <shade> are your team fucking stupid
01[00:01] <Exarius> 2 things: 1: I am busy at the moment, can't talk alot. 2: I have zero idea why von died, and our kill didn't go through. From what I guess is that a wolf killed von, but I haven't heard anything from our dude why the kill didn't go through
[00:01] <shade> 1 is bullshit
[00:01] <shade> why are your team selling me out
01[00:01] <Exarius> well, if you want a SS of me playing WoW, be my guest.
[00:02] <shade> stop being thick
[00:02] <shade> youve handed the game to the fucking village
01[00:02] <Exarius> and selling you out I have zero idea about. I keep contact with my team over PMs.
04[00:02] <shade> [22:02:11] <UncleSam> so your convo with exarius never happened?
[00:02] <shade> alright then
01[00:03] <Exarius> also, I might want to ask you something, Stiggs
[00:03] <shade> yea
[00:03] <shade> what
01[00:03] <Exarius> care to explain the oddity of that name on you`?
[00:03] <shade> what do you mean
01[00:04] <Exarius> well, that name is connected to a wasteland PM
[00:04] <shade> so
01[00:04] <Exarius> and, also connected to you, mister "Stiggs"
[00:04] <shade> thats because i am stiggs
01[00:05] <Exarius> and you came up as a wastelander. but, I can talk again in a minute. as I said, I am busy right now
[00:06] <shade> maybe i am wastelander

Congratulations. We are officially fucked. Any witty ideas for last words?

Also, UP. Words. I doubt I have to say anything else.

More reactions/planning:
UltraPorygon said:
Exarius said:
[00:39] <shade> bruv
[00:39] <shade> js
[00:39] <shade> get here
[00:40] <shade> hello
[00:40] <shade> i have a deal for you
01[00:40] <Exarius> listening with half an ear, I am soonish ready
[00:41] <shade> i want the whole ear
[00:41] <shade> so nah
01[00:42] <Exarius> then you can wait 5-10 mins, then I can give you 2 ears
[00:42] <shade> ok
01[00:51] <Exarius> ready
[00:51] <shade> im betting
[00:51] <shade> over 1 million dollars
[00:51] <shade> you lot are planning on killing me
01[00:52] <Exarius> and now you pull something ridiculous that you are a BPV and odd day LPV that needs to collect 5 shards of a moon to win, etc etc
[00:52] <shade> lol nah
[00:52] <shade> im just gonna say
[00:53] <shade> that im not what you think i am
[00:53] <shade> and killing me
[00:53] <shade> is v bad idea
[00:53] <shade> no matter what shit unclesam pulls
[00:53] <shade> and if youre feeding this to him now
[00:53] <shade> youre dumber than i thought
01[00:53] <Exarius> [00:53:03] <shade> that im not what you think i am
01[00:53] <Exarius> [00:53:10] <shade> and killing me
01[00:53] <Exarius> [00:53:12] <shade> is v bad idea
01[00:53] <Exarius> they all say that
[00:53] <shade> lol
[00:53] <shade> im not bothered about this game
01[00:53] <Exarius> and, at this moment, I don't even believe my own fucking team
01[00:54] <Exarius> so yeah, go figure who I trust
[00:54] <shade> if you think youre killing stiggs the backup inspector
[00:54] <shade> go for it
04[00:41] <UncleSam> exa you there
01[00:42] <Exarius> in 5-10 mins about
[00:43] <UncleSam> dont talk to shade
[00:43] <UncleSam> at all
[00:48] <UncleSam> ok uh the thing is for your persuader to persuade ginganinja to vote LW and for you guys to kill shade
[00:49] <UncleSam> i told UP this already
[00:49] <UncleSam> im neut btw
01[00:51] <Exarius> ok?
01[00:51] <Exarius> and care to share how much do you know?
[00:52] <UncleSam> uh you tried to kill me for one
[00:52] <UncleSam> what do you mean
[00:52] <UncleSam> how much do i know?
01[00:52] <Exarius> how much do you know about me, my possible team, all that jazz
[00:53] <UncleSam> i know your roles are persuader/silence/hook, inspect, and uh...wtf was it it wasnt bg...
[00:53] <UncleSam> ill have to check back through log
[00:53] <UncleSam> i know you and UP are two of the last three creatures
[00:53] <UncleSam> however
[00:54] <UncleSam> Dear UncleSam,
[00:54] <UncleSam> You are The Mechanist
[00:54] <UncleSam> Scott Wollinski, The Mechanist: a crazed and middle-aged tool smith who wanders the Wasteland with a kickass mask and mechanics skills. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ?Night X ? Smack User With Wrench.? You will use one of your many wrenches and smack User with it, killing User if User is nearby. For the purposes of this game, only members of the Wasteland are
[00:54] <UncleSam> nearby.
[00:54] <UncleSam> Also, you have managed to hack an Enclave Eyebot. Once per night, you may send both iiMKUltra and Veedrock a PM titled ?Night X ? Send Eyebot After User.? You will use your Eyebot to search User and determine User?s alliance.
[00:54] <UncleSam> Additionally, you are wearing the Mechanist?s Suit. It will protect you from one night kill, and it will make you too obscure for any inspector to make out. This is not an item.
[00:54] <UncleSam> You have no alliance. You win if the Wasteland loses.
[00:54] <UncleSam> we can win together
01[00:55] <Exarius> and I would believe that?
[00:55] <UncleSam> well
[00:55] <UncleSam> when you see
[00:55] <UncleSam> billy die to a wrench
[00:55] <UncleSam> tomorrow
[00:55] <UncleSam> will you believe it?
[00:55] <UncleSam> just kill shade
01[00:55] <Exarius> and, I'd like you to give me a reason not to talk with shade
[00:55] <UncleSam> he is villag
[00:55] <UncleSam> shade is village
[00:55] <UncleSam> that is why
01[00:55] <Exarius> lemme guess, you inspected?
[00:55] <UncleSam> we are trying to kill him
[00:55] <UncleSam> before he tells billy
[00:55] <UncleSam> about you
[00:56] <UncleSam> now then
[00:56] <UncleSam> you have a persuade right?
01[00:56] <Exarius> I give you this much: (I am not trusting you yet) one: you are about 1-2 cycles late
[00:56] <UncleSam> i know you talked to shade
[00:56] <UncleSam> that cant be helped
[00:56] <UncleSam> and i know you tried to kill me
01[00:56] <Exarius> and, we have inspected him. I have also talked with him, and I have a suspicion he is a mole-role
[00:57] <UncleSam> sadly my bpv is gone now
[00:57] <UncleSam> he isnt
[00:57] <UncleSam> i am talking to the enclave
[00:57] <UncleSam> and he isnt one
[00:57] <UncleSam> the enclave will kill a village inspect of sorts
[00:57] <UncleSam> with their numbers
[00:57] <UncleSam> and yours
[00:57] <UncleSam> and the persuade
01[00:57] <Exarius> you mentioned earlier "we". who "we"
[00:57] <UncleSam> we win tomorrows lynch
[00:57] <UncleSam> we
[00:57] <UncleSam> as in
[00:57] <UncleSam> you+me
[00:57] <UncleSam> you ARE interested in lynching a villager tomorrow right?
01[00:57] <Exarius> [00:55:45] <UncleSam> we are trying to kill him
01[00:57] <Exarius> [00:55:50] <UncleSam> before he tells billy
01[00:58] <Exarius> in that context I meant
[00:58] <UncleSam> i meant
[00:58] <UncleSam> your team is supposed to kill shade
01[00:58] <Exarius> and hell, at this moment I am not giving a shit who dies, just not one of us
[00:58] <UncleSam> ok
[00:58] <UncleSam> well i will try for that
01[00:59] <Exarius> anything else?
[00:59] <UncleSam> well
[00:59] <UncleSam> obv. no reason to kill a dude who can win with you
[00:59] <UncleSam> also i have the enclave bg on me anyway
01[00:59] <Exarius> well, I want some damn good proof before I trust you
[00:59] <UncleSam> i know the village inspectors
[00:59] <UncleSam> well
[01:00] <UncleSam> just kill shade
[01:00] <UncleSam> ok tell ya what
01[01:00] <Exarius> a nice beginning would be those inspectors and the log you talked about earlier
01[01:00] <Exarius> or, at least the log
[01:00] <UncleSam> ginganinja and lifeadmiral
[01:00] <UncleSam> ginga is clean as the yes/no asker
[01:00] <UncleSam> i checked ginga myself
[01:00] <UncleSam> lifeadmiral is a mafia vote checker
[01:00] <UncleSam> who checks how many mafia vote every lynch
01[01:00] <Exarius> aha
[01:01] <UncleSam> nown then
[01:01] <UncleSam> now*
[01:01] <UncleSam> kill shade
[01:01] <UncleSam> i will kill billy
[01:01] <UncleSam> enclave will kill lifeadmiral
01[01:01] <Exarius> kill bill, vol. 3
[01:01] <UncleSam> you guys persuade ginga
[01:01] <UncleSam> to vote LW
[01:01] <UncleSam> LW is known villager
[01:01] <UncleSam> shade is backup inspector btw
[01:01] <UncleSam> as you well now
[01:01] <UncleSam> now then
[01:01] <UncleSam> 7 mafia left
[01:01] <UncleSam> +me
[01:02] <UncleSam> +2 for persuade
[01:02] <UncleSam> means we have at a minimum 10 supporters tomorrow
[01:02] <UncleSam> and four deaths
[01:02] <UncleSam> three*
[01:02] <UncleSam> means 19 total ppl
01[01:02] <Exarius> 2 for persuade?
[01:02] <UncleSam> well
[01:02] <UncleSam> 1 on our side
[01:02] <UncleSam> -1 on theirs
01[01:02] <Exarius> aha
[01:02] <UncleSam> so 9 supporters i guess
[01:02] <UncleSam> wait
[01:02] <UncleSam> 4 dead
[01:03] <UncleSam> thus far
[01:03] <UncleSam> +3
[01:03] <UncleSam> is 7
[01:03] <UncleSam> 18 total ppl
[01:03] <UncleSam> 9 supporters
[01:03] <UncleSam> and there is the wolf out there
[01:03] <UncleSam> so at worst
[01:03] <UncleSam> tie lynch
[01:03] <UncleSam> on LW
01[01:03] <Exarius> you know of nachos killer?
[01:03] <UncleSam> nachos was killed by the enclave i believe
[01:03] <UncleSam> which is odd
[01:03] <UncleSam> on the part of shade
01[01:03] <Exarius> fast to catch on I see
[01:03] <UncleSam> but im fairly convinced shade is village
[01:04] <UncleSam> the enclave assure me he is
[01:04] <UncleSam> oh wait
[01:04] <UncleSam> he could be wolf
[01:04] <UncleSam> ok
01[01:04] <Exarius> he is either village or enclave mole. either or, I want him dead asap
[01:04] <UncleSam> change of plans
[01:04] <UncleSam> ok
[01:04] <UncleSam> kill him
[01:04] <UncleSam> then
[01:04] <UncleSam> he might be wolf
[01:04] <UncleSam> who is mole
[01:04] <UncleSam> ok?
[01:04] <UncleSam> you guys can persuade right?
01[01:05] <Exarius> yeah
[01:05] <UncleSam> ok
[01:05] <UncleSam> then are we clear
[01:05] <UncleSam> btw
[01:05] <UncleSam> ultraporygon saved you with his retardidity
[01:05] <UncleSam> i never wouldve found you if not for him
01[01:06] <Exarius> and then what?
[01:06] <UncleSam> but he was gonna belynched by billy otherwise
01[01:06] <Exarius> aha
[01:06] <UncleSam> and you soon after
[01:06] <UncleSam> so uh yea dont be too hard on him
[01:06] <UncleSam> even though he fell for it kinda hard
[01:06] <UncleSam> so we are clear what we are doing?
01[01:06] <Exarius> moment, sister is whining
[01:06] <UncleSam> ok well i gtg
[01:06] <UncleSam> so later
01[01:07] <Exarius> alright
01[01:07] <Exarius> so, we persuade ginga, kill shade
[01:07] <UncleSam> persuade ginga to LW
01[01:07] <Exarius> what else? I gonna redad this log properly
[01:07] <UncleSam> kill shade
[01:07] <UncleSam> nothing else
[01:07] <UncleSam> just dont safeguard me
[01:07] <UncleSam> oh btw
[01:07] <UncleSam> hook ginga too
01[01:07] <Exarius> can't
[01:08] <UncleSam> oh ok
[01:08] <UncleSam> what is your other role again i cba looking through logs
[01:08] <UncleSam> inspect/persuade random thingy
[01:08] <UncleSam> its not bg
[01:08] <UncleSam> i remember
[01:08] <UncleSam> w/e ill look back through log
[01:08] <UncleSam> cause i know thats faster than talking to you
01[01:08] <Exarius> what you mean other role
01[01:08] <Exarius> (I am catching up on the thread)
[01:09] <UncleSam> you have three dudes
[01:09] <UncleSam> one is inspect
[01:09] <UncleSam> one ispersuade
[01:09] <UncleSam> i cant remember what the other one is
01[01:09] <Exarius> and the third is the very sg you spoke of yourself just a couple of minutes ago
[01:09] <UncleSam> oh
[01:09] <UncleSam> right
[01:09] <UncleSam> dont safeguard me
[01:09] <UncleSam> safeguard uh
[01:09] <UncleSam> shade
[01:09] <UncleSam> so you kill him for sure
01[01:09] <Exarius> 'facepalm'
[01:10] <UncleSam> ok?
01[01:11] <Exarius> ok, ginga to LW, off shade
[01:11] <UncleSam> sf shade
01[01:11] <Exarius> what did enclave do
[01:11] <UncleSam> ill get billy
[01:11] <UncleSam> enclave kill lifeadmiral
[01:11] <UncleSam> and bg me
[01:11] <UncleSam> from vig
01[01:11] <Exarius> so you kill bill, enclave kill admiral
01[01:12] <Exarius> I truly hope to see both of those DEAD tomorrow
[01:12] <UncleSam> unless village has a second bg
[01:12] <UncleSam> they will be
01[01:12] <Exarius> and I wish you to rig the possible village hooker off our ass
[01:12] <UncleSam> ill send pm now
[01:12] <UncleSam> i dont know who it is
[01:12] <UncleSam> so uh safeguard killer maybe?
[01:12] <UncleSam> your guys' killer i mean
01[01:13] <Exarius> UP
01[01:13] <Exarius> anything else?
[01:14] <UncleSam> nope
01[01:14] <Exarius> alright.
01[01:19] <Exarius> hey, one more thing
[01:19] <UncleAFK> ?
01[01:19] <Exarius> billy posted a log in the thread, with you partaking. care to give it whole to me?
01[01:20] <Exarius> and where was that talk in?
[01:20] <UncleAFK> what log?
[01:20] <UncleAFK> also probably not cause my xchat isnt savings logs atm
[01:20] <UncleAFK> so i have to save shit manually in word
[01:20] <UncleAFK> if i wanna save it
01[01:20] <Exarius> latest post, billy revealed that jiggly is a mafioso through a log
[01:21] <UncleAFK> that was lifeadmiral
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> iiMKUltra
01[01:21] <Exarius> <~iiMKUltra> yes
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> is posting screenshots allowed
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+Blue_Tornado> of course not.....
01[01:21] <Exarius> <~iiMKUltra> no
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+Life> Why would it be?
01[01:21] <Exarius> <~iiMKUltra> have you ever even played mafia billy
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+Life> No, he's new
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> iimk
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> it's hilarious
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> please?
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+Blue_Tornado> does it reveal/prove anything related to the game
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> yes
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> but
01[01:21] <Exarius> <+billymills> it's hilarious
01[01:21] <Exarius> first few lines
01[01:21] <Exarius> errm yeah, posted by life
01[01:21] <Exarius> but anyways
[01:21] <UncleAFK> what do you want
[01:21] <UncleAFK> its in #fallout3
01[01:22] <Exarius> ah
[01:22] <UncleAFK> main mafia channel
[01:22] <UncleAFK> i recommend you join
01[01:22] <Exarius> okidoki
01[01:22] <Exarius> nah, I don't like those huge rooms
[01:22] <UncleAFK> ok i am going afk now
01[01:22] <Exarius> ok, night,

TL;DR: We kill shade, SG shade, persuade ginganinja to LW (Doing after I've sent this PM). Inspect ginga, I want to be sure about his role.

Thanks to UP for finding these.