WSC Megathread ~ Week 14 - Dark of the Moon: It All Ends

Whee! WSC's back up! Awesome-sauce! If this competition is still open, I got a submission.

This is...
Gothitelle +
Kirlia (Only Gen3!) +
Lilligant +
Cinccino +
Beheeyem +
Bisharp +
Zekrom +

I think 8 Pokemon is a large enough fusion, lol. +)

Glad to see this started up again, tho. Gonna try to keep up with this thing a bit better from now on, although I can speak no promises. Now that I have Seashore tho, this should be much easer to keep up with.

EDIT: First Luvdisc!

Kirlia, Mamoswine, Mr Mime, Slowking.

Sorry posted the wrong one. I had made an unregonizable mix of Luxray, Persian etc. but posted the grass lion which I want to post on another forum. Now i'm on my laptop and the mix of is on my pc, so I posted an other splice which I made earlier. Again excuse me.

@ ES: It is full scratch indeed. I posted the wrong link. ^^
Sorry Albinoon, you were too late.

@dhjona - Only your sprite posted by deadline is being used. The one in the OP.

Week 2 starts once all judging is in.
This is why the last contest died. Don't make the same mistake.

Agreed. Make it one/two days at max; at least then we'll have some parameters as to when we can expect the next contest. Either that, or just simply post the next week's concept up and then make the poll whenever all of the Judges send in their responses.

Also, might I recommend stage 2 judges? Basically, if there was a deadline of 1-2 days for judging, stage 2 judges would act as a backup. How it would work is you would send the sprites out for judging to both Stage 1 and Stage 2 judges. If a Stage 1 judge failed to submit in that time, there voting spot would go to a random S2 judge who did. Just a concept to help out with inactive judging.
Also, might I recommend stage 2 judges? Basically, if there was a deadline of 1-2 days for judging, stage 2 judges would act as a backup. How it would work is you would send the sprites out for judging to both Stage 1 and Stage 2 judges. If a Stage 1 judge failed to submit in that time, there voting spot would go to a random S2 judge who did. Just a concept to help out with inactive judging.

I would seriously, hopefully, try to become one of these. I love the WSC, but the voting trials are just aggrevating.
The system is set up so that inactive judging doesn't happen. Back-up judges are in place. Don't sweat.
I'm not entirely sure what the situation is, but DF44 came down with the flu. I'll nag him.
Well I sent in my judging critics literally the day after the poll closed, so I'm at no fault here.

Can we please just have someone commandeer this so we can move on with our lives?
I am still alive and have only recently got the chance to complete some judging.

Could the spare judge please send in some votes, as one of our others hasn't sent in any.