
Ive used this guy several times and hes done pretty awesome. Eviolite Chansey and Blissey are fucked when it comes to this guy...well in the battles ive had.

Seismic Toss has no big effect on Throh (Who has 444 HP with 252 EVS so it can take 5 at full health not factoring leftovers) and that will boost Revenge. Toxic or thunder Wave gives a Guts boost. Softboiled is pretty futile given that Throh does around 40% to Eviolite Chansey unboosted and chance of a crit although Mountain Storm would be more reliable but dont want to risk Anger point.

Pretty slow so almost always going to get boosted 120 BP revenges and 100 BP Paybacks
Mountain storm is an ATTACK, not an ability.

Anyways, I think that a scarf set is the only viable set for this pokemon. There's just too much that can outspeed this thing...

Seriously? That's what you're going to nitpick about? Fuck you, seriously, fuck you.
Could someone give me a reason to use this over Conkledurr? Overhead Throw is the only reason I can think off, especially since Durr's Drain Punch hits harder than Mountain Storm (thanks to its higher base attack).
Could someone give me a reason to use this over Conkledurr? Overhead Throw is the only reason I can think off, especially since Durr's Drain Punch hits harder than Mountain Storm (thanks to its higher base attack).
Mountain Storm lets it beat Stockpile Pokes more easily, because the crit goes through the defensive boost.
Conkledurr is an amazing pokemon, actually. Even with Unaware, Quagsire is outclassed by about any bulky water, imo. Then again, I totally see your point.
unaware quagsire doesn't suck at all...
he has a very important and very specific role in this metagame!
it stops almost any physical sweeper[boosting or not]...
so yes if you need a bulky water that can stop every excadrill/gyarados/garchomp/terakion/blaziken bla bla bla use him!he is very good in what he does!he just requires smart playing and of course he is not by any means the standart ou bulky water...
unaware quagsire doesn't suck at all...
he has a very important and very specific role in this metagame!
it stops almost any physical sweeper[boosting or not]...
so yes if you need a bulky water that can stop every excadrill/gyarados/garchomp/terakion/blaziken bla bla bla use him!he is very good in what he does!he just requires smart playing and of course he is not by any means the standart ou bulky water...

Unless Blaziken's carrying Swords Dance, most bulky waters don't care if it's at +6 speed. Quagsire can't do much to Garchomp besides hoping for a Scald burn. Same goes for Gyarados, even if it's becoming a lot less used. He may be good, but to me, he's just a subpar water type. Personally I'd stick to Vaporeon or Swampert any day.
Unless Blaziken's carrying Swords Dance, most bulky waters don't care if it's at +6 speed. Quagsire can't do much to Garchomp besides hoping for a Scald burn. Same goes for Gyarados, even if it's becoming a lot less used. He may be good, but to me, he's just a subpar water type. Personally I'd stick to Vaporeon or Swampert any day.
almost any blaziken that wants to call himseld a sweeper runs swords dance,and then blaziken at +2 can easily kill any bulky water except slowbro and quagsire...
slowbro walls blaziken cause he has excellent diffence and resistances to his stabs and quagsire walls him beacuse with unawre he ignores stat boosts and kills him with eq.
finally the standart quagsire set always runs toxic and almost never carries scald(cause of poor special attack).
so tauntless gyarados dies from toxic while failing to 2hko(even 3hko i think so you can endure a waterfall flnich) and garchomp dies to toxic being also unable to 2hko you(only bandchomp 2hkoes you with outrage).and if garchomp sets up a sub just break it with eq.or you can encore his move(eq,outrage or sd)and then switch to something that can set up on him...
your vaporeon and swampert all die to a +2 blaziken or to a +2 garchomp...
Ive used this guy several times and hes done pretty awesome. Eviolite Chansey and Blissey are fucked when it comes to this guy...well in the battles ive had.

And they aren't fucked against any other Fighting type in the game?

And it's not like Stockpile is that common, how come that is being discussed so much?
And they aren't fucked against any other Fighting type in the game?

And it's not like Stockpile is that common, how come that is being discussed so much?

When I replied earlier I thought something similar, the only pokemon I can think of are Sigilyph (you shouldnt stay in in the first place), Hippowdon (outstalls with Slack Off), and a bunch of other situational UU pokes, like Weezing.
Seems outclassed by many other fighting types in OU, like machamp for one. And even in UU, when it comes out, hitmonlee and hitmontop boast a much better movepool.
Seems outclassed by many other fighting types in OU, like machamp for one. And even in UU, when it comes out, hitmonlee and hitmontop boast a much better movepool.

What more does it need? Fight + dark or rock is already great coverage for a defensive pokemon. And hitmonlee serves a diffrent role(and so does hitmontop,but to a lesser extent).
If I recall correctly, in gen 2 there where no fighting type priority moves to "spam." And such I could of never been created to do that. And hitmontop's bulk is respectable.

This is Gen 5, and Nageki's bulk is not respectable, it's really good, so he should only be used over Hitmontop/Machamp/Hitmonlee/Whatever to abuse his good bulk and Overhead Throw, IMO.
You stated it was "made" to do that though. And it was not. You can't say the Empire State Building was made to attract tourists, when it was actually made to dock blimps. Regaurdless of what its used for now, it was not originally made to do something else.
You stated it was "made" to do that though. And it was not. You can't say the Empire State Building was made to attract tourists, when it was actually made to dock blimps. Regaurdless of what its used for now, it was not originally made to do something else.

Imma back this up by saying how CAP's Vodoom was made to be the perfect Togekiss partner but ended up becoming Zapdos's best teammate.
^Coming from the worlds greatest troll that doesnt mean much.

What sets do you guys find effective on him? i tried running Mountain Storm/Overhead Throw/Stone Edge/Toxic because I really couldn't think of anything else and that seemed to be okay but really couldnt outdamage its opponents. What is more effective?