Pokémon Black/White in-game discussion

Is it just me, or is Sawk incredibly hard to catch? I brought a lv 14 one into the red and threw an Ultra Ball at it, and it escaped after the first shake of the ball. Am I just unlucky, or does it have a low catch rate?

Funny story about that. I threw quite literally around 30/40 great/normal pokeballs at mine to catch it. It was harder than most legendaries. o_o

Edit: Oh, by the way, how exactly can I activate the Victini event? Can I just go on Wi-Fi or whatever and download it?

Mystery Gift > Recieve via WiFi

That gets you the item that is used to get it. Take it to the western-most pier in the city that comes after Skyarrow Bridge (one with the 3D effects, forgot the name) and catch the boat there. :)
Oh, wow.

I just got a PP Max from a guy in the Big Stadium grinding my Battle Subway Terrakion for Close Combat.

So, every Thursday: free PP Max!
So yeah I kinda cheated and play in the winter...and dear lord, I guess its public knowledge but in Iccarus city? BEST. CAMEO. EVER.

Team Rocket bye-bye a go-go
Is Litwick a good Pokemon to EV train for the Battle Subway? I don't really like OU, and I only want to train something that'd most likely be UU or NU later on...But I want something good for ingame :\
I just beat the 8th gym and am gearing up to take on the Elite Four. This game has been amazing so far and I'm already excited about starting another play through just so I can use an entirely new team of pokes I didn't use the first time. My team is currently:

Samurott 46(Adamant): surf, megahorn, grass knot, return
Excadrill 46(Adamant): SD, earthquake, rock slide, x-scissor
Archeops 46(Adamant): acrobatics, dig, fly, rock slide
Darmanitan 46(Adamant): fire punch, superpower, flare blitz, rock slide
Galvantula 45(Timid): charge beam, thunder, signal beam, volt switch
Scrafty 46(Adamant): crunch, hi-jump kick, brick break, rock slide

I just replaced Conkeldurr with Scrafty right before the 8th gym in an attempt to have a Dark type in my team before taking on the E4 but now I'm starting to notice that fighting types and even just fighting moves give my team problems with Archeops being the only resist and he can't technically take a hit. Any suggestions?
Is it just me, or is Sawk incredibly hard to catch? I brought a lv 14 one into the red and threw an Ultra Ball at it, and it escaped after the first shake of the ball. Am I just unlucky, or does it have a low catch rate?
I had a similar situation with Metang. I threw all 36 of my Ultra Balls and 2 or my Timer Balls, and got a total of about 4 shakes between them. I eventually just said screw it because 1) That stuff is expensive and 2) It was eating my team alive since it was attacking while I was throwing balls.
I just met the most awesome NPC...
It's the "bye-bye a go-go" Rocket you meet in GS in the Kanto region, the one that stole the Power Plant part. =D

If you want to find him, check Icirrus city during Winter.
How exactly do you advance the season?

Anyways, Minccino is really good. I didn't expect it to suck but it surprised me easily. Technocian on every one of its moves is great considering you get the Shiny Stone on Route 6 just before the city where you can regain Bullet Seed and Rock Blast. It owns nearly everything with Stab / Rock / Fighting / Grass. And it is freaking fast.
How exactly do you advance the season?

Anyways, Minccino is really good. I didn't expect it to suck but it surprised me easily. Technocian on every one of its moves is great considering you get the Shiny Stone on Route 6 just before the city where you can regain Bullet Seed and Rock Blast. It owns nearly everything with Stab / Rock / Fighting / Grass. And it is freaking fast.

Just by setting your DS clock to a different month and exiting from a building/cave.( I wound up in winter due to my brother attempting to RNG Zekrom in April.)
I'm in Dragonspiral Tower playing White; it's hilarious what N says to Reshiram -

"Burn, baby, burn!"

Actually, what does he say in Black?
Anyone have the real deal on how to catch Tornadus/Thundurus? I've seen three different guides. One says just go in and out on any route until you see the storm. Another says that they are on the northern routes in the AM and southern in the PM and a third guide says exactly the opposite. I'm kinda annoyed that I can't get a straight answer ANYWHERE.

I caught it at Route 5 by running in and out of the gate until the storm showed up. No idea what's up with that AM/PM thing.
Quick question- are the runners' natures still determined when they appear, or on the first encounter?

The runners are in the north at night, in the south during the day. My advice is to just keep going in and out of the Route 5-Nimbasa gatehouse during the day; the route layout tends to force them to cycle between the three routes around Nimbasa during the day.

EDIT: ninja'd
Anyone have the real deal on how to catch Tornadus/Thundurus? I've seen three different guides. One says just go in and out on any route until you see the storm. Another says that they are on the northern routes in the AM and southern in the PM and a third guide says exactly the opposite. I'm kinda annoyed that I can't get a straight answer ANYWHERE.

Not that it helps, but I encountered my Thundurus in the Route right before Victory Road at night. I would guess that if there was any relation with their location and the time of day, the two games might be reversed (so White has south/AM and north/PM and Black has the opposite). Anyway the first guide you read is correct. Bring something at level 40, use Super Repels, and enter and re-enter an area until you see the storm (which will be absolutely obvious by the way, you won't need to try to have an encounter to know it's there). Use a super repel when you see it and go to the grass and you have it.
Is that North at Night/South during Day thing determined by the Day/Night cycle in the game or by the AM/PM settings on the clock? For instance, its 2:30 PM but the sun is up. Does that count as "PM" which would put them in the North or because the sun is up, does it count as "day" which would put it on the southern routes?
Quick question- are the runners' natures still determined when they appear, or on the first encounter?
IV's too. I'm doing a second run-through to RNG for all the legendaries now that I've played through normally once, so I'd like to know this before I get to it.
I just restarted my Black and was resetting for a cool Trainer ID..


Needless to say, I got one.
Is that North at Night/South during Day thing determined by the Day/Night cycle in the game or by the AM/PM settings on the clock? For instance, its 2:30 PM but the sun is up. Does that count as "PM" which would put them in the North or because the sun is up, does it count as "day" which would put it on the southern routes?

Update: I caught him on route five just now. PM on the clock, but day-time in the game. Not sure if that helps anyone figure out the results of the AM/PM/Day/Night/North/South thing.

I'm not even sure if Route 5 counts as a north route or a south one, since it's kinda in the middle. *shrug*